Just Another Day

Love's Twist


It's another day of school and being the big nerd Lee ~~~~~ is, she is doing her Algebra 2 homework in the library during morning recess that she just got during period one.


“Y=x²+9, what is the value of x?” the problem stated. Lee ~~~~~ didn't know how to solve it so she decided to ask Kai for help. She poked Kai on the cheek to grab his attention. As Kai turned to her, he fixed his black round glasses by pushing it up at the bridge with his pointer finger. "Yes?" He replied as he beamed a sweet smile. "Ummm...I need help with this problem." she said as she pointed to the problem on her paper. He took her paper, started to work on the problem, and started to explain the problem to her. As Kai was explaining how to solve the problem, Lee ~~~~~ started to doze off and Kai went mute in her head.


Lee ~~~~~ ended up gazing at Kai's facial features. She hasn't noticed but behind his big black round glasses are his chocolaty brown eyes, he has a pointy nose, and a piercing on his right ear. She thought to herself how lucky she is to have him as a best friend who has always been there for her since elementary times. "Lee ~~~~~!" Kai said as he waved his hand in her face trying to grab her attention. "Huh? What?" She exclaimed as she broke from her gaze. "The answer is x= ±3ι." "Thanks Kai!" She thanked him with a heartwarming smile. They continued doing their homework until they were interrupted.


"Losers!" "Nerds!" "Outcasts!" A group of people said as they passed the table they sat at, laughing and pointing at them. Lee ~~~~~'s hands formed into a fist turning white as her nails pierced in the palm of her hands as she got pissed at their remarks. Even though, people said those words to them every day, she still gets mad every time they do. Kai grabbed her fist, and she looked at him as he gave her a comforting squeeze and comforted her by saying with a soft smile, "It's okay Lee ~~~~~, ignore them, it doesn't matter what others think of you....what matters is what you think of yourself." With that said she loosened her fist and flashed back a smile at him and said, "Thanks Kai, I won't let them get to me." With that they went back to finishing their homework.


RING! "Let's go to class!" Kai said as they packed their stuff and headed out of the library. "Bye! See you after class!" They both said in sync as they bid their goodbyes going their separate ways heading to period 2.

As Lee ~~~~~ sat down in her seat in the last row second column, she got all her stuff out and waited patiently for Mr. Lee to come in. As Mr. Lee came in dressed in tan slacks topped with a chocolate brown leather belt with blue button down shirt that went nice with his shiny brown dress shoes, he started class. "Okay class, open your writing in source book to page...."


Mr. Lee stopped in the middle of his sentence and glared at the door and so all of the attention went to the door. An eye smile suddenly came across Lee ~~~~~'s face unexpectedly and she was blushing like crazy uncontrollably as she realized who just walked in.


"TAO PLEASE DON'T COME LATE TO CLASS AND TAKE YOUR SEAT!" Mr. Lee yelled at Tao as walked to his seat was right next to Lee ~~~~~'s. Tao had on a volleyball jersey, black shorts, gray vans with white knee socks, with his backpack, a duffle bag on his shoulder and volleyball in his hand.


Lee ~~~~~ watched as Tao got to his seat and hung his bags on his chair; put the volleyball on the ground, laid his head on his crossed arms on the table and closed his eyes. She couldn't help but stare at him sleeping; he is just so cute. No! I can't stare at him! I have to concentrate on the lecture. She thought to herself as she turned her attention to Mr. Lee who was lecturing about sentence constructions.


Since Mr. Lee was lecturing about something she already knows, her attention was elsewhere, more specifically her attention was on Tao, her crush since 6th grade. She remembers their first meeting like it was yesterday. She then reminisces about that day.


RING! She broke out of her gaze and realized class is over, she scrambled to put her stuff in her bag and sped out of class to look for Kai.


