(AESPA) Labirinth of Lies

Project Kwangya - Alternatives Talles

Author: Onyx

Keywords: NingNing (Ning Yi Zhuo, Aespa); Seulgi (Kang Seul-gi, Red Velvet); Kwangya.

Inspiration: Welcome to MY World (AESPA); Feel my rhythm, Birthday (Red Velvet).

Inspiration: Welcome to MY World (AESPA); Feel my rhythm, Birthday (Red Velvet)


Karina = Yoo Jimin
Winter = Kim Minjeong
Giselle = Uchinaga Aeri
Ningning = Ning Yi Zhuo

Karina = Yoo JiminWinter = Kim MinjeongGiselle = Uchinaga AeriNingning = Ning Yi Zhuo



As the first rays of sun gently penetrated through the curtains of the shared dorm room, Yizhuo's eyes slowly opened, welcoming the morning light. She lazily stretched but soon a feeling of excitement washed over her, filling her heart. She knew that sunny day promised to be perfect for an unforgettable adventure. Around her, the other three friends also began to wake from their peaceful slumber. The idea of a road trip together had been fueling their conversations for days. And now was the time to turn that wish into reality.


After a refreshing shower, she went to the closet and carefully chose the clothes that would accompany her on that thrilling adventure. She looked for comfortable pieces with a stylish touch, perfect for enjoying the outing with her friends. While getting dressed, something caught her attention in the mirror just a few inches away. The reflected image seemed distorted, sometimes even blurred, as if it were from an old television. This intrigued her for a moment, and she approached to observe more closely. Her flawless, lightly glowing skin gave her a unique beauty, her brown eyes adorned with long and silky lashes reflected an expression of uncertainty in her own thoughts.


Perhaps due to the lingering sleepiness, she shook her head and smiled, attributing that momentary strangeness to being awake. "It was just a false impression," she thought. The lively sounds coming from the hallway reminded her that her friends were already waiting for her outside. With a smile on her face, she finished the preparations, making sure she had everything she needed for the day. As she stepped through the door of the room, she found the girls gathered, full of enthusiasm and eager to start the journey. Warm greetings and excited looks were exchanged, reinforcing the camaraderie they shared. NingNing left behind the brief curiosity about the mirror and allowed herself to dive wholeheartedly into the exciting adventure about to begin.


"We ready to go?" JiMin asked, feeling the excitement pulsing in her chest."Yes! I can't wait to get there!" Yizhuo exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement."Get ready for lots of photos," Aeri said, holding her camera with enthusiasm."It's going to be amazing! I'm thrilled to explore the mountains!" Minjeong added, infecting everyone with her joy.


With the contagious energy of the four friends, they set off on an exhilarating trip, ready to experience memorable moments together. The roads stretched ahead, and with each kilometer they traveled, their bond grew stronger, heading towards the picturesque town near the coast. However, the main goal of the day was to find a charming spot surrounded by nature to watch the sunset. She felt it was exactly what she needed at that moment, after going through so many conflicts with... for a moment, her train of thought got lost. While her friends continued chatting excitedly, she fell silent, trying to remember what had happened that year. However, those thoughts soon faded, and she regained the joy of making the most of the trip.


As they moved away from the city, the landscape slowly transformed. Skyscrapers and urban frenzy gave way to hills covered in lush greenery. The roads meandered along the slopes, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the mountains rising in the distance. With every curve, they were greeted by awe-inspiring scenery. Deep valleys extended below them, covered with dense pine forests. Sunbeams pierced through the treetops, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadows.


Whenever they had the opportunity, they made several stops along the road to make the most of the journey. The journey continued through picturesque villages where time seemed to have slowed down. At one of these stops, they decided to try traditional Korean cuisine at a local restaurant, delighting in the authentic flavors the region had to offer. It was a unique sensory experience, where gastronomy harmoniously merged with the natural beauty around them. The mountains rose majestically, their ridges gleaming under the sunlight. At a viewpoint, they decided to stop and admire the grandeur of the mountains and the stunning landscape that stretched before their eyes. Tranquility prevailed, interrupted only by the laughter of the friends and the gentle whisper of the wind in their ears.


