Wall of Bricks IV


Trigger warning:

Mention of violence, blood, murder and sensitive scenes. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with such scenes


*A background introduction of Joshua, Seungwan and DK



Abducted, Joshua could never see him family again.


His family was a simple one, he was an only child to a hard working couple. All they ever wanted was to give their baby the love he deserved in this world and to be the best parents they could be.

Joshua's family had no issues living with Humans, they were hiding in plain sight, they were simple people working hard for their only son. Joshua's parents owned a few shops here and there, they were no business people, but they worked hard and built a small brand for themselves that lasted for years.


Surprisingly enough, Joshua attended a normal human school, and actually had human friends but being the little kid he was, he couldn't hide his Wolf self for a long time.

His parents would cover it up every time Joshua accidentally tells someone something he's not supposed to tell or show them his new acquired wolf teeth or tells them about their vacations in the woods.

Joshua was just a kid and he didn't know better, he thought it was really cool and that he had to show his friends what made him different.


His mom would giggle and his father would get frustrated but they loved him dearly and cherished him more than anything. They moved a lot in his childhood, mostly because Joshua was showing off his Wolf side to almost every person he met.

His parents didn't bother much about the moving, they just wanted to keep their secret safe and teach Joshua how to deal with his inner Wolf.


They self taught him everything, Joshua grew up to love reading books and learning about different species.

He loved winter, snuggling himself in a warm blanket with his mother and talking about everything and nothing.

She taught him all about connections and bonds, and how it's the best feeling in the world. She was excited for him, hoping that her only son will find a decent mate to be with someday.


Joshua had high expectations and dreamt about meeting his mate, it was a fantasy he always held close to his heart and looked foreword to it.


Getting older, Joshua was well put and well mannered, his mischievous inner child was replaced with a well educated and bright composed young man.

He was 24 when it all went down, everything happened so quick that he can't even remember much.

It was deep into the night and they were hunted down like animals.


Joshua woke up to his mother screaming, loud gunshots and rustling noises.


The blood was everywhere, he was pushed to the ground, face smashed against the hard cold floor, his mother's face across of him, her body lifeless and her eyes soulless.


She was dead.


His father, well he didn't even see him but as the the four armed men dragged him out of the house, the glimpses of his father's wolf form sprawled like a dead dog remained imprinted in his brain forever.


If it wasn't for whatever tranquilizer they shot him with, Joshua probably would have followed his parents and killed himself but no, they wouldn't let him. They numbed him and he couldn't feel anything, he was drugged and taken away.


People in white coats.


He was their experiment subject.


They tested on him, poked at him, injected him with unknown substances, and took samples from almost every inch of his body.


He felt like he was a monkey in a zoo.


And no matter what he did to make them stop, they were always stronger with their drugs and weird pills and injections.

He never knew what they were doing to him  exactly other than continuously giving him drugs and see how he would reach to them




The humans found a new toy and they were playing around with it


It went on for months and Joshua was ... half dead, but he wasn't worth anything if he was dead and they wouldn't let him die. No matter how bad he wanted it they would always make sure he survived just to be experimented on again.


They broke him.


For months, Joshua wasn't able to turn into his Wolf form, he couldn't even feel his inner wolf anymore.

It was simply ... gone


They injected him with too many weird substances that he could never know what actually caused it but his inner wolf was ... gone


They killed it

He had no Wolf spirit

No Wolf form

No inner wolf

He was only left with the ability to pick up scents and the humans got, well ... bored


They got bored so they brought new test subjects.


The twins


Just like Joshua, Seungkwan and Dokyeom, the Twins, were taken away from their families. They were Brutally killed in broad daylight and brought in for experiments.

They both lived among humans, and they both had a simple life and maybe that was the mistake that their families made.

Living among humans, somehow blowing up their covers and ending up here.


When they first met, Joshua was laying on the floor, his scent almost gone. At this point, he lost all hopes to live any sort of a normal life. His wolf died, he was mourning the loss of the only thing that made him ... unique and he didn't even flinch when Dokyeom tried to check on him.


To say the least, the twins were there for oa few weeks but only met Joshua now as part of another experiment

*What would happen if we introduce them to one another?*


They let them stay with each other for a few days. Seungkwan was scared most of the time holding into Dokyeom while Joshua was just ... dying slowly


They didn't know each other but they talked a little. Dokyeom knew that something was really wrong with Joshua and even asked the so called scientist humans for help but even they couldn't do anything.

Seungkwan wanted to break free telling his brother all the time that they were here for a while already and that it was about time to leave.


The humans had no idea what they were dealing with ... yet.


Dokyeom only bared with everything they did to buy them time. Seungkwan knew that his trouble maker brother was about to tear this place apart, it wasn't so hard for him actually.

Dokyeom was the strongest in their family, their father was a warrior and taught them really well, mostly Dokyeom, as he had a more Alpha like aura and proved to be a better leader than Seungkwan.


Seungkwan didn't mind, his brother was too strong and too reckless and he would rather do his own thing. Sure, they were close but opposite, and when they took them away, even their warrior father didn't see it coming.


