Hold me II


Wonwoo was shaking, his tears running down his cheeks uncontrollably and gasping for air while holding into Mingyu's shirt tightly.


"Wonwoo please" Mingyu pleaded feeling both guilty and concerned. Guilty for leaving Wonwoo alone for the past few days and especially tonight and terribly concerned about his condition and the state of mind he was in right now.


"Please tell me what's wrong" Mingyu looked down at the trembling mess that is Wonwoo, the boy was crying non stop clutching tightly into him.


"Wonwoo you're bleeding, look at your palms, let me see please" but Wonwoo wouldn't let him.

He sighed deeply, he thought that things were getting better, he thought that he was a step closer to Wonwoo and now this happens and it feels like he fell miles behind instead.


In the end, Mingyu pushed all his negative thoughts away and gently picked Wonwoo off the floor. He slowly walked over to his room and  gently placed him on the bed covering both of them with a cozy blanket and holding him closer in his arms.

He lovingly caressed his back and shushed him for a long while, repeating soothing words and reassuring him that everything's going to be okay, simply being there for him until he was ready to talk


"Shhh I'm here" Mingyu mumbled "You're okay, you're safe Wownoo, you're fine" ... "I promise, you're safe"


Wonwoo finally lifted his head up "I'm sacred Mingyu" he whispered in between his ragged breaths


"What are you afraid of?"


"I really wish I was dead and that I  didn't have to deal with all of this"


"Stop saying that Wonwoo PLEASE" Mingyu only tightened his grip around Wonwoo's shoulders, brining closer in his arms "I can't let you go now that I found you" ... "Please tell me what's wrong so I can fix it"


"I want to leave" ... "I can't stay here" ... "I don't belong here"


"You belong with me Wonwoo ... look at me" Mingyu forced the boy to look up at him and to meet his soft hazelnut eyes


"You belong with me, do you think it's easy to establish a connection with someone? Things like these don't just happen, I chose you, my Wolf chose you it can't be a coincidence and I hope you get this but ... I'm not going to let you die" ... "Because only then, I might just die with you"


"W-what?" Wonwoo frowned, his tears still trailing down his cheeks.

Mingyu smiled at Wonwoo's sudden change of expressions, he reached his hand to wipe away the tears away.


"I understand that you can't feel our bond but it's there, we are connected and whatever I do, effects you and whatever you do effects me, or that's how it works for us" ... "So if anything was to happen to you, I won't be able to live with myself"


Letting his head rest back on Mingyu's chest, Wonwoo sniffled "Like Jeonghan and Scoups?"


Mingyu chuckled "Yes, like Jeonghan and Scoups"


"Jeonghan told me that ... whenever he felt bad, Seungcheol would always hold him and make him feel better and if anything would happen to him, he would probably murder everyone"


"Yeah, well ... that pretty much sounds right"


"But they are mates"


"Yes they are"


"Are we ... mates?"


Mingyu was intrigued, his heart skipped a beat looking down at Wonwoo, the boy was calmer than earlier and trying his best to keep up with the conversation. His fingers still shaking a little against Mingyu's shirt


"Do you want us to be?" He asked, his voice sounding like nothing but sweet honey and immense anticipation


"I don't know anything about being mates but ..." Wonwoo confessed, he was a bit nervous and shy and it made Mingyu's wolf giggle on the inside.


"You wouldn't let me die and that's enough for me"


Mingyu was relieved, his hand going up and down Wownoo's back "I promise I'll keep you safe no matter what, and it doesn't matter if you want us to be mates or not ... we don't have to put labels right away"


Wonwoo nodded, they didn't have to be anything right now and they didn't have to figure things either.


"So you can tell me what happened tonight?"


Wownoo sighed, "Joshua" he trailed hesitantly "He terrifies me".


Wonwoo hesitated but told Mingyu what happened earlier that night. He was scared and anxious, he hated being there because of him. He was trying so hard to fit in a place that he was made to believe he didn't belong to.

