Untwisted Love

Love's Twist


When Lee ~~~~~ looked up she realized Kai didn't greet her, but Tao did as he poured in punch in his cup. Right when she think everything is going well and she was forgetting about Tao, he has to show up in front of her.


Lee ~~~~~ was a bit shocked Tao came and greeted her after he coldly rejected her. "Yes?" She managed to say coolly as she lifted one of her eyebrows. "Do you want to dance?" Tao said before sipping his cup. She looked at him in disgust,” how could he say that after he reject me and went to Jiyeon,” she thought. "Do you even know who I am?" She said coldly. "If you accept my offer, we can get to know each other better." He winked. He doesn't even know who I am!” She screamed in her head. "Didn't you just dance with Jiyeon?" She scoffed. "Her? She just wanted to dance with me, nothing special, I would rather dance with you then her." He smirked. “You told me yesterday that you would rather die than go to the ball with me,” she thought. Then Tao smirked at something, Lee ~~~~~ saw and she turned her head to see Jiyeon running out of the gym crying. "Jerk!" She scoffed before walking away with her drink into the crowd hoping he wouldn't follow her.


Lee ~~~~~ was halfway through the crowd, when a hand yanked her and turned her around, "Hey!" Tao yelled grabbing everyone's attention making people back away and giving them space yet formed a circle and watched the their scene, which included Kai. Kai was going to burst in the scene, but he stopped himself because he wanted you solve this problem yourself. "What?" Lee ~~~~~ scoffed and shook off his hand and started to walk away.  "I am talking to you!" He scoffed; he then grabbed her wrist twice as hard and dragged her to the parking lot followed by the crowd, as they surrounded them.


"There is nothing to talk about!" Lee ~~~~~ shot back. "Do you know who I am?" Tao yelled "A jerk" She yelled back. Oos can be heard from the people watching our scene. She added "You don't know me either, so why bother going through all this!" He pulled her closer and gazed at her and softly said, "Because you're beautiful that you caught my eye once you walked through those doors." Awes can be heard from the people watching their scene, but Kai wanted to punch Tao in the face from jealousy. She was so disgusted at how he thinks he can sweet talk her even he doesn't know who he is talking to! She stomped on his foot hard with her heel and twisted it before taking it off and threw her punch at him. Another set of Oos where heard from the students, Kai smirked and left the scene. Tao winced in pain holding his bruised foot before looking back up at her giving her a what-the-hell-was-that look.




" Lee ~~~~~?" He interrupted in shock as the crowed as was also in shock. They didn't expect Lee ~~~~~ be the girl that looked so beautiful to actually be the loser nerd everyone teases.


"KNOWING WHO I AM, YOU ALSO DON'T THINK YOU CAN BREAK JIYEON'S HEART AND COME CRAWLING BACK TO ME AFTER I TURNED BEAUTIFUL! I DON'T KNOW WHY IT TOOK ME 4 YEARS TO REALIZE YOU'RE JUST A JERK WHO GOES AFTER GIRLS FOR THEIR LOOKS!" With that said Lee ~~~~~ stomped away on a verge of crying. The crowd made a gap for her to walk away and started to gossip at Tao and Lee ~~~~~’s scene. All of a sudden a red Ferrari pulled up next to her, which caught everyone's attention even Tao’s. The driver's door opened and Kai came out.


"Sorry it took me awhile to get the car."  Kai apologized. "It's okay Kai you came right on time." Lee ~~~~~ beamed. "You look pale, you mustn't been cold!" He said as he took off his tux jacket and put it over her shoulders. "It's okay! Let's go home!" She said with a soft smile.


The crowd now surrounded around Kai and Lee ~~~~~. They were all uttered shocked and in disbelief that Kai the other nerd they teased was handsome and not to mention he is rich, Tao was the most shocked. With that Kai and Lee ~~~~~ drove away.


The car finally stopped at a parking lot to a hotel, Lee ~~~~~ examined it more and to her surprise they were at a big hotel, that Kai's dad owns. Kai took out the keys out of the ignition and exited the car. He came around the back of the car and opened her door. She unbuckled herself and exited the car as he closed the door behind her. Kai slipped his hand into Lee ~~~~~’s hand and dragged her around the hotel and to the beach.


They walked along the shore with laced hands barefooted letting the sand and water tickled their feet. Kai suddenly stopped and turned to her, "Close your eyes" he instructed, and Lee ~~~~~ didn't hesitate to close her eyes. He then guided her along the beach until they stopped. He let go of her hand which made her nervous, "Kai where are you?" She said waving her hands around. "I am here Lee ~~~~~, don't worry, and just keep your eyes closed." He said somewhere close, which made her relieved.


