(Super Junior) After today, I prefer death

Project Kwangya - Alternatives Talles

Author: Onyx

Keywords: Donghae (Lee Dong-hae, Super Junior); BoA (Kwon BoA); Earth, South Korea.

Inspiration: Black Suit; Opera (Super Junior); Woman (Kwon BoA)


There will always be a generous dose of disorder present in our spirits in Kwangya, influencing our actions

There will always be a generous dose of disorder present in our spirits in Kwangya, influencing our actions. Although we try to conceal this essence of chaos, it remains engraved in our souls. Perhaps for this reason, it has become an inside joke among the SJ squadron to question the motives that led to the creation of cosmic entities (referred to as Super Junior) in the name of order and planning. We have not reached a definitive conclusion, but we believe that it may have been a simple desire of Kosmos to order the realities in their universe.

However, in the face of calamities committed by our own people over the past millennia, how can we keep our principles intact? I still believe in our motto "no challenge, no change," but unlike my other brothers, I admit that the deeper I dive into this chaos, the better I feel. That's the reason that makes me question the rules imposed upon me. Fortunately, my family doesn't have as many rules as in the Second Era; many of them have lost their meaning and power over the passing millennia. However, to my dismay, we still adhere to the worst of them all.

"Have you been called for a mission? Don't argue, just do it."

It may seem exaggerated, but it fits perfectly with our true function in Kosmos. Still, it bothers me. It's a major inconvenience most of the time, and I'm not the only one who thinks this way. After all, what motivation would we have to follow a rule created without our consultation, even before our existence brought joy to the chaotic days of these idle people? Far be it from me to speak ill of the General and his offspring's leisure time. We are obligated to obey it, whether we like it or not. However, there are some conditions, at least enough conditions to prevent us from being mere pawns of Kwangya. As if we weren't already... We simply obey a higher-ranking entity, and it also applies if you're part of the family [the squadron]. Obviously, the one who would benefit the most from this is our older brother, Major Park. In fact, he is one of the few who doesn't see any issue with this rule. I can imagine why...

While we know that our family is one of the few, if not the only, primordial forces with sufficient military abilities to explore the vastness of Kwangya, we are not jacks-of-all-trades. Well, actually we are. We only accept missions that are minimally interesting to our eccentric tastes, devoid of logic and sensibility. So, jacks-of-all-trades. However, that doesn't mean we should accept every task that comes our way. Leeteuk seems to believe that, just like him, we have given up our lives to always be available, constantly thinking about the stability of the universe. While that may be a noble mission, I dislike being forced to think that way just because he wishes it, and, furthermore, Kwangya is not one of my favorite places.

While that may be a noble mission, I dislike being forced to think that way just because he wishes it, and, furthermore, Kwangya is not one of my favorite places

I needed a distraction, preferably an alcoholic one, to get rid of some inconvenient thoughts. I chose my destination at the last minute, without much thinking, and headed to one of the few nightclubs in Seoul that is not yet under my domain. It seemed to be the right decision on this calm Tuesday night. Since I took a break from work, at least for a few hours, I secretly hoped for a night that would fall short of expectations.

I longed for the idea of being accompanied by a glass of Cognac in a bohemian evening, while indulging in my pastime of observing mortals. I don't have many reasons for it; it's just a taste I've acquired for appreciating human interactions down to the smallest details. Their lives so fleeting and unpredictable, mere grains in a wild desert.

What I enjoy the most is knowing that their earthly passage is filled with unpredictability because even a simple action like sitting at a bar table can turn into a moment different from what was planned. I start visualizing the number of people creating and sharing memories. I let myself get carried away, absorbing the atmosphere, and delving into the thoughts of others. It works temporarily, but soon I return to my old concerns. It doesn't even feel like it's me, this constant being trapped in fragments of other realities. Not even the drink and loud music can transport me to a place far away from my reveries. All that's left for me is to order another drink.

Unabashedly and completely indifferent to the presence of humans, a P.O.S. opened next to me. It's a somewhat unusual occurrence, but I can't say I'm surprised. This wasn't the first, nor will it be the last, last-minute summons I've received. I feel frustrated realizing that my peaceful night had come to an end. I look at the P.O.S., already imagining their destination: our beloved mansion.

