Line 49

A/N: Alright, i've been posting this chapter in 5 parts, but now that I've written all of it I'm putting it here in one post. So don't be fooled, even if you've read the first part, you definitely have not read all five. :o this is confusing, i know... welp. anyway, if you're sticking with the story, just make sure you scroll down to the end and that you've read all parts of this chapter ^^

When Yoona got back on her feet, she didn't know how long she had been sitting down for. Her eyes were locked on the demolished bus in the distance, how it looked so still and unmoving. Though she was a little too far away to tell, she was sure that the broken windows showed no sign of a moving silhouette; no one was making their way down the aisle to let her know they were okay, perhaps unharmed, even just alive. The surrounding street was just as still, much too calm for the stale burn of disbelief in Yoona's body.

She made her way down the street and closer to the wreckage, despite her every nerve yelling and screaming at her to look away, because this was most certainly the kind of scene where her parents would tell her to cover her eyes, would it have come on the TV when she was a child. And she was; she knew it when she stumbled on shaking legs towards the biggest disaster in her life, how small she was in front of the thought of Seohyun disappearing from her, of never getting a chance to explain why she had rushed off the way she did.

With a start, she remembered her mother's phone call, Mrs. Lee's condition, the ambulance, and with numb hands she dialed the emergency number, wishing so badly that someone else could be there and take care of this when she had no idea what to do. An operator picked up her call before she had time to realize the phone was now by her ear, and she was supposed to use her voice. "What's your emergency?" the voice on the other line asked. Female. Far away. "The girl I love could be dead, and she was on her way to dance practice. She's playing the lead role in their production, the rest of her team can’t do without the lead dancer!" Yoona's mind replied while her lips were too busy trying to deny the truth.

Dead. Like Sungmin. Like Hyoyeon? Like Mrs. Lee? It seemed harder to breathe, and even the word 'dead' made less sense as the milliseconds passed like minutes and the bus moved closer yet only looked more unreal. "Hello?" the voice prodded, searching for the part of Yoona's mind that was still working.

"There's been an accident," Yoona breathed. "On... on Stygian street," she continued, tumbling past the bus stop and reading the street name as she passed it again before finally remembering to add the name of their city. "An ambulance... it crashed into a bus..."

"An ambulance is on the way," the operator replied after a short pause. "Can you tell me how many people that are on the bus?"

"No? I—it was a little less than half full?" Yoona said, trying to remember walking through the bus, but she knew she had only had eyes for Seohyun.

Before she knew it, she had reached the bus. It towered over her, white with red patterns, and as she held her breath and looked up towards the few windows that were still in place, she saw nothing. No sign of life. No lifeless heads leaning against or out of windows, no blood stained or splattered on glass. "The ambulance," Yoona managed, "it was on its way to answer another call."

"Don't worry, we will send another one in their place." And that was all Yoona needed to hear. She heard the woman on the other end ask for her name as she lowered the phone, letting it fall onto the asphalt below, and stumbled over to the bus' front door. Slowly, she pushed her hands against it, feeling the surface beneath her fingers, cold against the scorching air. Her heart shrunk at how solid it seemed. She looked up towards the windows again, wanting a way to get inside the bus and end this nightmare, find Seohyun alive, whether or not the other people died or lived. She didn't care. The windows were much too high for her to be able to reach, so she turned her dazed eyes back to the door. Without thinking twice, she turned her body and threw herself with all her strength against the door, and winced when a sharp pain travelled through her shoulder and down into her hand. Not stopping to give herself time to think, she repeated the action, again, again, again, trying to put more power into her movements until her shoulders were both numb and unfeeling.

The door remained in place. Yoona leaned against it, breaths now coming out short and uneven as she cried without tears. When would the ambulance be here? Could she survive this feeling of endless horror and eerie emptiness until then? Earlier the hospital had seemed so close, but now that short street appeared endless.

Her fingers found both sides of the door, and she pressed her nails down in the crevice around it. Panting, she pushed with all her might, to the left, to the right, towards her, but the door remained firmly shut. "Come on," she pleaded, more seeing than feeling her nails crack and split, giving way for blood to flow up and smear on the black molding. "Come on, come on, come on," she chanted desperately, withdrawing her hands and going back to pushing against the door, the traces of her blood on the white surface starting up the thought process in her head: What if Seohyun was already dead?

Sounds she barely recognized made their way out of as she banged her fists on the door, sobs that weren't sobs and screams that weren't screams, because Yoona didn't know when things had become like this; when had Seohyun's death started to feel so much like her own?

"Hey," came an unknown voice from behind her, and she screamed when she barely felt a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back. "Easy."

She spun around and was greeted by the face of a stranger. A man, seemingly in his twenties, not too tall but pretty heavily built. She looked him over once, barely taking in his features. "Help," she said then, holding up her bleeding hands, as if the scene beside them wasn't enough of an explanation.

"Calm down, okay? Everything's alright," the man said, knowing better than try to put his hands on Yoona's shoulders again. "Did you call an ambulance?"

Yoona nodded feverishly, her eyes stinging from the way she was forcing them open. "The bus..."

"Do you know anyone on there?" the man asked, and his composure made him seem like he was from another world. He stretched his neck, trying to get a better look at the wreckage.

"Yes, she's my..." Yoona tried, but faltered when she didn't know how to finish the sentence. She wondered dimly if her heart was still present in her chest. "I need to see if she's okay. Help me, please."

"Step aside," the man said. Yoona did as she was told, stepped backwards with her back against the trashed ambulance. The man then braced himself before raising his leg and placing a well-aimed kick towards the door, causing the bus to shake where it stood, but the door didn't budge. He stepped back, repeating the action, the bus seeming to shake a little more each time, and Yoona waited with her breath in as nothing else happened.

Eventually, he gave up. Yoona stood to the side and wanted to scream, "no, you have to keep going, you can't let her disappear this way, please, don't let her die," but the words lay silent in as he looked at her with sad eyes. "I don't think I can break it down, I'm sorry," he said. "I guess we'll just have to wait until the ambulance gets here." Yoona nodded shakily, once again looking up to the windows, praying and hoping for a change, but there was none. How could the universe be so silent with its help when her entire soul was screaming out so loudly for help? "I'm sure your friend will be okay," the man continued, and Yoona didn't think she could bear looking at his face. "I'm Kangin, by the way."

"Yoona," she choked out in reply. She turned her back towards him, finally facing the ambulance for the first time. It was deformed to the point where it didn't look like a vehicle of any sort anymore. She followed its crumpled hood with her eyes until her gaze found the two people in the front seats, and she immediately squeezed her eyes shut.

