Less Lonely

Begin Again.


Jieun found herself lying down on a grass. They were at the back portion of the third building. After being convinced that the grass was clean she took the offer, after all she can’t afford to say no to someone who stood up for her. If the sight of that grand library made her feel alive then she doesn’t know how to describe the feeling that she got when Mr. Blonde Guy stood up for her.

Maybe she felt like for the first time someone finally found her.

“Sorry for dragging you here. You must have missed your class right now.”

Oh crap. She forgot that she still has a class left after the break but she didn’t want to leave after being comfortable lying down on the grass.

“It’s fine.” She responded. This is my first time to ditch a class.

“I wanted to ask you something but I forgot what I wanted to ask.” He closed his eyes as if remembering what he wanted to ask.

“Oh! That’s it!” He beamed cheerfully, startling me a bit. “I forgot to ask your name. I’m Moon Jongup. Or if you’d like to, you can call me cheetos or Mr. Cheetos.” He stood up and offered his hand for her to stand up too.

Mr. Cheetos? How ridiculous. She chuckle a bit thinking how someone can call himself like that.

“Cheetos?” She asked suddenly curious why.

He rolled up his other sleeve and did an act of carrying a barbell and said “They all said that my arms are like cheetos.” He awkwardly laughed after she raised her brow and chuckled.

“Hey you didn’t tell me your name yet.” He said while offering his hand for me to shake afterwards.

“I’m Han Jieun.” She replied with a smile on her face and shook his hands.

The moment their hands touched, she felt a strange hint of electricity. Her heart was not in its regular beat and she felt that it stopped for milliseconds when he smiled at her. Suddenly she didn’t want to meet his gaze; she thought she had gone mad. She quickly retrieved her hand and started walking away from him.

Oh god what’s wrong with me? She felt her cheeks suddenly heat up and her knees getting suddenly wobbly.

“Hey!” He shouted from afar. “Where are you going?” He was now suddenly beside her. Following her and felt really worried when she suddenly left after she shook hands with him.

She didn’t bother to answer him instead she continued walking as if she hadn’t heard him. Jongup held her shoulder making her turn to face him. He looked directly into her eyes and said “If you don’t mind I have something to give you. Ahh it will be helpful to you. C’mon.” Then he held her hands and walked towards the bench that was placed beside a large tree. He let go of her hands and motioned for her to sit down at the bench. He then sat down at the ground, grabbed a pen and paper from his bag and started to draw something of what looks like a map.

It took him minutes before he was finally done and sat down beside her and said “I drew this for you. Don’t think of it the bad way though. And forgive my drawing skills.”

What? Do I really look that lost? But instead of getting mad at him she was grateful instead. Even though he knew that his drawing skills were not that good, he still drew this out for her. So this is how it feels like when somebody cares for you. She thought to herself.

“You know what? I felt offended.” She lied and continued “Thanks anyway.” and smiled sincerely at him.

He felt relieved after she smiled at him and realized that she was only kidding about the offended part.

“I felt like I’ve known you for years.” He said in a serious tone.

“We’ve just met today.” She responded.

“I know right.” He said while smiling a bit. But she felt happy that he meant he was comfortable with her.

How I wish we met each other long time ago by then I wouldn’t feel so lonely all these years.



“Dad I’m home.” She called out as she entered their house. Her body was exhausted but she really felt happy inside. She was never been this happy before and she couldn’t believe that it doesn’t have anything to do with her studies or her family. She was feeling a bit weird inside though.

She found her brother on the living room doing his assignments. Her brother Junhong turned 10 yesterday and she was feeling a bit sad that his fast growing up. She was afraid that when the time comes when he’s all grown up, he would distance himself from her. Her mom works away from their place and since then, she took the role of being a mother for Junhong.

She messed up his hair and asked “Junhong-ah. Have you eaten yet?”

“Yes.” He replied flatly. This is what she was talking about earlier. She knew that this would happen because she can see herself in him. She was just like her brother when she was young.

“Tell me if you need help okay? Where’s dad by the way?”

“He’s at the kitchen.”She was about to stand up when her brother spoke again “By the way mom called. She said she wants you to force dad to get back to his work again. She also asked if you have someone that you like now.”

“What? What did you answer her?”  Omo. Does mom thinks that she’s leaving her studies behind? But she was certain that she’s still at the top of their class.

“I told her that I don’t know.”

“Ok.” She responded and made her way towards the kitchen. Ahh, I smell black bean noodles. She felt delighted the moment she saw her dad cooking her favorite dish. She hugged her dad from behind and said “Appa. You cooked my favorite dish. ” She sat down and waited for her dad to finish.

“That’s because I don’t want you to force me to get back to my work.” He said as he placed the dish in front her.

“Pfft. Bribery.” She chuckled and reached out for the food and continued “But appa, why won’t you come back to your work? It’s been a week.”

He sat down in front of her and said “That’s only because…” he trailed off and continued afterwards “Aren’t you two lonely?” He asked as sadness became visible in his eyes.

She was never mad at her parents for leaving them. When her mother started working away from home when she was young, she never felt the urge to stop her. She understood well that it was all for her and her brother. Her father, who started working two years ago and would often come home late, was never a big deal to her. Instead, she felt worried for her father and mother. If only she could grow up fast, she will definitely get a job that can support their family without her umma and appa working.

“Lonely?” She repeated the question and was surprised that the image of that blonde guy flashed on her mind. She felt her cheeks were starting to heat up.

“Appa, don’t worry about us.” She added and smiled sincerely to her father. She’s not sure why, but she got the feeling that she would never feel lonely anymore.

Perhaps because she met someone who helped her realize that there will always be someone who would come around and would make you feel less lonely.



Sorry for updating REALLY REALLY late. Been busy with school :(

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I'm working on it. Sorry :(


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Chapter 4: what the ASDFGHJKL heck is their problem? Why do they need to separate the two of them?! T^T update again, ok?! xDD I wanna know what happens next~ ohohoho
Chapter 3: I love this story update soon author-nim :)) Jongup's cheetos, fighting!!
Chapter 3: Jongup confessed~!!! :DD
Jieun should say YES!! Haha~ xD
update again~
Chapter 2: Just finished reading chapter 2~ keke. she feels less lonely now because of JongUp! ^^
Update soon~!!
Chapter 1: Kyeeeh! Blonde hair guy, that was so sweet of you! <3 <3 and for those 3 es-ugly , ____ off!! anyway, this is so good! Update Author, Pleaash? :3 Thanks! :))
Chapter 1: Nice start! Can't wait to read more! :)
yey~ UPDATE SOON AuthorNIM! xD