An E.L.F. Story... Chapter 7

An E.L.F. Story


It didn't take long for us to start our lessons after our teachers'd been assigned to us. For the first day, we were all in the same room, including our singing mentors. Of course. Just to put even more pressure on us. It quickly became exhausting. Teuki was an excellent teacher, unfortunately, I was a y student. The problem was and still is, I'm a perfectionist, so I tend to stay stuck on a move and then just abandon after the fifth or sixth try, especially if I haven't improved at that point. The only area I will never quit until I'm good enough, is arts. Still, with great patience, our angel leader repeated himself constantly, breaking down the dance sequences step by step. I was beginning to understand the reason behind his nickname and, indeed, he was a saint for enduring me and my negativity.


In this great chaos, Alfred was trying his best to solve the numerous conflicts and misunderstandings irrupting all over the place. It was hilarious. Sometimes we where five to call him simultaneously. Rock, paper, scissors always helped determine who should be first.


After two hours, I was dead, lying on the floor. Next to me, Eunhyuk collapsed, exhausted. Why you may wonder. For the smile reason that Val worked him to death. Distracted by Hyuk, or to be more accurate, staring blankly at him, almost drooling, while he was showing her some steps, Val made him start over again and again since she didn't register the moves shown to her.


We were granted an hour's break for dinner before tackling singing. Food was more than welcome and I was happy we didn't have to dance anymore. Umma was actually sad to see Donghae leave. He had a drama to film, so he couldn't stay. Before he left though, the sweet man kissed our Katy on the cheek and we could've sworn we heard her squeal. In any case, she came back red as a tomato, a large grin illuminating her beautiful face.


- Ouain... Ça va pas pire les affaires! Bon, là c'pour quand le mariage?!, teased Ama.


- Dans pas long, on dirait!, added Val, smiling widely.


I didn't say anything, there was no use. The only thing Umma could hear, at that moment, was the faint sound of church bells... XD


Our three loud laughters resonated in the studio. When Umma finally came back to us, the only thing she could articulate was... “I do...”. We laughed some more and hugged our best friend tightly.


We were finished eating for a while and were talking peacefully, Ama admiring baby-K, that's how she called Kyuhyun, her knees folded to her chest. Val and I had our legs crossed in a semi-lotus position and Umma had her knees folded to the side, like a lady. At that moment, Yesung walked in front of us and judging by the angle of his stride, was headed toward Teuki. In less than a split second, Ama unfolded one of her legs and tripped Ye, only to replace it back to her chest as if nothing happened. Kitty didn't fall, but he didn't appreciate it. Since Ama looked like she wasn't conscious, that Val was too far and that Umma's legs couldn't have moved that quickly without him noticing, and also 'cause he hated my guts, Yesung stared at me with a murderess gaze, his eyes accusing me of being prank's author. Seeing that I was in trouble with my bias and about cry, Ama took the blame for her OWN action...


After that little misunderstanding, we went back to learning. Dancing was though, but singing was painful. We did our best, but we clearly had a long way to go before we became professionals. At the end of the session, the girls and I weren't listening anymore and we were fooling around. We couldn't concentrate any more.


Val decided to annoy our mentors. Starting with Wookie, she tousled their hair one by one. Staring at Ryeowook's head, Valerie's hand moved slowly toward his reddish locks. Then, without warning, Val brushed her hand roughly trough Wookie's hair. Happy, she screamed, “HAIIIIIIIR!!!! SO FLUFFYYY!!!”. Ryeowook didn't even have time to protest that she'd already moved on to her next victim...


Unaware, his back facing Val, Yesung was trying to give me some advice on how to prepare my voice for the next day. In a quick glance, I saw my older sister approaching, a large smile illuminating her face. My grin alarmed Ye forcing him to turn. Too late. Val was like a gust of wind. Yesung's hair that was naturally tousled, became even more so. But it's the “WTF, just happened?!” expression plastered on his face that was priceless. Ama laughed and so did Val before moving on again. I tried to hold it on, but I just couldn't... I was literally on the floor, laughing my off. I was WAY too tiered and Ye's face was just what I needed to burst into laughter.


While Wookie was carefully placing every single hair of his back to where it was supposed to be, I was rolling on the floor and Yesung was glaring at me, almost hissing. Because of my overreaction, Ama and Umma were LOLing as well. Katy tried to act ummaly, but kinda failed. We were so tiered, we couldn't stop laughing and acting like children.


The last victim was Kyu. But when Val got closer, Ama snapped out of it and gave her the “If-you-touch-you-die” look. Val stepped back a little only to quickly get closer again and promptly tousle Kyuhyun's hair. She ran away, chanting “Hair, hair, hair, hair, so much fluffy hair!!!”, while the young man shook his head to place his hair correctly. Ama chased Val and Umma and I were laughing on the floor. Yesung face-palmed, Kyu was just looking at us, disappointed and Wookie was still carefully combing his hair.


I think we made a good impression... don't you?! XD


I guarantee you, we slept well that night. ;P






Here you go!!!! I hope you like this chapter!!!! XD This is quite exceptional!!! I won't be updating so soon after his!!!! u_u'
SORRYYYYYY!!!!! T.T And it's one of my favourite fails that fallows... Ah well!!!! ^^' I'll see what I can do!!!! XD
Until then, enjoy and comment!!!! :D <3
Ok... lastly, the two french sentences mean "Yeah... Things are going well aren't they?! Well, when's the marriage??!" and "It shouldn't be long!" or something along thise lines!!!!  XD
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inashashim #1
Chapter 15: Are u not going to finish this fic?i want to know the ending
fifisukidesu #2
Chapter 15: YETEUKYETEUKYETEUKYETEUK!!!!!!!! AHSJDLDDOSKDLIKDKBSJEKADNNNCKDMC!!! I AM SO INCOHERENT NOW!!! everytime i see that u updated, i always feel so happy!!!! Thanks for this chappie and i look forward to the next one!!!!
Chapter 15: (: I freaking love this story to death <3 You never fail to make me laugh. I love you so much, Elena <3
fifisukidesu #4
Chapter 13: YETEUK!!!!!!!! ME CANT WAIT!!!! *rocking back and forth while trying to patiently wait for the nxt chappie*
Chapter 13: h telsfhklsdj fsdlk;flasdfh
I just started fangirling in class when I saw that you update... but I'm scared to read this... I'll wait until I'm home to read xD <3
fifisukidesu #6
Chapter 12: YETEUKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFGOMFGOMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! TEUKIE JUST ____ING CONFESS AND BEND OVER AND LET YESUNG ____ U TILL FOREVER!!!!!!! Okay, wait tht was....not me. Got it? Tht was my insane side speaking.....ignore sorry, im jus hooked onto ur story and ive been so deprieved of yeteuk these days and....and- i jus love u, ok? *sniffles* i luv u for giving my yeteuk-deprieved brain the exact thing it desires! Saranghae and u will have my support forever!!!!!!

Chapter 12: sfoidsusaflkjduaorisldfkhoiw;klad h !J lkfjsldkkfjalk lh fsudoihwekfjdsjkhf
*dead* jl asfdj xD
Ok, that's about as comprehensive as I'll be...
BTW, Straight* xD
Chapter 11: OMG. this is so awesome. You are killing me here.... Just imagining them all shirtless.. *fans face* omg...... And yeteuk <3
AnimeKitty #9
Chapter 10: Daaaaaaaaw! :D
That was so cute. Cake love.
Hope Val likes this chapter, because it's sweet enough to give you type 2 diabetes.