〚 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠𝚜⁺¹〛

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 Ŕ͢͝͞ e̴̢̲̪̹̰̜̤͍̗̻̗͕̺̿̑ḛ̴̛̞̇̇̽̅̍̂͐̍̉͘̕͠͝ ̵̧́͡l g̷͜͏í̕ŗ̷l̷̢̀͞͡s̸͟͜͝ 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚕𝚢 𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚗.


11 Apps


My character!  
App's are linked to the photo.
Keep scrolling for more reviews!

The Spade : 3
The Joker : 2
The Club : 2
The Diamond : 3
The Heart : 1



The Spade 


First of all, lumina is a beautiful
stage name I love it :)
I see a lot of potential in her as a
self-sacrificing leader type.

Could you please add a backup
plotline? Since Joker is meant to
be an  “open” plotline that would probably be the simplest.
Back-ups are important
because I might end up picking 6 characters meaning potentially two characters with the same plotline.

I really like how you put info of
how she would see the plotlines/members, as it will be
very helpful when putting together the group. I think the trivia was
great, her being a bookworm is
cute, and I love the sketchbook
she carries around & her morning routine.

When it comes to her personality,
I see her traits, but I don’t fully understand how they impact her
day to day.
For example, with her flaws, I feel they’re only lightly touched on in a
short paragraph.
How would she act on a bad day
or when clashing with others?

You mention that she dislikes judgmental people but how does
she respond when she
encounters people like that?

You mention her being blunt but
the only example given is her
bantering with groupmates, does
this bluntness come out in other ways, like could this come across
as a negative trait in some circumstances?

Going a bit into her backstory
I don’t fully understand why she
would be expelled from
multiple schools, it sounds like she slacked off but nothing to quite
warrant that extreme.
Did she talk back at her teachers?

I also can’t help but feel most of
her development happens before
the story starts, the idea of an introverted underachiever
becoming an idol and improving
on herself is interesting but the
app kind of indicates she's fully
grown from that side of her
What arc could I give
her in the story moving forward?

You mention her fully standing up
to the company, and in all
honesty, after a certain point of
doing that she’d likely be removed
from the leader position
(this happened with 9muses for example) this could be
a really interesting plot point,
I would love to write. How do you
think she’d feel if the leader
position was given to someone
else after standing up to
the company?

Why did she want to be an idol? I
know you said it’s because of the
idea of inspiring people,
but to be frank
some other aspirations/careers also
do that that aren’t as fake.

A major thing expressed is her
dislike for fakeness and her
valuing of authenticity. I do think
that’s very possible for an idol
(Ophelia is a bit like that too) but I
feel there’d have to be a very big motivation to become an idol
despite it going against most of
her core values, or at least more consequences to it. Because the
app doesn't really go into how
she would act under all that pressure, hyper-empathy and anxiety are
talked about but what are the
actions that come from that?
I would love that push and pull
with her values of authenticity
clashing with the fakeness of the industry devolved into a bit more.

I feel that maybe her being
scouted would make more sense
than her going out of her way to audition?

I also would like to see more weaknesses when it comes to
being an idol, the only thing that's
a real weakness is her not being
the strongest dancer, but with Wonyoung's face,Tayeon’s vocals, a stan attractor, good stage presence a great leader,

I just feel there need to be some
more flaws to balance out those strengths.

I want Reel Girls to be an
exploration of flawed teenage girls
going through a ruthless industry 

& how that shapes them.
But I don’t fully grasp how Lumina
would react to all of this and how it would affect her-.
All that's really said is she's a
fighter who’ll put other people's
needs above her own, but I
don’t fully get what that means in practice, how I should write her navigating all of this.

I did enjoy reading elements of your writing, especially in the relationship section and romance which I think
are the strongest parts of the app.

I love detailed apps with a high word count,
but I couldn’t help but find elements
that are a bit repetitive and
sometimes big words put in places
they didn’t really need to be.
Some of the additional words made
me feel more distant from her
rather than helping me understand
her more. It felt a bit like telling
instead of showing.

For full transparency, I found this
review hard to write, because my nitpicks  are hard for me to explain,
& I never want to come across
as harsh, but I really want to give constructive criticism.
I feel a bit bad for how long
 this review is, I really appreciate
the large amount of effort went into Lumina’s app and I feel there is a lot
of potential there,
but Reel Girls is meant to be a
character study at this point in 
time I don’t think I’d feel confident
writing from her POV.

Since a lot of these are questions,
you can answer in comments rather
than edit her app if you’d rather.


The Club


Hi Sun! Thanks for applying.
It kind of feels like a full circle moment for me, I’m pretty sure
it was your applyfic I first ever
made a character for ^^.

