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New app layout options! 30/04/24

Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback <3 though I don’t think the layout is the primary reason holding people back from applying, so people have more options I now have a plain text version of the app, inspired by nocchi doing that for roomy.
This should make it easier to put the info into whatever layout you want to use, I still don’t know if I formatted it the best way, but if there are words you want to be uppercase or lowercase you can always use a text converter easily found on the web.

Along with that, I did find two other layouts I like (yes two oops), so now there is three layouts to choose from + the option to use whatever layout you like.
I hope people aren’t overwhelmed by the choices and just go with whatever feels best for them.

I will note the order of the info is not the same in every single layout, as it looked too awkward when I tried that.

All additional layout options and the plain text are in the same place as the turn-in/original layout. Here.



NEW UPDATE! feedback needed. Β 11/4/24

Β Hi everyone, it’s not long till the tentative deadline (the 30th) and the story currently only has 2 apps. In no way is this update meant to guilt anyone into applying but I want some feedback so I know how to move forward.
Reel girls got a lot of interest at first, more than I had expected honestly but then very few people applied.

As much as I like how the app layout looks, I acknowledge it’s a bit clunky and awkward to edit and I am concerned that could be putting some people off from applying, even though I’ve expressed being fine with people using a different layout I acknowledge due to the amount of info I’m asking for it’s probably a bit more work to transfer over to a different app layout compared to some other applyfics.

That leads me to my second question, I’ve asked for quite a lot of info in the app because I really want to be able to understand the character, but I’m a bit concerned I overdid it to the point of being potentially intimidating.

I would love to hear your guy's thoughts, so I know if it’s worth the effort of simplifying the app layout or potentially choosing an existing one to have as an alternative option. Also if I should remove some of the information I’m requesting in the app.

But I don't want to go through the process of doing this only to realise it made no difference, hope you can understand Please be nice, but still honest. ^^ would really appreciate the feedback <3Β 



Open for apps!! 16/11/23

Yes, the day is finally here! After slowly rolling out chapters, I'm super happy to say Reel Girls is finally open for apps! All the links are now in the cheatsheet :) Tho in all honesty I keep on noticing things I want to change or fix, but I feel like I've been working on this for like forever and unless I just bite the bullet and accept it's never gonna be perfect I fear I'll never open up for apps lmao.

I have also decided due to how SNS focused Reel Girls will be, I would love if you could make a mock IG layout as well.




Update 2! 27/12/23

Hello everyone, happy holidays! I am working on some teasers, but since I promised myself I wouldn't abandon pd angel I'm having to balance working on them both, and my perfectionism means it takes me a bit to get things out.

Reel Girls is still my main passion project <3 and I want to put a lot into making it into reality. I'll start thinking about when I want the deadline to be.



Tentative deadline set!Β  15/03/24

So after some thinking, I’ve decided to make the tentative deadline, the 30th of April.Β  It is tentative since having a cast I’m happy with is the priority. Β For story reasons I will need one character for each plotline, but that could include a character being shifted to their backup plotline ~

This is why I’m a bit nervous about setting a deadline, as some app creators I love don’t seem to be active right now, but I also think I need to start moving things forward with the story. I do have some teasers I’m working on, but I’m also currently working on the first chapter/episode of PD Angel so I’m having to balance them both. .



Update 0/0/0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac imperdiet elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi ullamcorper, ligula at consectetur elementum, lorem erat iaculis enim, quis dignissim magna velit vitae felis.



Update 0/0/0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac imperdiet elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi ullamcorper, ligula at consectetur elementum, lorem erat iaculis enim, quis dignissim magna velit vitae felis.



Update 0/0/0

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque volutpat sollicitudin aliquet. Morbi tempus nisl at sagittis auctor. Cras dignissim, ex vel ultricies blandit, odio risus vestibulum nisl, et accumsan dui mauris a sapien. Ut sodales lectus arcu, vitae commodo massa pharetra sit amet. Curabitur consectetur orci sed nunc sodales, quis tincidunt orci ultrices. Suspendisse quis placerat ante. Donec ac imperdiet elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi ullamcorper, ligula at consectetur elementum, lorem erat iaculis enim, quis dignissim magna velit vitae felis.