One of the few places my family used to visit that still carried an uninterrupted, fluid path through time. It feels strange to be back; the discomfort has always been present over the years we stopped coming here. It didn't make sense anymore, after all, we had never gathered again. This entire situation leads me to various unhappy questions, but if my estimations are correct, I hope not, it means that either the world is about to collapse or something terribly dreadful is about to happen. I sigh, giving in, and take out the money from my navy blue semi-formal suit, setting it aside with my drink as I approach the P.O.S. In an instant, I am teleported to Jeju Island.

Exiting the portal, I found myself in the meeting room, unassumingly furnished by our standards

Exiting the portal, I found myself in the meeting room, unassumingly furnished by our standards. The polished white marble walls, tall carved columns, delicate bases, and capitals supporting the ceiling created a cozy "home" feeling, but the sense of living outside of reality still lingered, even in the one place that defied the norm. I saw my siblings occupying their respective seats around the large oval table made of solid gray marble at the center of the room. I noticed that there were far fewer chairs than the last time, silently counting. Nine. As a primordial, it's inevitable to become accustomed to various situations constantly repeating, but the feeling of seeing fewer seats arranged at the table still brought about a familiar pain. Bitter thoughts arose as I questioned who might be the next to permanently leave their place empty.

I quietly took one of the three unoccupied chairs with soft leather. None of them looked in my direction; they were all absorbed in the illuminated panels. The atmosphere was heavy, they were tense and restless, even Shindong had a determined look in his eyes. Siwon stood up and positioned himself at the front of the table, facing numerous panels. He had a serious expression, devoid of any trace of humor, as if he were going to preside over the meeting this time. He awkwardly held what appeared to be a simple rectangular silver plaque, a presentation device connected to a projector mounted on the ceiling. He held it with concern evident in his actions. As he pressed the button, a bluish light flooded the space, and a hologram appeared, forming a symbol as ancient as Kwangya itself. It felt like I was looking at a lost memory, as I hadn't seen it in millennia, and now I understood the cause of their apprehension.

I couldn't help but notice the pale silver glow of the hologram, which made the expression of concern on our faces, particularly my older siblings, even more pronounced. At that moment, I wished for the world to end, for pandemonium to unfold on Earth, and for only our group to have the fortitude to help them. I wished upon Kosmos that Earth and Kwangya were engulfed in pure chaos, experiencing their darkest moments—anything to get me out of this situation. But it seemed inevitable. 

The General, Ahn Chil, was finally returning.

The General, Ahn Chil, was finally returning

Or so I thought... Our esteemed General Kangta, still holed up in his cave, sent us nothing but a letter. Yes, a letter. Surprised? Well, we all are.

After centuries of existence, nothing in the Kosmos can explain our complete lack of common sense and creativity. Perhaps that's our peculiar charm. It's no surprise that the idea of embarking on a ridiculous mission imposed by the last of the angels is quite tempting for everyone. I thought that being around them was enough to make me completely lose the desire to question the motivation behind our actions, but I was sorely mistaken.

I may not be part of the intelligence team, but even I know that this reconnaissance mission won't bear good fruits. My siblings seem to be closing their eyes to the strange nature of this operation. However, who am I to judge orders from my superiors? One of my reasons for doubting is my instinct in recognizing missions destined for failure, especially when I'm in the company of my partner in crime, Eunhyuk. After all, it's not like I don't have thousands of years of experience and hundreds of failed missions with this troupe. Yes, troupe, not squadron.

Believe me, never underestimate the SJ squadron's knack for disasters, be they imminent or accidental. This mission will clearly highlight that fact because if it's from our General, whatever is pulling that man out of his exile can only mean a space-time war or something worse. However, if it's not from him, it means someone is using his signature to cover up something, and that's not good either. Either way, nothing pleasant will come out of it.

