Line 49

Yuri did her best to fix her hair as she climbed the three stairs up to Jessica's apartment. There was an elevator, of course - like Jessica would move into the third floor with no elevator - but Yuri was trying for a healthy and less lazy lifestyle. Actually, she was trying to set a good example for her girlfriend, but she had yet to get Jessica to go on more walks with her than necessary.

It wasn't really that important, but it worried Yuri a little that Jessica always seemed so tired. She thought that if her girlfriend would move more than to school and back, she would become much more energized and happy.

But Jessica sure didn't seem to agree with her, not that she usually did. As she climbed the last staircase, Yuri smiled just thinking about the blond who was probably sulking in front of the TV right now, just behind the brown stone wall in front of her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her bundle of keys, still feeling that old tingle when she held on to the key to Jessica's apartment. The other girl had given it to her on their four year anniversary as a surprise, and they both cried. Jessica even more than Yuri, which didn’t give the best impression, but still.

The lock clicked and Yuri swung the door open without knocking. That was a habit they'd long passed. As soon as she stepped inside the small hallway, she could hear the unmistakable sound of a sitcom from the TV. The fake laughs always drove Yuri half insane with irritation, but it didn't seem to touch Jessica in the back. It was just one more thing that made the two of them very different - almost opposites, but still so very compatible.

"Sica?" Yuri called, already knowing that Jessica would reply to her from the couch.

"I'm in here," Jessica replied, a voice that always rang beautifully to Yuri. Well, almost always.

Yuri took off her coat and shivered a little as the cold from the wind still hung around her. Carefully pushing the door to the only other room in the apartment open, she could hear the sound of the TV being turned down until it was almost unnoticeable. She put her long, brown hair behind her ear and smiled widely when she saw Jessica with her back to her, wrapped up to her shoulders in a big, black blanket. Her entire being contrasted the hideous, orange couch - Yuri had always disliked that thing, but she assumed one couldn't be too greedy when moving out of home at a young age. She walked up to the couch and caressed Jessica's hair carefully.

"I missed you today," she said, sitting down on the armrest. Jessica leaned discreetly towards her, almost as if she didn't want Yuri to notice her doing it. Like always.

"Mm," Jessica said, almost purred, "me too."

"Especially the walk home. It was very cold and lonely without you."

Jessica didn't reply, and she still hadn't spared Yuri a glance. She leaned against Yuri's touch with her eyes closed, seemingly soaking the treatment in. Yuri pulled her hand back, waiting for her girlfriend to acknowledge her presence, but Jessica's eyes went back to the silent TV.

"You shouldn't just take off from school, you know," Yuri continued a little louder to make her girlfriend look at her.

Jessica just sighed, her gaze not moving an inch. "I know," she breathed, sounding nothing but very tired.

"Sica, look at me," Yuri said at last, deciding to just get right to the issue. Jessica turned to her immediately, her eyes wide and wondering. "What happened today?" Yuri asked, feeling like she shouldn't even need to say the words out loud. "Why did you just leave?"

Jessica immediately looked away again, and her expression hardened. "I don't know," she mumbled, her face showing irritation, sadness and perhaps some shame, Yuri thought. "I didn't even really realize what I was doing until I was almost home." She turned around on the couch so that she was facing Yuri, the blanket falling off her shoulders. "She just made me really mad..."


"Sunny." She spoke the name with a kind of resentment that Yuri was not used to hearing in her voice. She frowned.

"So she was the only reason you got mad?" she asked. "I thought something might have happened to you. It's not like you to become so angry." She reached out and the hair falling down on the side of Jessica's face.

"Pfft," Jessica said, "like you haven't had a million tastes of my anger before." It was said with a playful tone, but her eyes showed regret. Yuri knew well that Jessica sometimes had trouble controlling her temper, and more often than not, Yuri herself would be on the receiving side. In her more sane moments, Jessica would apologize time and time again, but Yuri never needed it. It was just the way Jessica was, and she loved everything about her. Good and bad.

"True," she said, but laughed a little to show she wasn't serious. Jessica's eyes found their way back to the television, and her face was blank. However rare it might be, Yuri couldn't read her expression. She sunk down from the armrest into the couch, and Jessica moved to give her some room. Not too much, though. Jessica's head soon found her shoulder.

