Lost and Found

Begin Again.

Jieun was lost again. It has been a month since she entered this university as a college freshman yet she was still not able to familiarize the place that much. It surely even annoyed her more that she still can’t able to locate the library after hours of finding it. Sure she is the smartest student in their class but when it comes to directions, she will always become a lost puppy.

Maybe I’m not lost all. Maybe the library magically vanished. She thought to herself. She’d be glad if it really did because up until now she’s the least person to admit that she’s dumb with directions.

She stopped and realized that she had been here awhile ago. She knew that because of that blonde guy leaning his back on the wall with his eyes closed. He’s weird. She thought so.

Try asking? A part of her mind suggested. She let out a sigh and answered herself with a NO. Because even if she would try to ask that blonde guy over there or anyone from this school, she’s not sure if anyone would even dare to answer her. She knew her image well.

Everyone thinks she’s cocky, cold and self-centered. It doesn’t matter though. She’s immune to it.

“Lost?” someone said in a cheerful voice. She looked around and remembered that it was only her and the blonde guy at that place.

But… was it really him? She thought that it doesn’t seem to be him because he was still leaning his back on the wall, eyes closed and arms crossed on his chest. He actually looked like he had fallen asleep with that kind of position. Really weird, huh. She muttered to herself.

Jieun stared at him. Still having a doubt if it was really the blonde guy who spoke. When she was about to give up wondering if it was really him, the blonde guy suddenly opened his eyes and smiled.

She froze. Never in her whole life was she moved just because of a smile especially that it came from a guy and worst – a stranger.

But she wondered if there would be anyone who would not be moved with that smile. His smile shows innocence and cheerfulness. It feels like heaven. Probably anyone would be cheered up instantly with his smile.

Just what the hell am I thinking now? She scolded herself.

He was making his way towards the spot where she was standing. Not to mention, she was frozen.

“Hey” he said in a soft voice and added an awkward smile after.

Did he just talk to me? Jieun couldn’t believe that the blonde guy bothered to talk to her. Usually, people would avoid her. Not just usually but perhaps all the time.

She gave out a questioning look. Why? Why would he even bother talk to me? Why not avoid me like everyone does? She wanted to ask him that.

“Uhm, you see.  You’ve been going here back and forth. You’re honestly making me dizzy.” He chuckled and continued “Perhaps you’re lost?”

She raised her right brow and asked “Are you making fun of me being lost?” So that’s it. He was just making fun of her. She thought that someone whose kind enough to consider that she’s not really the person everyone thought of her, finally came. But of course she was definitely wrong. He’s not the person she’s been hoping for.

“No! No!” He exclaimed and raised both of his hands. “I’m not making fun of you. I’m here to help.” Like his smile, his face was purely innocent. Jieun had the chance to study his face. She couldn’t believe that she was seeing a face as angelic as his. She didn’t even think that people with that kind of face still exist.

“I believe you.” She responded.

“So… what were you looking for?” He smiled cheerfully, his eyes twinkling. He honestly looked so eager to help her out.

“The map posted at the bulletin board clearly says that the library is placed at this building but I can’t seem to find it.” Her face went pink; she couldn’t believe that even if she followed the map she was still not able to find that damn library.

“Oh that’s why. The library was transferred at the next building. That map was from last year. Didn’t you see the date under?” He asked innocently. It’s hard to see if he was lying because his face no matter how hard you stare at it, it showed nothing but innocence. He’s really telling the truth then.

“Oh I didn’t.  So can you tell me where to locate it at the next building?”

His face brightened and cheerfully answered “I’ll take you there!”

She went pink. She was not used to this kindness. “No! You don’t have to. Really.”

“I insist. Please let me?” His eyes were pleading. It was kind of hard to say no.

She nodded and looked away from him. She got the feeling that her cheeks were heating up.

“Yes!” he beamed enthusiastically. “Let’s go then!”  He grinned widely and once again she felt like she was in heaven.



Whoa. She couldn’t believe how big the library is. Look at all those books! Well what would she expect from this prestigious university, of course a grand library. She was feeling so alive. Just when she was about to pick up a book, someone from behind her talked. She almost forgot the existence of that blonde guy who helped and insisted to lead her all the way here.

“You’re a freshman student right?” He asked well not really asking but confirming instead.

“Yes.” She answered back flatly.

“It’s been a month since we’re here. How come you didn’t find your way here?” He asked.

“I’ve been really busy.” She lied. It’s more like she was busy being lost.

 “Oh.” He gasped. Is it really that terrible being busy even for the first month here? She thought to herself. Maybe this guy was into being busy having fun.

But even before they could continue their conversation (if there was really) there were three girls who approached them. Not them, it’s more like they were after him.

“Oppa, we were looking for you the whole time.” The one at the right side said.

“Yeah oppa.” The girl at the left agreed and pouted.

“Why are you with that selfish study bug?” The girl at the middle wearing a sleeveless floral dress plus a horrible pair of high heels with a paint (oh sorry I meant makeup not paint) on her face said in disgust then the three of them let out a horrible laugh after. They were mocking her.

Oh right. I forgot how unforgiving it is for them to see me not alone. God, she couldn’t understand why she was labeled as cocky, cold and self-centered. Did my face really define it? She admits that sometimes she’s self-centered, only because she wanted to be at the top when it comes to studies. She wanted her mother to be proud at her. Cocky? That is only because she is confident about her studies. This is the only thing that she was sure of, is that so bad? Cold? She wouldn’t be if only you people would try to reach out to her! All these time she was just misunderstood but she knows that it would only be a waste of time to defend herself. They wouldn’t listen, that’s for sure.

She was too busy thinking about all those stuffs that she didn’t realize that the blonde guy was already holding her hand.  She was surprised. She wanted to let go of his hand but he was holding it tightly. She looked at him and realized that the bright face of the blonde guy went dim. His eyes looked so deadly.

“It is such a shame that we need to leave this place right now. Didn’t I mention? I don’t like people who like to make fun of others just to make them feel better of themselves.” He said while faking a smile then dragged her away.

She doesn’t know where they’re going but she felt grateful that he dragged her away from that place and for the first time she realized how nice it is to have someone to stand for you.



Sorry for posting Chapter 1 this late TT.TT 
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I'm working on it. Sorry :(


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Chapter 4: what the ASDFGHJKL heck is their problem? Why do they need to separate the two of them?! T^T update again, ok?! xDD I wanna know what happens next~ ohohoho
Chapter 3: I love this story update soon author-nim :)) Jongup's cheetos, fighting!!
Chapter 3: Jongup confessed~!!! :DD
Jieun should say YES!! Haha~ xD
update again~
Chapter 2: Just finished reading chapter 2~ keke. she feels less lonely now because of JongUp! ^^
Update soon~!!
Chapter 1: Kyeeeh! Blonde hair guy, that was so sweet of you! <3 <3 and for those 3 es-ugly , ____ off!! anyway, this is so good! Update Author, Pleaash? :3 Thanks! :))
Chapter 1: Nice start! Can't wait to read more! :)
yey~ UPDATE SOON AuthorNIM! xD