


Along the street, Jay was running as fast as possible when many explosions were booming heard from behind, followed with many shoots of bullet aimed in his direction. He was trying to avoid all the attack to survive. Unfortunately, an uneven ground tripped Jay’s foot hard, sending him onto the ground.

Jay pushed himself to get up and looked around him. He was not in the same place like before. He was surrounded by fire that burned all the rooms inside NII headquarter. Jay was about to say something, but nothing came out from his mouth. He had lost his voice as he saw the enemies defeating all his comrades. He wanted to help them, but the big flame prevented him to do it. The scream of agony, loud laughter, and the death scenes made Jay covering his ears with his hands. He closed his eyes tightly, letting out his mute scream.

Everything turned silent now. The air was felt so fresh as the birds were tweeting. Jay removed his hands from his ears and opened his eyes slowly. He was standing in the middle of the park where he usually played with Siwon when they were young boys. Suddenly, the sky turned dark as the grass and all the plants grew dry. Jay widened his eyes when he was looking Siwon run in his direction. He was holding a sharp blade. With a blink of an eye, Siwon had been standing in front of Jay.

“Good night, Jay-hyung.” Siwon said before jabbed his blade in Jay’s direction.


Jay was awoken from his sleep, eyes were wide opened. Dots of sweat were seen on his face. He gasped for breath as he remembered about the nightmare he just got. It was the similar dream for the last three days. He looked at his clock to see that it was still 1.34 in the morning. He stared at the ceiling, thinking about the relation of his dream with something that might happen in the near future. Then, he shook his head in rejection before decided to sit and get off from his bed. He walked to his bathroom sink and turned the faucet, getting the water to wash his face. He rubbed his face and looked at the mirror. His wet face was seen from the reflection. He was staring at it for a few seconds before dried it with towel. After he had been enough refreshing his mind and face, he walked back to his bedroom and sat on his desk, turning the lamp on.

From his desk drawer, he took one thick book given by Captain Go last week. He was not too interested in book, especially for book who had hundreds pages. That’s why he wanted to open it now. He was so lazy to open, even to read it.

“The Power of Your Soul.” Jay read the title. “Let’s hope it’s not a boring one that will bring me to sleep again.” He opened the pages one by one just to see the book’s contents. Something was attracted him, a torn piece of paper placed inside the book. Carefully, he read what was written on it.

“Do the best now like there will be no chance later.” Jay frowned at the words before he finally smiled and said, “I have to agree with this... Okay, Captain. I’ll read it now like I won’t have a chance tomorrow.” With those words, he started reading the first chapter.

Two minutes later, Jay closed his book with bored. He was not in the mood to read a book. “I’ll read it again tomorrow. I’m sorry, Captain. My laziness is much stronger than anything now.” Jay said as he got up from his seat, walking toward his window.

Jay’s hand reached the curtain and slid it to the side, so he would be able to see the night scenery from his window. Everything seemed all right and nothing special outside there until something caught his attention. He set his eyes at a big fire burning a building, or ruining the building exactly. He widened his eyes while witnessing it.

“Isn’t it coming from our headquarter area? Could it be..?” Jay asked before rushed out his room, running to someone’s door.

“Siwon! Wake up!” Jay shouted as he was banging the door. “Siwon! Wake up now! It is emergency, Siwon!” He called again

A few seconds later, the door pulled open to reveal Siwon with his half closed eyes and messy hair. He was still so sleepy and not fully awake from his sleep. “What is it, hyung? You’ve ruined my sweet dream...” Siwon said.

“I saw a big fire from our headquarter’s direction. Let’s take a look there.” Jay told his younger brother.

“Are you sure? But, it’s still half to two in the morning.”

“Ah come on! What if it’s really our headquarter, Siwon? Change your clothes now. I’m waiting you.”

“Okay…” Siwon answered lazily before closed his door again.




When Siwon stopped the car near the NII headquarter, Jay rushed to get down from the car. He ran through the crowd to the source of the fire. Dropping his jaw, Jay widened his eyes, looking at his headquarter ruins. The smoke was still there as the rest of fire was still visible. He cringed when he was seeing his headquarter building became ruins which was impossible to be used again. "This is bad... My nightmare is coming true." Jay said to himself.

Meanwhile, the firemen were doing their best to turn the fires off as the medics worked to save the victims. The police and other agents were there too, witnessing that incident. Looking around, Jay found his captain in afar. Jay then walked closer to one of the NII captain who had been coming there. Jay bowed before he greeted his captain. “Captain Cha Seungwon? What is caused all of this?” Jay asked.