"You know, she's a nice girl," Yuri said, and Jessica sat up straight at once, staring at her. "Sunny. She's nice." Jessica was a bit of the jealous kind, though she never took her feelings too far. Yuri knew what her words were doing to the other girl, and she was thankful for the reaction. "Also, she was only trying to keep you out of trouble, and you responded by getting her thrown out of class."

Jessica immediately scooted away from Yuri, turning her face back to the TV again. "Why are you taking her side?" she whined, an (according to Yuri) adorable pout finding its place on her lips.

Yuri reached over the black table between the couch and the TV, picked up the remote control and turned the TV off. "Because," she said, following Jessica as the other moved away, "you were acting like a crazy person today." Jessica glared at her. "And I know you're not crazy." She put her arms over Jessica's shoulders and let them meet over her chest. The blond leaned back into her embrace, all thoughts of escaping gone.

"I'm starting to think I would be... if you weren't here to talk sense into me," she said lowly. At her words, suddenly everything felt very silent to Yuri. Aside from distant traffic, there was nothing. She guessed Jessica was glad she didn't have to meet Yuri's eyes in their backhugging position; she'd never liked honest talks much. More often than not, she would end up crying, no matter if they tried to discuss positive or negative things. Too strong feelings always overwhelmed her.

"It's good that I'm here then, right?"

"Yeah," Jessica breathed. She pressed back even further into Yuri's embrace, and the latter had to tense every muscle in her body to keep them from falling down. "I don't know why I got so mad. I was just tired." Until now, she had masked her regret with aggression, but now her real feelings were starting to seep through. "I guess I've lost any chance of friendship with her now, right?" she asked, leaning the back of her head against Yuri's shoulder.

"No, no," Yuri denied. "Tiffany keeps saying Sunny is really nice and fun to be around," she reasoned. "Just apologize tomorrow, and you'll be fine, I promise."

She had barely spoken the words before Jessica groaned and broke loose from Yuri's shielding arms. Yuri laughed a little; she knew how much the other girl hated apologizing. It was definitely not her strong side, either. "Can't you talk to her for me?" Jessica begged, turning around to face her girlfriend, but Yuri gave her a look that told her it was out of the question.

"If you want her to forgive you, you're gonna have to apologize." She was firm but careful, just like she knew she had to be when convincing Jessica of something. The blond always knew when she had made a mistake, but she was very rarely willing to admit it. Until she had met Yuri, she had barely even been aware of her own feelings, and she had gotten a lot better at controlling her emotions with Yuri's guidance.

"Alright," she said darkly and pouted again. Yuri's lips longed to kiss Jessica's. "I'll apologize."

Yuri's heart tingled with a hidden pride, like always when Jessica came through. "You promise?" she asked, half serious and half teasing.

"I promise," Jessica agreed, giving her a slightly annoyed glare.

"And you promise you won't run away from school again?" Yuri continued, definitely only teasing now. She winked when Jessica aimed a playful slap at her cheek.

"Hey," she growled, "you can stop with the maturity now."

Yuri laughed reached out and took a hold of Jessica's hand before it had time to slap her anywhere else. "Alright, alright," she said. "Come here." She put her hand behind Jessica's head and pulled their lips together in a loud and short peck.

Jessica pouted again when they pulled apart. "Hey, no fair," she whined, "I barely had time to even realize what was happening. Give me the good stuff," she smiled.  Yuri shook her head at Jessica's choice of words.

"Fine, fine," she said and pulled Jessica close to her again, this time to let their lips meet softly and slowly, trying to put all her pride of the other girl into the kiss. She knew Jessica's delicate kisses were her way of saying "I don't know what I would do if you weren't here" and that was all she needed.

The warm look in Jessica's eyes when they pulled apart once more, mirroring the warm feeling in her own entire body, was enough for her to be able to live at all.

"I know it's my turn today..." Jessica said, widening her eyes in a very successful attempt to look cute for Yuri, "but could you please cook today too? My head won't be able to take the sound of the fire alarm again..."

Yuri laughed at the memory of the smoke and collection of weird smells. "I'll get right on it, my queen," she replied happily, immediately jumping up from the couch to skip over to the small kitchen area. Jessica slapped her as she walked away.

