(EXO) Dreamcatcher

Project Kwangya - Alternatives Talles

Author: Onyx

Main character: Xiumin (Kim Min-seok)

Secondary character: Yunho (U-know, TVXQ)

Location: False Reality (Concept featured in SHINee)

Inspired by the mv You.


"... fate is still waiting 

no doubt with beautiful plans..."


Contrary to my expectations, today will be an honorable day. Almost ten years of waiting... After countless losses, failed attempts and endless pursuits, we can finally return home. My heart fluttered madly with the uncertainty of knowing if we would collect another defeat or, finally, our long-awaited victory. Everything was going according to plan, so my thoughts and worries didn't matter at that moment. The look of happiness was clear on my brothers, radiant, sometimes I wondered if would ever see that look in them.

The day is quite cheerful, for the possibility of better days was just ahead. "We achieved!" said, my brother Chanyeol smiling. The light started to intensify, everyone looked very anxious, but, I see Kai's smile fade and an uncontrollable dread crosses my heart. Without anyone being prepared for what was to come, a shrill flash blinds us. My last memory is hearing our leader, Suho, yell "Protect yourselves!!", however there was no time, before even activating my powers my body was thrown backwards.

Awakening unexpectedly, I try to focus my vision, looking for anything, having a faint hope of finding something that will snap me out of the nightmare trance. I feel a throbbing pain in my head, my ears are ringing, it feels like the explosion happened a few minutes ago. I grab my pillow and find myself in my apartment on the edge of Berlin. It still looks dark outside, I see the silhouette of what resembled a clock, its hands looked lazy, they were slowly moving. Even my alarm doesn't seem ready for another day of monotony. Why should I force myself to get up? My body was tense, my heart was pounding frantically, my breathing was heavy... I don't want to move, I can't and don't want to open my eyes again to the reality I'm forced to live in. I feel that outside the blankets it was dangerous and hostile. There's no end to what I have to do and it just keeps piling up with my tiredness.

I gather a little strength to remain seated in bed, listen to the street noise from the window. I was able to hear how streets are caotic, possibly crowded bus, kids in the way to school, people going to work, how much disorder. Those rhythms can be the reason for i start move and be able to live this reality. I asks to myself if life would be different if he were a human, if i had a human family. That thought brings a spontaneous smile to my face. It would be a good thing to have a finite life, it would give it a meaning, a true purpose. Remember how good it was... I still feel a bitterness in my lips at the thought that "Exo" no longer exists, like twel.. no, the nine entities now separated from the Kosmo and isolated units somewhere.

Gently slapping my face, forcing me to summon up the courage to get on with this day, I get out of bed. I decide to go out onto the porch, enjoy the urban chaos that only humans can provide. It's so crazy, yet so alive... As soon as I step through the glass door, I realize I'm somewhere else. I don't remember asking for a P.O.S. or notice the presence of Kai. The sounds of the city, once easily heard, are now in the purest silence. The blue-gray sky was now a distinctive bright red. The plants on my porch were dry, as if years had passed, the whole environment inspired the purest obscurity and death. The scenery of the city of Berlin was occupied by a demolished landscape of ancient times, there were twelve pillars erected, three of them demolished, in what would once be an Agora. It even seemed like a bad joke, you need to be very brave or very dumb would confront a entite this way. Or maybe someone superior...

It didn't seem safe and unwise to turn my attention away, I close the door, staring at every possible sign of danger. A man appeared, The entity leaned on the frame with his hand in the pocket of his tailored pants, while he looked at me with a warm smile. It was possible to perceive his malice and, despite hiding his aura, few in Kwangya can access false reality, it was notorious to say that he was facing a reckless and, perhaps, instinctive deity. He wore a black English suit, it was lightly padded at the shoulders, slightly cinched. "Good look" I thought. In dark tones that made up not only his clothes but the landscape of the place, if wasn't his presence, he could easily be human businessman.
It didn't seem safe and unwise to turn my attention away, I close the door, staring at every possible sign of danger. A man appeared, The entity leaned on the frame with his hand in the pocket of his tailored pants, while he looked at me with a warm smile. It was possible to perceive his malice and, despite hiding his aura, few in Kwangya can access false reality, it was notorious to say that he was facing a reckless and, perhaps, instinctive deity. He wore a black English suit, it was lightly padded at the shoulders, slightly cinched. "Good look" I thought. In dark tones that made up not only his clothes but the landscape of the place, if wasn't his presence, he could easily be human businessman.

