Seoung High

My Loveless Devil


They threw my luggage on the front step and walk off. I was on the front door of the house. I didn't know what to do. The two guys was the gate looking back straight at me expecting me to ring the bell. I took a step left they followed me. I stood still for five minutes straight. I just stood there not willing to ring the bell but my leg started to hurt. When I thought I would give up my hand reach for the door. The door flew open and a shadow flash past me. I fell onto the ground. I turned back it was a guy who knock me down for which I couldn't see his face. All I see was his back then he drove his motorcycle off. I got back up and my jean was dirty. I tried to wiped it off before I would took my first step inside wanting to know why I am here for. A lady came towards me and grab my luggage.

"Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee is upstair waiting in the living room for you," said the lady.

" Oh..," replied Han Ji hye. ( I would go if I only know where the living room is. This house is big how would I know which one if the living room.)

" Follow me" said the lady. She knew I was confuse by the way I replied and looking to the left and right. " Here this the living room" She showed me the way. She looked like a fairy so elegant and polite.

" Kamsahanida. I was sort of angry but somehow luxury had blinded my eyes I guess because I haven't see it ever. Although I would still choose to go back instead of being here," Han Ji hye enter the room and there was two people sitting of the table laughing drinking coffee.

" You are?," the woman asked.

" I am Han Ji hye. I am from.."

" Oh my new daughter-in-law. That's right. I forgot. Yobo this is the girl," said the woman walking around me smirking. " She is just perfect"

" If that is what you say. I think it would be the best for Jun ki to. He needs someone to cool him down and a lady is always the best. I'll rest. I'm kind of tired," said the old guy.

" Yeh. Ga in ah!" yelled the woman.

The same lady that I saw rushed in.

" Yes Madam?"

" Take Mr. Lee to his bedroom and give him his medicine," command the woman.

" Yeh," replied Ga in.

Just when they left the room the lady came straight to me and looked at my face. She grabbed my chin and turn right then left. All of the suddenly she laugh. An evil laugh.

The lady then said," He deserves it!"

" Uhm. What did you say before? I am the new wife of who?" asked Han Ji hye. ( Stupid of me I shouldn't ask that question. This woman looks like she can strangle me to death)

" I can explain and my name is Mrs. Lee!. You are here because your mom and dad trade you for money. The main thing is you're here to marry to my step son. You'll be his wife and forever on. If you try to escape you will go to prison with your parents for stealing my money, but it is not that bad here. You get to go to a rich school and have the luxury you want. Aren't you lucky? Stay as a good child and I won't hurt you. Araso?" I nodded. "Ga in will show you to your room so stay here and wait for Ga in to show you where you will be sleeping. I am just enjoying this!" Mrs. Lee left the room with me alone.

" I can't believe this could happen. This woman is scary and within a day I am someone's wife. I don't even know this guy. What is wrong with me." Tears flew down on my face somehow I couldn't stop it so I tried to look up and while walking around.

" What are you doing?"

" Uhm nothing.. You're name is Ga in right? Well I am Han Ji hye," han Ji hye put her hand out.

" My name is Chae Ga in" She tilted her head then lead the way. " Follow me"

" Yeh," Han Ji hye followed her.

Ga in went outside and there was another house back of the house.

" Whose house is that?"

" That is Mr. Lee's Son. They live in different houses because somehow arguments intend to occur whenever they are around each other," said Ga in.

" Oh," Han Ji hye looked around around the house and there is mostly guards every where.

" Here is your house key. The bicycle is right over there by the parking lot so ride it to school tomorrow. The school is near so it won't be long before you reach there. If you have any questions you can come and ask for me. Kamsanamida," Ga in said it like she says it for several times. " Oh and Mrs. Lee if you tried to escape think about it carefully. It is not that easy. Well see you tomorrow"

" Bye..hehe. But wait which room is mine?" shouted Han Ji hye.

" Pick!" Ga in rushed away.

" I am still in shock. I just got sell away to a step mother and,..and I..I.. I just ended here?! Omg someone is pulling a prank on me. Okay I know someone is going to jump out and said just kidding. This is just all a joke. Right?.. hehehe. Hurry up and come out!" Han Ji hye cried infront of the porch.

" Not long enough I stop crying. I decided to be a woman and take things as they are. It is fate and I can't change it. I can't believe I gave myself in. I tried to tell myself that it is going to be okay. It is better than going back to see my fosters parents again. Icanm't face them. I felt betrayed. So I am here now so why don't I take advantage of this. The son may had runaway and never come back and I get to live happily ever after again. Yeh! Me!" said Han Ji hye who fanaticize about many possibilities could happen.

Han Ji hye wonder around the house. It had thre bedrooms with one kitchen and one living room. It was like every regular houses that you would see in Korean Dramas. The bathrooms was big. It could fit a king sized bed in the bathroom itself.

" This room is filled with stuff. I suggest this room must be taken and I have the other room," Han Ji hye walked out the door and bump into the joors a picture fell. " Who is this beautiful girl. She is stunning. If I turn my face at a certain again I probally I may look like her... Hum we sort look alike I think. Well not mine." Han Ji hye put the picture down on top of the joor.

Han Ji hye open one of the bedrooms and picked it.

" Lets not unpack yet. I am not sure what could happen next." said Han Ji hye.

The door bell ring.

" I'm coming," Han Ji hye ran to the door.

" Here is your school clothes. There is some food in refridgerator so I hope you know how to cook," Ga in smirk and left.

Han Ji hye closed the door and open the uniform outfits.

" I hope you know how to cook? I know how just that some may not taste too good. Huh! Well lets look at my uniform, from Seoung High? Seoung High! Seoung High!! I going to the school with the 50 top hottest students. I am so lucky but wait.. I am married. Ahh!!!"

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wow a fic from 2009 LOL
shalugaya #3
Chapter 2: Please Update soon
please update sooon <3
seems interesting
update soon pls! (:
i like the story so far!
zeeyzaa #8
update soon^^
Ah. I really want the romance between Jun Ki and Ji Hye to begin. Please update soon. What a miserable life Ji Hye has to go through. :c