He was trying to forget about his past, and maybe, just maybe begin to live a normal life ... as normal as it can get at least.


Wonwoo knew for sure that he will never be normal but he can try, right?

Only a while ago, he was done trying and he wanted to end it all, but Mingyu gave him another chance, he saved him. So maybe he owed him to try for once.


Wonwoo laid down next to Mingyu, the two facing each other talking.


"I just,"

Wonwoo trailed scanning Mingyu's face that had his full attention on him.


... "I Never had anyone so close to me before" ... "Jungkook was there, but he was too young and I couldn't talk to him about everything"


"I know" ... Mingyu couldn't help but to notice how Wonwoo's tone of voice changed when Jungkook's name was brought up ...

"I'm so sorry Won" Mingyu softly brushed over Wonwoo's cheeks "He didn't deserve what happened to him, and neither did you" ... "I can make it all better you know? Just show me the way, and I'll murder him with cold blood"


Wonwoo's eyes widened "NO Mingyu NO, I can't go back ... I don't want you to ... NO please, I tried it myself too ... it's not worth it ... NO"


Wonwoo almost got hysterical "What do you mean?" Mingyu asked hearing the fact that Wonwoo tried to do it himself?


"I tried ..." Wonwoo gasped at the memories "I got his revolver the night Jungkook died" ... "I tried to shoot him but I missed"


Mingyu's face was nothing but shock, sadness and pity


"Oh Won, NO"


He knew for sure that Wonwoo wasn't built to hurt anyone or anything, and the fact that he had to go through all of that only made Wonwoo tremble more in fear, it only intensified the nightmares he had every night, it only made the memories permanent.

He couldn't say anything else and just brought Wonwoo closer to him as he sobbed again.


"You're braver than you think Won" Mingyu cooed "I'm proud of you"


"Min, I'm far from being Pure, I just can't be, I have no idea why Jeonghan's keeps saying that I am"


"But you are my love, you are the purest I've ever seen" ... "And I don't care what everyone else think, you belong with me" ... "We'll make it work someway ... somehow okay?"


Wonwoo tried to wipe his tears, he wanted to stop crying for once, for Mingyu's sake and he nodded, a soft and weak whisper finally escaped his mouth "Okay" he said.


Nothing worse than what he already experienced can happen right?


He has nothing to loose.


He held into Mingyu softly with a little promise in the back of his head. He'll try to do better and be better for Mingyu, he's there for him now, he can talk to him and be with him. This connection was the last thing he could ever predict happening to him so maybe he should give it a chance.


"I like pomegranate" Wonwoo said out of nowhere


"Hum? What?" Mingyu wasn't expecting a conversation about pomegranates


"I only had them a few times, but I guess they're my favorite"


Mingyu smiled "I think mangos are my favorites then"


"I like purple"


"My favorite is red" ...


The night passed, and they were talking about silly things. Wonwoo couldn't sleep and neither could Mingyu, the two enjoying each others embrace and Wonwoo being the calmest he's been in a while.


"Wonwoo, I think from now on you should sleep here instead"


"Humm?" Wonwoo was tired but unable to sleep nonetheless


"You can sleep here ... I don't want you to be alone anymore, and it's okay even if you can't sleep, we can sit and talk just like this"


Wonwoo was silent for a few seconds then he nodded "I'd like that"



Last night was a bit rough and Wonwoo barely had any sleep, he dozed off at around 5am for about twenty minutes and then the nightmares started to creep in again.


He was exhausted and grateful for Mingyu, he was right next to him never leaving his side.


It was until around 8am when Wonwoo seemed to be doing better, he dozed off again next to Mingyu. The other simply staring at him as he finally got some sleep. Mingyu got out of his bed quietly not to disturb Wonwoo sleeping, he left the room and stomped down the stairs following a very specific scent and he stopped once he met the owner


"YOU HAD NO RIGHT" Mingyu was angry, more than that, he was furious. His eyes sparkled with a Blue shade looking right at at Joshua standing in front of him "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT?"