I barely had time to talk when, before I knew it, we were standing in front of a P.O.S., waiting for Major Park to assign our roles through a game of chance. From now on, it will be the beginning of our end. Delegating our tasks through games based on luck has become a ritual before each mission. It's fun, but it can also be catastrophic. I will never forget the day they handed me the role of being the cook. Not even a celestial being or deity should have eaten that, let alone a human. We also have the day when Yesung was assigned the role of a comedian at a children's party. I don't even need to say how that day ended.

Something intervened in Leeteuk's soul. Fear. He made a sensible decision, opting for the least likely path to go wrong. Rock-paper-scissors. The logic is simple: as we lost, a line formed in ascending order. The winner would be the last one standing, the first to choose their role. It seemed to make the mission less doomed as I realized that, for the first time in many years, each of us chose roles that aligned with our abilities, rather than recklessly venturing into unfamiliar territory. And, as luck would have it, guess who ended up being last in line?

All that was left for me was to be an external security guard, responsible for managing the guest list, ensuring Siwon, Shindong, and Heechul's entrance, and later ensuring that Yesung safely left with our "package." Ready and dressed accordingly, we entered the P.O.S. heading towards the auction house, where the masquerade ball was taking place.

heading towards the auction house, where the masquerade ball was taking place

The security was quite lax, even considering human standards. With relative ease, we managed to infiltrate that place. Leeteuk quickly assumed the role of a host at the auction house, after a gentle intervention from Heechul to ensure the position was available. To keep the human alive is part of our oath to the primordials: not to kill. Not dead, but perhaps semi-dead. Our leader obtained information from the staff and managed to add the rest of us. Each of us went our separate ways, but before Eunhyuk blended in among the staff, I confirmed with a subtle nod that our plan was still in motion. He adjusted his glasses on his face as if it were a silent approval.

The luxuriously decorated ballroom came to life as the long-awaited masquerade ball was about to begin. Every detail of the setting exuded luxury and power, from the sparkling chandeliers to the sumptuous fabrics that adorned the tables and chairs. However, it was evident that the true essence of that place resided in those who possessed wealth and influence. The staff, including us, the security guards, were dressed in elegant light gray checkered suits, meticulously crafted to blend into the refined environment. Beneath our impeccable attire, we wore discreet protective vests hidden under black turtleneck sweaters. The strategically placed earpieces allowed us to communicate discreetly and efficiently.

Interestingly, none of the staff members wore masks, highlighting that the true value resided in the wealthy mortals and not in the essence behind their ambitions. It mattered little if our mission was discovered, as long as their identities remained hidden. The focus was on ensuring the security and integrity of the event, protecting the dark secrets that permeated the environment filled with intrigue and power games.

I took my position at the entrance, aware that there was no clear instruction on what to do. My task was to perform my role to the best of my ability and closely observe everything around me, searching for any relevant clues. Given the value of the emitter and the secretive nature of the auction, it was evident that the mortal attendees were aware of the existence of Kwangya, indicating that they were not mere ordinary humans. However, this didn't pose a true threat to my home. Most of the items considered high quality were trinkets with no significant value. It surprised me that they were not disappointed upon seeing these insignificances; on the contrary, they seemed pleased. Now, I am curious about what our General desires amidst so many useless things that border on mundane.

While guests arrived at the reception and everything proceeded calmly, my brothers through my earpiece did not allow me to enjoy the silence. I could hear everyone speaking at once, releasing disjointed words and phrases into the air. It was difficult to distinguish one conversation from another as the voices merged into an incessant murmur. Important information was being relayed, but some spoke in loud tones, trying to be heard above the noise, while others simply ignored the voices around them and continued speaking, or worse, singing, without caring if they were being heard. No one could hear each other, let alone understand one another.

Although I longed for a moment of tranquility, I couldn't deny that I was accustomed to this chaotic pattern. After all, this disturbance had existed since before the creation of the world, and I must admit, I have played my part in it. With some difficulty, I realized amidst the chatter, our leader was issuing orders through the earpiece:

[Sergeants! Stay focused. Sergeant Lee, close the doors. The show will begin in 10 minutes.]

