An E.L.F. Story... Chapter 6

An E.L.F. Story


Back kick. Front kick. Punch. Ice crush. Scorpion's fists where no mach for SubZero's ice...

The competition was tight. The score... 9/2, in my favour. I was kicking Yesung's , solid. Cheers got louder and louder as the game evolved. I'm still amazed half the members slept through all that noise. Ama was screaming in my ears, “kick his unnie!”, while Kyu was glued to her like a bear to honey. Val rooted for me as well, well, sort of... “GO 'NA! If you don't kick his , I will!” “Thanks for the vote of confidence VAL!!!”, I answered, faking being offended. At first umma was cheering along the two, but then I lost her voice. Looking behind me for an instant, I vaguely saw umma making googly eyes at Donghae and, what made me smile was that he flirted back. Decidedly, things were going well for umma! ;)


While my attention was directed toward the two love birds, Yesung tried to pull a fast one on me. Needless to say, he didn't go too far. Even with my back turned, I was still better than him. Blocking his attack, I finally crushed his avatar. The only reason he was still alive at that point, was because I was considering letting him win. But... I never agreed to make this easy for him. I had to prove myself, so, I crushed him at the thing I knew I was good at. The referee signalled the end of the match by declaring me victorious and calling the o'so famous “Fatality” upon Yesung's Scorpion. A loud acclamation rose from the small crowd only to fall back down and transform into near silence.


I couldn't help but smirk. Yesung looked more depressed than before and it seemed like he was scolding himself on the inside for losing to a girl. He was so cute, looking like a kitty, I could almost hear him meow. Adorable he was, but a frown is a frown and I couldn't let him end a long day with disappointment. My personal motto is to make people smile. Of course I wasn't about to let my bias walk off with a big frowny face.


- Yesung... oppa... wait!, I said, trying my best to sound polite.


The cat-man turned to face me, his eyes piercing my skin. I swallowed, but kept my cool. It was difficult since his sole gaze was enough to melt me into nothing.


- What?!, he managed to articulate with irritation and great difficulty.


- How about a rematch?, I asked, slightly innocent, but just smug enough.


Yesung hesitated before turning to Alfred. The valet kindly translated for us. Then, my elder hesitated some more before finally agreeing, out of pride, to duel me the next day. Men are so gullible...

As it was very late, we had to go to bed. Apparently, me and my sisters had a long day ahead of us.


We were so excited, we couldn't sleep. Squealing and laughter filtered through the door of our bedroom. Leeteuk entered, a grave look on his face. I thought he was gonna scold us, but instead, he tucked us in. The leader understood our agitation and knew it was normal. He went to umma first, gently pushing her down on her bed, his lips delicately applying a kiss on her forehead. She smiled and closed her eyes, as though she were already asleep. It was Ama's turn and then Val's. They both fell asleep almost instantaneously.


When Teuki came to me, I blushed like crazy, my heart racing fifty miles an hour. My instinct was to bring the covers up to my nose to hide my reddening face, but Leeteuk pulled them down to my chest, slowly pushing me down like the others. Instead of galloping, my heart stopped. He then whispered softly in my ear with a broken english: “You're too cute, blushing like this...” My eyes widened and I felt his delicate lips brush against my warm cheek. I quickly closed my eyes, squinting. No way was I facing him, red as I was. He laughed softly before getting out of the room. With only his face protruding from the crack open door, his sweet voice resonated... “Annyeonghi jumuseyo...”


I couldn't see, but I could feel Yesung's murderess gaze. I would be dead the next morning. So very, very dead...


A soft white light woke us up. It felt like we only slept for an hour or two. Regardless, an alluring smell swept us out of our beds and into the kitchen. We were certain it was Wookie cooking us breakfast, but surprisingly it wasn't him... It was ALL of them. We stared idly for a second or two, judging. That kitchen was definitely not big enough for SuJu.


- Ahnnyeonghaseyo!, we said in unison, bowing.


- Ahnnyeonghaseyo! Maw muk go shi paw yo?, the guys replied, smiling and bowing.


The girls and I exchanged a puzzled look. What'd just happened?! Since we couldn't sort out the meaning of the second sentence by ourselves, we turned to Alfred. Without even turning to face us, he explained that they were asking us what we wanted to eat.


After a small pause, we smiled and asked Alfred to tell them that we'd eat whatever it is they made for us.


After our delish meal, it was time for us to leave the dorms and head to Super Junior's training grounds.

The studio wasn't too far from where they lived, but we were still able to see a great deal of intriguing buildings and small coffee shops. It was awesome! Like the day before, the guys hastily showed and explained to us what is was we were admiring, making us laugh with their goofiness.


