9. The love that came back


Krystal POV 




“Jess, is this nicer or this?” I was showing her 2 tshirt one on each hand. Raising to her to white tee or the pink tee. 


Jessica wiggled her brows “wae nervous? 

Amber will like you in anything trust me. Even if you wore rubbish bag she will still like you idiot.” 

I look like an idiot Amber is dropping by my house for dinner but I still feel nervous. It’s just a simple family dinner at home. 


Umma was busy in the kitchen since 2 in the afternoon. I walked out in my white tee shirt and shorts looking at Jessica unnie setting up the 6 seats in the dinning room. I smiled and think how it will be like if all our family dinner will be 6 people all the time with mum and dad, Jessica and Tyler and lastly Amber and me. Wouldn’t it be great from 4 people to 6?

Jessica prevented me from my continuous daydream took me by surprise hooking her arm on mine “yah it’s cute you know seeing 6 seater in the dinning room” 


I rolled my eyes and glance back at my unnie how the hell she knows what I’m thinking. 

It felt like unnie knows my mind again. 

“Oh come on soojung, it’s not hard to read you you idiot. You’re smiling creepily at the additional 2 add on chairs in the dining room. “ pinching my cheeks. 





I head to the living room after hearing some noise from there. 


“Appa, what are you looking for?” I chuckled seeing my dad finding his dvd collection of his favourite sport - boxing. 


My dad was happily trying to set up the dvd player to the TV. 


“Soojung ah! Amber is coming! My ‘son’ ! I’ve gotta get her to watch boxing with me like old times. It has been years someone accompanied me. “ Jessica shouted back in the kitchen “oh come on appa, Tyler promise to watch with you didn’t he. “ 



Appa shouted back “Tyler doesn’t even understand boxing! He is the golf kind of guy no enthusiastic in more hardcore passionate sports! He ended up sleeping halfway through” Jessica pop her head out of the kitchen and glare at dad “yah! Amber is the basketball / golf kind of girl you know. What’s the difference?! She doesn’t know boxing as well” 

I rolled my eyes at their stupid childish quarrel. 

“Aish why do you all two need to bring my llama into this conversation “ 

Appa laughed and replied back to Jess “Amber is a passionate person in all sports. She does almost everything so she knows and she’s smart once I explain to her the boxing rules. She gets it! Amber is really a son I wish I had “



“Aish appa it sounds weird you know saying Amber is your son. I like Amber you know that. It sounded disgusting for a few seconds that your daughter here likes your son “ I was pointing myself to him.  My appa start burst out laughing “sorry my daughter. I mean to say my son-in law?” He raise one brow teasing me. Making me all blush then hug me on the side “don’t worry appa will make sure Amber becomes my son-in law” wiggling his eyebrow. 

Jessica and umma was laughing out loud in the kitchen hearing what dad just said. 




All of them is really out to get that Amber Liu back into my life. I really hope I still stand a chance into amber’s heart and not other girls. 

Truth to be told, I’m really scared not scared to see Amber or have her close to me. I’m scared that she doesn’t love me anymore and move on dating some lucky girl. 


She’s really kind charming talented smart handsome cheeky and everything that someone will want their partner to have. Suddenly it brought me back to the conversation with Irene unnie. 


Irene was really close friend of Amber for quite a long time and then Amber introduced Irene to Jessica unnie. And now Irene and Jessica unnie is like best friend forever in this lifetime. 

Irene would always tell Jess and me that Amber is probably the best human being on earth she have ever met. Irene even admitted that back in those days she fall for Amber too. Because she’s the kind of partner that is  closest to being able to be a boyfriend/ girlfriend/ a mother / a father and best friend. She can be a cute smart nerd at the same time change into a super handsome charming oppa. Irene unnie told me if Amber were to come back to Korea still single I’ve got to put in my best shot with her if not other girls will definitely try to fish her out of the pond. 



Irene unnie even admitted that she hated Jessica and me before knowing us. Because of the dating Kai incident Amber was really out affected by it and Irene unnie hated it how a random normal male idol can become the first choice as compared to Amber Liu? If Amber claims second no one should claim first spot. 

After what irene unnie told me and Jess during the private djnner which was obviously off camera for Jessica unnie’s YouTube vlog. 


My best friend yang gan also agreed. She still thought that Amber and I will be together till we become old because she haven’t seen me glow like that before. But at that time Amber was my first. My first crush, first love. That’s why Jessica unnie thought maybe it was just a silly crush teenage phrase since we were together almost everyday for practice for all the other f(x) activities. That’s one of the reason for her to push me into dating Kai. 

But after dating Kai and many other guys then I start to compare Amber to whichever I’m dating and it all result to Amber top of everything once again. Then I just realised how great Amber was. And how lucky I am that Amber chose to like me and chose to let me be her girlfriend. 