I let the last of the mortals enter the venue and hurriedly make my way towards the doors, determined to close them and ensure they are properly locked. As the doors shut, an immediate shift in the atmosphere engulfs the surroundings, as if an invisible shield is being raised. My instincts scream, alerting me that it seems safer outside of these confines. I am momentarily paralyzed, reluctant to release the doorknob. I feel the fabric of space-time shifting just in their presence. My brothers' voices get lost in milliseconds of confusion. I am certain that it is not our aura affecting the place; there is someone else here.

Just as quickly as this aura appeared, it vanishes. An ocean cannot dry up in a matter of seconds, right? Yet, that was the sensation. I regain control of my body and move on to the next step of the plan, now taking on the role of internal security. I glance into the hall, trying to catch a glimpse of my siblings' locations, but without success. Through the earpiece, I can hear them engaged in lively and friendly but tumultuous conversations. Could it be that I'm the only one who noticed? That's impossible. Our family was created by the celestials to detect distortions in space-time. Heechul and Leeteuk are the best at noticing even the most subtle alterations. I can't be the only one who noticed.

At that moment, a woman emerged in the hall, appearing from the shadows, an enigmatic figure shrouded in mystery. She captured my attention as soon as I saw her, but I don't recall welcoming her at the entrance. Her black dress, elegantly fitted to her body, accentuated her delicate curves and bestowed upon her a primordial presence. Long black hair cascaded down her shoulders, highlighting her angelic face and star-like sparkling eyes. Her face was covered by a white mask adorned with white feathers, adding an ethereal touch to her demeanor. She was stunning.

- Good evening, security. It is rare to find someone like you here, someone who knows how to keep secrets so well-guarded,- she said, approaching with graceful steps, holding a glass of red wine with elegance.

- Good evening, madam. I do my best to fulfill my duty and ensure the security of this place. Can I assist you with something?" I replied, looking at her cautiously.

- Ah, I am not seeking assistance. I simply wish to enjoy my glass of wine near what caught my attention," she responded, her soft and captivating voice filling the space between them.

I did not respond, only recomposed my posture as Leeteuk began the night, finally initiating the mission. His captivating voice could be heard as he started describing the first lot. Bids began to rise rapidly, the numbers echoing throughout the hall. A competitive atmosphere settled in, with guests engaging in a silent battle to acquire the most coveted valuable trinkets.

As my brothers debated the "minute details" of the operation, their incessant voices continued to echo in my ears. If the mission were not of such importance, I would have removed my listening device by now. However, as the leader's words penetrated the ears of the mortals present, some gave up trying to make their complaints heard and fell silent, resigned. Others, however, raised the volume of their voices in a desperate attempt to be noticed amidst the deafening chaos. It was in this whirlwind of voices that Eunhyuk's voice stood out, capturing my attention.

[Major, we have a problem.] Two minutes without any mishaps, it's a record. Eun continued:

[I discovered a secret room. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of garments! All tagged for auctions from around the world.]

[Siwon: Did you find any trace of primordial essence?]

[Eunhyuk: Funny you should mention that... According to my readings, they all have it.] All of them???

[Eunhyuk: Even if we limit it to the Black Attires, there are at least a couple hundred. And honestly... I have no idea which one it could be.]

[Shindong: We need a miracle.]

There was no response.

It's fascinating how we have a knack for executing plans with little in hand, but when it comes to the mission from the almighty Kangta, it's a true suicide mission. There was no clear order, only the instruction to retrieve what was rightfully the General's. We had no relevant information, just the description of a "Black Suit." It was just a clue, a suggestion. I bet he barely remembers what it's about. What could be so interesting about that garment? What is our objective? I really wanted to remove my earpiece and do my job any way I could, just to leave early. The problem is that my intuition told me that whatever it is, or whatever the significance of that attire is, it's related to a significant event, even if it means our own demise if we fail.

I let go of my rigid and professional demeanor, allowing my restlessness to show as I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. The mysterious woman remained by my side. She seemed interested in something, and for some reason that I couldn't quite grasp, I could see an enigmatic smile forming on her lips as she brought her wine glass to her lips. I believe she noticed that I was observing her, as our gazes met, and in that moment, it felt like the world around us faded away, focusing solely on that ephemeral connection.

