

Fay Linn was walking to the dorm. The group was done for today and she had a date with Kwang Yeon. They would go to dinner and then go and see a movie. She was really looking forward to this date. She had worked hard today and needed some fun! But first she needed to change her outfit. She couldn't wear her sweaty practice clothes to their 3 month anniversary date! Three months already! Seemed like only yesterday to Fay Linn. But that's because they both have a very busy schedule and can't see each other a lot. But they text a lot during the day and they always call each other before they go to bed. Yes, it had been three months already, but when she thought of Kwang Yeon, she would still feel the butterflies in her stomach, just like the first time......

Fay Linn was walking back and forth in the girls dressing room. She was very nervous, this was the first time that their band would perform live. They were going to play and sing along with Big Bang during their song "Oh my friend". It was a Korean music festival in Seoul and YG decided that they were ready for their first try. Fay Linn was less sure. Yes, she knew the song by heart and they only had to sing along during the chorus, but still. For the first time, a live performance. And this was a really big festival, a couple thousand people would be looking at them. "Fay Linn, please stop walking in circles and sit down, you are making me even more nervous!" Yun Hee said. "Sorry unni" Fay Linn replied and sat down on a chair next to the door. Gi Mei, Moon Gi and Yun Hee were getting their hair and make up done. Jung Mi and herself would be next. Jung Mi was drumming on some pillows on the couch and humming to herself. Fay Linn just sat there and looked at her fellow band members. They all looked so relaxed. She decided that she couldn't sit still. "I'm going to the bathroom" she said and walked out the room.

It was early in the morning, around 9am. The hallway looked deserted. The festival would start at 2 pm, but Big Bang wouldn't play until 6 pm. They did have a soundcheck planned at 11 am, but until then, there wasn't much to do. Fay Linn was thinking about their day ahead while she was walking to the bathroom, she rounded a corner and bumped in to somebody. She was hit with such a brute force, that she fell on the ground. "Ouch!" When she looked up, she looked in the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. "Oh, I'm so sorry" a male voice said. Fay Linn could only stare into those breathtaking eyes, she felt hypnotized. "Are you alright?" the voice asked again, sounded worried. Fay Linn swallowed and managed to get a "yeah" out of . She blinked a couple of times and now the whole body of the voice came in to view. He was standing over her, reaching out his hand to help her up. Not only his eyes were breathtaking, this guy was stunning! He did look kinda familiar. She took his hand and stood up. They guy kept holding her hand and looked at her. "Are you sure you're allright?" She looked at their hands and then back at the guy again. Her cheeks started turning red hot. She looked away and took a step back, pulling her hand out of his grip. "Yeah, I'm fine" she said softly. "I must get back to the dressingroom, an yong ha se ho". She bowed and without even looking at the guy again, she walked back down the hallway. Her heart was beating fast and she was breathing heavily.

When she returned to the dressing room, Jung Mi looked at her. "You're back quick?!". All Fay Linn could do was nod and force a smile. She sat down on the chair near the door and shut her eyes. She could still see those piercing eyes. After a while her heart slowed down and her breathing went back to normal. Soon it was Jung Mi's and her turn to sit in the make up chair. They all had different kind of outfits on, but all the outfits had the same matching rainbow colors. Fay Linn was wearing a short rainbow skirt, a white tank top, rainbow kneesocks, black boots with blue laces, blue bracelets on one arm and a rainbow sleeve on the other. She loved her outfit. Her hair got braided in to two pigtails. After her make up was done as well, it was time for the soundcheck.

Fay Linn grapped her bass and followed the girls to the stage. As she walked out the building and on to the field, she looked up at the stage and got scared again. The field was huge and the stage so high up. She climbed the stairs looking down and trying to calm down. "Dong Seng, you better watch were you're walking, these steps are kinda high. You don't want to fall right before the show!" Fay Linn looked up and saw GD at the top of the stairs, smiling his boyish smile. "Ah, Sunbaenim. Sorry, I think I got distracted. I will watch out more, sorry", Fay Linn bowed, while walking up the last steps. When she stood next to GD she looked at him. "Are you allright Sunbaenim? Did you have a good night sleep?" "Yes Fay Linn, I am well rested and ready for the show. Are you nervous?" Fay Linn looked down again, blushing. "Yes, very nervous". "Don't be, you are very talented, and you know the song by heart", GD said. "Just play and have fun, Dongseng!" GD smiled, turned around and walked towards the front of the stage. Fay Linn walked to her spot. to plug in her bass. The sound check went well and she got a bit more confident.