I have been stalking the reel girls
tag, and I noticed she seemed to
be finished for a while haha, but
I’m glad you finally submitted the
app <3
Nancy as a fc makes sense, sadly that poor girl has had to deal with
a lot of the things this story is

I’ve been the most nervous about the club,
given the sensitivity of
the subject. I think you did
a great job. The way you talked about her trauma felt grounded
and real,all the details around
her coping mechanisms & how it
impacted her life. I like the way
you write  about her feeling
detached from her fans, it’s an interesting POV
that makes a lot of sense with
her experience.

I did like the motif around Barbie
& Pink, her being pushed into a
role that isn’t really her. It does
make me curious if she has
her own aesthetic or style she is drawn to?
(totally fine if she doesn’t)

I think it makes sense that she’d keep everything bottled up only
for it to explode, and snap, developing into a desire for justice

I like how you give me a clear
idea of her story arc, and development and how she can evolve throughout the story,
reading the app made me want justice for her too. I felt fully immersed.
Her regrets/fears/dreams all cut really deep :(
I love Soyul's close relationship
with her sister.

Honestly, the club being Ophelia’s love interest wasn’t my first
choice as I feel the club already
has a ton going on. But I’m not actively against it or anything.

Soyul's crush on Ophelia is
really cute and I think I can
picture it, but I was wondering
what is there friendship like?
Are they close? I think having a
bit of a clearer idea of their
dynamic would be helpful for me.

Also, you mention the
company knowing she's a
lesbian, how did they find that
out, do her groupmates know?

The idea of Soyul being spotted
with Yejun a couple of
times is really interesting, I also
love the use of her IG as a way to indicate something is shifting.

I think you did a great job with
Yullie, and I got emotional when reading her app, I do have a
couple of questions here I’d love answered but I still put on her accepted as I can still work with
her character regardless ^^  


The Spade


Thank you for fixing that, she is accepted now <3

Hi Qin ^^ Thank you so much for applying,
I gotta say I was quite shocked
when I got the notification of your submission but I’m really glad you
felt inspired to complete her <3  

First of all, I love the way you customised the layout, it’s super pretty.

I want to make it clear that what
you listed in the “dont's” I can
totally avoid. That subject is only
a definite part of the club, I can
100% stay clear of that for
Wenwen if she's picked.

In terms of her personality, I love
that Wenwen is stubborn and set
in her own ways, but then if she trusts someone she can be easily swayed and influenced. That &
her being very emotional + quick
to anger are very interesting traits
for a leader. 

Wenwen’s guilt over the state of
the group feels very real, and the angle of her becoming reckless  almost welcoming death makes
sense. A member being self-destructive is intresting,
and realistic.
I love the mention of feeling angry, give me some feminine rage!

I do think Ophelia and Wenwen
have a lot of overlap but in a way
that could even lead to some good conflict. Due to their  similarities,
I’d probably keep them platonic. ^^

Julia is a good character to have,
a friend outside of the family, a potentially compelling POV and a realistic aspect of friends growing apart.

I love me the classic is mistaken
for cold but is actually just shy, it would make sense for real media
to lean into that “ice queen”
persona. It makes me think of Krystal, and so I do have a
soft spot for that. And Yiren is a
great fc for the image she has!

Ahh Nayoung she’s so talented :( so sad what happened to Gugudan
a great talent twin choice.

You mentioning ty dudes did
get me thinking though, would
you be open to her having
something with Minjun? I would
say that probably wouldn’t be the happiest, but it could be interesting.

I had most of this review written
out and I hadn't noticed any issues,
I was going to accept Wenwen
but then I had one more read of
the app and noticed a very minor detail.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, the ages you have listed for the
parents and grandparents are 40s and 60s.
Based on this wenwen's grandparents would have had to have their son around
13 - 14 years old?

I feel bad for nitpicking but I want
to be sure their ages make sense, you could probably age wenwen's parents down, if you want her to
have younger grandparents.

Sorry again for the nitpick but
once this is clarified Wenwen will
be accepted, she's a different
take on a guilt-ridden leader than
I often see which I like. Thanks again for applying <3



The Joker


Thank you for answering all my questions so fast, she is accepted now ^^

Hi Teal, thank you so much for applying! I was also surprised to
see her submission
but super happy as well <3

It’s cool seeing someone take on

the prompt I gave for the Joker. I expected most people to use it as an open plotline (which is totally fine)

I loved the way you’ve explored
her feelings through
the connections of the camera.
& her relationship with filming and vlogging to tell a story of her
mental health decline, you wrote about that very realistically and
made me feel emotional when reading.
I also appreciate how many interesting ideas you came up
with that can really help shape a dynamic story.

Quick note, I'm pretty sure her 
ethnicity is Japanese ^^

Despite not listing many traits  I understand Kasami's personality
well due to your description. As
well as her background and what shaped her, such as her overprotective mum.
I think having one of the member's parents going scorched earth could be so good lol.