All in all, it was the happiest Yuri had ever been, and she realized it right then, when she stopped by the kitchen counter and looked over her shoulder to see Jessica smirking at her.

How many times had she fought with her parents over being gay? How many times had she sneaked outside to see Jessica when her parents wouldn't have the two of them together in their house? How many times had she cried before she realized that the only person whose acceptance she truly needed was her own?

She still didn't spend every day in Jessica's apartment, but she was free to come around whenever she liked. She was free to spend all her time with Jessica who needed her, and the feelings were mutual. It hadn't always been easy - far from, their relationship had shaken on its earlier instable base, but Yuri would never change it for the world.
She would do anything to keep them together.






The next day, Sunny clutched Jessica's school books almost carelessly as she arrived at the bus station where Sooyoung had agreed to wait for her so that they could walk to school together. When she got angry with somebody, she reacted by not being able to focus on anything else, just being filled up by her anger, and she had spent hours alone in her apartment the day before just obsessively repeating insults silently to herself. She usually never let herself get so worked up about things, simply for the reason that she could never let them go.

When she woke up that morning, though, she felt calmer. Not 100%, but close enough. She was almost a little excited to see how Jessica would face her in school - she was sure that the other girl would never apologize. Her stomach tingled at the thought when she jumped off the bus and skipped out into the warm morning air. The wind from the previous day had died down during the night, and early as it was, the bus station was peaceful that morning. It calmed Sunny down even further.

She spotted Sooyoung coming towards her from the door to the waiting room, wearing a jeans jacket and thin, white gloves. Sunny gave a little wave, and they both started making their way to the school as soon as they had exchanged quick, tired greetings.

"So," Sooyoung almost sighed, "are you feeling calmer today?"

Sunny glared tiredly at her.

Sooyoung grinned and held up her arms in protection when one of Sunny's hands rose threateningly.

"God, Soo, you have no tact at all," Sunny whined. "People usually make some small talk before directly asking if their friend is about to go off the deep-end, seriously, learn some manners." She let her hand fall down again without giving Sooyoung the punishment she felt she deserved. "Besides, I wasn't the angry one. That crazy Jessica was the one who acted all Jack Nicholson."

Sooyoung made big eyes at her from her side. "Easy," she said, completely dumbstruck from hearing Sunny talk like that about someone. After all their years of friendship, she couldn't remember ever hearing it about someone who didn't definitely deserve it. Like Hitler. Or the odd table leg that volunteered to amputate a few of her toes for her.

"I don't know if I can," Sunny said, inexplicably feeling the anger swirling up again.

"What did she do exactly?" Sooyoung asked, still not clear on what had happened between the two.

"She's crazy!" the shorter replied, turning towards Sooyoung and walking sideways along the road, feeling a long ramble of Jessica's flaws trying to claw its way out through - the same ramble Seohyun had had to listen to the day before. Oh, Sunny didn't think she'd ever forget the look in her eyes when she realized her precious, innocent Sunny was capable of such words. She had probably wounded the youngest for life with the shock. "She fell asleep in class, I woke her up so that the teacher wouldn't notice," she explained, and Sooyoung gave a quick nod to show that she agreed with her actions, "and she went absolutely insane. I'm telling you, it was like a war movie. I'm lucky to be alive."

Sooyoung laughed. "So all you did was to wake her up, huh?"

"Yes!" Sunny almost yelled, gesturing wildly with her hands, Jessica's books sliding dangerously through her fingers. She cursed the part of her that couldn't just leave the other girls things wherever - suit herself if she couldn't remember to take her stuff - and gripped them harder, thinking maybe at least some pages would get crumpled. "That was all I did, and she practically beheaded me!"

"Aha," Sooyoung nodded, leaving a little space between herself and her increasingly angry friend. "You don't happen to remember that time when I woke you up for breakfast and you stabbed me in the cheek with a pen?"

Sunny stopped walking just as they turned the last curve before the school, which was standing around 100 meters away, proudly and tall enough for her to become tired just from looking at it. "Do you want me to do it again?" she demanded from Sooyoung, "cause I'll do it again!"

Sooyoung held up her hands once more and took another step away from the other girl. "Nope," she laughed, "just wondering. See I still have a very small, black dot by my ear. It should be counted as war damage."

