8. The love that came back


Part 8






Amber was crossing the street heading to where the restuarant which tyler has send her to meet up with him and jessica for lunch.

She was really nervous she didn’t know whether will krystal turn up for lunch. She knows clearly that yesterday Tyler’s call for lunch invitation she could hear Krystal voice at the background. She was mentally preparing herself to face her ex once again. 

She wore a white button down polo shirt with her black nicely fitted jeans and loafers. She saw Tyler waving at her from the inside of the restaurant her palms start sweating with Jessica but she didnt see the girl that she love. And yes the girl that she love not loved. 

Amber has to admit that till this date there is no other girl able to hold the spot of her heart other than Krystal Jung her one and only princess. 


She mentally prep herself to be ready. 

She smiled and give a wave before going up to the staff to lead her to tyler’s table. 

“Hey Amber! “Jessica step out first to approach amber for a hug before tyler did a small bro high5 with amber followed by a tight hug. Amber settle herself on one of the empty seat. She frowned at the table setting arrangement as there is 4 cup of iced water being setup nicely. The empty seat with a cup half empty and a smirk of lipstick can be seen she recognised that someone has drank from the cup before looking back at tyler and jessica. 

Tyler gave a small smiled and inform her that Krystal went to the bathroom. Amber gave a small nodd before looking at the menu that the waitress has came in. 

“Amber, I’ve orderred a 4 course meal for the 4 of us. I hope you don’t mind it” The 4 chairs was placed side by side of all square of the table pointing to amber the menu page that she has orderred Amber nodded her head and pass the menu back to the waitress. “There is no need for extra order. Thankyou” smiling charmingly at the waitress who looked smitten by amber’s cute smile. 


Tyler was excitedly telling Amber about the golf course he booked next week for him and Amber. They have been golf buddies ever since they met at the golf course in america. Amber’s dad was the regular golf member there too which Tyler was closed to her dad as well and have alot of partnership together. 

Just then the sound of the high heels heading closer and closer can be heard. Amber looked away from tyler and on her left was the cold loyal beauty Krystal Jung walking slowly over to the table with a small shy smile looking right straight at her. Her princess was dressed in a white button down polo shirt with blue jeans and high heels. Krystal sit down and reach out for a sip of her half empty iced cold water before greeting her. 



“Hey Amber” krystal reach out to hold on to Amber’s hand which was resting on the table. Amber heart skip a beat upon Krystal’s touch on her hand. She frozed and quickly shift out of the hand hold trying to calm herself within seconds and smiled back and greeted Krystal “Hey Krystal ” 

Krystal's face dropped, she was embrassed that amber pulled her hand away from her hold.

Krystal didnt like amber’s greeting where did princess and krys gone.

She tried to give her best gentle smile despite Amber pushing her away she knows its her fault that Amber became like this. 


instead krystal stoodup from her chair next to amber to give a tight hug to amber who was sitted down. “I miss you so much amber” whispering into amber’s ear during the hug. Amber admitted she miss her princess she automaticly put her both arm around krystal’s back gave her awkward pats behind her back.




Krystal frowned at what amber was still addressing her full name not even soojung was used. She didn’t say anything against it as she didn’t want amber to be overwhelmed and run away from her again. Food start serving in with the salad arriving first. The salad chef push in the trolley before starting to toss the salad in front of them. The 4 of them were engross in talking about Tyler’s golf day with amber’s dad. 

Krystal and Jessica was shocked that amber was from a very wealthy family. Krystal herself didn’t know that amber’s background was that strong. She knew amber was quite well to do and comfortable always only spending money mostly on food , boba and sneakers. But she didn’t know her family was that comfortable. Well comfortable is an understatement. Ambers dad was a well known billionaire having lots of manufacturing factories around the world. Tyler was telling them how Microsoft ceo was playing with her dad and Tyler was introduced in as well and they hitted off well once Mr Liu mention about her daughter amber. 

The chef serve up 4 small plates of salad in front of them. Krystal frowned upon looking at the salad as she saw cucumbers in it. She was about to use her fork to remove the cucumbers amber went on to push her plate to her. 