A large picture window offered a broad outside view upon the city below. The thirty-second floor is amazing, if you're not afraid of heights. ;P


Today was going to be chaotic, because we didn't have time for a korean lessen before plunging head first into dancing and singing sessions. This first session was to evaluate our skill levels. I will not even mention how bad I was at dancing. I could hold my own in singing, but my level was far away from any of SuJu's lead singers. After our evaluation, which consisted of fallowing simple moves demonstrated to us by Eunhyuk, it was decided that Val would be dancing under Hyuk's watchful eye as she was the best and would learn more by observing Hyuk's... moves... ;P


Ama was very good too. She would perfect her dancing with Geng, since there were just a few adjustments to make before she could be at SuJu level. Umma was not so bad herself and it was decided that Donghae would be her teacher, I almost wondered why... *smirk*


My turn came and I wished it hadn't... I was so embarrassed by my clumsiness, but no one said anything. Hyuk believed I could get better if I had a good teacher. “When you hit rock-bottom, the only place you can go, is up!”, he told me with a bright smile and a few mispronunciations. I smiled back determined to improve. I would do my best, just you wait! No way would we disappoint our idols. With that, Shindong was assigned as my sensei, but, due to an already heavily loaded schedule, he was substituted with... Leeteuk.


The Universe hates me, doesn't it! ¬_¬


In singing, It was decided that Kyu would coach Ama; Ryeowook would teach Val and Umma was entrusted to Sungmin. I was supposed to perfect my singing with Zhou Mi, but he had a drama filming session. I was about to cry and drag myself on the floor for him to stay as my teacher. Alas, Yesung was to replace him. It was non negotiable. I loved and respected him and his singing, but he would make my life a living Hell, especially since I was about to spend a third of my days in the company of our angel leader.


The evil red glow that shined in the cat's eyes froze my blood solid. Yesung would get his revenge after all...


Umma gave me a loving pat on the back, as I was sobbing in a corner, sympathetic to my delicate situation. She knew as well that there was something going on between Teuki and Ye. Mother's instinct, I suppose.


In any case, I was that determined to make things right. By the end of this epic adventure or ours, Teuki would know Yesung's true feeling, or so help me God!






OOMG!!!! Gosh, I hadn't written in ages!!! XD
Sorry for the wait guys!!!! I hope you don't mind!!!!
I've been so busy with school!!! u_u' 
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!! :D
Please comment if you did!!! ;) <3
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inashashim #1
Chapter 15: Are u not going to finish this fic?i want to know the ending
fifisukidesu #2
Chapter 15: YETEUKYETEUKYETEUKYETEUK!!!!!!!! AHSJDLDDOSKDLIKDKBSJEKADNNNCKDMC!!! I AM SO INCOHERENT NOW!!! everytime i see that u updated, i always feel so happy!!!! Thanks for this chappie and i look forward to the next one!!!!
Chapter 15: (: I freaking love this story to death <3 You never fail to make me laugh. I love you so much, Elena <3
fifisukidesu #4
Chapter 13: YETEUK!!!!!!!! ME CANT WAIT!!!! *rocking back and forth while trying to patiently wait for the nxt chappie*
Chapter 13: h telsfhklsdj fsdlk;flasdfh
I just started fangirling in class when I saw that you update... but I'm scared to read this... I'll wait until I'm home to read xD <3
fifisukidesu #6
Chapter 12: YETEUKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFGOMFGOMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! TEUKIE JUST ____ING CONFESS AND BEND OVER AND LET YESUNG ____ U TILL FOREVER!!!!!!! Okay, wait tht was....not me. Got it? Tht was my insane side speaking.....ignore sorry, im jus hooked onto ur story and ive been so deprieved of yeteuk these days and....and- i jus love u, ok? *sniffles* i luv u for giving my yeteuk-deprieved brain the exact thing it desires! Saranghae and u will have my support forever!!!!!!

Chapter 12: sfoidsusaflkjduaorisldfkhoiw;klad h !J lkfjsldkkfjalk lh fsudoihwekfjdsjkhf
*dead* jl asfdj xD
Ok, that's about as comprehensive as I'll be...
BTW, Straight* xD
Chapter 11: OMG. this is so awesome. You are killing me here.... Just imagining them all shirtless.. *fans face* omg...... And yeteuk <3
AnimeKitty #9
Chapter 10: Daaaaaaaaw! :D
That was so cute. Cake love.
Hope Val likes this chapter, because it's sweet enough to give you type 2 diabetes.