"Open your eyes!" Slowly Lee ~~~~~ opened her eyes, and all of a sudden tears were flowing out of her eyes. She saw Kai kneeling down in front of her with a guitar in his hands singing, "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars with an angelic voice she never knew he had. They were in a middle of candles placed in the sand around them that formed a heart, and palm trees around them were decorated with white gleaming Christmas lights.


"Just the way you are, yeah" Kai sang ending the song. He placed the guitar down and stood up. He cupped Lee ~~~~~’s face and rubbed her tears with his thumbs. "Don't cry Lee ~~~~~, it hurts me every time you do." He said in a soft concerned voice. She chuckled and said "I am not crying because I am sad, I am crying because no one has did anything this romantic to me before, I mean at all. "


Kai chuckled and said, " Lee ~~~~~ you have no idea how much you mean to me, you are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on. Not only that but...I miss you when I'm not with you, when I'm not with you all I do is think about you, when I think about you I just want to be with you, and when I'm with you it's like all of my dreams have come true. I am and always will be there for you and I love you just the way you are, because you're the love of my life, you're my one and only, you're my everything." A tear fell from Lee ~~~~~'s eye as her heart fluttered at what he said making her smile unexpectedly, and blush like crazy.


Kai grabbed Lee ~~~~~’s waist and pulled her close that their noses touched, they gazed into each other's eyes for a few seconds. A soft smile appeared on his face and leaned in towards her. Her eyes slowing fell shut as he leaned closer. Before they lips touched, Kai opened his eyes to see Lee ~~~~~ closing her eyes with puckered lips, which looked funny yet cute at the same time, and softly chuckled.


"Why are you closing your eyes?" Lee ~~~~~ heard Kai whisper in her ear. She opened her eyes and saw him laughing. She hit him hard on his shoulder, "YAH! Why are you laughing?" She scolded him.  "You closed your eyes because you thought I was going to kiss you!" He said laughing. "No!" She pouted crossing her hands. "Are you disappointed I didn't kiss you Lee ~~~~~?" He smirked as he raised an eyebrow. "No!"  She yelled kicking him in the shin. He held his shin and yelped in pain making her laugh hard.


Kai looked up and gave Lee ~~~~~ a death glare, she bit her lip to stopped laughing because it was not a good sign and she should RUN! At that thought she ran as fast as she could. "YAH! Lee ~~~~~! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" Kai yelled. She hid behind a palm tree to catch her breath. She looked behind to see if he was gaining but he wasn't there, she sighed in relief. "AHHH!!!" She screamed as she was suddenly lifted in the air by Kai and he carried her on his shoulders. "YAH! KAI PUT ME DOWN" She screamed as she waved her hands and feet around trying to escape from his grip. "I AM GETTING MY REVENGE!" Kai smirked.


SPLASH! Lee ~~~~~ got up and stood soaking wet as Kai dropped her into the water. She gave him a death glare, but he was too busy laughing he didn't notice. A smirk came across her face and she pushed him into the water. He got up and stood soaking wet as she laughed pointing at him. She suddenly stopped laughing as he splashed water in her face. All of a sudden they burst into a water splashing fight. They laid on the sand after a few minutes of fighting. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. Then they looked back up in the sky and watched the stars in silence for the rest of the night.


Lee ~~~~~ stopped gazing at the stars and gazed at Kai. Kai, I am happy you are always there by my side, from the little things like helping me up when I fall to the big things like making me laugh and comforting during hard times, you even saved my life. You know what I also realized tonight, not only did I realized my crush only fell for me for my looks, but I also realized that you love me for who I am...making me slowly fall for you. Lee ~~~~~ thought as she smiled and looked back up to the night sky and watch the stars gleam.




I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS STORY! I WANT TO THANK THE PEOPLE WHO SUBSCRIBED AND COMMENTED AND "I Remember Everything" for the poster and background! I know that the ending is lame....SORRY! Don't get your hopes down because I am reconsidering doing a sequel to this story, If i get comments saying they want a sequel. COMMENT NOW if you want a sequel! Don't forget to check out y 1st fanfic "The Resolution" out.  ALOHA (bye)! Till next time....

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Egg-yeols0911 #1
Chapter 3: Please update soon :)
update fast......
Lisa_lp10 #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^