Sunny stared at her, wondering if she was serious. When Sooyoung's face told her nothing, she decided to leave it for later. There were far more important things to think of right now. "That was different," she sighed. "You're my annoying but dear friend, I have the right to freak out on you," she rambled, calmer than before but not really calm enough. "Everyone has the urge to stab their friends every once in a while, but who goes off yelling at strangers or potential friends? That is crazy!"

Sooyoung raised her eyebrows. "Well, you would know about insanity, I don't want to argue with your expertise."

Too tired to think of a comeback, Sunny kept silent. Stabbing Sooyoung with a pen definitely didn't need to be justified.


Tiffany met up with them outside the main entrance with a very worried expression on her face.

"Hi, guys," she said, sounding unusually nervous. Giving Sooyoung a warm look, she turned to Sunny. "How are you?"

Sunny shrugged. "I'm fine. I think the real question is, how are you?" She put a hand on Tiffany's shoulder and tried to catch her gaze, which was flickering jittery between Sunny, Sooyoung and the door.

"Oh, I'm fine, don't worry about me," Tiffany replied, chewing on her nail. "Just... you know. I'm not so fond of fights."

"I'm sure they'll work it out," Sooyoung said, staring pointedly at Sunny, who winced a little. Despite still feeling very annoyed at the mere thought of Jessica, she did feel a little sorry for Tiffany. She kept quiet, trying to avoid her nervous eyes, and they made their way towards the first class of the day in silence.

Sooyoung soon parted from them to go to English class, while Sunny and Tiffany continued on to math. They walked into the classroom and found Hyoyeon sitting between Taeyeon and Yuri, and Tiffany immediately skipped over and jumped into the seat beside Yuri. The two quickly engaged in a whispered conversation, and Sunny sat down heavily in the seat next to Tiffany.

She looked around, not seeing a trace of the one girl who, though she didn't want to admit it, she wished would be there. She noted that Sungmin was sitting alone again, though this time on the row in front of them, hunched and with his back turned firmly against them - and oh, he'd gotten a haircut too, she noticed.

She sighed and slumped down in her chair. Now that Jessica wasn't there, she found herself really, really wishing that she would be, and she frowned at herself. Why would she want the crazy girl to be there? Was it really that much fun being annoyed with somebody?

Yuri and Tiffany broke out into a discreet fit of giggles. Sunny thought she probably only wanted Jessica there so they could fight again, and she could get to say everything that she didn't the day before. Stand up for herself. She had thought of so many good arguments to leave the other girl speechless last night, and –

A warning signal broke out in Sunny's head, and she immediately sat up straight. Tiffany gave her surprised glance from her right. Why was she becoming so obsessed with Jessica suddenly, and why did she feel such reluctance towards making up with her? Why did she want to keep fighting? Was it just because she thought the other girl was wrong, or was it something else?

"Isn't Jessica coming?" Tiffany whispered. A clock on the wall showed three minutes left until the class was to start. Sunny wondered for a second of the blond would skip class today because of her, but then she realized they were in math, and hey, there were many reasons to skip math.

The long finger clicked and struck two minutes left, and Jessica leaned in through the door. She peeked cautiously towards the front of the classroom, looking for the teacher, and when she realized she wasn't late, she looked over to where Sunny and the rest were sitting.

Her eyes fell on Yuri first - must be some kind of radar, Sunny thought - and then her eyes jumped from Tiffany to Sunny. Her look darkened, and Sunny felt a weight in her stomach.

She remained standing in the doorway for a few moments, before deciding to walk over to the empty seat beside Sunny. She sank down without looking up from the desk in front of her. Of course, Sunny thought, that was the reason why Tiffany was so eager to sit beside Yuri - so that the two of them would have to sit together. Of course.

She took the opportunity to throw Jessica's physics books up on the desk. Jessica jerked backwards in surprise, and Sunny had to stifle a laugh. Instead she opened her own notebook and started drawing mindlessly, feeling Jessica stare at her from the side.

The teacher soon arrived, and Sunny stared absently at the teacher, both as a way of pretending to be busy so Jessica wouldn't talk to her, but also maybe as a way of pissing the other girl off. She wasn't entirely sure. She thought it was working well, though, when Jessica stuffed her cellphone into Sunny's hand.