"Don't look," Kangin said from somewhere behind her. "They will be okay once they get to the hospital." Yoona remained in place with her eyes closed, fighting the urge to vomit. How could someone who had lost that amount of blood ever be okay? They had to be dead already, there was no doubt in Yoona's mind. And so was Seohyun, wasn't she? Her beautiful face and her slim limbs, her body that bloomed on the dance floor, was in the bus right in front of them, bleeding just like the ambulance workers, lifeless and wasted, wasn't it? And that’s when she realized it: if she hadn’t gotten off the bus, it would long since have passed the street to the hospital when the ambulance arrived. The accident would never have happened. Now she had Seohyun’s life on her conscience, as well as Mrs. Lee’s and maybe countless other people, who despite her own selfishness were as real as she was, with lives, families and people that would miss them as much as Yoona would miss Seohyun. The truth washed over her at once and added to pile of guilt already on the verge of collapsing in her mind.

"Seohyun!" Yoona screamed as loud as she could, voice coming out shrill enough to pierce through the hazy shock that had lowered on her heart. "Seohyun!"

"Hey..." Kangin said, placing a hand on her shoulder, but Yoona shrugged it off when she ran over to the place she remembered leaving Seohyun in.

"Seohyun, can you hear me? " she screamed, body pressed against the side of the bus with her face tilted upwards, facing the bright, blue sky. "Seohyun!"

"They will be here soon," Kangin mumbled from behind her, his voice quiet and sad, but Yoona couldn't hear him. She yelled out Seohyun's name time and time again, driven mad by the thought of Seohyun's body maimed and unmoving, and just as she felt Kangin's unfamiliar hands on her again, she noticed something beyond the sound of her own desperate voice: distant echoing of sirens. She sunk back to the ground, all the while feeling Kangin’s fingers squeeze around her shoulders. The truth would catch up on her, whether she wanted it to or not.

Sunny and Jessica were the last ones to make it to the hospital, having had to wait thirty agonizing minutes for a bus to take them there. They ran through the clean corridors, through this place neither of them had ever visited; Sunny first, fueled by fear, and Jessica behind her with her heart in .

Though she tried to focus all her attention on finding the rest of the girls, Sunny's thoughts were unstoppable, and they raced around her brain, in all directions without her control. It seemed to her now that everything she had worried about until now was meaningless. She loved Jessica, and that she knew, but never in her life had she felt a stronger connection than she had with Seohyun. They had been best friends for six years. There was no one she had ever loved as much as the younger girl. And in that moment, when it seemed like their time together had come to an end, how could anything like a silly love affair matter? In a way, it increased the pressure on her already overloaded heart; because since Jessica – and Yoona – had entered their lives, things hadn't truly been the same.

If this was the way they had spent their last months together... Sunny didn't want to think about what that meant.

They finally found the girls in a corridor between two waiting rooms. There was a vending machine placed there for anxious souls to try to make themselves feel better, and Yuri was leaning against it. Opposite it was a bench, on which Yoona sat, her face in her hands, not even looking up as Sunny and Jessica approached. Tiffany said beside her with a hand on her thigh, while Taeyeon stood beside the bench, leaning against the wall and looking very pale. Next to Taeyeon, on the floor, sat Sooyoung, head leaned against the wall with her eyes closed.

Everything Sunny felt changed at the sight of them. It suddenly felt a lot more real, and at the same time safer. Tiffany's eyes shifted between Sunny's face and Jessica's for a few moments before she croaked out a faint "hey."

"Hi," Sunny managed back, not having space to deal with the guilt of arriving there with Jessica. She turned her focus towards Taeyeon instead, whose eyes were locked on her shoulder. She made a half-hearted attempt to meet Sunny's eyes as the latter neared her carefully, and the quiet quiver of her bottom lip told Sunny all she needed to know before Taeyeon crashed into her embrace.

"What happened? How is she?" came Jessica's voice, and Sunny looked behind her shoulder to see the other girl make her way over to Yoona. She watched as Jessica sunk to her knees, her one hand finding Yoona's thigh while the other rested on top of Tiffany's. "Yoona? What happened?"

Tiffany pulled her hand out of the other's grip and focused her attention on Yoona. "Sweetie?" she said softly, her hair out of her face and placing it behind her ear. "Do you think you can tell it again or should I?"

At the same time as Taeyeon withdrew from Sunny's embrace, Yoona let her hands fall from her face. Sunny had to try hard not to wince when she saw the state of the younger; her face was pale, her eyes were red and there were fresh streaks of tears down her cheeks. She sniffled, her breathing ragged and panting, before nodding. "It's alright, I can do it," she replied, stuttering a little. Her eyes only met with Jessica's for a short second before she looked down on her quivering hands, and Tiffany squeezed her shoulder tightly. Sunny kept a hold of Taeyeon's hand as the latter leaned against the wall again, and they shared a sad look of disbelief for the whole situation. Could their beloved Seohyun really leave them? Silent tears fell over Taeyeon's cheeks, and she wiped them away without a word.

Yoona told them what had happened that afternoon, how they had taken the bus together and how Seohyun had ended up in a wreckage. Sensing the younger's discomfort with being watched so closely, Jessica got up off the floor and moved back to take Yuri's hand in hers. It wasn't until Yoona had fallen silent, eyes dead and distant, that Sunny realized she was supposed to have been on that bus. She was supposed to have been on her way to dance practice that day as well, if not for...

Her eyes met Jessica's across the room, and the look on her face told her the other girl had realized the same thing. Jessica had saved her. The thought did nothing to ease her mind, but she supposed she and Jessica were even now.

"But," Sunny said, suddenly feeling the tears press on her vocal chords. "How is she? What do the doctors say?"

"They were here before," Tiffany said hoarsely. "They said something about head trauma... possible brain damage, if she at all survives..."

"They said it's too early to tell," Yuri finished for her. Sunny looked at in her surprise, almost having forgotten she was there. Her eyes fell on her and Jessica's linked hands, and she marveled at how all her feelings that didn't involve Seohyun seemed to have been lost. "She's still in surgery. There was some damage to her ribs and lungs as well." The words were spoken with such composure, so cleanly and professionally that it made Sunny frown.

"Her parents are on the way," Sooyoung added weakly from beside her. "They should be here any minute."

"God, I don't want to be here when they do," Tiffany said, tears now falling from her eyes, too.

Yoona looked at her through puffy eyes. "Have you met them before?"

"No," Tiffany cried. "But I can't take this. The loss. There's been too much already." She wiped her tears angrily. "And how can a mother and a father deal with losing their child?" The agony in her voice made tears well up in Sunny's eyes, and she stared down at the floor, vaguely aware that Jessica had buried her face in Yuri's neck. "How do you move on after losing a family member? That's not losing a person, that's... losing part of yourself." Tiffany's voice was distorted by pain, and it all rushed through Sunny at once; the realization that this was not the kind of 'gone' that Seohyun could come back from. Seohyun, who wasn't just a person, but a part of Sunny. She sobbed, it was unstoppable, and she let go of Taeyeon's hands to cover her face.

"Seohyun..." she groaned. "She can't die. She can't be gone. This is not happening."