"Snowflake, it's a pleasure to meet you". Said the entity. "My name is Jung Yunho, but you can call me Yunho.". He extended his hand, waiting for him to greet, following Western customs. I didn't like the nickname however, I decided not to argue. I just stood there, watching and trying to think of the reasons why someone like that would pay a visit. I can't imagine what mess Baekhyun got into this time. The entity called Yunho raised his eyebrows when he saw that he didn't would be well received. And he continued:

"I've heard a lot about you, snowflake. Kim Minseok, representative of ice, the oldest among his brothers. One of the twelve children of an entity already forgotten...". Clearly Yunho pronounced each word meticulously and thoughtfully, analyzing my expressions.

"I didn't give you permission to call me that". I interrupted, letting my irritation show, For this clearly cunning entity, was satisfactory. "Just say what you want."

"Just a conversation". Widening the smile. "from one entity to another.". Your way to speak gave an image as if we were the same, but, the situation inspired no confidence and no veracity.

"I would be surprised if that were the case. What do you have to hide?". I ask. "Be honest". What could be so important to bring us here? What is your legitimate purpose? Of what order was this deity? There were so many questions that my head was pounding again. Perhaps my expression betrayed my opinions, as Yunho let out a laugh and, in a mocking tone with a firm and dark look, said:

"Well, well, this little bud is smart. I see your mother raised you very well". He sits in a chair, crosses his legs and looks my way, raising his hand to signal the only vacant chair. "Sit down". he ordered with a cynical look. I just sighed and sat up suddenly, his presence was already causing me an absurd load of stress and tension, however, something told me to obey.

"I believed the tree would have given more expressive results". Yunho said as he crossed his fingers and placed them on top of his leg. "From what I see 'Exo' is not, and perhaps never was, a 'singularity' as She would like. I wonder how much more it will take for you to be completely numbed by the poison and destroy yourself, just as He wants."

My energy was low, but I could feel my fingertips starting to freeze. Without moving a muscle, Yunho said, "No need to be stressed, snowflake, is this how you greet your uncle?". He smiled and opened his arms invitingly.

"We're not related". I said seriously.

"Of course we are, everyone in the Kosmos are family". He said with a carefree face. "Deny it all you want, no wonder the Redeemer's fruits pulled her personality. Always denying the obvious..." He sighed.

Anger was consuming me, I felt the temperature around drop, Yunho was carefree, it seemed that everything there was amusing. Without thinking too much, I slammed my fist down on the table, trying to dispel my hatred. I knew that if got into a fight with him, I would probably lose.

"Proceed". I said irritated.

"I expected more, snowflake, these young people today easily lose control...". He rambled, fiddling with his suit pockets. "Here". Yunho was serious, any and all mention of cynicism and debauchery was erased without a trace. He takes a frayed, folded piece of paper from the inside pocket of suit. He holds it up with just two fingers raised and stares at me tossing the paper onto the table. I had the feeling he was dealing with what humans call a gangster.

"What is it?". I asked. "Whatever it is, I don't need it."

"How would you go to him without a map?". He said, getting up from chair, it looked like our conversation was already coming to an end. I raised an eyebrow as a sign of confusion and waiting for some explanation. After straightening his suit, he looks at his wristwatch. "By my calculations, I believe they've already entered the main gate. He has no more time.". His expression was grim, Yunho was his back and watched the destroyed landscape stained red.

"He who?". I kept my cool and asked slowly, fearing to hear the answer.

"An idiot, and I'll never understand how he still love you guys. He never stopped thinking about you for a single day". I noticed how exciting he was to pronounce the next words. He seemed unhappy with something he didn't dare ask, it wasn't the moment. "My friend Zhang Yixing, your brother". Yunho said dismayed. I couldn't help but laugh, it could only be a joke in very bad time.

"Believe what you want, snowflake, I'm just the errand boy. But I wouldn't waste time. The sheep is in danger."

The primary urge was to get up abruptly and run, but my legs lost strength. Tears streamed down my face instantly, my thoughts went blank, I just felt the deep pain of a reopened wound. Lay... my brother... my heart was heavy, I can't put into words how much we missed you. I held tight to the only hope we had of finding him after so many years. I looked at the entity wanting to say thank you, but before I could, he interrupted me saying:

"Nice to meet you, Snowflake.". Yunho gave a smile as he finished fixing his suit. "I think she won't like to hear about this... Well, whatever, it's not like going to tell". He turns towards me, I can swear his eyes mean good luck. "Hey Minseok!". Yunho gives a hopeful smile and snaps his finger. 

"Wake up."


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1199 streak #2
Wow sounds awesome