1. Hospital


Part 1 - Hospital





“Doc Liu! There’s an huge accident on the expressway around 10 people are seriously injured!! Ambulance estimate arrival 10minutes” I was being paged in from my office by Yonna unnie’s assistant.


I hurriedly grab my white coat and rush down to the A&E Department. I saw a bunch of nurses trying to push the portable beds to the entrance with difficulties. Aish why is no one helping them. 10 people seriously injured they probably need 10 beds on standby. 

“Here, I will push these two beds over to the entrance. You can go grab the others” I took over from the panicking nurse. I saw Yonna Unnie on standby mode already with a few nurses getting the equipment ready by the time the ambulance arrive with the victims. 


Gosh, after 1hour passed I’m finally back to my office table. I took out my glasses placed them on the table took a few sips from my milk tea can. I leveled down my chair lower to rest abit. 






Meanwhile at the hospital cafe area, 

“Yah did you heard about doc Liu saving the day again in the A&E department?” One of the nurse was gushing about this particular handsome looking boyish doctor again. Whom has been a hot topic since she joined the Seoul centre hospital a year ago. “Yah! I was there trying to push the beds to the entrance. She’s the only doctor who is willing to help nurse with their work. Non of the A&E junior doctors will even help to push the bed. Oh god i hope she will join the A&E department. We seriously need more selfless humble doctor like her in the A&E department!” Another nurse added on. “I heard doctor liu likes milk tea why not we send in a bucket of milk tea to psycho her over to the A&E department.” 



“Yah Soojung, looks like your Amber save the day again! Her fandom is crazy!” I chuckled looking at Jessica Unnie whispering into my ears before taking a sip of my black coffee. 

Soojung was smiling happily hearing how people praise her girlfriend. 

“Oh hey Jess “ Yuri Unnie came over before giving Jessica Unnie a side hug looking all so tired. “Gosh baby you look so tired. How did the surgery went?” Unnie tapped on Yuri’s cheek. 

“Baby, you don’t even know. It was horrible I don’t get why the hell the management board decided to assign doctor kai to me. It’s like throwing me to perform on a solo stage. He just stood there with no knowledge of anything like a ing idiot. How the hell did he even become a doctor.” Yuri rant then take a look at me. “Yah baby jung , that Kim Jong in still have the ing cheeks to chase after you for 2 freaking years. Thank god you’re with doctor liu “ I laughed at how Yuri was panting while ranting. 



“Yah don’t curse. You’re a doctor Yuri. Your professional image!” Jessica harshly replied before turning to me “so where’s my future brother in law “ teasing me. I rolled my eyes at Jessica and Yuri. I open my Apple Watch to search for Amber’s iPhone. “She’s still in the hospital. Probably taking a rest in her office?” Before I lock my apple watch. 



“Yah sunny why are you holding 10 cans of milk tea!” Yuri pointing at sunny Unnie. 

“Yah it’s all for Amber. I freaking stood at the vending machine one by one pressing to get all this milk tea for her.” Yuri glare at sunny Unnie. “Yah! Stop trying to bribe Amber  to the Gastroenterology department! Amber belongs in the surgery department.” 


Jessica rolled her eyes at her wife and friend. “Jesus , Soojung make sure Amber stays in the freaking surgery department and not other department “ 



I laughed out loud looking at all my doctor unnies trying to snatch my talented doctor Liu into their respective department.  It was throatcutting competition for all the different chief department head doctors trying to recruit the best doctors into their department.



“Sunny! It was you! You brought all of the milk tea from the vending machine!” Sooyoung Unnie came over the table before snatch one can of milk tea from sunny and drink it one shot. 

“Yah! There’s only 10 left! Now u drink one and I’m left with 9!” Sooyoung Unnie laughed “too bad I don’t think you can win me this time round. I’ve already online order and delivered 2 dozen box of milk tea. Which is 24 cans of premium Japanese milk tea which is now lying chilled in Amber’s office fridge. “ 




Jessica looked at her fellow doctor friends “this milk tea competition is getting out of hand seriously “ she glares back at me. 

“Unnie why are you looking at me. I’ve no say to what Amber decides to stay on which department. She can choose whatever she likes. “ I shake my head at Sooyoung Unnie who is currently giving me a pout face. 