Taeyeon, seemingly unsure of what to do, put her arms around Tiffany's shoulders, only making the younger cry harder. Arms encircled Sunny's waist from behind, and she jumped a little in surprise at Sooyoung's sudden display of affection. Given her normally talkative nature, her silence made it seem like she wasn't truly there, and Sunny leaned into her embrace, knowing how the tallest had always had a secret, soft spot for the youngest, despite her constant complaints. She could feel her warm tears against her neck.

"W-what about Mrs. Lee?" Jessica asked suddenly, breaking out of Yuri's embrace. "What happened to her? Is she alright?"

Yoona nodded tiredly. Her tears appeared to have stopped. "She was having a panic attack... Apparently it's common for people to mistake them for heart attacks."

"You're serious?" Jessica said, staring at Yoona like she was insane. "She made you do all of that... for nothing?"

"No, please, please don't blame her," Yoona pleaded, giving Jessica a dark look. "I asked her... I told her if I could ever do anything for her..." she paused, breathing heavily though no tears fell. "She thought she was dying."

The world seemed dim around Sunny's head, so dim that everything inside her seemed like the only thing that was real. Every breath she took seemed too loud in . Every tear seemed to burn their way down her cheek. It scared her, how Sooyoung's hands on her stomach beneath her own seemed so surreal, but somewhere deep down she knew she was in shock. Maybe, if Seohyun made it through, the world would come back again. If she didn't... Sunny shook her head, looking at Yoona where she sat. She looked so broken that Sunny's heart seemed to ache even more. And she wanted to walk over to her, put her arms around her and hug her tightly, but she knew it wouldn't be welcome. The two of them still hadn't exchanged a word since Sunny told her about her affair.

But to her surprise, Yoona looked back up at her for a few hesitating seconds, red eyes meeting Sunny's as words seemed to be stuck on her tongue. She then got up from the bench and walked over to Sunny, and Sooyoung let her arms slip from her waist. Yoona stood in front of her, head tilted, face pained and eyes cast towards the floor. "I know she loves you more than anything," she said, almost whispered. "And I know you feel the same." She looked up, as if looking for confirmation, and Sunny nodded. "You feel like if she dies, there will be no point in getting up tomorrow, don't you?" Sunny nodded again, feeling that bottomless tug in her stomach again. Without another word, she threw her arms around Sunny's shoulders, holding her tightly. The deep sighs she breathed onto the bare skin of Sunny's neck told her more about what she felt than any words ever could.

So Sunny closed her eyes and tried to take comfort in knowing that despite the pain that threatened to overwhelm her, at least there was somebody who understood what she felt.

"What now?" Jessica asked when the silence had stretched out for too long. Sunny's hands were locked behind Yoona's back. She didn't open her eyes. "What do we do?"

In the end, it was Sooyoung who replied, somehow with a sting of irony to her words: "Now we wait."

Yuri insisted that they needed to keep a positive mind while they waited and assured them time and time again that Seohyun would wake up, that she was stronger than this, that she wasn't going to die. Neither of the girls found the energy to even reply. Yoona saw herself as a fairly optimistic person, barred the last couple of months, but when it came to Seohyun... She simply meant too much to Yoona for her not to be scared of losing her. Yoona didn't want to voice the thought out loud. She didn't want to cry any more.

She thought she was doing well with keeping the tears inside until she heard Sooyoung's rough voice from beside her: "Mr. and Mrs. Seo are here." She looked up to see the couple making their way towards them, smiling in recognition as they saw Sunny, Taeyeon and Sooyoung, yet still looking extremely shaken up. Yoona felt herself start shivering at the sight of them; would they be here together when the news of Seohyun's fate would be delivered?

Seohyun's parents greeted them all, and Mrs. Seo pulled Seohyun's oldest friends into bone-cracking hugs. She looked calm, a lot calmer than Yoona would have thought, while the pain was visible on Mr. Seo's face. His body seemed to tense up the moment he came to a stop in front of them, and he seemed unsure of what to do with himself. Yoona ached at the sight of him. She had wanted to meet Seohyun's parents for a long time, but she'd rather die than have to face them this way.

Sooyoung, Sunny and Taeyeon mumbled out their condolences, and tears that had dried up started flowing again. Tiffany's eyes rarely left the floor. Eventually, Mrs. Seo turned to them and asked: "Which one of you is Yoona?"

Yoona didn't trust her voice as the other girls turned to look at her, so she simply raised her hand. Mrs. Seo nodded. "Would you girls mind giving us a moment?" she said then, looking around. The girls scrambled to their feet, and Yoona considered just getting up and running away with them, but the nervousness kept her frozen in her seat. She heard Taeyeon mutter a choked "can I talk to you for a second?" to Sunny before they disappeared down the corridor, and Mrs. Seo turned to her with a warm but tired smile. She sat down next to her while Mr. Seo took Yuri's place over by the vending machine.

"How are you doing?" Mrs. Seo asked once stillness had settled. Yoona simply shook her head, tears welling up at the question. "I understand."

"You seem... so calm, if you don't mind me saying," Yoona said. A tear slipped down her cheek.

"I refuse to acknowledge the risk that my daughter will never wake up," Mrs. Seo replied. "I don't know how a person goes through that. I have to keep believing that everything is going to be okay." Despite her smile, the tears in her eyes told Yoona the truth. "My daughter... feels so warmly about you," she said then, making Yoona's eyes widen in surprise; had Seohyun told her parents about them? "And I have no choice but to believe that she will get through this with the strength of those who love her... which is why I'm so glad you are here."

Yoona nodded, deciding that it didn't matter if Mrs. Seo knew just how much Yoona loved her daughter. "Of course," she choked out. Mrs. Seo stood up and walked over to her silent husband. Yoona stayed on the bench, feeling like the very short conversation had put her head in a spin; she knew having faith would never save Seohyun. But ultimately, if it could keep all them alive even just for the moment, she would hold onto it with all her soul.

Taeyeon led Sunny back to the main entrance and out the door. The sky was grey, though rain still seemed far away. The wind was still as they sank down on the stone steps, Taeyeon with her arm around Sunny's shoulders.

"I guess I don't need to ask you how you're doing," she said quietly, pulling Sunny in closer. The younger let out a quivering breath against Taeyeon's neck.

She shook her head, and when she replied, her voice was instable. "I know you feel it too."

The world had seemed like a blur to Taeyeon's head when they were in the hospital corridors, and the fresh air and cool temperature made everything seem just a bit more real. Although, in fairness, Taeyeon wasn't sure that a heightened sense of reality was what she really wanted at the moment. The thought of Seohyun dying seemed so ridiculous, like a big joke, because how could any of them live on after that?

Though she tried her hardest to bring her head back to the reason why she had brought Sunny out here, regrets still lingered in her mind and made her wonder if she would ever be able to focus on anything else again. "I know this is possibly the worst moment I could have chosen to do this, but..." she began, and in the madness of it all, she didn't even seem to feel nervous. "There's something I need to tell you." Sunny leaned back out of her embrace, looking at her expectantly. "I've wanted to for a while, and it's getting to the point where not telling you is just plain stupid." Taeyeon didn't feel the need to look away.

