The Start



The Hyeonjeo Prison was full filled by the men who were punished for their crimes. A guard was walking approach one of the prison room. He then unlocked the cell, calling one of the prisoners there. “Jung Yunho?”

A man who was lying on his bed turned his head to see the guard. He then lazily sat up and answered the call. “Yeah… It’s me.”

“You have a guest. You can come out for a while to meet him.” The guard told him.

“Alright…” Yunho said as he walked out the cell, following the guard who led him into the guest room.

When Yunho get in that place, he saw a young man with some cupcakes on the table. That man then stood up and walked toward Yunho, hugging him like never met for years. “Hey my cousin, I miss you so bad!” He said childishly. He didn’t care about the turnkey who was watching his action.

“Stop hugging me. You make me look like I am a gay.” Yunho said coldly. He had no intention to hug his cousin back. His face looked so flat, showing no interest at all.

“Ah don’t say that…It’s so mean…” That young man said, tightening his embrace. He then whispered in Yunho’s ear. He was telling him something serious. “Just follow what I am doing. I am here as a messenger. There is a message inside the cupcakes with chocolate flavor. It’s from TF.” After finished explain, he released Yunho, acting childish again. “Oh god, I forget that I have a class today. I’m leaving, Yunho-hyung! Take care of yourself. Eat those cupcakes that my mother made for you. It’s so delicious!” He said before walked away, leaving Yunho alone.

“You’re so hurry…” Yunho smirked as he saw him leave. ‘I have a good feeling. I think it’s the time.’ He said inwardly. He then looked at his cupcakes in the box and took it from the table. He took a bite one, and brought the rest into his cell again.

After Yunho was sure that no guard was around him, he took the only chocolate cupcake and divided it into two parts. In the middle of it, there was a small roll paper. He opened the roll and read the message.

‘Be ready tonight. We’ll get you out of this prison. When the explosion occurs, we’ll be right above you. Please, move fast. TF.’

It’s what written on the paper. Yunho formed a smile as he torn the paper into pieces. He then tossed it into the toilet before drifted it with water.


“Oh my…. What will I do to these stuffs? Aren’t these too much for me? She is really… Why did she have to force me to take these? Ugh… Troublesome.” The man muttered as he was walking on the sidewalk this noon. He was Jay who had finished his mission to a popular actress and a daughter of the richest businessman, Seohyun. She gave him all of the stuffs as the reward for escorting her in a week. A long sigh was coming out from his mouth as he stared down at the stuffs he brought. It all piled up which nearly hid his face. It’s like he got so many presents from his birthday party. Now, he looked so distress to bring all of it alone.

Jay then stopped walking. “Wait… Why don’t I call Siwon to pick me up? It will be easier.” Jay said when he finally realized something. “Stupid…” He took his phone out from his pocket and dialed Siwon’s number, calling him.

“Yoboseyo?” Siwon answered on the phone.

“Siwon, could you pick me up now?” Jay asked.

After paused for a few seconds, Siwon finally said, “Alright… Where are you?”

Jay looked around him to ensure his location before he answered, “Jubong Street, near a Pukai Hotel.”

“Okay. I’ll be there soon.”

“… and-“ Jay stopped speaking when he heard a beep sound after Siwon quickly hung up his phone call. “Geez… I haven’t finished talking.” He said as he stared at his phone, feeling annoyed.

The sky was turning grey when Jay looked up, feeling the rain would pour the town soon. The wind blew around him as he felt the cold. The thunder started to roar. It was the sign that the rain would come soon. Tightening his hold on the gift boxes and shopping bags in his hands that he was bringing, Jay rushed to get the haven nearby before his clothes was soaked by the rain.

Suddenly, a man from the opposite direction was running fast. He then bumped into Jay, sending both of the man and Jay onto the ground. All Jay’s stuffs were scattered on the ground as Jay was lying on his back, feeling hurt. The man who bumped Jay got up quickly and was about to run away, but Jay grabbed his ankle, stopping his movement.

“You can’t escape! Don’t you know that I’ve dropped my phone and my stuffs because of you?!” Jay said firmly. He didn’t really want to let him go. Still lying on the ground, he kept holding the man’s ankle tightly.

“Get off me you jerk!” The man snarled as he struggled to break free.

“What did you say? You called me jerk?!” Jay started to get mad.

The man looked back to find two police were running and getting closer to catch him. He then looked down at Jay. “Damn you!” The man stopped moving and kicked Jay’s forehead with his foot.

“Aargh!!” Jay cried out because of the sudden hit on his head. He released the man’s ankle as the response and clutched his forehead in pain.

That man used his chance to escape. But, he was stopped by a woman who punched him hard on the face, sending him onto the ground. The police finally got there and caught the man.

“Thanks for your help, he was a sly pickpocket. We had watched him for a long time. Now, we can catch him.” One of the police said as the other was handcuffing the thief.

“Yeah… It’s okay.” That woman said.

“Y-Yuri?” Jay called her, getting up from the ground. The bruise appeared on his forehead as he looked surprised to see her again after a long time.

“Hi, Jay? It’s been a long time.” Yuri greeted him, smiling sweetly while Jay kept looking at her in disbelief. He never thought that he would meet Yuri again.

“Okay, thanks once again. I hope you’ll be alright.” The police said to Jay.

Hearing what the police said, Jay woke up from his daydream and looked away from Yuri to see the police. “Yes... I’m okay. It’s just small wound. Besides that, I was used to get hid in the head. It’s okay, really...” Jay formed a smile as he tried to hold the pain. ‘If there was no police here, I would definitely kick his for kicking my head.’ Jay thought as he glared at the culprit.