“Soojung please! I will get you the latest Cartier bracelet! Please help me talk to Amber. I really need her smart brain in the children and mother department please “ I giggled at Sooyoung Unnie childish plead before folding up my white long sleeve doctor coat to show her the brand new cartier bracelet resting nicely on my wrist. “ 

Jessica laughed “Sooyoung, too bad Amber already beat you into getting one for my sister!” 



*new message from my love* 

“Hey baby, I’m still in the hospital. Maybe in another 3 hours I’m ready to leave. I will send u a text once I’m done and let’s go and collect the Korea beef that I ordered from our favourite bbq restaurant.See you at the underground carpark later. Love you!” 


“Unnie, I’m going to find Amber later on to collect the raw beef first. Maybe you and Yuri Unnie can just meet us straight at home” since it’s a Friday night umma and Appa decided to host a bbq night dinner.



I send back a reply to Amber 

*To my love*

“It seems like your office is flooding with a lot of milk tea huh baby. Stop drinking so much. Currently the can of milk tea that’s sitting in your desk is your last quota for today! Can’t wait to see you later. My mum already made your favourite disgusting cucumber salad.” 


Within 2 minutes Amber send in another text 

“Stop making key do additional job scope! Why do I feel like my assistant is your secret spy that u implant on me :( I already finish the last drop of milk tea on my table. Hehe I love your mum! And baby can you please stop sunny Unnie from sending in more milk tea. They’re gonna curse at me next Friday after the announcement at the annual doctor meeting.”

Amber still send photo of her office room totally no more walkable space because tons of different brands of boxes of milk tea stacking up all given by our fellow senior doctors whom are all trying to recruit this talented handsome doctor into their respective departments, Amber’s patients whom are grateful for having such a good and caring doctor and hospital staff admirers who tries to chase her or simply just fan girling over her.

I showed Jess Unnie and Yuri Unnie 

amber’s message. The both of them burst out laughing and Yuri Unnie rolled her eyes. Because we already knew what’s Amber’s decision on which department she’s gonna join. Haha Sooyoung and sunny Unnie doesn’t know what Yuri Unnie did to manage to get Amber to agree to join their heart surgery department. For the sake of recruiting Amber into yuri’s department , Amber requested no more like demanded Yuri. 

No 1 : complete a 24 hour drive challenge to chauffeur Amber around all the Pokémon hot spots to catch all the rare Pokémons she didn’t manage to have. 

No 2: make her a home cooked hotpot meal with Jessica Unnie to prepare the china style chilli vinegar smashed cucumbers 


Well no 1 was clearly quite easy for Yuri Unnie to drive her Maserati sports car around to bring Amber to the places she wants to go to catch her Pokémons. It was more of the no 2 the one that included Jessica Unnie to hand prepare the cucumber dish. Yuri Unnie literally kneeled down to beg Jessica for her helping hand to recruit Amber into the department. It was really funny back in the kitchen Unnie was literally suit up in surgery attire with hand gloves and mask on her face while chopping and pressing the cucumbers. I even stood beside Amber enjoying the view of the ice princess Jessica doing something that she hates so much for the sake of her wife Yuri Unnie. Umma and Appa were also busy teasing  their eldest daughter. Yuri ended up with a bunch of bruises from Jessica unnie’s trauma in the kitchen.  


Right after last week hotpot dinner prepared by Jessica and Yuri Unnie. Yuri unnie literally printed out a consent form to force Amber to sign it that she swears she will only join Yuri in her heart surgery department until Yuri decided to retire from the hospital. Yuri unnie not only receive tons of bruises from Jessica Unnie. But also burn a hole in her pocket. That she promise Jessica the latest Chanel bag for her preparing that 5 minute cucumber salad challenge. 


I looked at Yuri Unnie. She was smirking at sunny and Sooyoung Unnie for the fact that Amber already promised her closed doors in the jung residence that she will only be joining Yuri Unnie next month in the heart surgery department. Yuri Unnie must be having lots of fun now seeing how sunny and Sooyoung trying their very best to bribe doctor Liu into their respective department. 


