My Trainer

My Badminton Love Story

"Yunhee! Let's go now!" Mom called me. I could hear some excitement in her voice.


She appeared infront of my door wearing a light blue tennis skirt and a white collared sports blouse, finished off with badminton shoes.


"Don't let yourself die indoors. " She said jokingly.


"Fine." I said, giving in to her pleas. At least this would stop her and keep her quiet for awhile.


I got dressed in a white shirt and black cycling shorts with shoes that have non-marking soles. Shoes with marking soles aren't allowed in the badminton court, mom always says.


I went out and saw dad, mom and oppa are all dressed and ready to go.


Dad grabbed the car keys.

"Let's go." He said.




We arrived at the sports complex. It was really big and a lot of people were playing.

Almost all of the courts already have players on it.


"We're going to play on court #4." Mom said.


I looked at the numbers on top of every court. Court #4 was the farthest court.

I was so happy. Because it was at the end, people won't be able to look at my fail. I told myself.


We walked passed courts 1, 2 and 3. The players would sometimes step at the end of the Taraflex flooring which is why I felt that I would be hit by them. I walked to the other side, near the benches, out of fear of getting hit.


I accidentally slipped on someone's foot because I wasn't looking at where I was going. I was trying to be cautious so that I won't get hit.


I looked back and a cute man looked at me and smiled.

I looked at him, too.


"Sorry." I said, sweat dropping from my forehead.


"It's okay. Just look where you are going next time." He smiled.


"Ne." I bowed, and continued walking.


I feel really embarrassed.


We reached court #4, safely. Dad and oppa started playing on the court and mom went to the restroom.

I sat down on the bench and looked at the adjacent court, court #3.


The cute man was there playing, together with other men.

They look so amazing, I was breath-taken.

On the cute man's back, I could read




in big letters.


'I wonder what N stands for.' I thought to myself, still watching them play.


Mom came back from the restroom and sat beside me.


"Enjoy watching?" She asked me, looking in the same direction I was.


"Ne." I said.


"Want to learn to play like that?" She asked.


"Maybe." I said, obviously unsure of myself.


"Then, try." She looked at me.


The players on court #3 stopped playing and went to sit down on the benches.

Mom stood up and grabbed my hand, forcing me to stand, too.

We walked to court #3, which was very near. Just around 4 or 5 steps away.


"Wooyoung-sshi, my daughter wants to train." She said, looking at a man who was drinking water.


"Okay. Just text me for my schedule." He said, looking at me.

"I'll give you my number." He said, reaching for his phone.


"Just input your number, then I'll send you a call so you can save mine." He said, handing his phone to mom.


"Yunhee, you give your number." She said. I looked at her before getting Wooyoung's phone.


I looked at his phone. A picture of a cute young girl was there. It made me smile.

I typed my number in and saved it.


"That's my daughter." Wooyoung said, scratching the back of his head.


"Cute." I smiled at him, handing him back his phone.


"Thank you." He said, pressing a few buttons on his phone.

"Yunhee, right?" He asked, looking at me.


"Ne." I said. I felt my phone vibrate suddenly.

"Ah, I got it. Thank you." I said, pressing 'decline' on my phone.


"Wooyoung-sshi, right?" I asked him.


"Just call me oppa, I feel so old." He laughed.


"Wooyoung-oppa." I said, trying it out.


He smiled.


"Just text me when you want to have your training sessions." He said. "I have to return to the game now."


"Ne. Thank you." I said, watching the four men go into court and start a new set.



Taraflex - a brand of sports flooring. You may only use gum sole shoes or shoes with non-marking soles on these kind of floorings. The one they use in badminton is commonly green.



Game - composed of sets. Usually 3 sets. The first team/player to win 2 games out of 3 win a game. There are other kinds of games like best of 5 sets, best of 7 sets, race to 5 sets, etc.


Set - composes a game.


The main image for this chapter is a badminton court, with it's dimensions and the purposes of the lines :)


If there are other terms you don't understand, please feel free to ask me. I'll be sure to include in the next chapters, or I'll answer in the comments below :)

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baboyeoja #1
@taeckhun_cess - well, love is fun if it's tricky :">
2100gv #2
o keep on thinking if junho or khun is the lead..hahaha<br />
so curious..<br />
but i hope it's nichkhun!!hahhaahaha<br />
fighting!!<br />
baboyeoja #3
XD, keep guessing :D
i think that is Junho..errmmm...or Nickhun !!!
2100gv #5
wait..who is that guy??!!!! hahahah..<br />
eager to see the next chapter!
baboyeoja #6
@mehmeh - yeah. It is easier to imagine if you've tried playing and already know the terms >.>
mehmeh #7
hehehe cutee i love all these scenes<br />
im a badminton player so its easier for me to imagine all this hahah<br />
updaet soon :]
2100gv #8
woah!!! haha.taec is crazyyyyy..always laughing!!what's funny..hahahahha..kidding..<br />
i love taecyeon ssi..hahahhaha..btw..good job!!<br />
TAECYEON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
baboyeoja #10
@taeckhun_cess, Khun's scene<br />
<br />
@sofmin - I decided to increase the pace of the story so that the other people's scenes will come faster. :)