With each stop they made, they always asked the locals where the best place to witness the sunset would be. To Ningning's surprise, the answers were mostly vague, as if people didn't know the area well, which frustrated and raised suspicions in her. "They seem more lost than we are," she thought. Each question seemed to lead to an evasive or imprecise answer, leaving her perplexed and disoriented. While her friends, Winter and Karina, didn't seem to mind, Giselle, sitting in the front seat, became increasingly uncomfortable with the inaccurate information she was receiving. The tension on her face was visible, her hands trembled, and her gaze was lost. Giselle's strange behavior intrigued NingNing, but shortly after, Giselle retreated and fell asleep. After a few hours, they finally got precise information. Excited, their expectations soared, and their heart rates moderately accelerated as their final destination drew near.


Finally, as evening fell, they found the trail leading to a tranquil lake and decided to follow it on foot along the river. After parking the car, Minjeong and Jimin went down the path, while Yizhuo went to the front seat to wake up Aeri, who was peacefully sleeping. Aeri woke up with a confused expression on her face and started moving frantically, as if trying to escape from a nightmare. Ningning held her by the shoulders and called her name repeatedly until she seemed to wake up from a state of lucid dream. Giselle's sudden reaction upon waking left Ningning more intrigued, as she wondered what could have caused that moment of confusion and agitation in her friend. This concern deepened as she saw Giselle abruptly stop moving and smile, indicating that she was fine. "Nothing seems to be alright," Ningning thought, a bit confused. As they got out of the car and walked towards Minjeong and Jimin, who were already a few meters ahead, Aeri acted as if nothing had happened, but the previous discomfort still echoed in Ningning's mind. She decided not to press her friend at that moment and chose to discreetly observe her as they continued the walk.

As Yizhuo distanced herself from the car, she felt a strange sensation, something similar to what she had felt earlier. She looked around, but nothing seemed different, except for the uneasy feeling that directed her gaze to a specific point in the landscape. She tried to focus her eyes, but she didn't see anything special. Not wanting to be alone, she decided to follow the girls.As they advanced, a feeling of warmth enveloped the group. The forest seemed to embrace them with its tranquility and serenity. Sunbeams filtered through the treetops, creating a play of light and shadow that danced around them. The trail was filled with obstacles, but they helped each other, making the hike easier and more enjoyable. With each bend in the path, a new landscape unfolded before them, and their excitement only grew.


Finally, they reached the highest point of the trail, and a magnificent view unfolded before them. The sun was already approaching the horizon, painting the sky with vivid and warm colors. The horizon looked like a hand-painted canvas, with shades of pink, orange, and red blending in perfect harmony.


The friends sat on a large rock, taking deep breaths to absorb all the beauty surrounding them. In silence, they admired the spectacle of nature, feeling completely in tune with the universe. The sunset painted the sky with soft colors, creating a magical atmosphere around the group. The tension and confusing moments for Ningning were quickly replaced by the stunning beauty of nature, and the friends cherished the afternoon spectacle as the sun slowly bid farewell to the horizon, bathing everything in golden hues. Peace finally prevailed among them, and that moment became unforgettable.


As the sun finally disappeared completely on the horizon, the friends embraced each other, knowing that this moment would be etched in their memories forever. The darkness of the night began to settle, and they knew it was time to return, but they carried with them the warmth of the sun and the serenity of the forest in their hearts.

The darkness of the night began to settle, and they knew it was time to return, but they carried with them the warmth of the sun and the serenity of the forest in their hearts



"You're just asking for trouble," Yeri stated, giving her friends a serious look.

"Maybe," Joy commented with a smile, "Staying in Queendon is so boring anyway."


The moon shone brightly in the starry sky, but as they ventured into the dense forest, the silver light seemed to lose its strength, suffocated by the thickness of the tree canopies and the dark vegetation. The stars, now barely perceptible, left only small, distant, and isolated points of light, as if they were eyes peering in the darkness.