Yang Gan my childhood friend was really close to Amber because Amber really treated her well even when she was just a new beginner in sound engineering industry Amber would always sit in and exchange ideas with her. Amber would never ever push her down and Amber would even push her support by introducing yang Gan to her friends who’s also in sound engineering industry. 


“Oh gosh krys, Kai is literally heaven and earth apart from Amber” yang Gan was explaining to Jessica unnie and Irene unnie about that lunch date I’ve organised for my bestfriend to meet Kai my boyfriend at that time. 

“Kai was totally stupid unnies. There’s no proper conversation to talk to him about beside dance dance dance dogs dogs dogs and body abs.” Yang Gan rolled her eyes 

“Can you imagine he’s the same age as soojung but he’s totally out of the world knowledge. He’s superficial you know. Telling me how he was being invited to be gucci ambassador and would first hand get to have the latest Gucci’s bag. And what’s worse to add on is that. He clearly knows soojung doesn’t have a lot of close friends. He doesn’t even ask me about what soojung’s likes and dislikes. He even told soojung if there’s any issue between her and him or any issue she’s facing. She shouldn’t come to me about it and should just talk to him only. “ 

Jessica and Irene unnie was laughing at how agitated Yang Gan was. 

“Unnies, I mean he’s already a superficial idiot and yet he wants soojung to only find him and talk to him and consult him? Seriously are idols that dumb nowadays? Gosh I feel so bad that many girls are fan of him “ 



“Yah! I still remember after the lunch date with Kai, you my friend was so angry at me for dating him that you ban me from talking to you for a freaking week.” I cold glare at my friend whom is already immune to my glare. 

“Yah jung Soo jung! Don’t get me started I just ban you a week only. I was really furious after the lunch. Like what the hell i was starting to think that you’re stupid as well like Kai. Despite you break it off with Amber did you know she still constantly helped me and sometimes she will still private message me on Instagram just to ask me how i was and how was work going and lastly to take care of you. Because she knows you doesn’t have much close to heart friends to talk to. That’s how much Amber adores you. And she always put you before herself. 

 And I don’t even know how to tell her how sorry i am that my stupid bestfriend chose some idiot over her. Gosh! Did you see how talented Amber was when she produced her own songs in china. I still follow her news and she will exchange ideas with me and ask for my input on her songs.” My friend looked at me with a pity eye. 

“ I felt sad for my bestfriend unknowingly that she lost a great person in her life. And how much I know soojung. I know she will definitely regret it if Amber move on and date someone else. Because once you held something this great in your hand and you lose it just like that. I felt sad and angry at soojung.” My friend held my arm gently gripping it. 



*Ding dong* the jung penthouse bell rang. 


“It’s my son in law!” My dad chuckled hurriedly rush to it door before me. 

Appa opened the door to see Amber starting there in shocked by my dad “my precious son!” Dad exclaimed before pulling Amber in for a hug. Amber looked straight at me with a shock but then smiled gently at me. After my dad released the hug Amber step one step backwards and did a slight bow to my dad “uncle how are you “ seeing that she still doesn’t lose her Korean respect. Then took one step forward again and showed my dad what she has brought over. 

“Darling! Amber brought mangoes and our all time favourite rice wine!!” Dad brought his hands out to take over the gifts Amber brought  .

Umma heard that Amber has arrived and shouted back “Amber! Give me awhile I’m done soon after I wash my hands “ umma shouted in the kitchen loud enough for Amber to hear. 

Amber shouted back “ hey aunty, need a helping hand”while taking her sneakers off. 

Amber smiled back at me as we both approach one another for a hug. I was really emotional thinking back again about how I gave up on us and I really regret it. What if she likes someone else? I hugged her tightly unknowingly with my both arms wrapped tightly and my body pushing till there’s no space between the two of us. Amber return the hug gently which cause me to feel more insecure and afraid “Amber can you please hug me tighter. I miss you so much “ while hugging her even tighter letting her I’ve no plans to let her go. Amber then tighten her arm on my waist with one hand going up and down trying to comfort me “ Krystal, are you okay?” 

I shooked my head left and right still not letting go the hug “I just really miss you alot and I really don’t want you to go “ Amber chuckled “ before shifting her arm to pat my head “I’m here ain’t I “ 

I released the hug and look back at her “you’re here because umma appa ask you to come. If they didn’t invite you over you wouldn’t come and find me “ I pouted hoping that my pout will still be able to affect her.

“Silly princess. If you need your servant service any time just let me know. I will be there in a heartbeat.” 

I blushed hard at what she said and clinged onto Amber arm. 