Mingyu roared and Joshua rolled his eyes "He'll live" he said knowing exactly what Mingyu was talking about but Mingyu didn't like what he heard, he took a few more steps toward the other in a threatening manner


"I know that you had a difficult past and I respect you more than you'll ever know but you can NEVER TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN"


A few feet away from them, Jeonghan was standing by the dining table sipping on his morning coffee and he was totally being ignored by the two in front of him making him feel disrespected

"You two better acknowledge my presence right here and tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?"


Mingyu turned his spirit off "Why don't you ask Him?" He said before he stormed off he had to get back to Wonwoo in case he had another nightmare.


"Joshua?" Jeonghan called "Do I need to ask twice?" He sounded serious and was not about to let this one go


"I might have said something to Wonwoo last night and it might have upset him" Joshua was annoyed, this human is too sensitive, he couldn't just take a few harsh words


"Joshua" Jeonghan sighed "You know how sensitive he is, you know how sensitive the whole situation is, I know you don't like him, you can just avoid him for him now, you don't go shout in his face"


"Whatever" Joshua said before grabbing what he was there to take and went back to the library. Jeonghan felt like he was stuck between all of his kids, each with a different story and problem and he's getting frustrated.

DK suddenly passed by "I though I heard Joshua?" he asked

"And did you head Mingyu screaming at him? It's 8am in the morning, I'm not ready for this" Jeonghan massaged his temples feeling frustrated


"What? Why?"


"Apparently he said something to upset Wonwoo last night, I can tell that they both couldn't get any sleep because of it"


"Joshua did that?" DK was a little surprised. Yes, Joshua was upset and almost hated Wonwoo for everything he represented but he had nothing to do with the humans that wronged him many years ago and even Dokeyom knew that.


"Please talk to him, he'll take it better coming from you" Jeonghan asked and Dokeyom nodded knowing exactly what Jeonghan meant and simply walked away to find his lost connection and knock some sense into him if he could, Joshua can be very stubborn sometimes.


Jeonghan sighed again, he was frustrated and just not in a good mood this morning. He watched as Scoups walked through their main entrance, he woke up early with a passion to go for a run and he just got back.


"Hey you" he walked closer to his Mate, Jeonghan was still sitting at the dining table, Scoups leaned in for a back hug and a kiss which soon turned into a heated makout session. Jeonghan was frustrated and needed something to take his mind off things, he let Scoups place kisses all over his neck and jaw sweetly on his bare collarbone


"Baby I missed you" Jeonghan said in between the kisses sounding needy "Let's go somewhere, I'm starting to suffocate in the house recently"


Scoups stopped to meet his Jeonghan's dull eyes "Sure, what do you have in mind?"


"Nothing but you right now, I want YOU" Jeonghan's eyes were full of want and desire, he just wanted to be in his Mate's arms as soon as possible.


"Too early don't you think?" Scoups was teasing of course because he could never say no to such an open invitation from Jeonghan.

He smirked leaning over to peck Jeonghan's lips ever so teasingly.


"Like I care" Jeonghan broke the kiss before capturing Scoups lips again so passionately that he soon started to softly moan


"Shhh Han, everyone else is still here"


"Then let's go, take me away"


Scoups smiled and did just that, he took his Mate by the hand and walked with him right through the front door.


Mingyu went back to his room only to find Wonwoo sound asleep and heaved a relieved sigh.

He promised himself to keep him closer than ever before, these feelings for him were not going away, their connection is not going away and Mingyu liked it even though it was unusual and he didn't know what to do most of the time, but he will make it work somehow.



Dino woke up feeling lazy, he tossed and tuned in his bed before he decided to sit up, get dressed and start his day.


He was walking through the hallways to the library when he heard Joshua and Dokeyom arguing, something about Wonwoo and he figured that it would be better if he didn't walk in there right now.