What age was Kasami when they moved to south korea and do they still speak Japanese at home?
I'm not sure if her level of fluency
in Japanese makes sense,
as it sounds like she moved at a very young age.

I haven’t revealed what happened to the group
(though kidnapped is a fair guess.)
The idea of one member not being missing is interesting and I might need to consider it.

Some of the elements you describe in the story moving forward were a little bit how I intended Eunji’s role to be, but I do like what you wrote
& it could add a compelling thread to the mystery, and would be
different enough to Eunji.

But since I don’t know for sure if it would fit into my plans. I have to ask if Kasami also went missing and I wasn’t able to incorporate your idea fully would that be okay?

Having a character going mute
due to trauma is something that didn’t even cross my mind, but it would make a lot of sense. Just
so I fully understand,
is she going mute for only a
limited time or is it a long-term
thing? If it’s a long-term thing is it selective mutism?

I love the romance <3 I’m always
a er for opposites attract, and the idea of a secret boyfriend appearing to find answers is compelling My question is,
how did they meet?
I need to geta bit more of an idea

of how they got to know
each other in the first place.

Less important but also,
Did you have a job in mind for him? Or could I just pick one?
You mention adopting a dog together, does it live with him?

I like Kasami a lot, and I want to accept her, but I feel to write her story properly
I need to know how she met Youngjae and how 
They got to know each other.

You can even just leave a
comment explaining if you find
that easier.
As soon as I know that she’ll definitely be accepted!

And though this won't impact her status please let me know if you'd be okay with her potentially still going missing with the rest of the group, if I can't make your ideas work with my existing plan
(as much as I do really like your idea)

I aplologise for all the questions,
but I see a lot of potential in
Kasami, and if she ends up being chosen I want to feel confident
in writing her.
Thank you again for applying!



The Heart


Hi Mia, thanks for applying <3
I’m really glad to see an app for
the heart, & for a young
in general, I was a little worried I wouldn’t get any young apps haha.^^”

Jiheon is a great fc choice for the heart given how long she has
been in the industry for ^^ 

You’re being way too hard on yourself, I don’t think Miso

at all. I like her a lot, and she has
a lot of potential for interesting storylines. You’ve taken on the
heart and expanded on it
realistically and compellingly.

A lot about Geumhee feels like a
real 13-year-old, the dislike for homework and school,

the messiness and distaste for cleaning. I love it.

I love her relationship with her hard-working single dad it’s very sweet, and the living with her grandparents too.

I would like more clarification on
her mum; having a lawyer parent
in this situation even an absent
one is interesting.But I can’t quite grasp her, has she wanted to
be/tried to be in Geumhee's life?
Is she so ashamed of leaving that she hasn’t? For her to be silently watching and want to protect her,
but not be involved in Geumhee's
life at all. I can believe that, but to write it I  feel I need to understand her motive/thought process better.

Geumhee pursuing dance competitions, & it being
something she can bond with her
dad over is so cute!
Her being scouted by Hyunwoo makes a lot of sense and I like it!
In general, Hyunwoo having a member he favours could be very interesting.

The whole dance-focused limited vocal skills, has been on my mind recently so I’m glad to see an app exploring that.
Ultimately I made the talent twins something you can adjust, so I’m happy to stick with Chaeryoung
as a talent twin, I can’t help but be reminded of Iroha from illit based
on your skill description.
The weaker vocals, the style of dance, & stage presence.
couldn’t help but share my thoughts, it’s up to you ofc~. I'm happy to stick with Chaeryoung. ^^

I like her image and persona,
cute maknae, dance machine. 
Having a competitive member for variety is great and substituting swear words is funny lol.
I love the polarising extroverted personality. Also, her interactions closely with fans makes sense at such a young age.

The cute puppy love romance between Geumhee and Starr
makes my heart melt for real,
and I love how you connected
that to her storyline.

I honestly hadn’t even thought of blackmailing as a plot point for
the heart, but it makes a lot of
sense with the way you set it up. Having her not want to show the extent of the threats, due to fears
of getting in trouble for dating, is realistic for someone her age.

The whole blackmail angle could
get really, really dark. But idk if I’d
go there, just can’t help thinking about how blackmail is how the
nth room traps started…
(I wouldn’t make it that dark to be clear!)

I’d love to accept Miso, the issues I spotted are super minor just want to make sure everything is

I’m presuming by describing her height as 158cm and later putting down 165cm is due to it being a
lie on her profile? But I just want
to double-check.

Why is it that Miso’s mum hasn’t reached out but does care / feel protective over her? (I’m guessing embarrassment)

This won't impact her status but I wanted to mention their real names aren’t public for the majority of their career, so as cute as gummy is as a nickname it couldn’t be based off her real name.