She stared at the other girl with an eyebrow raised. What? she mouthed, definitely not making the mistake of speaking with the other girl in class ever again. Jessica just nodded towards the cellphone, so Sunny looked down and pushed a button to light up the display.

I'm sorry I acted like a crazy person yesterday.. ^^'

Sunny felt her jaw drop as she read the message. She looked up at the girl beside her, who stared back at her with a pleading half-smile. Erasing what Jessica had written, she started typing a reply.

Are you seriously apologizing to me?

She had to stop herself from throwing the phone back to its owner, and settled for just dropping it on Jessica's lap. Jessica picked it up, read the message and nodded sadly. Sunny turned her face back to the teacher, not really sure how to respond. She had been so angry, so worked up, and she wasn't expecting an apology at all. It felt so good to get an outlet for her rage, and she didn't want the war to end just yet.

So that was all it was? she thought, an outlet for her own rage? She mentally shook her head. That's too sad.

Jessica placed her cellphone on the desk right in front of Sunny. The latter gave the other girl a glare, now more annoyed with herself than anything else, but picked it up without a word.


She bit the insides of her cheeks. Let's talk later, I'm not letting you get me thrown out of class again she wrote bitterly and pushed the phone back. Jessica leaned back in her chair when she read it, looking very disappointed, but she didn't bother Sunny again while the teacher was talking.

The teacher soon announced that they were gonna work on an introduction to the first chapter in the math book, and, oh, in pairs. Sunny used her hands to cover her face in silent despair. Her fears were realized when Tiffany and Yuri stuck to each other like glue - of course, and she glanced carefully at Jessica to see if maybe the other girl would go to someone else, but she had no such luck.

"Look, I'm sorry" Jessica said as soon as the teacher left the room and the air was filled with the students' voices. "I really am. I was just tired yesterday" she begged, and Sunny felt some of her defense melt. She stared down into her notebook without moving an inch. "Thank you for bringing my books, I really appreciate that you'd do that for me, even after I was such a yesterday" she continued, and Sunny could practically feel Tiffany and Yuri eavesdropping on them like old lady neighbors.

Sighing, she mumbled: "It's okay".

"Really?" Jessica asked, inching closer to Sunny on her chair. "You forgive me?"

Sunny looked at the blonde's relieved face, and couldn't help but nod. "Yeah, I forgive you," she said, while her entire insides screamed "WHERE IS YOUR SELF-CONTROL?!"

"Are you sure? Cause I know I was really crazy..."

"You were," Sunny hurried to agree. "You really were. Actually it was pretty frightening; I almost got afraid of you." She stared the other girl in the eye, eager to see if she would take offense.

Jessica paused for a second, tilting her head and looking back at Sunny. "Only almost..?" She then said, and Sunny stared at her in bewilderment. "I mean, not that I'd want you to – I mean not that it's a good thing to – anyways..." She rambled quickly, and before she knew it, Sunny laughed out loud. Jessica looked down with an embarrassed smile. "Would you work on this thing with me?" she asked, nudging her math book lifelessly. "Since we have to do it in pairs either way..."

She looked so embarrassed to ask that Sunny couldn't help herself. "Sure," she replied, turning a little towards the other girl in her seat. "Let's."

"Thanks," Jessica said sincerely with a warm smile, and that was it for Sunny. She didn't know how the other girl had done it, but she had cleaned out every piece of anger out of her.

And God knows - well, Sooyoung knows - that's not an easy thing to do.

Jessica really wasn't a brilliant mathematician, but Sunny suspected a lot of it was because of her unwillingness to give it a proper try. She didn't consider herself to be much of a genius, either, but she knew she learned easily. And really, when Jessica was the one she needed to co-operate with, the actual math problems weren't what seemed to matter the most.

"Can I just ask, what was it that made you so mad at me?" Sunny asked abruptly once a few mathematical problems were out of the way. She'd had to muster up the courage for half an hour with the words rolling around on her tongue before quickly blurting them out. Jessica looked at her, surprised at first, Sunny thought she had probably been wondering when the question would come.

"I, uhm..." Jessica said, her face showing regret and shame again. "I really don't know what happened. I must have been more tired than I thought." She tried on an insecure smile, feeling even more apologetic when she didn't have an actual explanation for her actions.