Why were they arguing about Wonwoo at 9am in the morning? The younger sighed remembering the small encounter he had with the Human boy last night and wondered if he was okay.


He was going down the stairs when Seungkwan and Vernon run past him "Ahh ... you almost shoved me down the stairs" Dino whined at Vernon


"Sorry buddy we're a little excited" Vernon said, he looked much better than he was a few days ago.


"Why? Where are you two going?" Dino asked casually wanting to know what the fuss was all about.


"If you see Jeonghan could you tell him that we're going to the city? It might be for a few days" Seungkwan asked Dino for a favor only to get the younger even more curious


"Why? what for?"


"Nothing much just for fun, Seungkwan has been asking me for days and I do need some fresh air" Vernon confessed and Dino eyes lit up


"Can I come?"


"NO" their voices came as union, both Vernon and Seungkwan's faces changed and Dino annoyingly shook his head. It was one of those moments where your little sibling wants to hung out with you and your best friends ... always a NO


(If you have siblings well you know how it is and if you don't ... lucky you)


"Fine" Dino said and before he could say anything else, the two disappeared "Nobody tells me anything, nobody wants me around when they argue, I can't remember anything, they could have just left me where they found me instead it's like I'm a lonely child, and my parents aren't even home"


He stomped to the kitchen, he was pouty and annoyed "If I leave will anyone notice?" He just kept talking to himself.


Of course, he was just frustrated, mumbling cutely to himself, it wasn't easy being the youngest in the house, but no, he will never leave them and yes, he loves them beyond what they will ever know. Just because he is the youngest, everyone was treating him like the baby he is.

Shielding him from all the drama that's been going on and not telling him much because he's too young to understand but he wasn't, he did understand and he wanted to help as well if he was given the chance.


He just stomped around angrily mumbling cutely to himself until Soonyoung walked around him to get a couple of cold water bottles and  when he was about to turn around and leave, Jihoon was right there giggling about something to Soonyoung's face.


Dino sighed "And what's wrong with you this fine morning? Everyone seems to be having a mood today"


Soonyoung laughed "There's nothing wrong with us, we are the normal ones here ... see?"


"Yeah right" Dino sarcastically said rolling his eyes for the up-tenth time this morning alone.


Jihoon just tipped toed around him to reach Soonyoung, he grabbed both sides of his jacket and pulled him close placing a kiss over his lips


"There's nothing wrong with us, we are just great"


Dino's jaw dropped "You ..." he pointed at the the two "Since when you two are kissing?"


"Since last night" Jihoon said only to make Soonyoung smile brighter than he has ever seen before, and so he leaned in closer to capture Jihoon's lips again


Dino looks away "Oh gosh, can this day be over already?" The younger covered his eyes, grabbed what he could and left the kitchen to let the sudden lovey-dovey couple to finish whatever they were doing.


The truth was that Jihoon and Soonyoung were getting closer as a couple in the past week. They started talking more and spending the nights together. Jihoon had really bad doubts at first, but slowly they were fading away and last night, they had their first official kiss as a couple.


It was a bit cold and they were sitting in the backyard garden talking about something probably unimportant when the moon shone above them, silence suddenly took over and their faces were inches away from each other.

Both of their inner wolves intertwined and Jihoon was never so sure about anything like this before.



It's been a few days already, Wonwoo was by Mingyu's side the entire time if not then by Jeonghan's. He wasn't comfortable seeing or talking to anybody else, he was scared the second someone would get any close to him especially Joshua.

He would fling and retreat himself away whenever anyone besides Mingyu or Jeonghan would come any closer to him. His past memories consuming him and he couldn't trust anyone, he didn't like to be touched or to be near anyone.


He looked tired, he wasn't able to sleep at night even when Mingyu was right by his side and he was slowly getting drained.


"Wonwoo?" Jeonghan softly called his name, they were sitting in the terrace waiting for Mingyu to finish his training with Scoups.

