An E.L.F Story - Christmas Specials

An E.L.F. Story


Strawberry cake


Snowflakes sparkle under the weak sun's rays. Christmas. A time of magic and bliss. I still won't be narrating this story... someone else, someone who's eyes see all will tell this tale... For at Christmas, anything can happen... Believe... the dream could become reality...




In the cold of Christmas morning, Valerie was in the kitchen. As she didn't know what to get for her bias, Val decided to make him something. And what better present than something to eat. That morning, the young woman requested Ryeowook's help. Of course, he was the best bet when it came to cooking.


Val was still unsure about what she'd make Hyuk; cookies or cake?! And in either case, what kind of cookies or what kind of cake?! She seemed annoyed and at the same time she was worried her surprise would be ruined.


After a while, Wookie told her to decide otherwise they would run out of time.


- But..., she said sobbing,... I want it to be perfect for Hyukkie...


- Alright then..., replied Wookie, gently patting her back,... Why don't you make him a cake, a strawberry one?!


- OF COURSE!!!! Why didn’t think of this earlier!!!!, you're a genius Wookie oppa!!!, Valerie shouted, finally remembering that Hyukjae's all time favourite thing to eat was strawberries.


Ryeowook smiled. Immediately, Val ran behind the counter and pulled out a book from a shelf; Wookie's own hand written recipes. She rashly turned the pages, trying to find the strawberry cake recipe, but quickly realized something very crucial...


- WOOKIIE!! I don't understand... IT'S ALL IN KOREAN!!!!, Val cried out, sobbing.


The elder laughed and took the book from Valerie's hands. The elder translating for her, Wookie and Val started preparing the ingredients for the batter and soon moved on to mixing everything.


The genoise barely had time to cook and the filling wasn't even started when Wookie ran out on Val. She huffed and puffed, but he told her he had to go. Someone was waiting for him...


Val frowned. She would have believed it was an innocent call, if Ryeowook hadn't smirked the way he did. There was definitely something fishy about that sudden urgency to leave.


Val sighed. She didn't take notes when Wookie explained the recipe to her, so now she had to rely on memory to finnish her present. A quick breath, a fist in the air and an encouraging “YOSH!” and Valerie was ready to continue her hard work for the one she loved... The all so kind, gentle, adorable, sweet, y...


Mentally describing Hyuk, Val blushed like crazy and fell into an advanced state of daydreaming. He appeared before her eyes like a mirage, smiling with all his teeth, his pink gums showing. “Just like in real life...”, Val though, sighing. “Wait... The image is WAY too clear for it to be a dream”... Suddenly the sparkles disappeared. Hyuk's amused face snapped Val back to reality and she almost fell on the ground, missing the counter she was trying to grip so she could hide her present. Luckily, Hyuk had very good reflexes and caught her on time...


- You ok?!, he asked, a table spoon of concern mixed in with his y voice.


- Yeah!, Val's voice cried out in a very high pitch.


- So... What'ya doing?!, he inquired, suspicious.


- NOTHING!, replied the girl, desperately trying to keep the whole thing a secret.


- Oh come on, you can tell me! Pweeeaase!!, Hyuk pleaded, pouting and puppy eyed.


“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHH!!! OOOOOOMGG!!!”... She could not resist that face.


- ALRIGHT!!!, she shouted, redder than a tomato, I'm baking a cake f... for you! It was gonna be your Christmas surprise gift, she explained, pouting in disappointment.


- OH! You're too sweet!... What kind of cake?!


- Hmm... Strawberry!?!, she said, hesitant.


As she expected, the young man jumped out of joy. What she didn't anticipate was the kiss he applied on her cheek. Val stayed there, stunned, Hyuk hugging her tightly. A loud “THAAAAANKS!!” resonated in her ear, almost making her deaf.


- Y...Yeah... One problem..., she managed to say after a few seconds,... I can't read the recipe and I kinda forgot what the following steps were..., she announced, smiling with a “Sorry I'm being stupid” smile.


- That's ok... I'll translate!, Hyuk said with enormous enthusiasm.


- You really want that cake don't you?!, she asked with a side eyes smile.


