City Lights



The city tour was going great.

It was a new place, Wonwoo has never been here before and so far, he was so excited and in love with it. He loved the place Mingyu got for them, the view, the busy streets and blinding lights. It was a new beautiful change and Wonwoo liked it.


"If you like the city this much then we should probably move here"


"OH GOD NO" Wonwoo stood by the window shocked, eyes wide open "I like the city now but I will never trade it with our home with Seuncheol and Jeonghan"


"Okay" Mingyu immediately dropped the topic "We won't, we can visit from time to time if you want to"


"Yes" Wonwoo heaved a breath "Visiting is fine but I can't live here forever, I don't ... I don't like it THAT much"


Mingyu softened, Wonwoo still had reservations about coming to the city after all, he brought Wonwoo closer in his arms "We won't, I promise" ... "I want you to be happy and comfortable, I will never risk taking you somewhere you're not"


Wonwoo breathed into Mingyu's shoulder "Thank you"


Mingyu broke the hug and leaned over to place a soft kiss over Wonwoo's lips "We will be late for dinner, we need to start getting ready"


Wonwoo nodded still scanning Mingyu's face closely, he wanted this night to be perfect. He wanted it to be like an anniversary date so he tried to look nice and put on a suit.

He knew that Mingyu made dinner reservations in a fancy place and he wanted to look fancy for him as well.


So he took a nice shower, put on a nice suit he's been saving for so long ... he never put on a suit before and when he came out of the bathroom, Mingyu was getting dressed when he glanced up a the bathroom door and


"GOSH Wonwoo"




Mingyu took a few steps toward his Mate, as he gasped in complete shock, eyes glittering "Damn it you look so hot"

Wonwoo smiled shyly as Mingyu devoured him with his eyes "I just thought that ... it's our anniversary so"


"Where did you even get this suit? You look amazing and what's that smell?"


"Joshua and Minghao helped me pick the suit and ... it's perfume"


Mingyu chuckled "Do you know how hard I'm keeping myself from ... gosh you look amazing" his inner wolf growling wanting every inch of his Mate


Mingyu wrapped a hand around Wonwoo's waist and brought him closer right into his embrace a little rougher than usual


"Sometimes, I wonder what will you actually do with me when we get the chance to ... you know"


Wonwoo bit his lips and Mingyu looked at him with nothing but soft wanting lusting eyes "I don't know Won, we'll think about it when we get there I guess? I want to keep my imagination to myself right now"


Wonwoo laughed shyly and hugged Mingyu tightly "I love you Mingyu, I know we've been through a lot but I have a feeling everything will be just fine"


Mingyu breathed in Wonwoo's perfume melting into every bit of his existence "I love you too ... we will be just fine, we will figure it out"


Wonwoo tightened his grip around Mingyu and didn't want to let go for a long time while Mingyu smothered him with sweet words and compliments, sweet little kisses and hugs and a long time later, they decided that they were getting late for their reservation and the sooner they broke this hug the sooner they got there. Mingyu soon put on a suit to match his Mate before they decided to walk through the front door holding hands.


It was a lovely place, romantic and warm. Wonwoo had a blast and Mingyu couldn't stop complimenting just how great he looked, smelled and moved, every single detail about him made his heart go crazy and his inner wolf go wild.


Wonwoo was eating peacefully enjoying his time with Mingyu, the two spending the most romantic evening a 50th floor restaurant with a breathtaking view. Wonwoo didn't even focus that much on everything around him except for the boy sitting across from him and the meaningless conversation they were having.


When the waiter brought their dinner, Wonwoo was fascinated by the meals Mingyu ordered "Min, I think that's enough" he chuckled "Just how much did you order?"


"Everything on their menu? I mean they said that everything was good so"


"Mingyu" Wonwoo chuckled a bit annoyed but not surprised "We will never finish all of this"


"Have you met me?" Mingyu winked and Wonwoo chuckled some more "Right ... Alpha Wolf" he nodded reminding himself with a smile


"I hope you enjoy your evening" the waiter said and Mingyu looked up at the guy "Thank you" he smiled and soon the guy left. Nothing suspicious about that except that Wonwoo looked twice at their waiter then slightly shook his head and went back to his conversation with Mingyu.


