Epilogue Part 01 (Sequel to Ending Page)

From the Old and Torn Portfolio
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Jinri finds a surprise once she enters her room. Eyes note Soojung curled up in her bed, a familiar black notebook in her hand. The figure at the threshold hesitates as she observes Soojung’s vulnerable state, but after a few moments, she calmly saunters towards the bed. Cautiously taking the notebook from Soojung’s limp hand, Jinri skims through her scribbles. Eyes widen upon registering the song that Soojung had chanced upon.


Breath hitches as Jinri recognizes the ode she had written after Soojung had departed from her without a word of caution. Jinri shifts her attention over to the bundle on her bed, a deep sigh escapes her lips as she notes the dried up tears on Soojung’s face. She sets the notebook down on her desk before she changes into her nightgown, not minding if Soojung wakes up to find her in a state of undress.


Jinri sits on the bed after changing to her pajamas, hand hesitantly brushing Soojung’s dark long locks as she watches the other woman sleep. A soft whimper escapes Soojung’s lips and Jinri stops in her ministrations, worry setting over her face as she observes the young woman shift in her position. Noting that her partner is now in deep slumber, Jinri moves to make Soojung comfortable in bed. She pulls the blanket over to Soojung’s body, tucking her in the warmth of the comforter before she slips into bed, occupying the other side.


Eyes trace the contours of Soojung’s face and Jinri realizes how Soojung remains the same old person she has fallen in love with. She watches Soojung sleep, noting the moonbeams highlighting Soojung’s serene face. Jinri’s thoughts wander back to their shared past before sleep overtakes her and leaves her queries and worries unanswered.




Soojung stirs from her sleep, turning to her side. She freezes upon feeling another warm body right next to her. Her arm registers the familiar warmth that she used to revel in and Soojung realizes that she has invaded Jinri’s personal space last night. Not only that, but she also invaded Jinri’s privacy.


Jinri stirs from her position, making Soojung freeze. Eyes widen as Jinri turns to face her. Soojung closes her eyes, pretending to sleep. She tries to relax and even her breathing as she feels Jinri move. The blankets shuffle as Jinri moves about on the bed. Soojung could feel eyes upon her and she fights the urge to open them out of curiosity. She almost flinches when she feels Jinri’s breath close to her face.


“I know you’re up.” Jinri’s whisper sends shivers down her spine. Soojung opens her eyes, pupils dilate upon registering Jinri’s face up close. Jinri’s dark orbs sends shivers down her spine. She feels under the gaze. Soojung shifts in her position, mumbling under her breath, “I-I’m sorry.” And without another word, Soojung slips off the bed and ambles outside the room leaving Jinri to her thoughts.


Soojung goes about her daily routine, reporting for work and brainstorming with colleagues. Despite the busy day, her mind still drifts back to that awkward morning she had with Jinri. It had been embarrassing enough to end up sleeping in Jinri’s bed without the latter’s consent, but she felt more embarrassed after having been caught pretending to sleep. She does not know how to face other woman now.




Jinri sits at the studio; eyes staring blankly at the sheets of paper before her. Inspiration seems to be eluding her today as she scribbles and crosses out the lyrics of a new song. Sighing, she stands up and decides on grabbing some of liquor from a nearby convenient store. She cannot concentrate in the lyrical construction despite having been hearing the composed music on constant repeat. She concludes that if she cannot manage to be a bit poetic while sober, she might have a chance to come up with the lines while drunk.


She meets a few artists along the way, nodding at their greetings as she heads out of the building. The guards greet her as she makes her exit before weaving her way past dedicated fans of the different artists in the company’s arsenal. Nobody acknowledges her as the person behind their favorite artists’ hits and she does not mind the ignorance; reveling in it instead, because she still had the freedom that no celebrity could have.


Jinri steps foot into the convenient store, feet taking her to the liquor section. Hands hover over some cans of Heineken before fingers wrap around the cold metal. She picks out three cans before grabbing some snacks from

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Whew! Finally managed to slip in an update here. :3 How's everyone? I'm not entirely back, but I'm going to update on my pace since I've been more than swamped for the past few months.


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Chapter 9: Thank you for making a prequel of Meeting the Jungs 😍 it was nice to read more about their relationship. ALSO KRYSTAL DHHDHJBDSKSI NOT HER ASKING THAT 😭
Chapter 8: I’m crying LOL “a soccer team of babies” 😅🤣
Chapter 7: I love the songs that you choose for noraebang hehe <3
Chapter 6: I love this prompt. Karaoke with besties is so wholesome.
Chapter 5: Aw this was cute <3 I liked their interactions and dialogues hehe
Chapter 4: Also, the image doesn't load for some reason? I have to open it in a new tab to see it, but I saw it, and I love that you chose that photo for the painting <3
Chapter 4: The quote by Picasso is perfect for setting the tone. Regrettably, I've never read it until now, so I'm glad I did. I might have to save that. I also ADORE this AU. It reminds me of "Portrait of Lady on Fire" (an amazing French movie. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it), but this story came first?? Wow, I love interactions between Jessica and Tiffany so much. I'll have to come back and reread this story. This was beautifully written.
Chapter 3: I need a pirate!snsd au right now...
Chapter 2: This is so sweet. Friends can be indeed our family too.