"Alright," Sunny said. "I'm listening."

Barely bracing herself, she blurted out, almost too quickly: "I'm gay."

A smile that Taeyeon was sure would have seemed happy on any other day came over Sunny's features. Her hand landed on Taeyeon's, squeezing it softly. "Proud of you, Tae," she said. "I'm glad you told me."

It didn't seem real. Could it really be so simple, coming out to somebody? Taeyeon looked away, feeling her ears warm up at the affectionate words, and at the same time feeling a little ashamed that it took her so long to tell someone who she trusted so much. "I wanted to for the longest time... Well, that's not true, actually. Most of that time I never wanted you to find out."

Sunny hmm'ed. "Did you really think I would react badly?"

"Not really," Taeyeon replied, shaking her head, "but I was so scared... I don't think I could ever describe it." She paused, suddenly overwhelmed by everything that had happened in such a short time. Sunny gave her a funny look. "I was prepared to lie to everyone, including myself, forever."

Nodding, Sunny removed her hand from Taeyeon's. Taeyeon was glad to see the tears in her eyes had dried up. "So what changed?"

Taeyeon smiled, although stiffly, and the thought of Seohyun came burning back again, because she knew that her smile was as joyless as Sunny's had been only moments earlier. "So much. I told Sooyoung... Tiffany pulled it out of me... And everything was fine with them, but I still clung onto the fear as if... as if it meant something. Like it was supposed to be part of my life, like it was part of being gay."

Sunny slung her arm over her shoulders this time. "Well, now you know it isn't."

Taeyeon nodded, words still vibrating on her tongue. "I wanted to tell you, and the others, but I kept putting it off, telling myself that it was because I was too scared. But I always knew nothing would change if I told you," she gave Sunny a pointed look. "Ever since you gave me the number to Line 49."

Sunny's eyes widened for a moment before that unhappy smile half lit up her face again. "Oh... God, I had almost forgotten that..." She stared off into the distance, trying to recall the day it had happened. "It seems like such a long time ago."

"It is," Taeyeon said. "You saved my life by doing that."

Sunny looked at her in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah," Taeyeon said. "Well, it also got my thrown out of the apartment, but..." she finished with a laugh.

Sunny looked horrified. "What?"

"My mother overheard a call and told me to get lost," Taeyeon explained.

"So that's why you've been staying with Tiffany?" Sunny asked, eyes still wide and mouth hanging open slightly.


"Have you talked to her at all since then?"

"Once," Taeyeon replied, keeping the memory of the day she had gone back home at a safe distance. "She firmly believes I chose to be a lesbian and until I choose not to be, we can't be in each other's lives." And for the first time, she said it while fully believing she was not the one at fault.

"Taeyeon... I'm so sorry," Sunny said, sympathy clear on her face. Taeyeon just shook her head. "I wish you would have told me. I would have been there for you a lot more than I have."

Taeyeon put her hand on top of Sunny's, still placed on her shoulder. "We haven't really talked much recently, have we?" she said softly. "With everything that's been going on..."

"Everything that's been going on is a very good reason for us to talk," Sunny said firmly.

Taeyeon nodded slowly. "But with me sneaking around, keeping secrets... I've been distracted. Not a very good friend." And it was true. When was the last time she had been there for Sunny, listened to her troubles? She barely knew what had been going on in the other girl's life since school had started up again.

"Oh, please," Sunny said, knocking Taeyeon's hand away. "It sounds like you've been going through hell."

"It's fine, though," Taeyeon said, shaking her head. Sunny gave her a disbelieving look. "Really, I feel better than I have in years," she tried. "Of course there's still a lot left to work through, but at least I have the will to. And... I think that means more than I ever realized."

Sunny leaned back a little, trying to make herself comfortable despite the sharp stone cutting into her lower back. "I've always felt like you were a little bit closed off from me," she said thoughtfully. "Even when you talked to me about things that were bothering you."

Taeyeon considered it, and the truth was right in front of her face. "Yeah. You're right," she admitted. "It's weird how a secret like that can affect everything else about you. It was like, because I had this secret, I was so scared someone would find out I was gay if I opened up about stuff. Even completely unrelated things. Like it would become obvious the moment I opened my mouth."

"Which, to some, it kind of was," Sunny said, nudging her with her knee.

Said knee received a light slap from a mildly flustered Taeyeon. "I was so shocked the day you gave me that note, though."

"I thought you would be," Sunny said with an amused snicker. "I saw you struggling and I wanted to ask you, but... I could tell how fragile you were." She paused, looking up at Taeyeon. "I didn't want to overwhelm you, but I wanted to let you know that it was completely fine, you know? And if you still didn't feel like you could talk to me, you'd at least have someone to support you."

Taeyeon tried her best to take in the other's words. It was true; she had been so fragile, the smallest thing could send her into a spiral of anxiety. Thinking back, she didn't even fully understand how she had managed to live like that for 18 long years. But all was well, she guessed. She had become so much stronger. "It's a good thing you did," she said. "I don't know where I'd be right now if it wasn't for Stephanie."

Sunny stared at her before slowly sitting up. "Stephanie?"

"Yeah," Taeyeon said. "My contact at 49."


Taeyeon leaned back, forgetting the sadness of the moment for just a little while. "God, it feels so good to be truthful after lying for all these years," she breathed. "And talking about it so calmly... it doesn't seem so bad."

Sunny leaned her elbows on her knees, her back against Taeyeon. "I can only imagine."

"And... you know that the reason it took this long for me to tell you isn't that I don't trust you, right?" Taeyeon said, sitting up quickly to look Sunny in the eyes.

"I know, Taeyeon," the younger said, avoiding her eyes. "I know."

Taeyeon wondered for a moment if she had done anything to upset the other girl, but then she remembered where they were and why they were there. She placed a hand on Sunny's arm. "Seohyun's accident..." she mumbled, "it made me wish I had told you both a long time ago. I'll tell her the moment she wakes up." Sunny looked up at her at that, trying on a smile again, and Taeyeon could see how badly she wanted to hope that everything would be okay.

"Taeyeon..." the younger said. "Just out of curiosity, has Tiffany ever told you what her mother's name was?"

Taeyeon frowned, searching her brain. "No, why?"

With a sigh, Sunny stood up. "It was Stephanie." Taeyeon looked back at her in confusion for a few moments before a bottomless hole seemed to open somewhere in her stomach. Sunny looked on as realization dawned in her eyes. "Just something to think about."




"We have to go home."

Tiffany looked like she could barely process her words when she raised her head, it was all Taeyeon could do not to start shaking with rage. Tiffany was a different person. The warmth that made her into the girl Taeyeon knew was gone, replaced by something pale, washed out, something she never wanted to see again in her life.

