
I am stuck with a lesbian!


Chapter By BlingBlingTiger



Taemin's POV

____-ah has known that Taeyeon is actually me for a couple more days now.

I notised that she hasn't told the others that she's in love with me so i will have to pretend to be a girl for a bit longer.

. I thought that she was going to tell them so that i can stop being a girl, so i'm wondering why she didn't tell them. Maybe it's because she wants me to stay...


I am  dressed as a girl already and sitting on the bed but _____-ah dosen't know that i am still in the room and thinks that i have already left.

Just then, she walks out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.

She sees me staring at her and lets out a rather high pitched yelp.


"omo! Don't look at me!" she yells

"Why not?" i ask feigning innosence

"I'm only wearing a towel you byuntae! Now divert your eyes so i can get my clothes!" she orders

"No need to be shy, we're all girls here." I say playfully

"Taemin, im getting changed in the bathroom." She states


She grabs her uniform and goes Into the bathroom to change.

I decide to head to class without her, so I tell her I'm leaving and head out.


When I get to class there are only a few people In there. I walk to my place and sit down.

A couple of minutes pass and I realise that I have been waiting, not for the teacher but for ___-ah.


Just then, she walks Into the classroom and I find myself staring at her.

She sees me and gives me a look so i wink at her.

She rolls her eyes and sits at her place, just in front of me.


The lesson passes quite quickly, the teacher's words leaving so small of an impact that i will have to rely on my notes because this teacher has no skills whatsoever and i phased out for like the whole lesson. I really wasn't paying any attention to what was going on.


The bell stops ringing and i put my things away before heading out of the classroom, following closely behind _____. I watch her as she walks, it's slightly different to how other girls walk i think. She doesn't look like she's trying to show off or get notised, it's kind of nice to know that she's not just some attention seeker. 




At the end of the day i go out of the school and change in to some normal clothes. It feels good to get out of the girl's uniform, it's not the nicest thing to be stuck in for a whole day. It feels good to be able to be myself too. Don't get me wrong, teasing _____ is really fun and i am glad that i get to spend so much time around her, we even get to sleep in the same room. I just wonder how long we will be able to keep this up though, as soon as she tells the guys that she's in love with me it will alll be over.


Just then i hear a familiar voice, one that i really don't want to hear...


"Taemin Oppa~~" the whining voice of Taeyeon comes from behind me.


I pretend not to hear her and start walking swiftly in the opposite direction. I really don't want to deal with her right now. She just reminds me of my self-disgust and she disgusts me too, i wish she would just leave me alone.


"Taemin oppa~~ I know it's you!" she calls again


Damn! I hoped that i would be able to avoid this but it looks like i can't. Why can't she just disappear and let me get on with my life. I turn around and she stops walking towards me, she is standing about a foot away from me.


"What do you want?" i ask 

"Oppa, aren't you glad to see me?" she asks back

"No." i reply flatly


Her expression changes and she looks really mad at me but i don't really care, i just want her to go away.


"Why not?" she asks trying not to show her anger

"Because....I like someone else, so just leave me alone." i say

"You can't just leave me like that!" she yells

"Why the hell not? Just let me go already!" i retort

"Because i'm pregnant. I took a test and it came back positive." she tells me

"I'm leaving." i say and quickly walk away.


I suddenly turn my head to the direction of the large tree on the other side of the fence. I could have sworn that i saw ____ just then, but i must have been imagining things. I shrug it off and keep walking.


Your POV


I can't believe what i am seeing and hearing. Please tell me that this is all just a bad dream, a terrible nightmare and if i close my eyes and open them i will be in my bed. I don't want this to be real, but it's happening in front of me.


Taemin was standing just outside the school and a girl who I can't make out runs over to him. He keeps walking but eventually turns around. Who the hell is she and what is going on?


I can't hear everything because i am quite far away, hidden behind a large tree. I was walking to the dorm when i saw Taemin outside.


"Because i'm pregnant. I took a test and it came back positive." i hear the girl say.


I turn around and lean on the tree trying to take all of this in. He got some girl pregnant? He had a girl and still came to this school to trick me?! What the hell is wrong with him? I feel so disgusted, but at the same time my heart is aching. I like Taemin, but it's impossible, i really know that now.


I run back to the dorm and shut the door behind me. I flick on the lights and sit down cross-legged on the bed, staring at the door. A tear starts to roll down my cheek but i quickly wipe it away with the back of my hand. I can't let myself cry over this.




A couple of hours later i hear movement outside the door and Taemin slowly comes into the room. He looks at me, probably surprised that i am still awake. I just glare at him. He closes the door and walks over to me.


"What's up with you?" he asks

"I know." i say 

"Know what?" he asks

"Don't play dumb with me Lee Taemin." i reply coldly

"What is going on with you?" he questions

"I know about you and that girl. You got her pregnant right?" i answer angrily

"You heard that?" he asks surprised

"Yes. I heard! How could you do that to me?! You have her but you still came here to try and get me to fall for you!" i yell

"I...I'm not with her! I don't love her at all." he says

"Then why would you sleep with her?" I ask but he stays silent "Why did you get me to fall for you?" i ask


He looks at me for a while without saying anything. I stand up and look him in the eyes, but he avoids my gaze.


"I ...." he can't answer.

"Why don't you just go back to her then?" i question him coldly before walking towards the door.


I take swift steps towards the door and take hold of the handle, ready to pull the door open.


"Because i like you." he says quietly


I almost didn't hear him, i don't know if i was supposed to hear it but i did. I freeze on the spot. I definitly heard him right...






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Story name has been chanced from "Why is there a lesbian at my school" to "I'm stuck with a lesbian! -hyunjoong4ever


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Bluecometx #1
Chapter 15: Please update.. I'm really curious about what will happen next!!!!!!!!! (^。^)
Chapter 15: update soon....
Chapter 1: i have to stuck with 'her'?
-for the title..
just suggesting because you asked..
shiningmj #4
Chapter 14: update pleaseee!!! ^^
KasienSapphire #6
Chapter 14: Taemin IS a real jerk...kekeke.
kyoung #7
Wait... why did he try to get Taeyeon preggy? O.O