Amber have managed to remove all the cucumbers in her plate before exchanging with Krystal. 

Krystal was touched even though amber ran away to china to avoid her didn’t pickup her calls or reply to her texts. She’s still so considerate to her even after what she did to her.




Jessica was smiling inside seeing how amber is still so affectionate towards Krystal. A few seconds later she sees Tyler not even bothered by the salad he was already consuming half the salad on his plate. “Yah! Tyler kwon 

Look at amber she’s so considerate to my sister. She took out all her cucumbers and pass her plate to krys. What about you!” It was well known that the 2 jung sisters hate cucumbers. Amber chuckled at Jessica. 



“Jess, it’s just out of habit that I will take out cucumbers. I didn’t think too much about it” Amber was patting Tyler on his shoulder whom was pouting at Jessica. 

Jessica rolled her eyes 

“Oh really what kind of habit was that! You’re the only crazy cucumber fan I’ve seen” Jessica exclaimed. 


Krystal didn’t mind whatever Jessica was trying to insult at Amber about cucumbers. She was so touched that Amber still remembers she hates cucumber. Even if it turns out to becoming a habit to her. It was like amber's body system auto pilot to help krystal to remove all the cucumbers for her meal.




The main course of steaks and salmon platter has arrived. The chef split the steaks and salmon evenly into four portions to serve to them individually. Krystal was excitedly eating her steak and realised the steak on her plate was gone and the salmon was still untouched. Amber without saying a thing brought pieces of cut up steaks to Krystal’s plate and took Krystal salmon onto her plate. Krystal looked at Amber with the adored eyes that Amber is still so considerate to her. 

Jessica looked at the Amber and Krystal food interaction. No doubt she regretted having to break them up. Amber clearly knows what Krystal likes and dislikes.  “Hey Amber will you be full from just salmon? Do you want me to order another portion of meat for you” Amber shooked her head it’s okay Jess. I’m fine with eating fish anyway less chewing for me before continue her conversation with Tyler about her dad’s manufacturing company. 


Krystal sighed inwards thinking back about her previous date with some other actor 

that didnt like her eating too much meat. Amber clearly didnt care whether krystal will become fat or go out of shape but instead she focus on her likes and dislikes. She wonder again why on earth did she dump amber and date someone else when clearly amber is the only one whom will ever know her that well. Krystal was disturbed by her own thoughts when suddenly.


“Hey Krystal! So nice to see you here” the four of them looked up 

Krystal frowned what a luck it was the same actor whom was the ambassador for Ralph Lauren she have just met few months ago to attend Australia open 2024 finals together. That boring tennis fan actor that has gotten her manager oppa phone contact and has been pestering to get krystal's phone number.

 Krystal frowned but decided to be respectful and greeted back 




“Hi oppa , here for lunch?” The actor like Krystal a lot and he was really happy to get to see her in the same restaurant. “Yes and I’m so happy to see you again” the actor went forward to give Krystal a hug. Jessica frowned looking at the older actor. She knew about the boring actor which Krystal was complaining to her through text message about how annoying and persistent about the actor towards her. Jessica looked at Amber to only see her looking down cutting her salmon minding her own business eating without even looking at Krystal and the older actor. 



Jessica frowned knowing that Amber was avoiding whatever situation Krystal is in with her suitor. It was really obvious that the actor was interested in her sister. Jessica stood up decided to give a helping hand to her sister to break the stupid conversation with the stupid ralph lauren actor. 

"Hey Soojung, the food is cold get back here"


The actor was embarrassed to hold back Krystal for too long who was with his personal manager. “Omg is that Amber Liu?” The actor's female manager looked in shocked to see Amber was sitting at the table with Jessica eating her salmon. “Krystal-ish can I get a picture and an autograph with Amber?” Her manager was pointing at the direction towards the llama knowing that Amber and Krystal was once bandmates in f(x). 



Jesssica nudged Amber to shift her head to face Krystal direction. The actor’s manager was like starstrucked to see her idol in front of her before shyly came over to ask Amber nicely for a photograph. Krystal was looking at Jessica for help to get her out of the zone with the actor. 


