
Line 49

Line 49, this is Junsu.”


How can I help you?”

She exhales and shifts the telephone in her hand to make sure the puff of air can be heard on the other end.

It’s alright, you can speak to me. I’m here for you.”

She feels a tiny laugh bubbling up at the absurdity of the statement, but it never makes it past her lips. Just knowing that whoever is on the other side of the line, this Junsu person, would hear her voice in this kind of context makes her choke.

Hello? Is anyone there?” The Junsu Person asks after a while, and honestly, she didn’t know what she expected. She parts her lips and draws a deep breath.

“Yes… I’m – hi,” she says pathetically. The Junsu Person pauses a while before answering.

You’re high?” he asks, and he actually sounds serious. Perhaps a little worried. She furrows her brow and automatically looks towards her bedroom door, fearing that her mother would somehow magically overhear the conversation and come running in, accusing her of being a drug addict. But she knows it’s not going to happen, cause her mother is not in the apartment. There’s no way she would ever make this call if she was.

“N-no!” she replies, making sure to sound offended. “I mean… Hi. Hello.” When was the last time the world saw someone this pathetic?

Hello,” The Junsu Person says, and the smile can practically be heard in his voice. “How can I help you?” She stares at a deep red wall, hating that question with a passion. If she’d known how to respond, she would have answered him the first time.

“I don’t know,” she snaps. A few seconds pass before The Junsu Person speaks again.

But you know what Line 49 is?”

“Yes,” she assures, even though she kind of doesn’t want to admit it.

Okay.” The silence that follows is awkward even though they’re probably very far apart. And thank god they are, she thinks. “So, is there anything you’d like to talk about?” The Junsu Person asks, obviously trying to sound pleasant and trustworthy. She doesn’t really know what to think, but she knows that for some reason she picked up the phone tonight and dialed, so she must want to talk about something. Right?

“Well,” she starts, and adds a cough to win some time. “I guess recently I’ve just been…” she tries and shifts uncomfortably on her bed as she does so, “having some thoughts.”

Aha,” the Junsu person says knowingly. “What kind of thoughts?”

She flinches. The Junsu Person must know so well what kind of thoughts she’s referring to, so why is he asking this question? Is he really going to make her say it? She swallows down the nothingness from her dry mouth and considers just hanging up without answering. She isn’t sure whether she likes this Junsu person or not, and she usually likes people right away. As long as their keep their distance.

“I…” she starts in a weak voice, but she knew even before she said it that she didn’t have an ending to the sentence.

You can tell me,” The Junsu Person says encouragingly – or, what’s supposed to be encouragement but ends up making her fear he’s trying to lead her into an unknown trap. Which, of course, she knows he isn’t.

Still, she can’t find her voice, so she just keeps quiet, waiting for him to either let it go or pull it out of her.  She can’t help but hope for the first option, even though she knows it’s not going to happen.

Do these thoughts have anything to do with… liking g-“ The Junsu Person tries to ask and she knows exactly where he is going, what he knows and has known from the moment he picked up the phone, even before he heard her voice, and she snaps faster than she thought was possible. She manages to keep from screaming as she pulls the phone away from her ear, suddenly sure that every noise from the busy street outside is really her mother coming back home, or her entire school listening in on her conversation. When she puts the phone back to her ear, it’s silent on the other end, but she’s sure The Junsu Person is still there.

“I can’t. I’m sorry for wasting your time,” Taeyeon cringes as she hangs up the phone, wondering how she could have thought this was a good idea. Just the fact that she had picked up the phone gave her an illusion that she was… dealing with it. Becoming more okay with it, accepting herself.

But it was ridiculous, like a big, pointless joke.

Nobody can know. Ever.

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Chapter 31 is up, and I'm dropping in to say that chapter 33 will be the last, then there's only the epilogue left. It's been quite a ride, you guys. Thank you.


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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 34: This story was a wild ride, from laughter to moments where I almost cried. Great job, author!
Chapter 38: Wow finished reading it, such a rollercoaster story. Thanks for sharing the story. It definitely has moral lessons in it.
Wow, this is by far my favorite fanfic, the YulSic/SunSica story was so freaking good.
yojhyun28 #4
Chapter 19: In this fic I think it was in chapter 17 where Seohyun and Yoona kissed, yoona thought that it was probably not Seohyun's first kiss. Thinking about it, who would be the person that gave Seohyun her first kiss?
Chapter 38: I think I'm very emotionally invested in the story, probably more than healthy. So much that at times I just have to walk away while reading because it gets too overwhelming.
Thank you for the long time you had taken to write the story. Thank you so much. It means a lot for me to read what happens to the character until the end (or at least the glimpse of the end you have shown us, I believe that stories go on even when an author finishes writing it).
I related to all the characters, the main characters especially in their struggles, one way or another. It pained me when they were pained, it made me happy when they were happy. It helps that they have pretty realistic responses to their situations, just like in real life.
I haven't cried for years but I almost cried while reading this. Thank you for making me feel like I have feelings again.
Without a doubt, this is one of the best fics I've ever read.
yeahimsure #6
Chapter 38: Unnie, do you have a pdf of this story? :) I love it and I want to read it on the go!
Chapter 38: I've just finished reading this and I can't really explain how badly my heart hurt at the whole YulSicSun drama. I honestly felt that the struggle for the three of them were kind of like the strongest among all the pairings here and I can't help but grimaced at the ending of YulSicSun. It's the best ending for all three of them but I kind of felt hanging like there wasn't exactly a real ending to them at all. I don't know, maybe I was expecting Jessica to really make a choice between Yuri and Sunny and end this whole struggle once and for all. Anyway, my heart really just broke for YulSic and I was having intense internal battle with myself as I'm reading this fic. I didn't really understand that attraction that SunSic had, like even till now, after this whole fic had ended. I just kind of felt that what they had was more of spur of a moment(?) and lust(?), though I felt that I've given lesser credit to love than I should have.

The major love triangle of this whole fic aside, I'm just really glad that the rest of the pairings got their happy ever after and well deserved happy ending as a couple in love.

All in all, I have to say that this fic is really well-written and I really like this even through I went through great emotional turmoil because of it. I swear YulSicSun love triangle traumatized me so much. I'm still suffering from the aftermath of YulSicSun's (hanging) epilogue but rest assured, I don't expect an extended epilogue for them or anything of that sort because I really don't think a SunSic ending, a YulSic ending or even an ending where all three of them ends up with someone else would be fitting. Although I felt hung, I feel that this ending was the best ending I could ask for, realistically, for this annoying and tormenting love triangle, though I would very much embraced a YulSic ending but it didn't make sense unless there's a huge time lapse.

You did really great with this fic, so, thank you very much for this wonderful fic!
Chapter 38: Well.. I just finishes reading.. I guess I'm speechless?
This is beautiful beyond words really, all the ups and downs, the struggle, they feel so real because the characters were written in so much detail :)
The drama this story has could probably beat all the drama on tv shows combined lol
The Yuri/Jess/Sunny feud totally broke my heart </3 All of them were at least a bit painful to read :')
But seriously, you did a great job :D thank you for writing this.
Chapter 35: was great story...and I love tiffany here but I really adore sunny strong personality....