I’m also glad that Amber decided to join the heart surgery department because Jessica Unnie and me belongs to the anaesthesiology that’s greatly linked to all surgery department. 


“Yah!! Sunny Unnie why did you clear all the milk tea in the vending machine! I was out just out from the emergency room ready to buy milk tea for Amber!” Hahaha the latest latecomer Yonna Unnie from the A&E department was also trying to recruit my Doc Liu.  

“Hello! Amber will help you whenever she is free when you have any emergency cases in A&E so why the hell do you need to fight with us?” Sooyoung Unnie said giving her an irritated look. 


“I’m just gonna thank Amber for helping me this morning from the huge accident on the expressway. Thank god Amber was still in her office ready to help! My nurses in my department gushing about how selfless and humble she was. Did you all hear that Amber was helping the nurses to push the portable beds. Gosh I hope she can always be in the hospital whenever it’s my shift. “ Yonna Unnie exclaimed. Yuri Unnie nodded “yes it’s just a simple task of giving a helping hand to nurses but doctors nowadays are really in general no offences to all doctors are proud and egotistical creatures that always think so highly of themselves that low task like helping out their nurses are not something that they will do. Thank god Amber’s dad whom was the chairman of the hospital taught her well to input all these good values into her. “ 



“Oh god lower your voice Yuri, Amber doesn’t want people to know that her dad is the chairman of this hospital. “ Jessica glare at her wife. Yuri chuckled “this is so stupid. Amber looks just like our boss. They both have the Dino face, same big nose holes and the ing same surname LIU. I don’t get why Amber have to hide it. She could just drive out any Lambo or Porsche in her house but she chose to purchase a basic entry Mercedes model as her daily ride. “ Yuri Unnie pointing to the poster picture of the management board hanging at the hospital foyer. 


Sooyoung Unnie laugh at how agitated Yuri Unnie was then look back at me “thank god our Soojung is so charmingly cute and smart that our doc Liu fell in love with her at first sight. But krys, on serious note never leave our doc Liu for anyone. “ I chuckled at Sooyoung Unnie sudden seriousness. “Don’t worry, Amber is tied to me from head to toe till next life” I know deep down I will never ever find someone this great like Amber. Gosh the thought of her just makes me love her even more everyday. Even though we have been dating for 5 years already ever since we met in while we studied for our doctorate. I’ve never love her less but instead the love increase even more everyday. 


“Gosh honey it’s that doctor again “ Jessica Unnie pushing Yuri face to the right side. Yuri sighed “Gosh that idiot Kai again. Hanging out flirting with nurses when he really should be in his office open his ing Uni medical books and study. Why is he winking over our table direction. Who the is he winking to. “ Yuri grunt in disgust. 

“It’s our little Soojung he’s trying to seduce duh! And oh my god he’s getting on my nerves too. Trying to chase after me to have me agree to get him over to the A&E department. I understand he doesn’t have any talent but he just want to join my department just so that he can play missing whenever doctors are required. “ 

“Well it’s true that joining A&E a fast pace environment with a lot of flexibility in time but not being present or keep his phone away. He probably can get through 10 years of being an invisible doctor in this hospital while continue taking high salary and flirt with nurses and patients. Jesus! Why is he walking towards us. Soojung I think he’s gonna start to flirt with you again” Jessica Unnie stated calmly. 


I rolled my eyes deeply irritated by Kai. He has been constantly trying to hit on me every single time he sees me. Does he even know that I don’t swing that way? Does he even know I’m not even a 1% interested in him. He is good looking indeed but what’s there when he just has a handsome face but stupid brain as compared to my doc Liu who has handsome face, talented smart head but humble and caring at the same time. I maintain my posture and give a professional colleague smile and greeted him back “hi doctor kim” 


“Krys, when are you free for dinner. I know a very expensive well known restaurant that serves up good steaks and it’s hard to have a reservation “ he run his hand to comb back his hair trying to act all handsome and charming. 


“Hey, it’s doctor jung for you. I don’t think my sister in law is in a name by name basis you yet and why are you busy flirting around. Shoo shoo go back to your office and revise back on your Uni medical books. “ 

Yuri Unnie answered back for me trying to get him back off from flirting with me. 