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Yeoni’s review is up <3 best read in chrome as always haha.
Also, I’ve finally caught up! all reviews are done :3


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27 streak #1
Chapter 6: i've added minsoo and hyesun in seulrim's relationship <3
27 streak #2
Chapter 6: hello lily!

i've always wanted to create an 'it girl' character like this, like our wonyoung ;; she was so young but somehow people forgot that she's that young until they see her profile and are reminded of it again xD

oh, should i explain more about her experience at the olympic opening ceremony? i planned for her to be one of the kids at the beginning but didn't planned further ;;

hmm, there are many spoons in korean, the gold spoon, platinum spoon, diamond spoon, and such. i would say her family is classified as chaebol, the gold spoon, but her father isn't the direct heir and doesn't aim to be one ;;

yejun and jihan could've known each other briefly as they're around the same age too, but shame on yejun for doing what he's doing for club >_< jihan's losing some power because of his moral compass while searching for the justice, i'm good with that!

hdkhaaag ophelia is adorable tho, despite some complications and the dark depth that she hold ;; i could see both of them being close!

they don't have to be a couple for real, but fans will ship her with starr to some extends :"}

i feel like i can add a few details about seulrim's relationship with both minsoo and hyesun, i'll inform you once i do!

hmm, means the birth year will be up until feb 2006? i think i'm fine with her being 2006 to 2005!

thank you so much for the review, i'll update you with the extra details in her app soon <3
hiyabada #3
Chapter 6: The review!! You can just call me Bada ^ ^ I’m glad you like Faye.

Ngl the scouting process is weird to me too- I think Sehun from EXO got chased down when he was with his friends, imagine how scary that is. I guess morals go out the window when they see a potential star. I had the idea for Jude to be the more quiet and observant one that’s more sneaky but still brutally honest and true to himself. Like while Faith is yapping he gives some really good advice. But if you have a different idea that can suit the story feel free to use it! If Ophelia doesn’t have a love interest I’m open to letting Jet just be an ex that’s strictly friends and Ophelia crushing on her. Like a best friends to lovers thing where Ophelia always hated Junyeol partially because she was jealous he got more of Faye’s free time? But once again that’s totally up to you and the apps you get.

I was worried that she overlapped the club a little too much so I’m relieved that you don’t think so. If Hyesun were to do that I think she’d have a pretty bad reaction and lose all respect for her, she definitely wouldn’t listen at all. And yes I meant to put Minjun so I fixed it.

Faith is openly bi, her family knows and they’re all fine with it. Since coming to Korea she hasn’t told everyone but her friends would know. Fans could probably tell too by things she says. She’s only dated a girl back in Canada but it was a short and unserious relationship so I could see her wanting to explore that more. If theres a member with more traditional views maybe they could clash on that!

I fixed all the minor changes so I hope she’s accepted now ^ ^
Chapter 3: Hello! I've a question- what is Minjun's full name?
Chapter 2: what company did minsoo and hyesun work at before opening their own?
27 streak #6
Chapter 6: finally, right? I'm happy to be the first diamond applicant too. but I'm worried if sol is too intense for a 15 years old (her age in 2022) xD yes, please take your time!
27 streak #7
Chapter 5: h-hello, i'm going to give my best to create an app best suited for this beautifully gorgeous story. you'd done your best, lilysaturn-nim. so i'll do my best too, keyword try- since i've never finished an app yet >_<
Chapter 6: OKAY all good, Kasami's app is updated! Hope that answers most your questions. Let me know if there is something that still needs to be cleared up!
Hi thanks for the review,i'll clear things up in my app and I'll let you know when it's ready!
Chapter 6: Thank you for the review! I’m glad you liked her ^^ and yes it would totally be fine if she had smth going with minjun HAHAHA what a dynamic that would be. And omg thank you for catching the grandparents’ ages 😭😭 I meant to put 70/71 but my hand slipped ig (I have changed it now!!)