Humm ...


The night went by wonderfully, perfectly amazing and super romantic. Wonwoo smiling and blushing the entire time, he was so happy, over the moon happy and having Mingyu by his side was the only thing that mattered.


He had a few drinks and by the time they were on their way home, Wonwoo was a bit tipsy, giggling, laughing loudly at everything Mingyu said or did.

His cheeks too flushed as he madly melted into Mingyu's lips by the time they reached their apartment's hallway. Messy and hot.


Lucky for them, it was too late at night and no one was around, Wonwoo was pressed against the door, well ... mostly he was the one pulling Mingyu tightly into him kissing him messily like the world was about to end.

Their breaths hitching and hot against each other, Mingyu struggled to find the master key card and finally opened the door, they walked inside and tossed everything there was in their way to the bedroom.


Both their suits fell to the ground and their breaths and soft moans filled the place. Wonwoo was barely breathing right, keeping up with Mingyu's strength, was almost impossible. It was a long night, they've been playing around like this for a while and Wonwoo could never complain, he loved every kiss, every wet breath, every little touch, and was sure that some of them will be visible in the morning but he didn't care less.


Mingyu pulled away for a bit, hovering on to top of this beautiful little mess he just made. He leaned over Wonwoo's lips and slowly kissing his neck, watching him as he took a much needed breath and moaned softly moving his lips against his sensitive skin.

Mingyu pulled away again "Won? You're drunk" he laughed not believing what he just said


Wonwoo giggled back "Yes I am" ... "Why did you stop? Don't stop"


Mingyu pecked Wonwoo's cheek but had to stop for Wonwoo's sake, he loved having Wonwoo so squirmy and whiny but had to stop "I love you but I can't ... hurt you Won" he was smiling down at Wonwoo, his cheeks burning red and lips sore. Wonwoo looked up at him, bit his lower lip and nodded "I love you" he mumbled and Mingyu placed one last sweet kiss on his lips "I love you too"


Not caring much about showering or changing into something ... by that I mean putting on clothes, Wonwoo leaned into Mingyu's bare chest, feeling Mingyu's fingers running through his hair and placing little kisses over his shoulder.


Wonwoo slept peacefully into Mingyu's arms that night ... like a baby and Mingyu couldn't stop staring at him, running his fingers across his face, cheeks, jawline, hair ... every little thing about him made him tingly all over.


He tried so hard to push all his inappropriate thoughts away but damn it, Wonwoo pouting in his sleep was the cutest thing ever and Mingyu kept wondering how long he would be able to control himself?



When they woke up the next morning, it was to a groggy feeling.

Wonwoo held his head in his hands for a bit and laughed "God, I feel like "


"It's called a hangover" Mingyu said sleepily watching Wonwoo wake up, he smiled wickedly as Wonwoo's hangover flushed face and messy hair only turned him on.


"I know, I just never had one before" Wonwoo confessed and Mingyu knew that it was Wonwoo's first hangover "Yeah it , you'll feel better once you refresh and eat"


The other was still pressed against him and for a bit everything went silent until Wonwoo sat up "I don't feel so good" Mingyu frowned but wasn't so worried, throwing up after a hangover was very common and expected, he only trailed behind Wonwoo as he walked to bathroom.


Wonwoo was vomiting and Mingyu rubbed his back gently, this was actually very endearing to him

"Sorry, this is not how I wanted our morning to be like"


"Don't worry about it" Mingyu smiled, he can't lie, he's in love with this mess "You look adorable" he brushed Wonwoo's hair away from his face and the other couldn't believe this. He flushed the toilet and stood up "Let's take a shower please?" He requested and was met with nothing but a warm back hug and morning kisses all over his shoulder and neck


"Mingyu I was just throwing up and I feel sticky"


The other smiled "You still smell amazing and I don't really care, you're perfect" Wonwoo giggled and was soon dragged into the shower with Mingyu's continuous tickles and kisses.