Additionally, with her likely being Hyunwoo's favourite I’m curious
how she'd react if he reprimands
the other reel girls harshly? (This won't impact her status either, but could help me write her better)

Sorry for being nitpicky, the main thing is I want to make sure
I understand her mother’s motive. Hope you can understand, just
clarify that, and she’ll be accepted!



The Joker


Thank you for for answering my questions and fixing that ^^
Shes accepted now <3

Hi, thank you so much
for applying <3 I meant to ask for nickname, and instead put username, that’s on
me and I can’t be bothered to fix it whoops.  

happy to see another

person taking on the joker prompt,
but in a different way ^^

I like the idea of a filmmaker,
who isn't even passionate
about being an idol. Reminds me
of in 2nd gen a lot of girl groups
had like one member who wanted
to be an actress, not an idol lol.

Hyesun going up to a teen at a
film festival,& Faith lying to her parents about meeting up with her... Is all 
so  inappropriate, but the stories I’ve heard from idols
about being scouted it's 100%
realistic. Hyesun is the type who
is fixated on creating the image
she wants, seeing herself in faith, & favouring her makes sense.

Up until this point, I’ve gotten
a lot of people-pleaser apps
(I still love) but it’s important
to have a dynamic mix of personalities so I appreciate
seeing a firecracker in the mix.

I like how close she is to her
brother, just curious if you had
a personality in mind for him?

I really appreciate you
expanding on her relationships
with the Digi boys and staff.
that is such brownie points
from me haha. <3 It makes
it easier for me to imagine how
she would interact with these characters & fit into the story.

I love Faith pushing against Hyunwoo’s behaviour, she
is likely to get away with more
due to being favoured by

You’ve got me invested in the
exes-to-friends dynamic with jet.
Their friendship is so cute, but
I do kind of ship them haha.
Great story potential to have a member who has direct tension
with Minjun.

l Iove her friendship with Ophelia,
ngl I could see Ophelia having a crush on her. Jet, y director, Ophelia, all into her. probably too much haha.

One of the angles I thought the
club could go, is a bit like Faith’s situation.I think it’s important to
write about 
victims who think they
are "consenting" at the time.
Having what's going on with faith, alongside the club, shows
different types of exploitation
and abuse.

Junyeol is a very accurate portrayal of thecreeps in the industry.
the way you wrote his process of
grooming her felt very realistic.

Him holding something over
her to prevent her going public 
makes sense.
If she opened up to Hyesun about what had happened,and Hyesun
tried to talk (manipulate) her out
of going public.How would Faith respond?

Faith not being allowed to
livestream much is a great
detail lol. I can see faith 
very popular, especially among international fans. But there’d be
a ton of discourse on her strong
skill set not being idol-related.

At the end in requests,
is “fights with -“
meant to be Minjun?

I'm curious with how
outspoken faith is,Is she aware
of being bi?Who is she out to? 

(if anyone)

I love faith, she would give spice
to the group, & lots of
story potential. These issues
are so minor, but I thought it's
it’s easier to just put her on
pending till clarification.  <3

Faith's twin,I know he shares
her birthday & age, but it's listed as 46 & 45.I’m gonna assume that’s the parent's ages as they don't have theirs listed. 
I just want to make sure I'm
correct in my assumption ^^

You mention USA in her
hometown is that where
she was born? Is that why
English is her native language despite growing up in Quebec?

Once these are clarified
she'll definitely be accepted
thank you again for applying
this dramatic firecracker!



The Club


Hi Rain, thanks for applying <3
Don’t worry about the IG layout
it's just a bonus thing,
it’s totally fine to not do it.~ 

Sorry it's taken so long for me to
get to this review!

“The result is probably equal parts Valley girl and good egg”
Haha love that. The combination of being 
impulsive but also a people pleaser isn’t something
I see very often, I like it!

The progression of grooming felt
very realistic. The dissociation in separating the parts of herself as
a method to cope, playing a role.
It’s heartbreaking how shes being controlled in every aspect.

Considering Chanwoo drives her around it makes sense why she would end up spilling to him, but it's also really sad, if she had gone to Eunji the response 
would have been different.
The victim blaming is disgusting,
but sadly realistic.

I know that ballerinas can
experience a lot of isation, so Yejun latching on to her
almost solely due to that and the xenophobia makes a lot of sense. The fact he didn’t even like her original idol persona, just wanted to mould her into something else entirely, wow. 

I hadn’t thought of Yejun
potentially stopping the “club”
being promoted much but it
makes a lot of sense an exercise
of control the idea of this idol "belonging to him."

I appreciate your note leaving
how far it goes up to me. I
decided to wait and see how
people interpret the plotline in
their apps first. ^^

Ah the sad classic, pitting siblings against each other.
You’ve given me great potential in Meiling as a pov after the girls go missing. It makes sense they became closer once that direct competition lessened.