"AHHH!" A girl screamed as Lee ~~~~~ bumped into her and spilled her lunch all over her; more specifically she bumped into Jiyeon the cheer captain. "I am so sorry!" Lee ~~~~~ said over 20 times trying to wipe off the food off Jiyeon's uniform with a napkin she found on the ground that fell from her tray. If she wasn't a nice person she would have just walked away not giving a damn if she spilled Jiyeon's lunch on her, she thought. "You son of a NERD!!!!! You ruined my outfit!!!!" Jiyeon screamed before storming off to the bathroom while pushing Lee ~~~~~ as she stormed off making her fall on her . "This girl! I ruined her outfit! PLEASE! I made it 10 times better!" She scoffed as she dusted the dirt of her jeans.


Before Lee ~~~~~ could pick herself up a hand appeared in front of her face. She looked up to see whose hand claimed it and to see that the owner of the hand was no other than her best friend Kai lending a hand. She grabbed his hand and he got her up on both of her feet in one swift pull, which she was impressed he was strong. "Thanks Kai!" She thanked him giving him a smile. "No probs Lee ~~~~~!" He said responded with a smile.


Lee ~~~~~ and Kai walked towards the cafeteria to eat lunch. As they grabbed their lunch they walked to their usually spot on a bench by the library under a tree. They would always eat their lunch here because it's quiet and away from the courtyard and cafeteria where everyone else ate their lunches.


RING! Lee ~~~~~ and Kai threw their food away and bid their goodbyes as they ran in different directions to their last period of the day. The last period of the day wasn't anything special to Lee ~~~~~. It was just another boring period 3 class of the history about the Cold War, like that school ended. She waited for Kai at the front of the school as he always walks her home. She leaned against the wall at the entrance and watched herself draw circles in the dirt with her foot.


"Lee ~~~~~!" She looked up to see Kai running towards her waving his hand in the air crazily. He stopped in front of her with his hands on his knees panting. She patted his back letting out a giggle "Let's go!" She left him there still trying to get a hold of his breath and he then caught up to her. As they walked together, she stopped in her tracks to see if Kai was going to notice and stop too.


Kai kept walking as he didn't notice Lee ~~~~~ stopped, and she let out a pouted loud. Her pout was loud he heard it and turned to her with a confused look and asked "Why did you stop?" She stared at him and asked "Kai, are you going to confess tomorrow?" As she caught up to him, leaving him confused at her question. "Why would I confess on a Friday?" he asked.


To clear things up Lee ~~~~~ added "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, are you going to confess to someone?" "Ahhh that!" Kai said, and then he added "I have a special someone I like but she likes someone else." I like you Lee ~~~~~ but you like Tao he thought to himself. While he continued to walk with a smile, which left her dumbfounded at whom he was going to confess. She snapped out of her thoughts and caught up to him.


Lee ~~~~~ nudged Kai with her elbow, and when he looked she wiggled her eyebrows making him chuckle, "Who's the special girl?" "Just someone" The special girl is you Lee ~~~~~; he thought and picked up his pace.  "Are you going to ask her to the Valentine's ball tomorrow night?" she yelled. As there was a Valentines ball Saturday night that the school made for the students to celebrate with their Valentine's date and single people just to party with friends. "Maybe!" he yelled back smirking not looking back.


Changing the subject Kai added "What about you, are you going to confess to Tao?", as he turned around and started to walking backwards. "Umm...maybe" Lee ~~~~~ said with a mischievous smirk as skid passed Kai. That last thing she said hurt Kai because she is for sure to confess to Tao tomorrow, making him lose his chance to confess to her and not asking her to the Valentine's ball, he thought letting out a sigh.


The rest of the way to Lee ~~~~~’s house was silent. Once they reached her house they bid their goodbye before she went inside.

First Chapter up! It's kind of a boring chapter because I want to introduce the characters, BUT i hope you like i! :D If you are an Inspirit and your bias Myungsoo please check out my first fanfic "The Resolution"! 

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Egg-yeols0911 #1
Chapter 3: Please update soon :)
update fast......
Lisa_lp10 #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^