Each step was a plunge into the unknown, and the heavy, humid air, filled with the scent of earth and moss, gave the forest a somber and mysterious atmosphere. The sounds of nighttime nature echoed eerily around them, as if whispering unsettling secrets to those intruders who dared to invade their domain. The towering trees, reaching dizzying heights, cast menacing shadows, playing with the imagination and creating sinister shapes in the twilight. Each light emitted by their lanterns only seemed to reveal small details of that eerie place, leaving much of the forest still shrouded in mystery and darkness. A feeling of unease and apprehension took hold of the Coven; the sense of being watched by invisible eyes made their hearts beat faster. Seulgi noticed the undergrowth closing in around them, knowing that the Forest dictates the rules, and at that moment, they were unwelcome there.


"We should have stayed back; we have no permission, especially to be here," Yeri said, showing concern."There's no rule that can't be broken," Wendy asserted confidently, "especially when it comes to who we are.""Tell that to the Kosmoszen's face then," Yeri muttered, referring to the guardians of Kosmos. Joy began to laugh, trying to ease the tension that was forming among them.


As they walked through the forest, the mage noticed a faint light shimmering in the distance. Curious yet hesitant, she felt drawn to the glow and decided to follow it. As they got closer, the light became more defined, revealing a group of other women, no, she realized they were a group of children also walking along a path. However, there was a noticeable difference: They happily followed the trail, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, without needing lanterns. The forest had a will of its own and offered two distinct paths: one side filled with happiness and warmth, accompanied by the smiling and playful girls, while the other side, where they were, was dark and terrifying, as if it came straight out of a horror tale.


"Are those the children codenamed AESPA?" Seulgi asked, pointing to the group ahead."Yes, they are," Irene answered, surprised. "But what are they doing in Kwangya without permission?""Maybe they got inspired by us in some way?" Joy suggested, playfully entertaining the idea in her mind.


This duality of the mysterious forest left her uneasy and full of questions about the reason behind this unusual behavior. She wondered what could be causing such a clear separation between the two paths, why the light seemed to choose some while leaving others in darkness.


"Don't you think they seem excessively happy?" she inquired, ignoring her sisters and addressing the leader of the group."Do you have a problem with other people's happiness?" Wendy questioned, overhearing the conversation."Seulgi is right. There's something strange going on. Observe carefully," Irene said, urging the others to examine the situation more closely.


Intrigued by the mysterious aura of the children codenamed AESPA, their attentive gazes and her sisters examined every detail in search of answers. The Ether, the subtle energy permeating the forest, reacted to the presence of the girls, echoing their deep emotions.But there was something more to this situation.


Seulgi knew that in Kwangya, showing fear was not allowed. Safety was an illusion because, without proper care, their thoughts could be revealed or misinterpreted by the Ether. The children, with their apparent smiles, hid an enigma, and their eyes filled with euphoria suggested that something out of the ordinary was happening. It could be a special ability or a connection to the Ether that transcended the observers' knowledge. The surrounding nature seemed to be connected to the girls' emotions, as if conveying a hidden message. The growing tension indicated that something significant was about to occur.


"Let's approach with caution and find out what's going on," Yeri suggested, seeking to understand the truth behind the situation.


The somber atmosphere enveloped them as they advanced, ready to face the unfolding enigma. The mystery of the AESPA children awaited them, and with each step forward, excitement and trepidation mingled, unveiling hidden secrets on that enigmatic night.


Under the transparent veil of mist, the forest presented itself as a charming and beautiful place, but at the same time, it seemed to play tricks on the AESPA girls, transforming into an enigmatic labyrinth. What caught their attention the most were the Hibiscus flowers blooming to beautify the landscape around them. However, as they touched the petals, they felt nothing but emptiness, as if they were mere empty husks. This discovery sent shivers down their spines, bringing painful memories to the surface of their sisters who didn't have the same fortune of being there with them.