Hearing his name, Wonwoo snapped from where he was about to doze off

"You dozed off, do you want to go inside and rest for a while?" Jeonghan was worried, he knows exactly what's been going on with Wonwoo lately and he tried to help but Wonwoo wasn't able to stay asleep for more than 30minutes.


Wonwoo nodded, yes he felt like he should lay down for a while and maybe get some sleep if he could but the moment he stood up, he lost his balance and fell forward only for Jeonghan to catch him, his eyes immediately changing colors and his spirit manifesting


"Hey are you okay?" Jeonghan urgently asked


"Yeah I'm ... hmmm" Wonwoo couldn't even finish his sentence and he fell forward into Jeonghan's arms again.

"WONWOO?" Jeonghan called frantically thinking that something must have happened "I'm fine" the younger mumbled before picking himself up


"No you're not fine, you need to rest" ... "Come on let's go inside"


Jeonghan simply wrapped a hand around Wonwoo's shoulders and slowly dragged him inside and directly to Mingyu's room. He laid Wonwoo down on the bed and covered him up tightly and sat next to him he placed his palm over Wonwoo's forehead and ignited his spirit.


"It's okay you're just tired and sleepy"


Jeonghan cooed already helping Wonwoo to relax for a bit and he saw him get drowsier, slowly and tiredly blinking his eyes until he finally surrendered to sleep. And even though he knew that Wonwoo wake up again soon, Jeonghan was determined not to let that happen.


Like a lullaby, Jeonghan's spirit kept Wonwoo company, so soothing and calming. Jeonghan sat by his side for a long couple of hours and ignored as his head started to spin a little for having his spirit out in the open for that long until Mingyu finally slowly walked inside.

He eyed the two and Jeonghan motioned him to come closer

"What's going on?" Mingyu asked rather worried take quicker steps towards them


"He's exhausted, he hasn't been sleeping recently and it's wearing him down"


Mingyu knew of course, he's the one who's been by his side for the last few days when he couldn't sleep.

"I'm trying to keep him calm but I don't think I can anymore, I'm starting to get dizzy"


Hearing that, Mingyu shifted his attention to Jeonghan "You can go if you want to, I need to handle this together with him once and for all anyways"


Jeonghan nodded "Let me know if you need me okay?"


"I have a few ideas in mind, I'll talk to him" Mingyu reassured, he seemed to be confident this time, something was lingering at the back of his head and he wanted to see Wonwoo get better as soon as possible.


A few moments later, Scoups stood outside their door and Jeonghan took it as his cue to leave. He smiled at Mingyu slightly squeezing his shoulder as he stood up and left the room just to meet Scoups outside.


"Hey is everything okay?" Coups asked and Jeonghan immediately reached for him, grabbing his arm ever so tightly "What's wrong?" Scoups leaned down to check on Jeonghan's green eyes


"Just helped put Wonwoo to sleep but for some reason, my head's spinning"


"What? Why?" Scoups was worried about his Mate, he held him closer "This is unusual Han, it doesn't usually take you this much energy to put someone to sleep"


"I know ... I" Jeonghan shook his head a little "Maybe I just need to rest for a while, I'm sure it's nothing"


"Please baby I don't want to see you like this" Seungcheol was clearly worried seeing how weak Jeonghan was.


Jeonghan chuckled a little sarcastically "You say that and yet you loved it when I was too weak to stand on my own feet the other day"


Scoups smirked remembering the other day's events when all Jeonghan wanted was Scoups to take him away in his arms "You're shameless you know right?"


"You know I am" Jeonghan smirked suppressing an almost evil  smile


"That was different and you know it" Scoups looked away still holding Jeonghan by the hand and taking him upstairs to their room to rest for a while.

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Chapter 42: Won Is taking to it so easy. I think he'll be able to help do much.
Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??
Chapter 35: They had it so hard
Chapter 34: Why do they have to be adorable! Omg this poor couple