Joshua was too quiet and Dokyeom could only guess what those sick humans have done to him. Joshua wouldn't eat or sleep or talk, his loss was more than just loosing his home and his parents, he lost his soul.


He was slowly and painfully dying.


Joshua was whimpering in his sleep one night again waking up Dokyeom form his almost non existent sleep. He tried to coax the boy but Joshua was pushing him away until he finally surrendered sobbing in Dokeyom's arms.


Joshua was weak and sick, his scent almost faded and Dokyeom's heart twisted seeing him slowly slipping away. Just like the library, Dokyeom wrapped his arms around him bringing him closer until he calmed down.


For the first time in months, Joshua found comfort in someone he could actually trust. Joshua rested comfortably against Dokyeom and they talked for the entire night .

It turned out that Joshua memorized more about this place than Dokeyom and Seungkwan did. He knew most of the humans here, whom to fear and whom to avoid and where to go and how to get there. He was just too weak to do it himself.


And that's how the escape plan took place.


DK's wolf form was strong, stronger than whatever these stupid humans thought they could contain in these small rooms. Seungkwan was right there behind him. Sure, he wasn't as strong as his brother but they had almost the same training from their father.

DK was on attack while Seungkwan was on defense but Joshua could barely stand up on his own.


It was a messy night, emergency alarms filled the place, loud noises and guards on their trails. DK lead the way, his wolf stood tall and mighty in front of whatever they put in front of them. But honestly, they didn't stand a chance in the first place. Dokeyom was just waiting for the perfect moment. These bastards killed his highly trained father and dragged their mother's corpse in the dirt.


He tore them apart, one by one.

Blood spattered everywhere around the so called facility


Now, Dokyeom was at the entrance where a big gate stood between them and their freedom.

Him and Seungkwan's wolf form could easily jump over but Joshua ... Joshua couldn't.

At this point, Joshua lost all contact with his inner wolf, he was stripped out of his identity and he didn't know how to get it back. He was breathing heavily, leaning almost completely into Seungkwan.


Joshua looked up to meet Dokeyom's eyes. A bright shade of Orange stared back at him, Dokyeom's spirit was a fiery orange. Witty, spontaneous, generous, optimistic, eager and bold. He fell for them so bad and yet he couldn't feel a thing at the same time.


He reached his hand to his soft fur, Dokyeom's wolf was so beautiful and incredibly strong Joshua has never seen anything like it before.


"Leave" Joshua whispered "I'm just holding you back"


Dokyeom was desperate, there's no way he would leave him behind. Seungkwan hovering over the two in a defense mode while Dokyeom switched back to his human form for a minute holding Joshua in his arms again

"NO" ... "I'm not leaving you"


Dokyeom's tone so delicate and determined. He tightened his arm around Joshua's shoulders bringing him up

"Dokeyom please" Joshua was on the verge of breaking "There's no life for me anymore"


Dokyeom violently shook his head refusing to take the boy's words and throwing a glance behind them where he could smell the humans almost reaching them


"I'm not leaving my first connection to die like this"


Joshua felt his breaths stuck in his throat "W-what?" He questioned and before he could even react, Dokeyom transformed back to his wolf form again. He motioned Seungkwan to jump first then forced Joshua to climb on top of him. He held on to him like dear life as they made that jump.

It was a high fence and Joshua fell off with a huge thud the moment they touched the ground only for Dokeyom to pick him up again.


And the run started.


It's been about two hours, they must be far away by now. The thickness of the forest gave them a little reassurance. They would be very hard to find in here.

They reached a point where they couldn't run anymore with Joshua's scent fading so quickly, they had to stop somewhere.


They stopped by the banks of a small water pond. Seungkwan was lucky enough to pick up on the water whooshing, he was good at picking up unusual sounds.


They turned back to their human form.


Dokeyom immediately putting Joshua down for a second to catch their breaths and have a look at him.

Joshua was in and out of consciousness, DK tried so hard to keep him awake for as long as possible but even Seungkwan knew that the boy was too weak to fight this. He felt bad for his twin, he knew that Joshua moved something within him, they went through hell to save each other but DK was helpless in front of Joshua.


Seungkwan volunteered to take a look around the place and maybe find them something to eat, but truthfully he wanted Dokeyom to have some alone time with Joshua. No matter how little the two could talk about, maybe it would bring some peace to his brother.


"Hi there" DK's voice too gentle.


Joshua opened his eyes to find himself in the same warm position he was in since they got to safety.

DK leaning onto a big solid tree with Joshua in his arms, cheeks flushed, lips parted and panting, eyes barely open and body too hallow and weak to pick his own head up.

Joshua whimpers got louder and DK didn't know what to do. He could feel his inner wolf starting to mourn the boy in his arms


"I'm s-sorry" Joshua was able to weakly mutter


"Baby don't be, it's not your fault" DK sniffed, his tears threatening to fall. He could feel their connection burning him on the inside making his heart ache in agony and his wolf making a long desperate cry howl.