- You asked if I desired something, and I'm in search of a bit of... excitement. And it seems like you hold the key to that, - she said, with a seductive tone. I'm used to people flirting with me, but I must admit this is the first time I actually considered responding affirmatively.

- Sorry, but I can't get involved in situations that might compromise my objectives,- I replied, maintaining my seriousness.

The mysterious woman let out a laugh, as if she had told a brilliant joke.

- What a shame, because I believe we could have a lot of fun together. There are so many secrets hidden within these walls... Would you be capable of unraveling them?- She moved closer, looking into my eyes. Her enchanting smile revealed a mixture of confidence and mystery, arousing my curiosity.

- My priority is the safety of those present,- I affirmed, taking a deep breath as I held onto my determination. However, a fleeting sense of regret infiltrated my thoughts.

- You truly are an enigma, Mr. Security. Who knows, maybe one day you'll discover that secrets are far more exhilarating than you imagine,- she said, bidding farewell and leaving a lingering sense of challenge in the air.

[Eunhyuk: Update. Major Park, I've found some garments with pure particles of magic. I'll need more time to evaluate which one is the right one.]

The mysterious lady begins to walk away, making her way through the crowd. Her graceful stride captures the attention of the mortals around, and I watch closely as she glides through the people with an almost supernatural dexterity. With each step, she seems to distance herself even further, as if merging with the crowd itself.

[Donghae: Major, is it really necessary for everyone to participate?] If I run, maybe I can catch up with her.

As another broken hourglass was being negotiated, Leeteuk hastily interrupted:

[Leeteuk: Yes.]

[Donghae: I don't want to get further involved in this.]

Something stirred within Leeteuk, and I felt like I had touched a sore spot. Up until then, he had been focused on the lively crowd, but he turned towards me, even though we were meters apart. With a serious gaze and keeping his voice low enough for only beings like us to hear, he said:

[Sergeants, listen closely. We have no choice. We don't question our superiors. We simply bow our heads and fulfill our duties, understood?]

With that said, as if a switch had been flipped, Leeteuk switched from his Major persona to that of the Auctioneer, displaying a smiling and cheerful demeanor.

I wasn't the only one questioning him, but I was unlucky enough to ask at the wrong time. The conversation was becoming more tense, as our leader usually only called us by rank when assigning tasks or when we were crossing a line. It was clear in my mind, even from a distance, the image of our leader trying to maintain seriousness and composure. We were heading down an unsettling, perhaps dangerous path for our leader. In other words, this would be the best moment to change the subject. But would that happen? Obviously not.

[Heechul: That's always been the problem. This ty rule, if it weren't for that, our lives wouldn't be in their hands.]

The words were thrown out so unexpectedly that I couldn't help but let out a stifled laugh. Seriously, you guys decided to argue now?

[Siwon: We're losing our focus.] Wise words!

[Shindong: Brother, calm down, everything will be fine. Just trust your brothers.] Not so wise!

[Heechul:The last time I blindly trusted them like this, I suffered the consequences.]

A heavy silence fell over the room. Leeteuk, known for filling the air with his jokes, suddenly fell silent as the auction for old phones continued. I understood the remorse that haunted him, after all, that accident could have cost him his life, but luckily, only his leg had suffered the consequences. It was evident on his face.

Meanwhile, I noticed Heechul getting up from his chair, a deep sense of irritation displayed on his face. He quickly made his way towards the backstage. Without hesitation, I took the initiative to move forward, trying to calm him down and prevent him from leaving, as I usually did in these situations. Although I hated being in that place, I knew the leader was right. This time, it was crucial to stay focused and move forward.

[Eunhyuk: Here we go again with this story? When are you going to get over it?] Eun, shut up. Don't make it worse.

[Yesung: We don't need to discuss this now.] Another sensible one!

[Heechul: It's just a ing outfit. Anchovy, how much longer will it take you to choose a damn clothes?]

Hierarchy is a . He was so furious that he didn't control his tone of voice, speaking in a normal volume, which meant that if half of that mansion wasn't aware of our focus, it would make me underestimate the power of human hearing.

There was no response.