Jessica POV 


“Hey Amber come over! Umma made your favourite seafood pancake!” 

Yes my mum still remembers Krystal will always get Amber over to the house after dance practice and have some Korean food at home before heading to her room for their usual movie night. 

Krystal was sitting beside Amber using her chopstick to take food into Amber’s plate. 

Amber will always be this polite to my parents even thought she came over to the house countless times. 

“Aunty! The pancake as usual cooked to perfection! “ amber praising my mum. 

“Then go ahead and eat more you’re getting really thin” umma was pinching Amber on the cheek. 

“Amber, after meal let’s have your mangoes for dessert while we watch boxing together shall we?” My dad pointing to the dvd on the living room table that he was finding earlier on. My parents are really bend on making Amber their future son in law. I hope Krystal isn’t too late to get Amber back. After all I know that Kendall Jenner is being rumoured dating Amber. I think my little sister is really bothered by it. I mean who wouldn’t it’s Kendall Jenner that we are talking about. 

The world class top tier models that is almost in every famous fashion show with a strong family background and she seems to be the most humble one out of her entire famous family. Krystal was complaining to me how she started following news about Amber in china and LA. That was when she saw the video of Kendall Jenner inviting Amber over for family dinners. I mean who will invite friends over to family dinners and their niece and nephews hang out with Amber as well. Is Amber really moving on from my baby sister? That’s something I really want to know. 



Amber POV 


It’s really nice that mr and Mrs jung treat me so warmly just like the old days when we’re still in f(x) where I will always drop by Krystal’s house for dinner and sleepovers. 

“Amber, tell me more about your work over at china and LA” uncle jung was opening up the conversation with me while Krystal was busy scooping kimchi soup into a small bowl for me. 


“Thanks Krystal “ I muttered my thanks to her before replying to mr jung. 

“Well not much was going on but I think it’s the sisters who make waves is the one that took few months of filming.” Uncle looked back at Jessica unnie. 

“Yes appa the one I was on 2 years ago. Amber was filming the same exact one right after my season.” Jessica was sipping the rice wine I brought over before grabbing on a piece of seafood pancake. 


“Oh yes Amber! I’ve watched it with Soojung! Your second performance with the professional dance lady was my favourite of all! The one you jumped into the audience stand!” Mrs jung excitedly said 


“Oh the one where little soojung rush into the bedroom to show me that you gotten the highest score for the entire compeition!” Mr jung exclaimed. 

I’m pretty in shocked that the whole jung family watched the show that I was on and it was in Chinese mostly. I frowned maybe they supported Jessica since she came back to be the guest in the next few episodes. 


“My little soojung here subscripted to the whole season to watch her llama and to show support you know.” Mr jung looking at her youngest daughter with a smirk. 

“Yes oh god. She didn’t support me so much as compared to you. She still manage to watch every single episode of your show. While she only watch my performances on YouTube. She’s really a bad sister” Jessica pointing cheekily at soojung. 


“Yah stop embarrassing me in front of Amber!” Krystal looking annoyed at Jessica. 

It was pretty shocking to me that Krystal managed to catch all the episodes of sisters make wave.   


“So, amber when are you heading back to china again? “ uncle jung ask while putting some meat over to my plate. 

“Ahh probably once I’m done with Jessica ‘s unnie song and MV which should be in a week time.I probably have to head back to film some variety singing show in china.” 


Uncle and aunty pouted “what?! That fast? Can’t you at least stay for a month? Soojung will definitely miss you “ aunty jung exclaimed. 

I looked at Krystal whom was seated beside me with a pouting princess face clinging onto my arm like her usual habit. I patted her head a few times before focusing back on my plate of mountain like food that she has been spooning to me every single minute. 


“Amber, I need you to accompany me to finish the boxing series!” Uncle sighed. 

“I’m really sorry because it’s really a last minute thing for Jessica ‘s song so that’s really about that time frame I’m able to squeeze in. But I will check with my manager whether I’m able to squeeze one or two days more before heading back” amber smiled cheekily before munching on her favourite seafood pancake. 


“Hey Amber, can’t you spend more time with my sister? She miss you a lot you know. And I really wish you can continue to love her and not move on with other people” Jessica unnie out of suddenly stating it out loud while playing with her wine cup. 

I looked up to see Mr Jung and Mrs Jung looking at me with a sad look on their face. 

I touched my neck unknowingly as this is my habit whenever I’m nervous and I looked to Krystal on my right looking down with her brown hair covering her face. 


I smiled at Jessica and her parents before putting my right arm on Krystal’s back trying to make sure she’s okay. 

