A Sports Wreck

My Badminton Love Story

"Okay, let's start the training." Wooyoung-oppa told me.

"Follow me." He said, starting to warm up. First the head, then down to the feet.


"Okay, now jog around all eight courts 5 times." He said, stretching his back.

I looked at him with wide eyes.


"What?" I said, in a tone that almost sounded like exasperation.


"You heard me." He faced the courts and made a circular motion which he ended by pointing to me, then to the court.


I sighed.


"Do well, no cheating." He smiled.


I started jogging. Halfway through my second round, I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

I passed by him.


"Wooyoung-oppa, I can't do this anymore." I said with deep breaths.


He sighed, then smiled.

"Well, work on your jogging. Five minutes water break." He said, handing me a bottle of mineral water.


"Thank you." I said, taking the bottle and opening the cap. I took a small sip as I watched the other players in different courts but one person caught my eye.


He jumped high and hit the ball. The return made a crisp sound, loud and clear, it could be heard throughout the whole building.


I didn't notice but Wooyoung-oppa was also looking at him.


"That's Junho." He said. "He's the only player I'm not able to beat."


I looked at him. I think he felt my gaze cause he looked at me, then smiled.

"Let's start, shall we?" He asked.


"Ne, but I better warn you, I'm a HUGE sports wreck." I said, confessing.


"We'll work something out." He said, walking to the center of the court.




The main image is the place where I play badminton. I found it online >.<

It's taken from Court #8, which is directly across Court #1.

I guess you guys can imagine how it looks like, ne?

The two holes lead to the (L,R) Women's and Men's Locker rooms.

The blue clothe above prevents shuttlecocks from going into opposite courts.


What Junho did is a jumpshot. You jump first, then hit the ball. It gives shorter players a chance to fight fairly against taller players but they're unlucky if they play against tall players who can jump high. Jumpshots are really hard to learn. Those that have mastered this are usually ex-basketball players.

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baboyeoja #1
@taeckhun_cess - well, love is fun if it's tricky :">
2100gv #2
o keep on thinking if junho or khun is the lead..hahaha<br />
so curious..<br />
but i hope it's nichkhun!!hahhaahaha<br />
fighting!!<br />
baboyeoja #3
XD, keep guessing :D
i think that is Junho..errmmm...or Nickhun !!!
2100gv #5
wait..who is that guy??!!!! hahahah..<br />
eager to see the next chapter!
baboyeoja #6
@mehmeh - yeah. It is easier to imagine if you've tried playing and already know the terms >.>
mehmeh #7
hehehe cutee i love all these scenes<br />
im a badminton player so its easier for me to imagine all this hahah<br />
updaet soon :]
2100gv #8
woah!!! haha.taec is crazyyyyy..always laughing!!what's funny..hahahahha..kidding..<br />
i love taecyeon ssi..hahahhaha..btw..good job!!<br />
TAECYEON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
baboyeoja #10
@taeckhun_cess, Khun's scene<br />
<br />
@sofmin - I decided to increase the pace of the story so that the other people's scenes will come faster. :)