I love the dynamic with Ophelia, a  complicated clash of personalities and neurodiversity. Times when they’d relate, and others where they’d trigger the worst in each
other. I want a large focus of the story to be the relationship
between the members this gives
me a great one to explore.

I loved seeing the exploration of adhd, and the element of heavy masking partly due to expectations put on women.

You mention in the regrets "not becoming aware of her adhd
In most of the app you refer to it as undiagnosed, I’m guessing
she'll get diagnosed some point
in her time active as an idol?

I love her being a backup trainee
who was swapped in last minute.
The messiness of deciding a lineup that happens bts fascinates me and I’d love to explore that.

Two small questions that won't impact her status;
Is she self-aware of her uality? If so, is she out to anyone?
Does being one of the less
popular members bother her?

I appreciate your note on the ed
stuff. ^^ I'll keep it in mind.
I feel like most idols do have disordered eating. My concern
writing the subject is studies have shown depicting it can end up
doing harm, but that's also the
same with subjects like s*ucide
and self-harm it’s a hard balance. I want to write about the reality
that idols face.
(In a respectful way)

I really was going to accept Yue,
and then I realised she would debut at 16 with that dob?
Going back through current apps, multiple are a bit younger than the age they put.
(I should have put March 2020 directly on the app) but Yue has the biggest difference.
Only being 16 and 3 months at debut.

I feel really bad putting her on pending cause of this, but just let
me know if you want to change
her dob (and if so what to) she'll
be accepted right away <3

You've done a great job at
exploring the club, with this complicated likable girl <3





Hi Cat thanks for applying!
It’s nice to finally get an app for
the diamond <3 & another young character~

Sol is a really pretty stage name <3
The first take of the diamond I’ve read and I think you’ve done a
great job with the plotline.
You've really painted a picture of
how Sol is perceived as well as
her internal world.

I love seeing characters that act
their age, but I also love seeing characters that don’t, if it makes sense of their upbringing and personality. I’d put Seulrim in that category. In kpop we’ve seen
idols act far older than they are
and be an example of growing up
too fast, Seulrim is a good
depiction of this.
Being so young,but somewhat taking on a leader role, with a large amount of professionalism.
Exploring a young girl trying in
many ways to hold a group
together and even looking after
her older members sometimes,
and not having the space to be
the kid she really is.

I'm wondering what she did
during the Olympic opening ceremony? I looked that one up,
and there were a lot of people so
I’m curious how she would have
gained Minsoo’s attention.
Was she one of the kids at the beginning?

Question, would you classify Seulrim’s family as a “chaebol”?
Due to the abuse reel girls will go through, I am cautious about
having members with super
powerful families specifically in
South Korea, but the diamond is
one of the plotlines I feel it
could work for.

Ooo Seulrim’s family having connections with Yejun could be
very juicy and interesting.

A member having a parent who
has power, like Jihan, is interesting.
Would it bother you if
his search for truth/justice leads
to him losing some power?
I’m quite a cynical person about
the goodness of the rich and powerful. Not that individuals
can’t be good, but it’s often hard
to keep that power without sacrificing some morals along the way. Maybe I’m too cynical lol

What you wrote about Ophelia is
very cute! But Ophelia would be
very aware that Seulrim is carrying far more than someone her age should, and would want
to do her best to look after her, reminding Sol, she's the baby ^^

I love the friendship she has with Starr, and I definitely see where
they could relate to one another.
I could also see them getting
shipped a lot haha.

 Love seeing the collabs <3

I appreciate the detailed trivia, it helped me understand the little details about her. I’ll note down
her fear of the supernatural ;)

Her quietness and reservedness isolating her from the other
trainees makes sense.
Training from such a young age
and also being one of reel ent's
first trainees, has great story potential.
I could see Hyesun
having her claws in Seulrim, could Seulrim potentially see her as a
bit of a mother figure?

I can see the wonyoung
inspiration in Sol, so young but holding so much maturity.
Likeable, but also very private
about her personal life. 
As someone who has been a fan
of Wonyoung since pd48 I think
you did a great job exploring this
kind of character.