We were in a ridiculous situation, to say the least. How could we face the mission like this? We didn't even have knowledge of what we were doing, and it was impossible to measure the magnitude of the consequences if something went wrong. Even the kids from Neo Culture Technology were not as disorganized as we are now. When everyone had given up on talking and finally focused on whatever we were supposed to do, Leeteuk spoke honestly.

[Leeteuk: It's not like I believe it, but what choice do we have?]

[Leeteuk: If I said I'm not worried, it would be a lie, but repeating, what choice do we have? We must be careful and investigate, but failing the mission is worse than knowing who ordered it.]

[Siwon: Our concern is valid, after all, we don't even have the certainty that it was Mr. Ahn.]

[Shindong: And would anyone have the audacity to use his name, by any chance?]

[Heechul: There's only one person.]

Leeteuk seemed to agree, clearing his throat.

[Yesung: It doesn't make sense! Why would she be doing this after all?]

[Siwon: I hope this is not a real possibility, otherwise, it could mean our end.]

The silence was absolute, and we became more aware of the risks. I can understand why our leader tried to shut down the conversation before taking this path. No one would dare to mess with her.

The auction was approaching its imminent conclusion. Time slipped through our fingers, and we had no news from Eunhyuk. Leeteuk addressed the crowd with enthusiasm and eloquence, capturing everyone's complete attention. It was as if he were the main star of a captivating show. Bids had been fiercely contested throughout the night, with buyers fiercely competing for each auctioned item. Especially under the encouragement of my brothers, who electrified the atmosphere, the contagious energy of the bidders filled the space. Everyone eagerly awaited the outcome of this long-awaited event. And believe me, I too was filled with anticipation.

[Eunhyuk: Major. Update: I found our target.]

[Leeteuk: Sergeants Kim KangHoon and Lee Donghae, be ready.]

The crucial moment had arrived. Leeteuk announced in advance the last item of the night, causing some attendees to exchange puzzled glances, intrigued by the anticipation. The plan was simple: to draw the attention of all the mortals, making them direct their gaze to the situation, while Yesung and I would discreetly exit through the back door with our true objective.

The chosen piece to cause distraction was a simple snow globe. However, when the spotlights illuminated the item, a surprising revelation occurred. Instead of the globe, a complete black formal suit was revealed, radiating an imposing celestial aura. The switch went unnoticed by everyone, especially Leeteuk, who was on stage. Why didn't Eunhyuk alert us?

Countless questions flooded my mind as I watched from afar the expression of surprise on the leader's face, and my brothers squirmed nervously in their seats. The situation had taken an unexpected turn, and now we would have to face the consequences of our audacious plan.

[Siwon: Eunhyuk, I think you better have a good explanation for this.]

No response.

A tense silence engulfed the hall as Leeteuk began the auction for the final item. Our eyes fixated on the mysterious attire, and the breaths became almost inaudible. There was something strange about that garment. How did it appear so suddenly? Was this the same eerie sensation we had felt before?

Bid after bid, the values escalated rapidly as the bidders fought for the chance to possess that unique piece, as if they were hypnotized. We couldn't simply make the clothing disappear before human eyes. We needed to proceed with our plans, holding onto the pieces we already had.

At the peak of excitement, when the bids reached their , a sudden blackout plunged the hall into complete darkness. Silence settled in, abruptly interrupting the lively buzz that had echoed moments before. A sense of tension and anger aded the atmosphere inexplicably.

A heated argument erupted among various individuals, triggering widespread confusion

A heated argument erupted among various individuals, triggering widespread confusion. Some tried to calm the situation, but their efforts were in vain. Anger seemed to fuel the conflict, making it increasingly explosive. Even in the darkness, my eyes began to adjust, allowing me to see objects being hurled through the air. However, communication with my brothers was blocked, preventing any contact.

Shoving and punches started to be thrown, echoing through the space. The hall turned into a frenzied battleground, with people engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Cries of pain and anger mingled, creating a chaos of unrestrained violence. The darkness seemed to amplify the fury of those involved, making the situation even more dangerous and unpredictable.