- Yeah... especially since it's from you..., Hyuk replied, smirking.


Valerie let out a tiny squeak, but she was totally shouting on the inside. And so, she continued her present in presence of Hyuk. It was time for the young man to translate and boy was it funny. Val was nearly rolling on the floor, laughing, but she kept telling Hyuk, who was blushing out of shyness and frustration, how cute he was and encouraged him to continue.


An hour later, Hyukjae had finally translated the recipe and Val had finally managed to calm down and finish her cake. In all that time, she hadn't stopped squealing in her head for a second.


When the final touches and decorations were made, Valerie presented her gift to Hyuk. His smile, ear to ear, was so cute and rewarding that Val almost fainted, but was able to master her fangirly feels.


- Thank you... Val!, Hyuk thanked, smiling even more.


“Is that even possible?!”, Val asked herself. She shrugged lightly and welcomed the young man, saying it was her pleasure. Hyuk insisted and as a token of his deep gratitude, he hugged the young woman tightly.


Valerie was about to die of a heart attack, feeling her bias' perfect abs and strong biceps and triceps wrapping around her body. “Yep... And to think I disagreed with Umma about the existence of heaven... God dam, I think I just found it!!!!”, she squealed interiorly.


As Hyukjae pulled away from the embrace, he gently pressed his lips on Val's, whispering a last “thank you...”. A quickly as it had began it ended, but to Valerie, it felt like Hyuk's kiss lasted a century.


- Why... did... you..., she stuttered.


- Because..., he blushed,... Because I... I really like you!, he managed to confess.


Val was so happy. She hugged the young man, and kissed him back.


- You want a piece?!, asked Hyuk when they broke the tender smooch.


- Sure!, she replied, smiling.


Well... It didn't go exactly as Valerie'd planned it, but... It was more than perfect. And besides, Hyuk's confession was a total surprise.







Second special chapter, this time for Val!!!!

Hope you like it honey!!! Merry Christmas!!!


And I hope everyone will like it!!!

Thanks for the support guys!!!! It means the world to me!!!! 

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inashashim #1
Chapter 15: Are u not going to finish this fic?i want to know the ending
fifisukidesu #2
Chapter 15: YETEUKYETEUKYETEUKYETEUK!!!!!!!! AHSJDLDDOSKDLIKDKBSJEKADNNNCKDMC!!! I AM SO INCOHERENT NOW!!! everytime i see that u updated, i always feel so happy!!!! Thanks for this chappie and i look forward to the next one!!!!
Chapter 15: (: I freaking love this story to death <3 You never fail to make me laugh. I love you so much, Elena <3
fifisukidesu #4
Chapter 13: YETEUK!!!!!!!! ME CANT WAIT!!!! *rocking back and forth while trying to patiently wait for the nxt chappie*
Chapter 13: h telsfhklsdj fsdlk;flasdfh
I just started fangirling in class when I saw that you update... but I'm scared to read this... I'll wait until I'm home to read xD <3
fifisukidesu #6
Chapter 12: YETEUKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFGOMFGOMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! TEUKIE JUST ____ING CONFESS AND BEND OVER AND LET YESUNG ____ U TILL FOREVER!!!!!!! Okay, wait tht was....not me. Got it? Tht was my insane side speaking.....ignore sorry, im jus hooked onto ur story and ive been so deprieved of yeteuk these days and....and- i jus love u, ok? *sniffles* i luv u for giving my yeteuk-deprieved brain the exact thing it desires! Saranghae and u will have my support forever!!!!!!

Chapter 12: sfoidsusaflkjduaorisldfkhoiw;klad h !J lkfjsldkkfjalk lh fsudoihwekfjdsjkhf
*dead* jl asfdj xD
Ok, that's about as comprehensive as I'll be...
BTW, Straight* xD
Chapter 11: OMG. this is so awesome. You are killing me here.... Just imagining them all shirtless.. *fans face* omg...... And yeteuk <3
AnimeKitty #9
Chapter 10: Daaaaaaaaw! :D
That was so cute. Cake love.
Hope Val likes this chapter, because it's sweet enough to give you type 2 diabetes.