It was still early that morning and even after taking that shower and having a nice protein full breakfast, Wonwoo was still half awake, his head pounding and tummy upside down.


He had to excuse himself multiple times to go and throw up again up to the point where Mingyu was suspicious that this wasn't a normal hangover anymore


"Your tummy hurts that bad?" He asked laying Wonwoo on the bed after yet another retching fit, Wonwoo nodded still holding the fabric around his stomach "I think I ate something bad"


"We ate together baby, if there was something wrong with the food I would know"


Wonwoo nodded his head "I keep forgetting how my guy is a big strong wolf, even if there was something wrong with the food you probably wouldn't even notice"


Mingyu sighed "Of course I would" he run a hand over Wonwoo's pale face, "You're warming up" Wonwoo's fever was spiking up and Mingyu was panicking, he sat by his side for a while and tried to talk to him


"I'm human Mingyu, I get sick that happens"


"I know" Mingyu sighed "I just can't see you in pain"


"I'm sure it's just a stomach flu, it will pass"


Wonwoo was being positive leaning over to let his head rest against Mingyu's shoulder

"Shall I get you anything? I can run to the pharmacy and get you some stomach medicine?"


Wonwoo nodded "I'd like that but not now, I just want us to sit like this for a while"


Mingyu wrapped his arm around Wonwoo's shoulder and gently brought him closer. They sat there for a bit, talking softly to each other. Wonwoo decided to take a nap but it didn't last long as he woke up again in so much pain, he tried to muffle it for a while hiding his face in Mingyu's shoulder but again ended up throwing up.


At this point, Mingyu have had enough, he picked Wonwoo off the bathroom floor and placed him again ever so gently on their bedroom bed, he ran his hand to wipe off the sweat forming on the boy's forehead and his fever seemed to have gotten worse.

"Wonwoo I'm getting some help okay?"


Wonwoo shook his head "Don't go"


"I need to get you some medication and find a doctor, I don't trust anyone else except for Jeonghan"


"I'll be fine"


"Baby you're not fine ... I'll be gone for ten minutes not more I promise"


Wonwoo didn't want to be left alone, didn't want Mingyu's warmth to leave him right now. He held onto Mingyu's jacket tightly just to have him close for a few more minutes before he left ... to get help, but Wonwoo just wanted his Mate to stay.


Mingyu kissed his forehead and reassured that everything's going to be okay. A few more minutes and Wonwoo was calmer and more convinced, he nodded finally letting Mingyu go to get him what he needed. He wasn't so sure what that was, but he trusted his Mate nonetheless.


Mingyu finally left and Wonwoo felt dreadful, why was his body reacting like this? This wasn't normal and it's not just the hangover or the food, it was something else, something weird, Wonwoo has never felt like this before.


He barely could sit up,

He heard the door click and thought it was Mingyu ... he came back so quickly from the pharmacy? Did he bring a doctor with him so fast?


He tried to sit up again and waited for his Mate to appear at the door.


Wonwoo's eyes widened ... the man standing at his door, wasn't Mingyu


His heart started beating loudly inside his chest "WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE?"


The figure got closer, only if Wonwoo was able to move, the boy was too sick to stand on his own feet


"Come on Wonwoo, did you forget about me so quickly?"


Wonwoo left the bed trying to escape, he looked twice, no three times and finally gasped ... it was, someone he barely knew, someone he barely remembered ... from his past life


"Everyone thought you died" the man said only getting closer and closer to Wonwoo




"Just imagine how much money I could get for brining you back"




The man smirked, he knew Wonwoo was too weak to fight back ... why? Because he poisoned his food last night, he knew that it was only a matter of time until Mingyu either left after spending the night or went to get help ... he followed them and waited all night for this.


Wonwoo tried so hard to escape

But he was too weak


He tried to hit him with everything he could catch, the lamp, dragged down the tablecloths and broke all the tableware, he screamed but his voice soon was muffled with a wet cloth over his mouth ... Wonwoo struggled, he tried to kick and hit the man so hard and cursed himself for being so weak. He cried for Mingyu to come and save him, why did he leave him? He didn't want him to go in the first place, if only he was here with him ... if only Mingyu didn't leave.