“I heard that someone had done this in purpose. These damages were caused by a bomb. I think we will fight new enemy that have a really great powers and can’t be underestimated. I’m sure they have planned it all and let’s just wait for the next attack. We have to be ready… The war is coming.” Captain Cha said as he turned to face Jay. “Are you part Captain Go’s team? I’ve ever seen you with him.”

“Yes, Sir. My name is Jay…” He introduced himself.

Captain looked at Jay’s face for a few seconds before he nodded. “…Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Sir!”

Captain blew a long breath before he said, “Some agents are dead because of this incident.”

Jay looked at the ground, feeling sad. “I know it. I feel so sad to hear that. We lose our friends. Now…. what do we have to do, Sir?”

“We’ll have a meeting for all NII agents, government, and police to discuss this matter. Whoever did this, they must pay for it. It looks like NII is their main target right now. But, I heard that Hyunjeo prison was bombed too this night. It happened thirty minutes before our office exploded.”

“Really? So, those explosions have relation?” Jay was curious.

“Maybe. This case is still unclear for me.”

 “Captain, how about our headquarter?” Siwon asked when he was standing beside Jay.

 “We’ll move to the new hidden place that only NII agents will know where it is. It’s a top secret.” Captain replied.

“Where is it?” Jay asked.

“I don’t know. We will discuss it tomorrow… For now, let’s just work to find a clue from these ruins and collect the things that are still useful for us as we wait the others to come.”

Jay and Siwon looked at each other before answered in unison. “Yes, Sir!”




“Our country is under threats and terrors recently. It’s proofed by the explosion in Hyunjeo Prison and The Headquarter of National Intelligence and Investigation at the same time. It happened last night around two in the morning. Some of the prisoners could escape after that incident. The NII representative stated that twelve people were killed during the explosion, and at least twenty people were injured. Now, the police and NII work together to investigate about who is the perpetrators of the bombing and quickly catch this dangerous enemies. As we all know, NII is our national elite agency who work under the government to provide the national security. Now, let’s hope they will solve this case and keep doing their jobs for our peace….” The reporter was reporting the news on television set in the waiting room of the drugstore this morning.

Standing behind the display window of the drugstore, Yuri looked away from the television screen and turned around to see a customer who looked so familiar. “Jay?” Yuri called her customer. She was surprised to see him again. It’s like her good fate to meet him frequently.

“Yuri? Do you work here?” Jay asked.

Yuri got closer to Jay, whispered something to his ear. “Yeah… I work and own this store. It’s my way back from adversity.” She said.

“That’s cool.” Jay said in amazed.

“What do you need? Are you sick?” Yuri asked. “I’m sorry to hear that NII headquarter was destroyed. It must be hard for you and all the agents.”

Jay nodded weakly as he remembered about that incident, feeling sad. “I have to admit. It’s our biggest trouble ever.” He said before formed a weak smile. “It’s okay. We’ll only rebuild it again. It will never stop us. We’ll find and catch whoever did it, don’t worry…”

Yuri smiled to hear his statement. ‘You’re pretending to be fine again… I knew it… Your agency is in the great crisis now.’ She thought.

“Yuri…  I just need some sleeping pills. I could not sleep in the night lately. So, I think it will help me to sleep.”

“Sleeping pills? It’s not a good habit to consume it regularly. Just try another way…” She suggested.

“Do you think there is a way? Come on, Yuri… Staying up late every night made me dizzy. I can’t stand to be like this. Just give me the pills…” He was pleading.

“One question for you… What makes you could not sleep?”

Jay paused for a while before he answered, “Nightmare… and bad feeling.”

Yuri looked at Jay in sympathy before she called her clerk. “Seungyi, I’m leaving for a while. Keep this store for me, okay?” She told her, grabbing her bag from the table. She then walked out from her booth.

“Yes, sure.” Yuri’s clerk answered.

“Come on, Jay… I’ll try to make another way for you…” Yuri said as he took Jay’s hand, leading him out the drugstore.

Feeling confused, Jay looked at Yuri as he blinked his round eyes. “Where do you want to take me? Yuri, I have no time to play around in this situation…” He said, following where she went.

Yuri tightened her hold around Jay's wrist. “I don’t care. You will see…” She answered as she kept walking away with Jay a step behind her.



To be continued.

Soundtrack : CNBLUE - Black Flower


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Maevelim #1
Chapter 1: Wanna read more, please continue trying your best to write..........:)
ururustar #2
Chapter 1: I want to read more. Continue, please...
Maevelim #3
I am excited to read decision 3 ,pls complete it,I love your fanfics