"I ... I can't feel it Dokeyom" Joshua's hand fell onto his own chest "I can't feel our connection"


His wolf was gone, he couldn't feel it and he hated it because he really wanted it.

He wanted it so bad.

He wanted DK to keep him as close as he could, for as long as he could, he wished he could reach out to him and feel what their connection is like but he couldn't.


"I know" DK whispered back "It's okay, you'll be okay, we'll get through this just hang on for a little longer"


Joshua wasn't sure if he could, but for Dokeyom's sake, he was ready to try. He smiled sadly burying his head in DK's chest savoring whatever he could, his scent, his presence, his warmth since there was nothing more for him to savor.


Seungkwan came back a while later, he seemed to be in a hurry "We have to go"

DK looked puzzled, Joshua was again unconscious in his arms "Why?" He asked rather alarmed


"This place is a marked territory"


Seungkwan stated and DK's face dropped. A marked place means that this area belonged to a werewolf pack probably near by.

Things could get really ugly if they ever were caught trespassing.


DK put a strong arm under Joshua's legs picking him up and the twins were moving again. They had no idea where to go but yet, they had to leave the place before the owners found them and to their luck, the owners did find them.


Scoups and Jeonghan stood in front of DK while Seungkwan and Joshua were right behind him.

It was clear that he was the leader of the little pack and self proclaimed protector.

Scoups Alpha pheromones filled the place, he wasn't going to let anyone trespass his property so easily without answers and Jeonghan stood by his side curious rather than anything else.


"We are just passing by, we mean no harm" DK's orange spirit glittering, threatening but sincere. Scoups stood in front of him all tall and scary

"Who are you? This is a marked territory, why are you here?" He asked with a very scary low tone and with nothing but extreme authority


"We are just passing by" DK repeated, he didn't want any trouble, he wanted to get his brother and Joshua somewhere far away, somewhere safe and warm for Joshua to recover.


Scoups wasn't playing, his spirit ignited a bright red making DK take a step back. Scoups aura was definitely scary and the Twins got caught up in his Alpha scent making both of their inner wolves submit to him almost immediately. Scoups didn't even have to transform to his wolf form for that.


Jeonghan tagged onto Scoups shirt, his eyes trailing behind the boy standing in front of them to the second kid behind him trying to protect something ... or someone.

Jeonghan took a second look, he saw Joshua on the ground and he figured why he couldn't even pick up his scent


"Cheol?" He whispered to his mate pointing at the unconscious boy on the floor


"NO" DK's eyes sparkled even more, and even though he knew that he had no chance standing up to Scoups, he wasn't going to let him touch Joshua "STAY AWAY FROM HIM" he growled and Scoups put a hand in front of Jeonghan slightly pushing him away ready to fight


"No Cheol look" Jeonghan protested "He's not going to make it if we let them go"


Jeonghan took a step forward from behind his mate and let his spirit manifest. A healer spirit calmed the place down immediately


"I can help him"


Jeonghan took another step, DK hesitated, Seungkwan further hid Joshua behind him but he was a healer, DK would do anything to help Joshua right now.


Jeonghan exchanged a look with his mate, he knew that Scoups would attack and kill in a split of a second but Jeonghan basically asked to trust him.


"I'm not going to hurt him" ... "This is our property, you are welcomed to stay for a while, rest and hunt if you will. You can leave afterwards"

"But him" Jeonghan pointed at Joshua "He won't survive without treatment"


For some reason, Scoups agreed. He eyed the boy on the floor and he knew that the orange spirit guy wasn't even close to be his rival anyways. He trusted his mate and his spirit vanished and his aura relaxed inviting DK and Seungkwan to do the same.


To say the least, DK was hesitant at first but he looked back at his brother and especially at Joshua, all he wanted to do was to get them to safety. He was desperate and defeated and for that, he surrendered and accepted their help.


And never regretted that decision.


Jeonghan's green eyes glittered as he got closer to Joshua. The boy was broken in so many ways. Jeonghan scanned him but immediately stopped, why can't he feel anything? Joshua's inner wolf was gone and it was killing him


"What happened to him?" He asked looking back at Scoups and then to the leader -DK-


"Humans happened" Seungkwan replied


And the rest was history.


They moved Joshua to their newly acquired home. Scoups took them in with open arms, Dokeyom explained everything that happened to them so far, Joshua was recovering slowly but he was never the same.


Dokeyom tried so hard, he was there for him, every day, every night when his nightmares took over, when his panic attacks wouldn't let him breathe, when his trauma creeped on him.


But all what Joshua had to say was,


"Sorry, I can't feel it"

"Sorry, I'm so broken"

"Sorry, I can't have you"


Dokeyom didn't care, he tried to keep their connection. It was like a one sided love and it was so hard to watch. It broke both of them to pieces.

Over the years, Dokeyom confessed to Joshua that he had lost that connection too.


But only if he knew that DK was lying to him the entire time. He hoped that pretending that their connection was no longer there would give Joshua a little more comfort and little less guilt and that it would help him move on.


Dokeyom lied

He lied to the person he loved and cherished the most


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