It took the younger girl's red eyes a lot of effort to focus on her. "Taeyeon?" she said then. "Where have you been?"
"Took a walk," Taeyeon bit out in reply. And what a walk it had been; she had stayed outside after her conversation with Sunny, trying her hardest to arrange the thoughts in her head. She had planned on just staying outside until she had made some sense of things, but before she knew it over an hour had passed and she still couldn't do anything other than cursing her supposed herione in her head. "We have to go home."

"How come?" Tiffany asked softly, leaning forwards on the bench, mistaking Taeyeon's rage for grief.

"I can't stay here anymore." The other girls looked up at her words, but Taeyeon couldn't bear facing any of them. "Let's go. Please." Tiffany glanced hesitantly at Yuri, who sat right beside her, but the younger gave her a short nod.

"She's right," she said. "We don't know how long it's going to be until she wakes up again, and it's getting late. We should get something to eat."

Tiffany glanced at the clock. "I don't know... It feels so wrong to leave her here."

"We're not helping her more by staying here than we do at home," Yuri said softly.

"Please, let's just go," Taeyeon bit out, contemplating just grabbing Tiffany's hand and pulling her with her down the corridor, but she couldn't stand the thought of touching her. Now or ever again.

Tiffany reached out for her. "Taeyeon, I know this is awful—"

"Let's talk at the house," Taeyeon cut her off, the volume of her voice rising dangerously. The girls stared at her in silence, and she could practically feel Sooyoung's eyes piercing her back.

There was a hint of pity in the confusion on Tiffany's face, and it made Taeyeon ache with something that felt like disgust. How could she be so shameless? How could she pretend like she wanted what was best for Taeyeon when she had played her like that for so many months, lying, acting, pretending like she was someone she was not? Was there no one in this world who genuinely cared for another human being without trying to use them, play them like puppets? "Let's go," she insisted, and Tiffany almost managed to mask her sigh.

"Alright," the younger said, slowly standing up. "If you really need to get out of here, then we'll go."

"Great." Taeyeon turned around, wanting to run out of the hospital, away from Tiffany. Most of all she wanted to go to sleep, go back home to her mother and sleep on her probably dusty bed until the whole thing was over, until Seohyun had woken up, until Tiffany was long gone from her life. It was all too much to deal with at the same time.

"I'm gonna go home too," Yuri said, walking over to Jessica, who had taken over the place by the vending machine. "Come with me?" she asked. "Please?" Jessica nodded silently, taking Yuri's hand in her own.

"I'm staying," Yoona said. "What if she wakes up here all alone? I'm staying."

"Her parents are here," Yuri said. "She won't be alone when she wakes."

"I don't care. I'm staying until the doctors tell me there's no point." The resolve in her eyes forced Taeyeon to look away.

"I'll stay with you," Sooyoung said. "I want to be here for her too." Though she averted her gaze, Taeyeon could see that what she really meant was I'm always waiting anyway. "How about you?" she asked, turned to Sunny.

"I'm staying," she said simply. "I couldn't... leave like this."

"We'll come back later or tomorrow, okay?" Tiffany said, crouching down in front of Yoona. The younger nodded.

"Keep us updated," Yuri said. "Call if anything happens."

"Of course," Sooyoung assured them. And with that, Taeyeon walked off, hearing Tiffany follow behind her but not bothering to acknowledge her presence. She had had her fooled for months; it was time for a change.

The twenty minute car ride home was silent, even before they dropped of Yuri and Jessica at the latter's apartment. Taeyeon didn't have anything to say, at least not yet, and she assumed her moodiness kept Tiffany from starting a conversation. Thank God for small favors. The anger still burned and boiled in all her body, not just towards Tiffany, but towards every single day of her life she had spent unsure, insecure and unknowing. She wanted to scream and yell at her father for taking off and not letting her come with; she wanted to go back in time and tell her mother to go to hell for not loving her enough; and Tiffany... Tiffany, who was supposed to be the light to shine through her darkness, to rescue her right when she needed to be saved, this goddess who had come into her life to right her wrongs and love her when no one else would...

Taeyeon didn't know what she wanted Tiffany to do. But for now, it seemed like the easiest solution would be to never see each other again.

When they pulled over on their driveway, or had it gone back to being Tiffany's driveway again? Taeyeon jumped out of the car before the other had a chance to say anything. She waited like an impatient puppy as Tiffany unlocked the door, and the moment the door opened she threw her shoes off and sprinted up the stairs towards Tiffany's room.

"Taeyeon?" Tiffany called from the bottom of the stairs. "Are you alright?"

She wouldn't waste any time. Tiffany knew exactly how she had betrayed her. There was nothing to explain. Instead she dashed into their shared bedroom and pulled out her bag from beneath Tiffany's bed, the same one she had picked up at her mother's apartment the day she and Tiffany visited. Thoughts of that day filled her head as she hurried over to the closet to gather her clothes, and it all seemed too familiar. With sadness seeping in from all directions, she decided that that must be what life is like, that security and safety can never be permanent. "Home" is something that only exists in your mind if you force it to, and Taeyeon guessed she would spent the rest of her life searching for it.

She gave the room a quick look, packing up the few things she still considered to be hers, before she made her way down the stairs again to never come back. She had thought she was so happy in this place, and she could only hope that she would ever find a place where that feeling was real and true.

Tiffany spotted her from the living room couch as Taeyeon came down the stairs. "What's going on?" she asked instantly, hurrying out into the hallway. "Where are you going?"

Taeyeon landed heavily on the last step, right in front of the other girl. She watched her worried expression, feeling her heart break in her chest. "You're... you're Stephanie?" she said numbly, still not able to believe in those words. Tiffany's mouth fell closed. She said nothing, did nothing, but remained where she was standing. Taeyeon exhaled. "I can't ing believe this," she hissed, pushing past the other girl to put her shoes on.

"No, Taeyeon, wait," Tiffany said, grabbing her bag as Taeyeon made to leave. "Wait, wait, I can explain."

" off," Taeyeon growled, surprised that her cheeks were still dry.

"Please, no, just hear me out," Tiffany said, pulling harder on her bag, but Taeyeon pushed on and managed to open the front door despite the tugging pain in her shoulder.

"Let go," she yelled, pulling herself out of Tiffany's grip. "You've said enough, now leave me the alone!"

"I just wanted— I just wanted to help you!" the younger yelled back, and Taeyeon didn't have to look at her to know that she was crying. She stepped out on the gravel outside of Tiffany's house, and the other followed closely behind her. Soon enough there was a hand pulling her back again. "I swear, I swear, I did everything with your best in mind, I swear!"

Taeyeon came to a stop, feeling the anger pull so hard at her nerves that she couldn't control herself. She turned around, pulled her bag out of the other girl's hands and gave her a harsh shove, watching as she stumbled backwards. "You lied to me!" she yelled. "You acted like you gave me time to open up to you while you were prying my secrets from me every single time I called you!"