I don’t think Sol being 13 with her mindset is impossible, but if I pick sol and depending on the lineup
would you be open to me aging
her up a year? (Debuting at 14?)
I’m not sure if I would end up
doing that, but I thought I’d ask
about it now. ^^

A couple of small questions that could help me write her better,
but ultimately I could still write

her without the answers, so I'm happy to say Sol's accepted <3



The Spade


Thank you for for answering my questions <3 She's accepted

Hi Vixxy, thanks for applying ^^
I take a long time to finish
my own apps, so don't worry.
I’m glad you were able to
finish her <3

Sorry, it took me a while to get to
her! Glad to see another take on
the spade<3

I love Suyun as a fc choice, it’s a shame Rocket Punch only has limited photoshoots :( I want to
play around with aesthetics so if
Roxi is picked, I might use her backup, would you be open to
that? It is a shame because
Suyun fits Roxi really well! I’m not saying for sure either way, just thought I’d ask about it now ^^

You customised the layout so
pretty! Sorry the layout
is so fragile TT

One of the angles I thought 
the spade could go, is upholding the toxic standards the company sets. I'm happy to see someone went that direction, and you did a great job.^^

Her actions makes sense, Roxi knows that if she stands up
to them she’ll lose her position
as leader. there is a selfish aspect of her feeling useless, but she also wants to protect the members.

Of course, in the process, she is inflicting pain on the others but
still with the intent to protect them.
The dynamic Roxi has with the
other members, and how it evolves has great potential.^^ 

I understand Roxi was raised by
her brothers, but does she have a relationship with her parents at
all? Could you give me a brief description of them, or are they
not in her life at all? Does she have any negative feelings
around them?

I like how you showcased
through her dreams, that despite everything it’s clear Roxi is passionate about kpop. there
might be some members who
realise this wasn't the path for
them. It’s clear being an idol
means the world to Roxi. <3

I love how you wrote Taesung
and Jinae, great potential pov characters. I like the contrast in their reactions to Roxi's disappearance. Would
 they have conflict over this?

Roxi would've been one of their
first trainees, it sounds like she
was a core member through the training which is cool. I liked the addressing of them pestering her to get surgery as horrible as that is, we know it happens.

Jet and Roxi give me opposites attract vibes, which is one of my
fave dynamics <3 I kind of love
that they aren’t together
romantically by the time reel girls
go missing, I’m a er for
mutual pining and slow burn.

 I love the romance and  ship them, but unfortunately, I noticed some timeline issues.

Real media only started recruiting male trainees after the reel girls members lineup was pretty much
set in September 2019. (with the potential of last-minute swaps)

it seems like they got close before either of them debuted, but 
if Jet was one of the first male trainees that would only give
them around 6 months at most.
it seems like Jet starts helping her early in her training, which wouldn’t be possible.

I could adjust their romance a
little myself, but I wouldn’t want
to shift it in a way you potentially wouldn’t like.
My idea for a timeline:

The female trainees are introduced to the first round of male trainees in September

 More pressure on the female trainees as the debut gets closer, Roxi already being treated as a potential leader gets it particularly hard. Jet notices, and starts to
help her in small ways, (the same as you describe) he could have had prior trainee experience
somewhere else.

Reel Girls debut before Digi boys,  So she’d get busy first.

Let me know if you have different ideas, the timeline of their romance just needs to be adjusted a little. ^^

Roxi will be 17 and 10 months at debut with that dob, would you like to change her dob? Or are you okay with her debuting at 17? 

Roxi is a great exploration of the spade, I want to accept her. But I
just need these small issues to be fixed before I can ^^





Hi Luna, thanks so much for
applying <3 Don’t apologise for
that haha, I'm so thankful to get
more apps ^^ 
I adore the layout, I'm never able
to do the minimalism aesthetic
that you excel at. Btw I didn’t find the glitch text distracting I found it immersive <3

Dove having a false height that is shorter, is unusual but I can
believe it, Hyesun wanting a
unique it girl, who encapsulates "innocence".~
I love the use of the mood board
to help tell her story <3

I’ve never watched it, but her app does remind me a bit of what I’ve heard about the black swan movie.(which I love)

The writing is beautiful, fully
putting me into her psyche. 
My concern is although I do feel
the exploration of her mental
health is realistic and with care, I want make sure I have resources to read so I can write with as much knowledge as possible.

I can’t quite tell if Dove is meant
to be a name for something that distresses Geumjoo, or meant to
be an alter like with people who
have DID or OSSDD, which in
that case they rarely only have
one alter. I want to know what to research if  I pick her.^^

I like the fantasy vs reality that is such a huge part of Geumjoo’s
story, it really fits the theme of
reel girls. I like that she turns to logical things and her interests being as far from the world she's stuck in as possible. 

I love the exploration of a stage parent, as most apps so far have different degrees of absent, to
normal but still flawed parents.
(I do love as well)
it’s heartbreaking reading how
she was raised. A kid should
never be the breadwinner but
we know it happens. 
 Her fear of repeating the cycle of abuse towards 
other kids, is heartbreaking but feels so incredibly real.

I love how you wrote the progression of how she views Hyesun, I’d 
have fun writing that.
I was happy to see some light coming through in her relationship with Daeun, though sad in its own way. :( <3

Ooo what you wrote about eunji
is interesting, It’s like Geumjoo
does care about her
but doesn’t want to admit that? Ophelia would think Geumjoo
hates her, but  still would be very
worried about her, how would Geumjoo react to her concern?