"Maybe you should see someone about that," Sunny said sternly.

"Yeah, maybe," Jessica agreed, but with a hint of loathing in her voice. Seemingly glad to get a break from math, she leaned back in her chair and placed her pen on the table. "I usually try to make a good first impression," she said, not looking at Sunny. "I think first impressions are important."

Sunny couldn't help but give a small laugh. "Well, you made a very big impression on me, no doubt about it."

Jessica looked distressed at her words. "Don't say that," she pleaded, sitting up again and resting a hand on Sunny's thigh. "You make it sound like you still hate me. You don't still hate me, do you?"

Trying to make it as discreet as possible, Sunny stared down at the hand in her lap. "I never hated you," she said, looking back up at the other girl's face. "I was just really mad at you. I'm not anymore, but I don't really know why."

Jessica withdrew her hand and gave Sunny a confused look. "What do you mean you don't know?"

Sighing, Sunny stared crossly at the numbers in the book in front of her. "I mean, I was furious with you. I wanted to push you into a tank of piranhas." Jessica gave her a terrified look. "Not literally, of course," Sunny added, and Jessica looked unsure whether she should be relieved or not. "But then you just come in here and apologize via text and I forgive you instantly."

Jessica pulled her fingers through the hair on the back of her head. "Well..." she said, looking embarrassed about her own lousy apologizing skills.

"Don't get me wrong," Sunny hurried, "I think it was great that you apologized. It's just that I'm not one to forgive very easily, and yet..."

Pursing her lips, Jessica picked up her pen and started playing with it. "I for one am glad you did," she said, giving Sunny a few careful looks. "I don't want you to be mad at me. You seem like a nice person and all."

Sunny looked down with a smile. "Thanks."

They finished the rest of the math problems without many interruptions, but Sunny found it harder than usual to concentrate. A sense that things were changing filled her, and she wasn't sure if it was only because she was making so many new friends or if it was something Jessica was doing. She was, however, surprised by how easy it was to talk to Jessica; like the words just came falling out once she'd started. A bit like it felt to talk to Jinjeong, only with an even less sense that she needed to hide something from her. Maybe it was all in how they'd begun their friendship with a big row; all the cards were on the table.

And it shouldn't be forgotten, of course: the big red sign over Jessica's head that read "LIKES GIRLS! LIKES GIRLS! LIKES GIRLS!" that was only for Sunny's eyes to see.





"So how was school?" Mrs. Kim asked by the dinner table that night.

Taeyeon glanced at her mother out of the corner of her eye before replying. "Fine."

"I feel bad that I haven't been around much lately. That I haven't asked how things are now that the school has changed so much." She smiled at her daughter, lifting a glass of clear water to her lips.

Taeyeon shrugged. "It's alright," she said, smiling back.

"How are your new classes?"

"Fine. Like school."

"And your classmates?"

Taeyeon shrugged again. "Like people."

Her mother put her glass down on the table with a loud clink. "Have you made any new friends you want to tell me about?"

"Uhm," Taeyeon hesitated, hearing by her mother's tone that she was better off giving some real answers. "I did make some new friends, actually. There's Yoona, Yuri, Jessica, Hyoyeon..." She trailed off as Tiffany's name formed on her tongue, but she swallowed it down. She wasn't sure why. Or didn't want to know why.

"That's nice, dear," her mother said, picking up her utensils and going back to her food. "No boys?"

"Uhm," Taeyeon stuttered. "No, not really." And suddenly that truth seemed inappropriate, and she slapped herself with the thought that if she could at least pull herself together enough to befriend a boy, that would throw her mother off her track, at least for a little bit. Suddenly it occurred to her that her mother must be getting suspicious by now; an 18 year old girl that has never brought home or even as much as spoken about a boy does seem a tad odd...

"You need to get out more," her mother continued without paying any heed to Taeyeon's inner turmoil. "You need to meet people. Boys aren't just going to line up to knock at your door, you know."

"I know," Taeyeon nodded. Thank God for that.

"Don't you want a boyfriend?"

Taeyeon's palms started sweating. "I do," she said, a said bit too quickly. "Of course I do."

"So you better get looking," her mother replied with a smile that glinted in her eyes. "You know, the best ones get taken off the market first." She gave a wink that made Taeyeon feel cold. "Besides, you're such a pretty girl. If you only stopped hiding..."