“You know I’ve thought for quite sometime and frankly I haven’t moved on from soojung. She’s still the one holding my heart even though how much I want to deny it and move on with other people. When I get to see her yesterday and today I felt like no one else could ever replace her spot in my heart. “ 

Krystal raised her face and looked at me with a pouting face again before clinging onto my arm and putting her face to my neck and whispered “Am, you’re always in my heart too. There’s no one else” 


I smiled and nodded and looked back at uncle and aunty jung “ but please aunty and uncle please give me some time to try to figure out exactly whether we should continue or start anything. I don’t want to just jump straight into a relationship again without preparing.” 

That’s something I’ve learnt that no matter how much I love soojung or how much soojung love me. We’re still facing reality and the truth is being in a non traditional relationship is hard and adding on top of that Krystal and me are both artists. If we want to stay together strong we need to have something strong that we can hold on to. 


“I’m really happy that all of you allow me to stay on with soojung. But are you guys sure this is what you want for her?” I question the three of them. 

“am, what do you mean” Krystal looked up at me and it feels like she’s about to cry. 

I looked up at the three of them in front of me “are you all willing to allow soojung undergo this kind of stress from the public if our relationship comes out?” I sighed and took a sip of my water before continuing 

“I thought about it for quite sometime. Soojung is going to continue her acting or modeling in Korea. And I feel like it’s not right that I’m stopping her from doing her passion and I didn’t want to destroy anything that might cause her work to be affected. I told Jessica unnie that maybe soojung can have a chance to fall for a proper guy and lead a proper life regardless if the guy is in the entertainment industry or just a normal person. Wouldn’t it be better for her? She doesn’t have to undergo mental torture from the public. I really don’t have the heart to put her in that spotlight too. She’s my princess and I really love her a lot but I don’t want her to go through something that terrible.” 

“No! I’m ready for this! I’m ready for you and for us. We can secretly date while you continue for music dream and I will wait for you in the meantime I will do acting and modelling . Once you decided you’re done with your music and want to retire. We could even get married in LA and stay there “ Krystal was crying while griping on my arm. 

I held onto Krystal hands which were tightly gripping me 

“Krys, listen to me. You’ve a bright future ahead of you. You’ve been training since young to becoming an idol and now to a great actress and model. You could do anything you want even if you want to continue pursing your music. I just didn’t want you to give up on all these.” I tried to give her the bravest smile I can give while clearing up her tears. 


She shake her head disagreeing 

“No Amber, you don’t get it. I’ve thought about it since we broke up few years back. I realised I just want you. I’ve been focusing on my career taking up as much job opportunities that I could take to drown away the thought of you. I miss you so much that it’s eating in me.” 

Seeing Krystal crumbled like that was like stabbing a knife into my heart. How can I bear to hurt her. 


“Krys, listen to me please. I’m not saying I wouldn’t be together with you in the future. My heart has been yours to began with. But maybe it’s just not the right time for us. You’re still young you’re just 27 years old. That’s so much you can do and so much you can see. I’m not dating anyone you don’t have to worry. But if you want get tired of waiting for us. I’m fine with you dating someone you like. “ 

Krystal was crying non stop. I looked at Jessica trying to get her to give me a helping hand. She understands and stood up from her chair coming towards Krystal giving her a hug. 

“Soojung everything will be fine. Didn’t Amber promise that she wouldn’t date anyone? “ she’s trying to console her baby sister. 


I looked back at uncle and aunty jung. 

They both nodded at me understanding what I’m trying to say. In the end we all wanted was to give Krystal the best. 


I stood up and kneeled down in front of Krystal chair which she was seated on holding her hand gripping it “princess, I promise I’m always here and you will always be in my heart. There’s no space for anyone else” I pointed to my heart. 

Krystal started crying again and kneeled down to pull me for a hug while still crying on my chest. I gave her a forehead kiss and return the hug tightly. 

“Don’t worry, your servant will always be here loving you the way she can.” 


“My little princess, come on stop crying. Amber promised you didn’t she? You know she doesn’t break her promise to you. It’s supposed to be a happy family dinner come on let’s continue eating. I still have a boxing match to watch with my future son in law” uncle jung was trying to calm Krystal down. 


I chuckled at uncle’s effort to try to keep the spirit up for dinner. I pulled soojung up and place her back on her chair and use my chopstick to pickup the barbecue beef on her plate “come on princess eat up. I’m staying over tonight and we can just watch your favourite movie tonight “ 


“Yah Amber! You’re supposed to watch boxing match with me first !” Uncle jung exclaimed cheekily 


“Appa , I’m giving you only 30’minutes with Amber. And you’ve to return her back to me” soojung said with a smile. My princess smiled again and cling on my arm gently before placing food again on my plate.  

I chuckled and my princess childish statement messing her hair and she gives me another of her pout. 




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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1148 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..