Regaining her balance, Tiffany stared at her, eyes wide and shocked at the elder’s reaction. "No," she whimpered, "that's not—" Taeyeon turned around to walk away again, not interested in hearing her excuses. "That's not what I was doing! You needed help, Taeyeon, you did, or you wouldn't have called 49, so I was just trying to help you— I swear, that's all I ever wanted to do, Taeyeon, please!"

Before she knew it, Tiffany had clung onto her hand and sunk down, her knees on the gravel and her hair hanging in front of her face. "You could have told me," Taeyeon said coldly.

"I couldn't," Tiffany cried. "I wanted to so many times, but you needed me to have a place to stay and you needed Stephanie to have someone to talk to— you know you would have freaked out and left both of us if I would have told you!"

"No," Taeyeon bit out, shaking her head, "you don't get to blame me for this. You screwed me over so badly, and I refuse to let you make it my fault." She pulled her hand out of Tiffany's to make her point, and the other girl fell forwards on the ground, looking up at her.

"That's not— I'm not trying to make it your fault!" she said, voice shrill and loud. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm so sorry, I know it was a stupid thing to do but I didn't know what else to— please, don't go!" She got back up on her feet as Taeyeon turned around again.

"You have no right to ask me for anything, do you understand?" Taeyeon spat. She stepped out on the road, feeling more relieved the further she came from Tiffany's house. Behind her the younger fought for breath through her tears, but she didn't look back.

"Where... where will you go?" Tiffany asked, apparently admitting defeat.


"But she's still at the hospital."

Taeyeon turned around, walking backwards down the road. She had to let out a joyless chuckle at everything that had happened to her, unsure of if she had ever felt so dark. Tiffany had stopped walking and stood lifelessly on the side of the street. "So I guess I'll give her a call," Taeyeon yelled at her. "You of anyone should know how much I love my ing phone calls!"

As Jessica and Yuri sat in the backseat of Tiffany's car, Jessica thought there this was something about Seohyun's accident that made grief feel brand new. Granted, when she thought back it seemed like the nine of them had lived on nothing but grief for a long time, but the feelings the wreckage brought up were completely unexpected. At the news of Hyoyeon's disappearance and Sungmin's death, she had felt awake, like someone had smacked her across the cheek with a frying pan, and now... Now she felt like with every passing second, she was sinking deeper into a coma.

There was simply no way this was happening for real.

They got a ride home with Tiffany, and both Taeyeon in the passenger seat and the driver herself were silent. Tiffany, usually so full of positive words and encouragement had fallen silent. Yuri, too, when Jessica thought of it, used to always be the one to take charge and make sure everyone was okay. Now she was staring out the window, looking as dazed and lost as Jessica felt.

It made her want to scream, kick things, break the silence, wake herself up, wake everyone up, but she felt crippled. Tied to herself. And when Tiffany dropped them off outside Jessica's apartment, neither of the four of them had spoken a word.

Just as Jessica climbed out the car door, her phone buzzed in her hand, telling her she had a new message. Sunny, the display read, and Jessica felt a spark of life in the pit of her stomach.

Sender: Sunny
Recipient: Jessica
i need you.. i understand if it'll be hard to get away since she asked you to go with her. but please. later. whenever you can, even if it's late... please. i need you. i can't do this.

Jessica's heart burned. She looked up to make sure Yuri couldn't see, but the younger had already started making her way towards Jessica's front door without a look back.

Sender: Jessica
Recipient: Sunny
i'll try my best. everything will be okay.

She caught up with Yuri, who was holding the front door open, waiting for her. Jessica hurried through it, glancing at her girlfriend, but Yuri still wouldn't look back at her. Sighing, Jessica started walking up the stairs, sure that there was a long night ahead.

"What are we going to eat?" she said as they entered her apartment and she kicked her shoes off. "I don't feel like I could even try to swallow anything right now." She walked into the living room and sank down on her orange couch, turning towards the hallway where Yuri was taking longer to remove her shoes.

"I don't either," the younger replied, slowly, with small steps, following Jessica into the room.

Jessica raised an eyebrow at her. "But earlier... you said we should—"

"Give me your phone."

Jessica looked up, wide-eyed at Yuri, now standing in front of her by the couch with her hand reached out. "What?"

Yuri didn't move. "Give me your phone."

"Why?" Jessica asked, feeling a hole of nervousness open inside her.

Yuri gave a small shake of her head, but her expression was hard and cold. "I just want to check something."

Jessica leaned back. She hadn't had time to delete Sunny's latest message, and what would happen if Yuri read that? Sunny hadn't written anything too bad, had she? Could she let Yuri read it and pass it off as something innocent? "No," she replied softly.

Yuri withdrew her hand, but her expression didn't change. "Why?"

Jessica forced a laugh. "What's going on?"

"Why can't you lend me your phone?" the younger asked again. Jessica was starting to feel very pressured under the weight of her gaze.

"Why should I?" she asked back.

"Why can't you lend me your phone, Jessica?" Yuri said, and now her voice was firm, rising in volume in a way that Jessica had never heard before. The fake smile dripped off her face.

"Because it's private, it's my private things—"

"You never used to have a problem with me going through your private things until you had something to hide!" Yuri half-yelled, staring into her eyes with an intensity Jessica had never seen before, and then she turned around. She walked around the couch and stood behind the backrest. Jessica remained where she was, frozen as her every nightmare seemed to come true. Yuri knew. There was no doubt about it. But how? Could she still somehow convince Yuri that it wasn't true? It obviously wasn't the right thing to do, but it seemed like the only option; her mind was reeling as the panic threatened to overtake her, but she forced herself to stay calm.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, turning around, deciding it was best to try to not seem too suspicious. "I'm not hiding anything, it's just— I have a right to some privacy and I don't want you to go through the conversations I have with my friends!"

Yuri shook her head. There were tears gleaming in her eyes. "So you're telling me, that if I looked in your phone right now, I wouldn't find texts from Sunny?"

She wanted to look away, but it was as though her body stopped obeying her commands. She wanted to reply, say no, or maybe yes, of course you would, we're just friends, but it was too late. She knew it. Yuri had found out, and in the end, Jessica had lost. The one thing that couldn't happen did. Yuri shook her head, and Jessica wondered how it was possible for her eyes to hold so many tears without them flowing over. "So it's true?" Yuri said, her voice shaking now. "You two... You really..." She looked down at the floor, swallowing hard as her voice came out choked. "You cheated on me with her?"

Jessica looked finally looked away, and that was it. Yuri exhaled, and Jessica didn't want to see the tears spill over her cheeks. The consequences of her actions. She nodded, silently, staring at the floor.

"Don't... lie to me any more," Yuri breathed, placing a finger under Jessica's chin and tilting it up. Jessica wanted to squeeze her eyes shut and pretend the whole thing was a nightmare, because the look on Yuri's face was so pained that it made tears well up in Jessica's eyes, too. "Tell me... what happened between you two."