"I got it, mom, thanks," Taeyeon bit out, trying to seem unnerved, and their conversation died at that. Maybe it was time to start thinking about looking for a boyfriend, she thought, and tried to think ahead, look into her future and see if maybe, maybe, maybe there was a possibility that she could ever fall in love with a boy. And all she saw was black.



A/N: So this one's a bit short, but the next one will be longer, i promise ^-^ also sorry for not answering the few (extremely lovely) comments I've gotten so far, it's been a reeeaaally busy week but I really do appreciate it so so so much, and I'll make sure to do it soon.

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Chapter 31 is up, and I'm dropping in to say that chapter 33 will be the last, then there's only the epilogue left. It's been quite a ride, you guys. Thank you.


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 34: This story was a wild ride, from laughter to moments where I almost cried. Great job, author!
Chapter 38: Wow finished reading it, such a rollercoaster story. Thanks for sharing the story. It definitely has moral lessons in it.
Wow, this is by far my favorite fanfic, the YulSic/SunSica story was so freaking good.
yojhyun28 #4
Chapter 19: In this fic I think it was in chapter 17 where Seohyun and Yoona kissed, yoona thought that it was probably not Seohyun's first kiss. Thinking about it, who would be the person that gave Seohyun her first kiss?
Chapter 38: I think I'm very emotionally invested in the story, probably more than healthy. So much that at times I just have to walk away while reading because it gets too overwhelming.
Thank you for the long time you had taken to write the story. Thank you so much. It means a lot for me to read what happens to the character until the end (or at least the glimpse of the end you have shown us, I believe that stories go on even when an author finishes writing it).
I related to all the characters, the main characters especially in their struggles, one way or another. It pained me when they were pained, it made me happy when they were happy. It helps that they have pretty realistic responses to their situations, just like in real life.
I haven't cried for years but I almost cried while reading this. Thank you for making me feel like I have feelings again.
Without a doubt, this is one of the best fics I've ever read.
yeahimsure #6
Chapter 38: Unnie, do you have a pdf of this story? :) I love it and I want to read it on the go!
Chapter 38: I've just finished reading this and I can't really explain how badly my heart hurt at the whole YulSicSun drama. I honestly felt that the struggle for the three of them were kind of like the strongest among all the pairings here and I can't help but grimaced at the ending of YulSicSun. It's the best ending for all three of them but I kind of felt hanging like there wasn't exactly a real ending to them at all. I don't know, maybe I was expecting Jessica to really make a choice between Yuri and Sunny and end this whole struggle once and for all. Anyway, my heart really just broke for YulSic and I was having intense internal battle with myself as I'm reading this fic. I didn't really understand that attraction that SunSic had, like even till now, after this whole fic had ended. I just kind of felt that what they had was more of spur of a moment(?) and lust(?), though I felt that I've given lesser credit to love than I should have.

The major love triangle of this whole fic aside, I'm just really glad that the rest of the pairings got their happy ever after and well deserved happy ending as a couple in love.

All in all, I have to say that this fic is really well-written and I really like this even through I went through great emotional turmoil because of it. I swear YulSicSun love triangle traumatized me so much. I'm still suffering from the aftermath of YulSicSun's (hanging) epilogue but rest assured, I don't expect an extended epilogue for them or anything of that sort because I really don't think a SunSic ending, a YulSic ending or even an ending where all three of them ends up with someone else would be fitting. Although I felt hung, I feel that this ending was the best ending I could ask for, realistically, for this annoying and tormenting love triangle, though I would very much embraced a YulSic ending but it didn't make sense unless there's a huge time lapse.

You did really great with this fic, so, thank you very much for this wonderful fic!
Chapter 38: Well.. I just finishes reading.. I guess I'm speechless?
This is beautiful beyond words really, all the ups and downs, the struggle, they feel so real because the characters were written in so much detail :)
The drama this story has could probably beat all the drama on tv shows combined lol
The Yuri/Jess/Sunny feud totally broke my heart </3 All of them were at least a bit painful to read :')
But seriously, you did a great job :D thank you for writing this.
Chapter 35: wow...it was great story...and I love tiffany here but I really adore sunny strong personality....