Both of the police just nodded and bowed before they went away, dragging the man to the police station.

Jay and Yuri watched them leave before they looked each other and chuckled without reason.

“You’re still the same. You are always pretending to be alright. In fact, you’re not okay.” Yuri said.

“You didn’t change too. You are still a strong and brave woman.” Jay gave his opinion, raising his fist.

Yuri chuckled. “Yeah… It’s my way to protect myself. Uhm… Jay… How are you?” Yuri asked.

“I’m fine… I-“ Jay was about to say something, but someone called him from behind.

“Jay-hyung!” Siwon called loudly from behind.

Turning around, Jay saw Siwon walking with the smirk curved on the lips. Jay had already known what his younger brother was thinking about.

“You said that you would not get hurt in you mission. But now, look at yourself…” Siwon said when he got in Jay’s place. He mocked his older brother when he was noticing the bump in Jay’s forehead.

Jay gave a quick touch on his bump. “It’s just an accident and it’s not part of the mission.” Jay said before bent down to take his scattered stuffs on the ground, collecting it all in one place.

“Really?” Siwon asked. He seemed like he didn’t believe in her brother.

“Yes. Why don’t you help me to get these stuffs? It’s better than just standing there.” He told Siwon. But, Siwon just rolled his eyes, ignoring the order.

Yuri began helping Jay by taking his phone which became some parts on the ground. The battery and its case were parted. She then combined and checked it for him. “Your phone is still good I think.” She said handed the phone.

Taking his phone back, Jay said. “I hope so. Thanks.”

After glancing at her watch, Yuri quickly asked for leave. “I have an appointment. I’ll be late if I’m not leaving now. I’m sorry I can’t help you till the end…”

“It’s okay… You’ve helped me enough this time…” Jay answered.

Smiling widely, Yuri waved her hand up and began running away. “Goodbye Jay… Siwon! I hope I’ll see you again!” She shouted as she was getting far.

Jay sighed in despairing, “Bye… Even I don’t have a chance to ask her phone number…” Jay muttered.

“What did you say? You still like her?” Siwon asked, looking at Jay.

Shrugging, Jay said, “I don’t know…” He then took his stuffs from the ground and gave it all in Siwon’s arms. “Bring it for me.”  He told him.

“H-h-hey! Why did you want me to bring these? Aren’t these yours?” Siwon protested Jay who was walking away. Tightening the stuffs in his arms, Siwon felt uneasy to bring it all alone.

“Do your part as my brother and help me, Siwon. My head is so sick!” Jay answered as he had been far forward, leaving Siwon behind.

“Now, you’re feeling sick, hyung? What a perfect reason to make me your courier again.” Siwon grumbled before blew a deep breath. Siwon looked up when he felt the water drop on his face. The sky wanted to send its water again. He then ran to follow his older brother and get in the car. As soon as the siblings had been in the car and drove away, the rain started to pour as the thunder could be heard everywhere.


“The downpour again…” A woman said as she stared outside the window in her large room. Looking away from the window, she turned around to see a topless man was hitting and kicking his punching bag. Dots of sweats were seen on his face and body, letting it wet his muscular and tall body.

“Kangta?” She called him as she walked closer.

“What is it Tiffany?” The man answered as he didn’t stop punching.

Seeing a sword on the table, Tiffany grabbed it and pulled out it from its scabbard. She then swung the sword in the air a few times before put it back into its scabbard slowly. “What do you think about my sword? Have you tried it?”

“I’m not too interested with your sword. The weapon of yours as a ninja is really not my type. I prefer kill someone with my own hand than just using a weapon.” Kangta said as he gave his last kick onto the bag.

“That’s the strength of you that I like.” Tiffany smiled as she threw a towel to Kangta who easily caught it. “What about our mission tonight?” Sitting on the wooden chair, she asked.

After finished drying his body, Kangta took a bottle of water and looked at Tiffany. “Do you really want to follow me?” He said before drank the water.

Getting up from the chair, tiffany walked closer to Kangta and stood in front of him. “Sure. I’ll go with you wherever you are, even to the depth of the hell.”

“Thanks…” Kangta said.

“I’ve prepared our little surprise for NII. I’m sure it will make them suffer... Besides that, I’ve sent a message to Yunho about our plan tonight.”

“Good job. That’s why I have no regret to take you with me.”

“Don’t ever underestimate me. I’m as strong as you are. After we have Yunho with us here, we’ll be unbeatable… We’ll be a great team. Oh… One more, Hwang Heechan met me today. He said that he will provide us all what we need as long as we listen to his order. Personally, I don’t really like him. He is too cocky to be our leader. He acts like he was the God who knows everything.  Do you think the same way with me? ”

“He was the one who paid and helped us in this case. So, we better do what he said.” Turning his head to the window, Kangta stared at the heavy rain outside.  “…and… We’ll make sure that it will be the end of NII.” He said.

“Yeah... yeah… yeah… Whatever you say…” Tiffany said in bored tone as she threw a mini dart into its board, hitting it right in the center.



Soundtrack :  TRAX - You are my light


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Maevelim #1
Chapter 1: Wanna read more, please continue trying your best to write..........:)
ururustar #2
Chapter 1: I want to read more. Continue, please...
Maevelim #3
I am excited to read decision 3 ,pls complete it,I love your fanfics