While the forest's beauty once seduced, Seulgi now felt a sinister aura surrounding her, and the enchantment of the place began to fade. Joy, her voice filled with emotion, whispered, "They could have been our sisters, the beautiful ladies of Mugunghwa."


The weight of the situation grew as their connection to the place became deeper and more dangerous. It was evident that the forest was playing with their minds and involving them more and more in the Ether. The mage's heart was overwhelmed with conflicting feelings, mixing the enigma of the children with the sorrowful memories of her sisters.


As the night fell, the young petunia showed signs of discomfort and crisis, and Irene quickly made the decision to take her away from the location to calm her down. The transformation of her hair to a pale shade of orange betrayed the inner turmoil she was trying to hide. The others knew that triggering her memories could be dangerous and, therefore, agreed to keep her away.


"The excursion is over. Let's return," declared the leader.

Wendy began preparing the transportation spell for their return, while the youngest girl stayed by her sister's side, seeking to comfort her. With everything ready to go, Irene ordered Seulgi to stay. Her determined expression left no room for discussion, and she instructed her to find out what was happening.

Now, she found herself alone in the dense forest, surrounded by the mysterious fog and the enigmatic peculiarities of the Ether. The responsibility of unraveling the mystery involving the AESPA children weighed entirely on her shoulders. However, she also knew that her sisters' true concern was the story behind the Hibiscus flowers blooming there. Determined to find answers that could soothe their hearts, especially Joy's, she advanced toward the group, whispering to herself her personal mantra: "The coven prevails." It was a reminder of the commitment she had to her sisters since that tragic night.


Under the gentle glow of the moon, Yizhuo and her friends walked cheerfully through the forest, guided by the lights of the stars that dotted the dark sky. The silence of the night was interrupted only by contagious laughter and the soft footsteps of the young women venturing into the darkness. They were enchanted by the nocturnal magic that surrounded the forest. Every sound of the nighttime nature was a delightful symphony to their ears.

"Today was wonderful, wasn't it?" said Jimin excitedly.

"I must admit it was quite an adventure," commented Minjeong, smiling.

"I hardly felt the time passing until it got dark," said Ningning, amazed by the magical atmosphere of the forest.

"I just hope no scary bugs show up," Aeri joked, provoking laughter among the friends.

As they continued along the trail, Yizhuo spotted a familiar figure in the distance. It was a woman she recognized from school, although she had graduated a long time ago, someone she briefly crossed paths with in the hallways, and occasionally in the Book Club after class. Kang Seulgi, that was her name, right? As they approached, the woman smiled warmly, greeting the group in a friendly manner. Her face was partially illuminated by the moonlight, but her eyes remained a mystery, concealed in the shadows. Yizhuo felt a mix of curiosity and familiarity upon encountering her in that nocturnal forest, as if they shared a special secret under the silver light.

"Hello! Wow, long time no see, unnie! You were in the book club years ago, weren't you?" said Eri, clearly surprised to recognize the woman.

The woman looked at them with a puzzled expression but soon smiled, replying, "Yes, it's me! What a coincidence to meet you all here. I also enjoy exploring the forest at night."

As the group gathered in the clearing, Giselle seemed a bit confused, trying to remember why they were there. Karina quickly intervened, explaining, "We came to enjoy our vacation, take a trip together as friends, and the locals here said the best sunset is here."

Giselle, still trying to piece things together, commented with an embarrassed smile, "Oh, right. Sorry, my mind went blank for a moment."

At this point, Seulgi, visibly impatient, remarked, "Hm... in the middle of the forest? I see. Can I join you guys?"

Jimin and Minjeong nodded enthusiastically, and Eri agreed as well. The presence of their former Book Club colleague added an extra pinch of familiarity to the adventure of the friends.

As they continued onward beneath the majestic tree canopy, the conversation flowed with laughter and shared stories. The forest, now illuminated by the gentle glow of the moon and stars, created a magical and enchanting ambiance for this unexpected gathering.

