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After the awkward dinner with Cornelius, Charlie knocked on Serena's door...

"Serena? It's me..." Charlie said.

Serena opened the door.

"Yes?" Serena replied.

"May I come in?"


Charlie entered the room, her expression carrying a mix of concern and sincerity.

"About what my father did... I'm sorry about that... I know it made you very uncomfortable..." Charlie said, her voice soft.

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not like it's your fault and I'm pretty much used to it by now," Serena said, her tone composed but her eyes revealing a hint of vulnerability.

"I apologize, not because I believe I'm at fault, but because I can't stand seeing you in pain. Even if you've grown accustomed to it, I still want to offer you comfort and support. Your feelings matter deeply to me, even if I struggle to express my own," Charlie replied, sincerity shining in her eyes as she spoke.

Serena's heart fluttered at Charlie's words, a warmth spreading through her chest as she listened.

"What does she mean by that? But... is this how it feels? To have someone genuinely care about your feelings... I've grown accustomed to solitude, to bearing every insult alone. Yet, since Charlie stepped in to protect me, I find myself leaning on her more and more. Having someone to rely on—it's a new sensation, a comforting one. It's as if, for the first time, I'm not alone anymore..." Serena pondered, her heart stirred by Charlie's comforting words.

Feeling a surge of emotion, Serena found herself drawn closer to Charlie.

"Then can you lend me your shoulder?" Serena asked, her voice soft and vulnerable.

Before Charlie could even respond, Serena's head fell gently onto Charlie's shoulder. Both of their hearts raced with emotion in the intimate moment.

Charlie's hands instinctively found their way to Serena's head, gently caressing it with a comforting touch, silently reassuring her that she was there.

Serena found solace in Charlie's presence, feeling a weight lifted off her heart as she leaned into her shoulder, grateful for the comfort and support she found in Charlie.

As Serena's body temperature soared, she felt an overwhelming heat coursing through her veins, accompanied by a sharp, piercing pain that seemed to radiate from deep within her core. The familiar scent of toasted marshmallow and woods, the unmistakable pheromones of the Alpha in front of her, only served to intensify her discomfort.

'But why now? My fever period isn't supposed to start for another three days...' Serena's thoughts were muddled by the sudden onslaught of agony, her body reacting in a way she had never experienced during her heat periods before.

The pain grew with each passing moment, twisting her insides and causing her muscles to tense uncontrollably. It felt like an inferno raging within her, consuming her with its fiery torment.

Unable to suppress the moans that escaped her lips, Serena instinctively sought some form of relief, clutching at her abdomen as if trying to ease the unbearable cramps.

"Ahh...hmmmm..." Serena's voice trembled with agony, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to endure the torment ravaging her body.

Charlie, her heart pounding with concern, noticed the sudden change in Serena's demeanor and body temperature. The distress etched on Serena's face was unmistakable, causing Charlie's own anxiety to spike.

"S-serena..." Charlie's voice was laced with worry, her eyes widening in alarm as she realized the severity of Serena's condition. "You're in heat."

The realization hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room as Charlie's mind raced with thoughts of how to help her in her time of need.

"Ch-charlie... you have to leave..." Serena's voice quivered as she gently pushed Charlie away, her eyes clouded with concern.

Serena knew all too well the effect an Omega's pheromones could have on an Alpha, especially during their heat. She couldn't bear the thought of causing Charlie any distress or discomfort.

And Serena's intuition proved correct; even as she tried to push Charlie away, she could sense the agitation building within her.

'I want her...' The thought sent a flush of heat to Charlie's cheeks, but she quickly shook her head, banishing the fleeting desire from her mind.

'No... I have to help her...' Charlie resolved, determination shining in her eyes as she pushed aside her own feelings for the sake of Serena's well-being.

"Serena, will you trust me?" Charlie's voice was gentle yet resolute as she reached out to take the vulnerable Omega in her arms.

"B-but Charlie..." Serena's protests faltered as she looked into Charlie's eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity and care reflected back at her.

"Shh... it's fine. I'll just inject you with the inhibitor like before..." Charlie's words were soothing, her touch gentle as she sought to calm Serena's racing heart.

Despite the tension in the air, a sweet fragrance wafted around them, enveloping them in its delicate embrace. It was the scent of Serena's pheromones—a tantalizing blend of ripe strawberries and effervescent champagne, as intoxicating as it was alluring.

With each passing moment, Charlie fought against the overwhelming pull of Serena's pheromones, determined to help her through this difficult time.

"O-okay... I trust you, Charlie..." Serena's voice was barely a whisper, but the trust in her words was unmistakable.

Charlie's heart swelled with gratitude and relief at Serena's words.

'This is the first time I've heard her say she trusts me...' Charlie thought, a soft smile gracing her lips as she held Serena close, determined to do whatever it takes to ease Serena's suffering.

"Where did you put the inhibitor?" Charlie asked, her voice tinged with concern as she scanned the room.

"Upper drawer..." Serena's response was soft, her finger trembling slightly as she pointed toward the designated location.

"Okay... I'll put you to bed and get the inhibitor, okay? Just bear with it for a while..." Charlie's words were gentle and reassuring as she carefully lifted Serena into her arms, cradling her close.

"Um." Serena nodded, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she buried her face against Charlie's neck, seeking comfort in her warmth.

With tender care, Charlie laid Serena down on the bed, tucking the blankets around her and ensuring she was comfortable before turning to retrieve the inhibitor.

As Charlie

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finale is just around the corner 💚🫶🏻


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265 streak #1
Chapter 72: WOW! I just found this story and I'm very impressed author. I enjoyed the originality. The idea is very clever and it was hard not to get attached to the characters. Thank you! Can't wait to start the next story 🧡
Chapter 63: The scene where serena slapped celia and hand her to the security is so who’s a afraid of little old me coded 😭 Serena literally be like “i was tame, i was gentle till the circus life made me mean, don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth” 😭
Minjeonglabz #3
Chapter 10: Yes serena let’s go! standing up for charlie uwu.
Kkuratingz #4
Chapter 5: Charlie please protect serena from cornelius.
Kkuratingz #5
Chapter 4: I'm curious what will be charlie's test result. Serena still doubtful about charlie's sudden change about her.
Goofy_Kid23 #6
Chapter 71: A happy ending😁 I will most definitely reread this story over and over. I absolutely loved it.
ttblub #7
It’s really good authorssi! Thank you for making this! Can’t wait for the sequel
JiHyun12 #8
Chapter 71: Thank you author!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍 ang galing mo naman
flowersemm #9
Chapter 72: Ahhh what a beautiful ending for two beautiful people 😭 and you’re telling me there will be a married life sequel!! 😭🩷
Chapter 71: This Alpha-Omega SeulRene AU story beautifully captures the transformative power of love and the strength found in unexpected connections. The way Serena and Charlie's relationship evolves from resentment to profound love is truly heartwarming. Their vows are filled with genuine emotion and sincerity, showcasing their deep understanding and appreciation for each other. The imagery of their kiss sealing their union amidst cheers and applause paints a picture of a love that is celebrated and cherished by all who witness it. This story is a testament to the enduring power of love to overcome adversity and forge bonds that last a lifetime.
Hats off to Author-nim for skillfully bringing characters to life and immersing us in their journey. A round of applause for delivering a story that tugs at the heartstrings and leaves a lasting impact. 🐻🐰😌🙏