“Hey krys mind helping this pretty fan take a picture with her favourite idol” Jessi was giving a good excuse to let krystal step out of the conversation with the disgusting actor.

Jessica was eyeing Krystal that she was helping her out. 


“Ah yes yes sure” Krystal hurriedly came back to the table to help take the photo and Amber was signing her autograph. 


The four of them were back to eating lunch quietly after the commotion. 

Amber was self reminding herself 

To mind her own business. Move on move on . She knows Krystal definitely have many suitors chasing her even thought she really love Krystal she knows she can’t have her. 


Krystal on the other hand was looking at amber being quiet and frowning time to time while eating her salmon. Jessica came her little sister a kick under the table eyeing Krystal to do something about amber. 



“Uhem..AM er do you want to have boba tea after lunch? I know your favourite boba brand just opened a new outlet nearby.” 


“I’m sorry Krystal there’s another appointment with my friends here” amber looked at her for a short while and turn back to her phone ringing. 


“Hey Suzy, yes I’m gonna be done soon with lunch.” Amber was answering the call. 



Krystal was listening. Her fellow 94 liner Suzy bae? She didn’t know Suzy was still in contact with Amber after so long. She wasn’t in the music industry anymore since she is doing really well in the film and drama side. 



“Hi sunbaenim “ two black hoody girls stood side by side greeting the table of four. It was blackpink Jennie and rosè. Oh crap this is awkward for Krystal to see Jennie. 


“Yah you little kid! Why are you here!” Jessica push her chair back to stand up and gave Jennie a tight hug. Jessica and Jennie was really close after Jennie open up her sunglasses fashion line following the steps of Jessica jung. They were both introduced by their designers and ever since they were close. Jennie was currently dating Krystal’s ex boyfriend Kai. Krystal was surprised to see Amber doing the same thing pushing her chair backwards and stood up to head to the other black hoody girl rosè direction. Rosè flipped back the hoody hiding from her face and gave a really bright smile. “Berber!!!” Rosè smiled so happily as they gave one another a tight hug. 

Rosè started to speak in English. 

“It’s so great to see you back in Korea. I miss you so much!!” 


“Well you’re the busier one miss Coachella superstar “ Amber chuckled and pinch rosè cheek. 

Rosè blushed immediately and gave Amber a playful punch on the shoulder but her hand still on Amber touching her. 


“Oh come on you’re seriously gonna play this game huh the now up and rising china superstar the one who now holds the nickname of strong six warrior. “ rosè moved her hand that was on Amber’s shoulder to amber’s arm. Jennie on the other hand add on “oh Amber the great who can sing , dance , rap , compose “ adding on the tease. 

Amber grinned at the two cheeky blackpink members. 


Krystal frowned looking at how rosè was so shy around Amber like how she was in the past in f(x). The blackpink vocalist definitely have a crush on her llama. Krystal decided to kick Tyler under the table hinting him to call Jessica and Amber back to the table to continue their lunch. 

“Hey guys sorry to disturb your exciting reunion but we have plans later on let’s hurry finish up our lunch” Tyler looking at both Amber and Jessica .


Rosè bowed “sorry to disturb your lunch.” Amber pat her on the head “no worries “ with a handsome grin again. 

Krystal was already in her death stare mode ready to kill. 


“Hey Amber let’s take a quick selfie together “ rosè pull out her phone from the hoody pocket 

Amber stood beside her with her arm wrapped around rosè “cheese!!!” 


“Ber ber , let’s have a play date soon! I really want to meet jack jack and I hope Hank and jack jack can be bestfriends” 

Amber cheekily nodded. 



Krystal looked really angry now 

What did rosè want to meet jack jack. The other half ownership of jack jack should belong to her. She was so called the other mother for jack jack beside Amber. She and Amber was the one whom went to the pet store to get jack jack. She even stamp the approval to approve Amber to name her dog jack jack to honour Amber's sister Jackie. There’s no way Krystal would allow jack jack to find another stepmother. Not in this lifetime.




*Amber's POV*


Soojung still have so much suitors chasing her. She has been maturing herself very well that now she is no longer that shy as compared to when she was a singer. 