When the Alpha came back,


It was to an empty apartment


The front door was flung open


Everything was trashed inside the place, broken glass, signs of a heavy fight were all over the place


Mingyu was frozen, he left the bag of medication slip off his hand and fall to the floor


How stupid was he?


He run inside to find Wonwoo


He looked everywhere


"WONWOO PELASE NO" he fell to his knees not being able to think straight ... what in the flames of hell just happened here?


He couldn't pick up any strange scents, nothing but Wonwoo's scent, nothing but the perfume he wore last night ... this wasn't another wolf's doings, Wonwoo was gone and Mingyu had no idea how or who?


He run downstairs asking every single person like a maniac.


How could Wonwoo leave like that without being noticed by anyone.


The smell of Wonwoo's perfume was still strong, so he couldn't have gone so far right? ... Mingyu started running like a headless chicken, following Wonwoo's perfume but it was too late, the smell stared to fade away and Mingyu was loosing his mind ... he needed help, he couldn't think straight. He was frustrated, scared, and guilt almost suffocated him to death.


He fell to his knees and screamed at the top of his lungs, his eyes turning a blue shade and catching the attention of every human around him but he didn't give a fu**

He needed to find Wonwoo


Where the hell was he?


Who dared to do this?


He run back to the apartment and tried to look for clues. He was desperate and he called Seungcheol. He was too broken to speak properly, he felt like his world was crumbling down and he couldn't think of the way Wonwoo must be feeling, he wondered what he was going through and couldn't just sit there.




"Mingyu are you sure? Please look around what do—-"


"IM NOT A CHILD SEUNGCHEOL, HE WAS TAKEN, SOMEONE KIDNAPPED HIM AND I ... I DONT KNOW ... I CANT THINK STRAIGHT" Mingyu was hyperventilating, he sounded frustrated and frantic, Seungcheol went dead silent on the other line


"I'll call the others and meet you in 30 minutes, Mingyu ... MINGYU LISTEN TO ME"


Mingyu's mind was swimming in regret "We will find him don't worry okay? I just need you to sit back and think ... think about who could've done this ... Did you meet anyone suspicious? Did you catch any unknown scents ... THINK"


Mingyu shook his head, only his breaths could be heard through the line, he tried to close his eyes and think ... "We had dinner" Mingyu kept talking to himself "I guess Wonwoo looked twice at the waiter but ... I don't think it was anything"


"It's a good place to start as any" ... "We are coming, hold your nerves, you're going to need them"


Seungcheol sounded calm, but he really wasn't ... a million questions run through his head, he closed his eyes and his hands turned into firsts. He turned around to glance at his Mate and Dino peacefully sitting in the living room cozily watching a movie as they munched on some snacks ... he was about to break the horrible news to them.


"I'm calling Jun and DK" Dino said a few seconds later, his breaths got stuck in his chest and eyes wide open, Jeonghan's face was all shades of confusion, pain, worry and so much more. He had no idea what to say "I need you with us baby, I really do" Scoups held Jeonghan's arms and felt him shaking a little


"H-how did this happen?"


"I don't know yet, Mingyu is too disoriented and can't tell"


"Did he follow his scent? He should just follow Wonwoo's scent he's around I'm sure" Jeonghan was freaking out but tried to keep his composure


"I ... I don't know Hannie but I need you baby okay?" ... "We need to call everyone back"


Mingyu was furiously throwing things around, fuming with anger and disorientation. He couldn't locate Wonwoo's scent anywhere, everything was so overwhelming, unexpected and just ... just frustrating.


He didn't bring Wonwoo here to lose him

He left when Wonwoo asked him continuously not to

It was all his fault

He felt so damn guilty

Guilt was eating him up

Why did you leave him alone Mingyu? Why?



Wonwoo's scent was mixed with his perfume, it was a good thing, perfumes are strong, depends on the brand and Wonwoo was wearing a strong one so it should be around for a few hours at least.


He was alone and was lost


He stood still in the middle of the room where Wonwoo's perfume was still lingering. He blamed himself for everything and couldn't wrap his head around what in the world just happened?

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