The girls rested the rest of the day, waiting until it was time for them to perform. They just sat or lay on the big couch in the dressing room. Some of them read a book, some wrote letters to family members or just listened to music with their headphones on. Way too soon it seemed, it was time to head down the field. They stood backstage and they did their last check ups. There was a band playing on stage and they sounded really good. Gi Mei smiled at Fay Linn and nodded toward the stage. Fay Linn followed the glance of Gi Mei and saw 5 guys on stage. And while she stood there looking at those guys, she recognised the song. It was "Run to me" by LEDapple. And there on the other side of the stage, was the guy she bumped into this morning. Of course, she thought he looked familair. He was the bass guitar player of LEDapple. How could she have forgotten that. She was a big LEDapple fan. The guys were almost at the end of the song and Fay Linn went back on checking her bass guitar. But as she tried to plug her bass in to the amp, she noticed that the input of her bass was hanging out. How could that happen? What could she do? She couldn't fix that in time of the show! Fay Linn walked to Gi Mei and told her the problem. And as Gi Mei and Fay Linn were discussing the options they didn't have, the song on stage came to an end. In about a minute, they had to get up there. The guys of LEDapple came backstage and the girls heard the announcer asking the crowd for an applause. Gi Mei asked GD what to do and soon a guy from the technical team stood beside them, inspecting Fay Linn's bass. But as she already told them, it couldn't be fixed in a few seconds. Fay Linn looked around the room to the other girls, but instead found a pair of piercing eyes staring at her. It was the bass guitar player of LEDapple. "Kwang Yeon" Fay Linn remembered now. As he looked at her, he took a step towards her and asked "What's the problem?". GD, who was still standing next to Fay Linn replied, "The input of her bass broke, can't be fixed". Kwang Yeon looked at the broken bass for a second and then took off the shoulder strap of his own bass and handed it to Fay Linn. She was flabbergasted. "Euhm...". "Take it" he said "You have to get up, NOW!" Fay Linn looked at GD and Gi Mei, they both nodded. She took of her own shoulderstrap and took hold of the other bass. "Thank you, oppa!" she said and bowed. "It's ok, just hurry" Kwang Yeon replied.

Fay Linn and the other girls walked on stage and took they're place. The lights were very bright and they couldn't see a thing. Fay Linn stood there, scared, shaking and with her eyes closed. And then she heard the first notes of the song and her fingers found their way on the strange bass. Once she started playing, her head was empty and all she could think of was the bassline. It made her calm and relax. After a minute or so, she opened up her eyes and looked around. She saw her band members playing and having fun. She saw Big bang dance and sing on the front part of the stage and she saw the crowd. As far as she could see, there were people, standing, jumping, dancing, screaming. She saw their happy faces and she felt a warmth in her chest. Way sooner then she had expected, the song came to an end and they all bowed. Overwhelmed by the applause and screaming of the crowd, they walked off stage.

When she got back inside the building, she looked for Kwang Yeon, so she could return his bass. She found him, with the rest of the guys of LEDapple, in their dressing room. "Excuse me, oppa, I have come to return you bass guitar" Fay Linn said, while she bowed. Kwang Yeon got up and walked towards her. "Thank you. How did the performance go?" he asked. "It was great", Fay Linn said with a big smile on her face. "And thank you again for lending me your bass, you are a real life safer", she bowed again. "Oh, it was nothing, glad I could help" Kwang Yeon replied. "If there is anything I can do for you in return oppa, just say so", Fay Linn said, staring into those beatiful eyes. Kwag Yeon stared back for a few seconds. "Well, euhm... there is one thing that you could do" He said. Fay Linn blinked "What is it oppa, anything!". "Well, you could give me the phone number of Young Gi Mei, your leader" Kwang Yeon said, while looking away. Fay Linn was flabbergasted. He wanted Gi Mei's number? But... but.... She sighed, "Of course oppa". After she had written down the number of Gi Mei, she bowed without looking at him and walked out the room. She was sad, heart broken. She had thought, that there was something between her and Kwang Yeon. A spark, or something. But it looked like that was all just in her head. He liked Gi Mei, not her.

When she got back to the dressingroom of "colors of my heart", she told the girls what happend. Gi Mei was surprised, but Fay Linn could see that she was very flattered  by the fact that Kwang yeon had asked her number. Fay Linn was happy for Gi Mei, she really was. Gi Mei was a great leader and an awesome friend. She deserved it. But on the other hand, when she thought of this morning, when she looked in to his eyes for the first time, she couldn't forget the butterflies she had felt then. In the long ride home, she acted like she was sleeping, and she went straight to her room when they came home.

Two days later, Fay Linn came home after some extra rap lessons with Top, when all the girls were waiting in the dorm room for her. "Let's go out tonight! Let's get dressed up and go to dinner together" Gi Mei said, smiling widely. This was a bit weird, Fay Linn thought. The girls never just go out on a week night, especially not Gi Mei. She was the leader and kinda strict with the rules. So when Gi Mei practicly forced her towards her closet and pulled out a nice but slightly y black dress, Fay Linn looked puzzled at her. Gi Mei saw the look and just brushed it of with a "we worked hard and we deserve it" comment. Fay Linn was to surprised and overwhelmed to give it another thought. She let Yun Hee do her hair and make up, while Gi Moon ironed my dress, because apparently it was wrinkled. When she had put on the dress and walked in to the dorm room, the girls were all standing by the door, talking to someone. Fay Linn noticed that they hadn't changed their clothes and was about to say something about it, when she saw who was standing in the doorway. Kwang Yeon. Fay Linn dropped dead in her tracks and looked at him. He was leaning against the doorframe, wearing a black suit and looking breathtaking. Kwang yeon noticed her and stood up straight. The girls turned around and smiled at Fay Linn. Gi Mei walked towards her and grapped Fay Linns hands in her own. "Fay, Kwang Yeon is here to take you out on a date". Fay Linn was still looking at Kwang Yeon, but blinked at these words. "What...?" I aksed. "But..". "Kwang Yeon only asked my number, to ask my permission to take you out. Because I am the leader." Gi Mei looked at me, a smile from ear to ear.

There isn't much Fay Linn remembers of that evening, except for those piercing eyes and a lot of butterflies flying around in her stomach. 



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Moonzzz #1
Chapter 5: Park moon gi present!!!
Fay Linn here! :P
Kim Yun Hee here!! :3
Kim Yun Hee here!! :3