Geumjoo’s blogs becoming concerning rambling, and later people questioning it as a part
of an ARG is amazing for story opportunities!

I just presumed child beauty pageants existed in South Korea
but nothing came up when I
googled it, so now I’m unsure if
that’s a thing in korea?
Randomly she reminds me personality-wise of a character I made for my first attempt at
an applyfic who lacked empathy
and saw everything as a puzzle, I have a soft spot for characters
like that.

I love Geumjoo as a character <3 and I think you’ve done a great job with her. I just have to think about the base story and whether or not Geumjoo would fit.
My main concerns are,

Ophelia and Geumjoo are very different, but gearing up to the
of the story Ophelia
will likely become a bit paranoid.
I wonder if they’re would be too
much overlap, in the obsession
and paranoia, but I’m not sure.

My original plan was early on

the group had positive chemistry.
Even if there were members who didn’t  get along, the overall
dynamic of the group would be positive, which would contrast
how things fell apart.
So I would like a bit more detail
on how the other members perceive her at first, and then
how that could evolve?

What kind of development would
you like to see for Geumjoo?
Or are you happy to give me
free rein? I'd just be worried
about disappointing you lol.

I love the potential of an
unreliable narrator with Geumjoo, that’s something I want to play
with in the story.

There are ways she fits perfectly
into the theme, and what I want
to explore. But other ways where I’m not sure she’d fit into my original plans. I don’t want to ask you to change Geumjoo, she is a good character as she is. But I hope it’s okay for us to maybe discuss this more in DM’s? I want to make sure I'm understanding her correctly. <3 But I don't see any issues, so she is accepted ^^

Thank you for submitting this wonderful, complex girl <3

I couldn’t even think of one
fandom name, and you thought of three great ones! Thank you haha
. ^^





Hi, ningning thanks so much for applying <3 I’m excited by the impressive word count  And wow you managed to make the layout look so much better I’m in love <3

Sorry, it took me a while. I wanted to do justice to the high word count and approach it with the same detail I do all my reviews ^^

Part of me is now dreading
picking the diamond I adore all three apps I’ve gotten :’) But I
was so happy to see your app, I’ve made no secret that I love your apps, and Yeoni is no exception.

I like her stage name, but my original plan was for the stage names to be notably different
from their given names. I’m fine with it being a play on it, but since Yeoni is so similar to Yeonyi, I’m not sure. (but it might be fine)

I adore Doki Doki literature club, so I love seeing it referenced, and Sayori is a great character to take inspo from.
I love Yeonyi's personality, she feels real. I also like how you wrote about her bpd, and it’s something I’d be interested in exploring.

I adore the detailed trivia as it
helps me understand all those little things <3

It’s horrible how much she believes those hate comments. :( You’ve done a great job exploring what the reality of being an idol with a hate train could be like and how that could mentally impact someone.

It disturbs me all the people trying to justify/excuse a hate train based on “criticism” Maybe I’m crazy, I feel like criticism can take a bit of a back seat if the hate seems inescapable (Specifically on the subject of skills) as it won’t serve anything productive.

Ooo, the potential you’ve given me with her parent's complicated relationship ~. I like the depiction
of a cold loveless marriage without active hostility.

I love the graphics for her friends and digi boys <33

I like the potential in her friend's perception and all the different places they ended up in life.
I love that they’re so supportive
of her despite them wanting to be celebrities, and her being the one that gets to be one.

Glad to see someone take on the potential messiness with Minjun. But the emotional abuse is heartbreaking, :( how the gaslighting around cheating will impact her long-term, especially with trust.

I loved how you talked about the opposite reactions to Minjun’s abuse from both Jet and Yeonyi. there is a lot to explore.

Some people don’t realise it's possible to work hard and not see results. whether that be from bad trainers, or actively struggling in certain areas. Lacking skills isn’t always a product of laziness like some people think and you capture that well.

The isolation and ridicule Yeoni faced is heartbreaking, but it makes sense with the competitiveness that would exist in training environments. It’s no wonder that Yeoni’s self-esteem keeps on being crushed.

How lineups are put together is
so fascinating to me. But not only replacing someone last minute
but as the center ouch that's a lot of pressure.

You did a great job exploring the idol persona that appeals to men in particular. fleshing out the princess concept and the two sharp sides of the coin of that
kind of popularity.

I love the mention of her fans being defensive and developing a reputation for being overly so, as it’s so accurate to fandom dynamics lmao.

Real media pushing Yeonyi to do so much social activity makes sense, but that contributes to her being overworked, and not having any proper space to work on her singing and dancing healthily. 

I like that you addressed a different kind of self-harm. it’s not talked about enough that other forms of self-harm exist.