Jessica didn't try to pull out of Yuri's grip. "We— we just kissed, I swear. I promise, that's all that happened." The lies came falling out of because the only thing she wanted, the only thing she felt like she could do, was to save herself. She had already hurt Yuri. She had already gone too far. All she had left to save was herself.

But Yuri removed her hand, as if burned, so suddenly that Jessica almost fell forward in surprise. "I said don't - lie to me - any more!" Yuri yelled, slamming her fist on the backrest of the couch just next to where Jessica was sitting. The older shifted to the edge of the couch with a whimper, heart beating erratically in her chest. She looked up at Yuri, who stared back at her, apparently with no qualms what so ever about scaring her. "I know everything," she said, breath coming out in little pants. "I know you kissed, I know she's in love with you, I know you slept together." Jessica averted her gaze at the words, shame sweeping over her in a red-hot wave. "And I guess now I know what it means when you promise something. When you swear."

Jessica shook her head. "How?"

Yuri kept silent for a few moments. Her voice was calm when she replied. "Sunny has been calling into Line 49 for the past year. She's been opening her heart to me since before you two even met." Jessica had to stop from falling open in awe. "She told me the first time you kissed. She told me when you slept together... She doesn't know that, of course."

"You've..." Jessica tried, frightened by the bitterness on her girlfriend's face. "You've known all this time?"

"She didn't tell me her name. I didn't figure it out until last night."

Jessica nodded. She thought suddenly that for someone who spent such a enormous amount of time imagining and fearing this situation, she was very unprepared. There seemed to be nothing to say, nothing that could ease the hate Yuri must have been feeling towards her in that moment, and that was probably the way it should be. It was what she deserved. There was nothing to say in her defense.

"So... that's it?" Yuri said, quiet tears flowing down her cheeks in streams. "You're just going to sit there without saying anything? You're not even going to pretend like you're sorry?"

Jessica swallowed heavily. "I am sorry," she argued. "I'm so, so sorry, Yuri, you can't even imagine how ty I feel about everything I put you through—"

Yuri rolled her eyes, pulled her hands through her hair and turned away as Jessica was talking. "God," she spat, "why didn't you just break up with me?"

"I-" Jessica began, still without a clue of what to say, "I tried, you know." Yuri turned back to her, eyes shooting daggers. "I thought I wanted to be with Sunny, but when it came down to it, I couldn't do it. I know it's not an excuse, but I was so confused, and I just loved you too much to—"

"Yeah," Yuri interrupted. "You loved me so much you let me believe it was all my fault while you were off having with someone else!"

Jessica felt herself trembling as she nodded. "You're right," she said weakly. "I don't know. I don't know what I was doing. I'm a horrible person."

"Yeah, well, you can't just say that to get out of this," Yuri said, walking around the couch to stand in front of Jessica again. "I trusted you. I loved you, and I've always been faithful to you." Jessica looked up for a short second at the word 'loved', wanting so badly to ask, but being too scared of the answer. "What you did was..."

"I know."

"And I just can't believe it. I can't believe you'd do this."

Jessica shook her head. "Me neither."

"Tell me honestly," Yuri began, and Jessica braced herself. "Don't you dare ing lie again. Are you in love with her?"

Jessica didn't waste any time before she nodded. "That's what made it difficult." She looked up, hoping Yuri would understand, but the younger looked nothing other than disgusted. "I wouldn't just... throw us away over nothing. I love her. I wish I didn't, but I do."

"Why didn't you just tell me the truth?" Yuri asked. "That's what I'm wondering the most right now, Sica. Why in the name of hell would you let me believe that it was because of me? Did you seriously, after all this time, still think so little of me that you would rather let me suffer than tell me the truth?"

"I think..." Jessica started, mind spinning with effort to search through herself, find the reason, just to have something to say that wouldn't leave her as empty as she really was, pointless, heartless, speechless. "I think... in a way, I was scared. That you would leave me, and I would end up alone."

Jessica glanced at the other, hoping for something, but judging by the way her chest rose and fell rapidly, her words did nothing to calm her down. "You're disgusting," she bit out. "Do you know that? You are so ed up." Jessica wanted to cover her ears, shield herself from the sound of her own heart breaking, because she may have told herself those things time and time again before, but hearing them from Yuri, the person who had loved her unconditionally for so long... She guessed it was good that Yuri had found out who she really was in the end.

"Yuri, please," she said, feeling herself choke up as she spoke. "I know, I know what I am. Just leave me. Just leave me, okay? Don't drag it out. Just leave." She covered her face with her hands, warm tears wetting them as her body seemed to enter an impossible next stage of shock. "Just leave me," she cried, "I deserve it."

"That's it?" Yuri said. "You're not going to fight? You're just giving up?"

"Why should I?" Jessica said, getting up on her knees. "You're going to leave me anyway, aren't you?"

Yuri raised her arms to shrug, angry tears still streaming down her face. "Shouldn't I?"

"Yes!" Jessica yelled. "You should! There's nothing I can say other than I'm sorry, and blame it all on how confused I was, and that doesn't really make a ing difference, does it?"

Yuri's jaw clenched. "You're not done with her?"

Jessica stilled. "I don't know."

"So you're done with me?"

And through her anger, Jessica saw the vulnerability in Yuri, the hurt that lay behind her words, the thing Jessica feared the most in this world. More so, she realized, than her own loneliness. She shook her head. "Never."

"When I thought you were leaving me... It hurt so much. More than anything I've ever experienced," Yuri said, slowly walking over to the couch and sitting down on it as far from Jessica as she could manage. "Well, until now. But I stayed and I fought for you because I loved you more than anything. And seeing you give up so easily, telling me I should leave... makes me think that maybe I should." Yuri wasn't looking back at her. "That maybe you wish I would."

Jessica shook her head, leaning her face into her hand. She was exhausted, emotionally drained, and at a loss for what to do. "I think you should. I think you should have left ages ago. But I wish you wouldn't." Yuri snorted from her side of the couch, and Jessica looked at her. "I mean it. I still love you. I always will."

Yuri grimaced. "Don't."

"You just said you wanted me to fight for you," Jessica argued. "And you know what? You're always talking about how I can't admit it when I'm wrong, how I have such a hard time apologizing for my mistakes. It's not because I'm conceited. It's because I'm always ashamed of myself, now more than ever. I don't think I deserve to fight for you."

Yuri wiped her tears, uselessly as they were instantly replaced by new ones. "What do you want me to say? You cheated on me when we had been together for four years." The volume of her voice rose again, as if she was suddenly reminded of what had happened, and Jessica closed her eyes. "I don't have any reassurance to give you."

"I'm not looking for reassurance," Jessica replied with a groan. "I'm just trying to make you understand that I'm well aware of what a ty person I am. If it makes you feel better, you can go ahead and tell me again, but I already know."