Amidst the laughter and playful banter, the friends warmly welcomed Seulgi into their circle, enjoying each other's company amidst the natural beauty surrounding them. With her soft and mysterious voice, Seulgi shared intriguing stories from the Book Club, revealing details that had never been heard before. Details that should hardly be forgotten. Her words evoked laughter and nostalgic sighs from the friends, but for Yizhuo, something felt off. The memories she brought up seemed distorted, not aligning with what she remembered.

Sensing the discomfort, Yizhuo needed to step away from the group to find some peace and quiet to reflect on everything. Seulgi, attentive to it all, noticed how Ningning was restless, with a thoughtful look in her eyes. So, with intent, she decided to slow down their pace and distance them from the other members of AESPA.

With a gentle smile, she asked, "You've noticed something is wrong, haven't you?" the witch asked again, sensing the child's unease.

The comment made Ningning look up, surprised by the question. She pondered for a moment before responding cautiously, "I don't understand what you mean."

Taking a deep breath, Seulgi spoke slowly, "Does the name 'aE' ring a bell for you?"

Feeling a growing unease in her chest, Ningning chose to remain silent.

"So, that's how we're going to play it? Okay then," Seulgi continued.

The young child tried to process the question, but something in her emotions seemed to connect with the woman's words. She felt uncertain, as if something were missing from her memories.

"No?" Ningning replied, hesitantly.

"Okay, let's try again... Listen carefully. I'll try to be as clear as I can," Seulgi said with an enigmatic tone, looking around as if making sure no one could overhear them. "Imagine a world where the reflection is sharper than reality itself. Where shadows dance in perfect harmony, and colors are just an illusion. In this world, the truth is hidden between the lines, and answers are concealed in riddles."

The witch's words brought an even more mysterious atmosphere to the conversation. Ningning felt enveloped in an intriguing enigma, as if she were about to uncover hidden secrets that could change her understanding of reality. The restlessness in her chest grew, but she also felt a twinge of curiosity, leading her to want to explore deeper into this enigmatic world that seemed to be suggested.

The girl was intrigued by these words. She furrowed her brow, trying to decipher the meaning behind the metaphors. "I'm more confused now than before."

Her eyes revealed a mixture of concern and determination. With a reflective pause, Seulgi continued, "Sometimes, life can feel like a dream. A dream from which we can't wake up. The clues are all around us, but often, we refuse to see them. Truths are like puzzles, waiting to be solved."

She looked deeply into their eyes and responded with a determined voice: "I can't help you any more than this. I already have my answers. I wish you luck, and I hope it's not too late for you all." Without saying goodbye, the witch departed and vanished from sight. Seulgi knew that the most common thing that happens in Kwangya is clueless humans lost in the endless desert, often unable to see beyond appearances. She knew there was nothing she could do; they would need to have their own awakening from the situation.

Frustrated with the discovery, she continued on the path of her Queendon. She knew that the Hibiscus ladies were nothing more than products of human minds, where everything that comes from them is only empty, without a sense of consciousness. They are mere ornaments or objects. This revelation brought a feeling of sadness, as she had hoped there would be something more meaningful for those Hibiscus ladies.

As Ningning and her friends returned home in silence, her mind was filled with reflections and questions. The restlessness about the enigmatic words intensified, and the feeling that something was hidden in her hazy memories troubled her. However, despite the fear of the unknown that the future might bring, Ningning felt determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding her mind.

Upon reaching the car, the calm night atmosphere and the comforting presence of her friends brought a gentle relief to her heart. A sigh escaped her lips, as if she were leaving behind a heavy burden. Still shaken by the confusing memories, she settled into the seat, and a sense of peace began to gradually settle in. As if a spell was breaking, the words of their Kang-sunbae seemed to dissolve, leaving behind only a faint and intriguing memory. As the vehicle advanced on the dark road, she allowed herself to relax and get lost in thought, gazing at the twinkling stars that dotted the sky. The words that had caused her so much distress dissipated like a spell, and a smile illuminated Ningning's face.


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1198 streak #2
Wow sounds awesome