“Yes doctor Kwon. Just let me ask doctor jung one more question and I will leave”


“Doctor jung , I don’t see you dating around. Can you please accept my dinner date” 


Yuri Unnie smirked back and raised Jessica unnie’s left hand in the air “doc jung is here married to me hello! Don’t you see the ing big ring here! “ 


“But doc Kwon I’m asking Krystal. I know doc Jessica is married to you who doesn’t know.” 


“Well doctor Kai, too bad one question you asked is up. And I’ve already answered on behalf of my sister in law. Now shoo “ Yuri Unnie flung her arm like chasing away flies trying to chase Kai away. 



Jessica Unnie laugh at her wife childish stunt she pulled. “Stop being so protective. My baby sis knows what to do and Amber isn’t worried at all.” 


“ don’t worry Yuri Unnie, it’s funny how you can pull out such childish stunt. It was an enjoyable performance” I laughed and Yuri Unnie laugh back


 “honey, you see Soojung doesn’t mind it! And Amber trust Soojung fully that no matter which mosquito want to hit on Soojung it’s like mission impossible. Because my sister in law only have eyes set on our doctor Liu.” 

I nodded my head agreeing to what Yuri Unnie said. 


I don’t think anyone could ever be better or even on par with my doctor Liu. My parents even told me if I break off with Amber they will disown me. Like what the hell im their daughter but they like Amber so much over their own daughter. Whenever they invite Amber over they will always cook her favourite food. 


Amber was as usual walking rounds taking notes of the patients in her in charge wards for her shift. Then she received a text from key her assistant. 

“Doc Liu, there’s a new reporter trying to interview you regarding this morning expressway accident. One of the victim whom you help save in the A&E bed reported your name. Do you want to accept her interview? “ 


I sighed hating such public speaking stuffs. 

I replied key. “Key, just get Yonna Unnie or the PR hospital dept to settle it. Do not include me please. And do me a favour block any milk tea deliver from entering my office. “ 

Gosh Soojung is gonna nag at me again for all these milk tea. She promised if I kept my promise of drinking only 2 can of milk tea per day. By end of this year, she’s buying me the new playstation. 



I chuckled at how much milk tea I consume in a day before I know her. I was literally able to just have a bag of milktea IV to drip into my bloodstream. I literally drink about 2litres of milktea everyday in med school. 

Apparently I had a slight lost control in my milktea consumption that I will have random nosebleeds that’s why she is setting this drink quota. 




My shift has finally ended. I remove my white coat on the hunger and change out of my loafers to my favourite Nike dunk which was a birthday gift by Krystal went to the my office sofa to pull out a piece of black hoodie putting it on with a Nike black cap. I looked at the mirror , I totally don’t even look like a doctor now in this streetwear outfit. I took my duffle bag and lock my office door and said goodbye to the hospital staffs I see. 

“Bye doctor Liu! Have a good weekend ahead!” One of the nurse was speaking in a relatively higher pitch. I wonder why. 

A few of the nurses bow slightly with a blush face after seeing me saying goodbye. 

I took the lift straight down to the basement carpark. There there, stood the most  beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Krystal jung in a light blue oxford shirt nearly tucked into her slim fitting jeans along with a white pair of sneaker which I brought for her last Christmas standing beside my black Mercedes. 



I looked around and noticed no one is around the parking lot so I rush over from behind to give her a back hug. She jumped a little but quickly must have realised it was me. She break the back hug before pulling me into a proper hug and whispered into my ear “doctor liu you gave me a scare but my lalafranc undefined perfume is all over on your hoodie.” I chuckled knowing that she recognised the heavily sprayed perfume smell on my hoodie. 

Soojung has this habit that she will always pack a few pieces of clothes that she will shower it with her favourite perfume. Her way of wanting me to never forget I’m hers. That’s her way of marking me down as her property. This childish girl. 



I pull her to the car passenger side and open the door for her taking her duffle bag that she was slinging on her shoulder before she enter the car. I placed both of mine and hers duffle bag in the car boot before driving off to the Korea restaurant to collect our pre ordered set of wagyu beef to be barbecue at her house tonight. 





heheh new short story! Doctor Liu and doctor jung :))

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hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1138 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..