She is so much more confident now I can feel. 

I was trying to resist myself to stare at her even more. Only when she ask a question I will simply just choose to reply few words and just focus on conversing with Tyler about golf, business and dads.


"Amber, you know rose from blackpink well?" I looked up to see Krystal asking me in a stern manner. 

"had chance upon their group at coachella previously" I look up at her face for few seconds before reaching out to drink water from my cup. 


"hahahah soojung who doesn't know blackpink!"Jess was trying to ease down the icy atmospohere that krystal created after asking the question. 




*Krystal POV*



I hated it! I really hate why every girl is out there to get my llama. I am getting insecure. I didnt get this insecure with my ex boyfriend Kai. Even when there was tons of girls chasing after this exo famous dancer. 

Maybe because I didnt love him to began with. 

But with Amber is a totally different story. 

I feel like the need to lock her and maybe tattoo my name on her forehead to let everyone knows she is taken by me. KRYSTAL JUNG.

But then who am i to blame for everytthing now. 

Amber didnt even want to inital and carry on any conversation with me. I was trying to get to know how she is in china but she isnt helping by replying few words. 

It felt like i was just giving her an interview. 


I miss her soft caring eyes that she always have towards me. 

How she always will be there to know what i need or what words to say whenever i feel tired, angry or hungry. But right now all i can see is that cold blank eyes. 


Please amber please give me a chance. I just need one chance to mend everything back to your heart. 


I am finally back at home with Jessica.

Umma was asking me how was the lunch with Amber. 

I was telling her how cold Amber treated me. 

Umma was telling me to give Amber some space at the same time try to talk to her into giving me a second chance.

“Soojungie , do you see umma’s phone?” My mum was looking left and right touching the corners of the sofa trying to find her phone. 

“Umma, why are you finding your phone?” 


“There it is “ my mum unlocked her phone 

While I sat closer to her to look at what she’s doing. 

“Ah! Umma why are you calling Amber!!” 

“Shhh! “ she stop me from shouting 

“Hello?” It was amber’s voice and I could hear basketball bouncing on the court. 

“Amber, it’s me! Soojungie umma” 


“Ah yes aunty, hello . Why did you called? Are you finding soojung?” Amber sounded worried 

Must be thinking why the hell my mum was calling her. 


“Ani, Soojungie is resting in her room. She’s feeling upset you know that you’re being cold to her” 


“Aunty, I’m really sorry but I’ve my reason” 

I frowned at my mother asking her indirectly to stop talking about me. 

“Amber, I know. Soojung admitted to me about you and her in the past. And I know what we did was wrong. You’re the one for her until now you know? “ 

There was silence from amber’s end only shouting and ball hitting the court sound. 


“Aunty, give me awhile let me walk further out of the basketball court” 

Few seconds later, I heard a sigh from the phone. 

“Aunty, you know it’s not easy to get over the hurt. And maybe soojung hasn’t found the one she’s supposed to meet. “ 

It’s my mum’s turn to sigh. I guess my llama is really a very stubborn animal. 

“Amber, I’m really sorry for what she has done but I know how you treated her. There’s no Prince Charming that will fit for my daughter expect you. You’re the only one I’ve seen to love her way more than yourself. And I hope you can please give her a chance to mend back the way to your heart. Soojung’s dad and me really wish you will come back to her. You know she had a hard time after you went to china?” 

“Aunty, I know. Jessica unnie have been updating me about soojung. I don’t really know how to start but I know she will forever hold a part of my heart.” 

My mum smiled and me “Amber are you free tomorrow night for a dinner over at the house? Why not let’s start by having a dinner over here. I will prepare your favourite dishes like old times. “ 


“Aunty, you’re too kind and thank you for always taking care of me in the past like a mother figure to me when my family isn’t here in Korea. I will come over tomorrow at about six in the evening?” 


“Yes please! I can’t wait to see you. And my little monster will be really happy to see you”


“Okay aunty I really need to go now. See you tomorrow night” 


Umma!! You’re the best I went forward to give her a tight hug after Amber hung up the phone. 

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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1149 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..