I love all the details and how you explored her relationship with Mitsuki, a fantastic idea to have him be a trainee and later
become Minsoo’s assistant! I
think you captured the complicated messiness but care within their relationship.
And hey, it’s a kiwi :p

As an illit fan I saw a lot of the hate illit is getting in her story :’) I've considered magnetic but I wonder if it’s just a little too girly?

By abusive tendencies, things
like guilt-tripping and emotional manipulation? Is this mostly unintentional?

“If Yeonyi is chosen for the story, please crush her utterly and even have her hit rock bottom. And after all that happens, build her back up again.” I love this, this is one of the directions I was thinking for the story. Haha.

I am curious if you had anything
in mind for her dynamic with hyesun? If not, if shes chosen I can come up with it.^^

Thank you again for applying this complicated princess :) I love that you’ve given me so much to work with in Yeonyi, and I see no problems so shes accepted ^^






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Thank you!
Yeoni’s review is up <3 best read in chrome as always haha.
Also, I’ve finally caught up! all reviews are done :3


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28 streak #1
Chapter 6: i've added minsoo and hyesun in seulrim's relationship <3
28 streak #2
Chapter 6: hello lily!

i've always wanted to create an 'it girl' character like this, like our wonyoung ;; she was so young but somehow people forgot that she's that young until they see her profile and are reminded of it again xD

oh, should i explain more about her experience at the olympic opening ceremony? i planned for her to be one of the kids at the beginning but didn't planned further ;;

hmm, there are many spoons in korean, the gold spoon, platinum spoon, diamond spoon, and such. i would say her family is classified as chaebol, the gold spoon, but her father isn't the direct heir and doesn't aim to be one ;;

yejun and jihan could've known each other briefly as they're around the same age too, but shame on yejun for doing what he's doing for club >_< jihan's losing some power because of his moral compass while searching for the justice, i'm good with that!

hdkhaaag ophelia is adorable tho, despite some complications and the dark depth that she hold ;; i could see both of them being close!

they don't have to be a couple for real, but fans will ship her with starr to some extends :"}

i feel like i can add a few details about seulrim's relationship with both minsoo and hyesun, i'll inform you once i do!

hmm, means the birth year will be up until feb 2006? i think i'm fine with her being 2006 to 2005!

thank you so much for the review, i'll update you with the extra details in her app soon <3
hiyabada #3
Chapter 6: The review!! You can just call me Bada ^ ^ I’m glad you like Faye.

Ngl the scouting process is weird to me too- I think Sehun from EXO got chased down when he was with his friends, imagine how scary that is. I guess morals go out the window when they see a potential star. I had the idea for Jude to be the more quiet and observant one that’s more sneaky but still brutally honest and true to himself. Like while Faith is yapping he gives some really good advice. But if you have a different idea that can suit the story feel free to use it! If Ophelia doesn’t have a love interest I’m open to letting Jet just be an ex that’s strictly friends and Ophelia crushing on her. Like a best friends to lovers thing where Ophelia always hated Junyeol partially because she was jealous he got more of Faye’s free time? But once again that’s totally up to you and the apps you get.

I was worried that she overlapped the club a little too much so I’m relieved that you don’t think so. If Hyesun were to do that I think she’d have a pretty bad reaction and lose all respect for her, she definitely wouldn’t listen at all. And yes I meant to put Minjun so I fixed it.

Faith is openly bi, her family knows and they’re all fine with it. Since coming to Korea she hasn’t told everyone but her friends would know. Fans could probably tell too by things she says. She’s only dated a girl back in Canada but it was a short and unserious relationship so I could see her wanting to explore that more. If theres a member with more traditional views maybe they could clash on that!

I fixed all the minor changes so I hope she’s accepted now ^ ^
Chapter 3: Hello! I've a question- what is Minjun's full name?
Chapter 2: what company did minsoo and hyesun work at before opening their own?
28 streak #6
Chapter 6: finally, right? I'm happy to be the first diamond applicant too. but I'm worried if sol is too intense for a 15 years old (her age in 2022) xD yes, please take your time!
28 streak #7
Chapter 5: h-hello, i'm going to give my best to create an app best suited for this beautifully gorgeous story. you'd done your best, lilysaturn-nim. so i'll do my best too, keyword try- since i've never finished an app yet >_<
Chapter 6: OKAY all good, Kasami's app is updated! Hope that answers most your questions. Let me know if there is something that still needs to be cleared up!
Hi thanks for the review,i'll clear things up in my app and I'll let you know when it's ready!
Chapter 6: Thank you for the review! I’m glad you liked her ^^ and yes it would totally be fine if she had smth going with minjun HAHAHA what a dynamic that would be. And omg thank you for catching the grandparents’ ages 😭😭 I meant to put 70/71 but my hand slipped ig (I have changed it now!!)