Neither of them looked at the other where they sat, both of them crying, both of them exhausted beyond words. "Most of the time," Yuri said quietly, "I believe in second chances. Not now, but most of the time. I know myself that well." Jessica felt a surge in her stomach, a glint of hope that left her feeling like she was suffocating. "And I know that despite how you ed me over, I still love you, somewhere, deep down," she continued quickly, sounding like the words left a sour taste in . "And this whole thing will hurt, badly, for a long time, whether you are with me or not. I need to know... If you're leaving me for her." Jessica stared ahead at the silent television set, unable to form any coherent thoughts. "Because if you are... I don't want to waste any time on trying to forgive you."

"What are you saying?" Jessica asked. "I thought you were leaving me."

Yuri sighed. "I wish I could say the same. But like you, I'm confused. I've been thinking about this since last night, and..." She shook her head, her face contorting in sadness, and more tears rolled down her face. "I thought I was going to spend my entire life with you, and I don't know how to just... throw that away. But... I'm not going to stay and fight for someone who won't fight for me."

"I... I don't know what to say," Jessica managed to get out, feeling like the room was spinning. Yuri was a much better person than Jessica could ever even pretend to be, and she knew she was unworthy of such an angel, though she still wanted her more than she could ever express in words. But though she knew that there were few things in this world that could compare to being loved by Yuri, so selflessly, so powerfully, the thought of Sunny remained in the back of her head, making her heart beat until she was dizzy. The problem still wasn't solved.

"Then you need to figure that out," Yuri said firmly. "Because until you figure that out, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to tell you. There's no answer until you have figured out if you want to stay or not." Their eyes finally met, Yuri's for the first time that evening soft and full of emotion. Jessica nodded to show she understood, but everything felt too twisted for her to really process. She had been caught in the act, but the choice upon which their relationship rested was still hers? "I'm not saying it would work," Yuri continued. "I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to trust you again. Right now, when I look at you, all I feel is deception. What I'm saying is, I want to know whether or not I should even try."

"I understand," Jessica said.

Yuri nodded, looking down at her hands. The vulnerable look was back. "Do... you want to?" she asked carefully.

"I do," Jessica said. "But at the same time—"

"Okay," Yuri said, interrupting her, obviously not wanting to hear any details. "Then think it over. Figure out what you want." She stood up, walking away from the older. "I'm going to go home. Don't call or text me until you've made a decision." Jessica nodded, feeling her heart drop. "And Sica..." Yuri said, stopping in her steps but remaining with her back towards her. "Do me a favor, and don't come back to me unless you're absolutely sure it's what you want." Jessica stared at her back, empty. "I don't think I could take losing you again. Twice is enough."

With that, she walked to the door, and Jessica was left sitting where she was, trying to think of something to say, anything, before the door would close and Yuri would be gone from her life for god only knows how long. What if Jessica never figured it out? What if the rest of their lives would pass and Jessica would regret never saying that one thing?

But the door slammed shut before she could think of anything, without another word from Yuri. And Jessica remained where she was, crawling into a ball on the couch, the tears finally slowing down and stopping. Mere seconds passed before she started wishing she had apologized better, kneeled and begged and pleaded for Yuri’s forgiveness like she should have. Instead she had been handed it on a silver plate. There was no one in the world like Yuri. And never had she been so lost.

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Chapter 31 is up, and I'm dropping in to say that chapter 33 will be the last, then there's only the epilogue left. It's been quite a ride, you guys. Thank you.


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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 34: This story was a wild ride, from laughter to moments where I almost cried. Great job, author!
Chapter 38: Wow finished reading it, such a rollercoaster story. Thanks for sharing the story. It definitely has moral lessons in it.
Wow, this is by far my favorite fanfic, the YulSic/SunSica story was so freaking good.
yojhyun28 #4
Chapter 19: In this fic I think it was in chapter 17 where Seohyun and Yoona kissed, yoona thought that it was probably not Seohyun's first kiss. Thinking about it, who would be the person that gave Seohyun her first kiss?
Chapter 38: I think I'm very emotionally invested in the story, probably more than healthy. So much that at times I just have to walk away while reading because it gets too overwhelming.
Thank you for the long time you had taken to write the story. Thank you so much. It means a lot for me to read what happens to the character until the end (or at least the glimpse of the end you have shown us, I believe that stories go on even when an author finishes writing it).
I related to all the characters, the main characters especially in their struggles, one way or another. It pained me when they were pained, it made me happy when they were happy. It helps that they have pretty realistic responses to their situations, just like in real life.
I haven't cried for years but I almost cried while reading this. Thank you for making me feel like I have feelings again.
Without a doubt, this is one of the best fics I've ever read.
yeahimsure #6
Chapter 38: Unnie, do you have a pdf of this story? :) I love it and I want to read it on the go!
Chapter 38: I've just finished reading this and I can't really explain how badly my heart hurt at the whole YulSicSun drama. I honestly felt that the struggle for the three of them were kind of like the strongest among all the pairings here and I can't help but grimaced at the ending of YulSicSun. It's the best ending for all three of them but I kind of felt hanging like there wasn't exactly a real ending to them at all. I don't know, maybe I was expecting Jessica to really make a choice between Yuri and Sunny and end this whole struggle once and for all. Anyway, my heart really just broke for YulSic and I was having intense internal battle with myself as I'm reading this fic. I didn't really understand that attraction that SunSic had, like even till now, after this whole fic had ended. I just kind of felt that what they had was more of spur of a moment(?) and lust(?), though I felt that I've given lesser credit to love than I should have.

The major love triangle of this whole fic aside, I'm just really glad that the rest of the pairings got their happy ever after and well deserved happy ending as a couple in love.

All in all, I have to say that this fic is really well-written and I really like this even through I went through great emotional turmoil because of it. I swear YulSicSun love triangle traumatized me so much. I'm still suffering from the aftermath of YulSicSun's (hanging) epilogue but rest assured, I don't expect an extended epilogue for them or anything of that sort because I really don't think a SunSic ending, a YulSic ending or even an ending where all three of them ends up with someone else would be fitting. Although I felt hung, I feel that this ending was the best ending I could ask for, realistically, for this annoying and tormenting love triangle, though I would very much embraced a YulSic ending but it didn't make sense unless there's a huge time lapse.

You did really great with this fic, so, thank you very much for this wonderful fic!
Chapter 38: Well.. I just finishes reading.. I guess I'm speechless?
This is beautiful beyond words really, all the ups and downs, the struggle, they feel so real because the characters were written in so much detail :)
The drama this story has could probably beat all the drama on tv shows combined lol
The Yuri/Jess/Sunny feud totally broke my heart </3 All of them were at least a bit painful to read :')
But seriously, you did a great job :D thank you for writing this.
Chapter 35: wow...it was great story...and I love tiffany here but I really adore sunny strong personality....