Small points of light began to emerge. Some guests used their cellphone flashlights, creating a soft illumination in the environment. The beams of light cut through the air frantically, revealing silhouettes amidst the fights, elegant dresses being torn, and masks being ripped off. The sense of anger hung in the air, permeating the atmosphere with an oppressive energy.

The sense of anger hung in the air, permeating the atmosphere with an oppressive energy

A sinister sensation caught my attention. From the dark shadows projected in the corners of the hall, a mysterious figure emerged. Enveloped in a cloak of darkness, their dress seemed molded by the very absence of light, and a large black hat concealed their identity. They glided through the space silently, their steps unheard, intensifying the feeling of unease. Once again, I felt powerless, unable to control my own body.

The entity stealthily approached the pedestal where the black suit was displayed. They extended a hand wrapped in shadows, and as they neared the fabric, the shadows took on an intense shade of red. It was a scene of dark beauty, yet deeply unsettling. A shiver ran through my entire body as I witnessed the audacious theft unfolding before my eyes.

Whispers of perplexity and shock quickly spread as the entity, now in possession of the suit, vanished into the shadows. The air became infused with mystery and fear, and we couldn't comprehend the true nature of that entity or its intentions. All eyes turned to the void left by its departure. An aura of mystery and danger enveloped the place; the mortals ceased their fights instantly after the entity left, and panic ensued, causing everyone to run desperately out of the hall.

Without the need for any command, my brothers abandoned their disguises and went after the entity, if it was even possible to catch up to it. Leeteuk activated a P.O.S. and quickly departed, while Heechul disappeared before I could even notice. Shindong and Siwon helped the mortals evacuate the area safely, providing first aid to the injured. Meanwhile, I remained paralyzed, as the pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into place in my mind, intensifying my terror.

Amidst the crowd, Eunhyuk emerges, desperate and breathless. His pale face reveals the weight of the failure he carries with him. He tries to make his way through the people, inadvertently pushing them aside. His wide-eyed and anguished gaze conveys the despair consuming him. He attempts to be heard above the noise, shouting as loudly as he can to get the attention of the other members of the squad, but I realize that there is no one else there besides me.

- The mission has failed! It was an ambush! - he exclaimed, his voice filled with despair. The words hung in the air, creating a wave of shock.

Eunhyuk, breathing heavily and with a trembling voice, recounted the setback of the mission. His words came out fragmented, revealing the anguish consuming him. He described how the stolen suit was not the main object of our concern, but rather a carefully staged scene. What Anh Chil is seeking is not a simple black suit, but a school uniform. New questions arose in my mind, trying to grasp the complexity of the situation. He continued to describe how he found it, discarded in a corner, seemingly like a common item, but upon seeing the rectangular golden emblem, he knew the significance of what he had discovered. His agony was evident as he struggled to convey the magnitude of the defeat we faced. The expression in his eyes revealed a deep sense of failure.

- Brother, you don't understand. The emblem indicated that the uniform belongs to the Anh family. It belongs to one of the General's older brothers, Ahn Seungho (Tony).

I could hear the trumpets announcing the apocalypse sounding in my ears...

Eunhyuk recounted that upon realizing the identity of the owner of the uniform, he felt a similar sense of terror to what I had experienced earlier, and then everything went blank. He didn't remember anything else, only waking up when the uniform had already disappeared. This explained his sudden disappearance throughout the night. The moment of failure and despair solidified, leaving a palpable void in the air. His eyes reflected the expression of defeat, while the surrounding environment seemed to freeze in heavy silence. Worried looks and expressions of disbelief mingled as each person processed the news of the failure. The atmosphere became charged with a mixture of disappointment and uncertainty, an aura of defeat hanging over the both of us. Having fulfilled his mission of delivering the disastrous outcome, Eunhyuk lowered his head in a mix of sadness and shame.

- If we don't disclose what happened, no one will know - I sighed, conceding defeat.

- Are you sure? - he asked, looking up, surprised by the suggestion.

- I am. I believe it's the best way to protect them.

- Donghae, do you understand that we need to report what happened, right? - Eunhyuk said, though a noticeable hesitation lingered in my voice.

- After today, I'd prefer death - my words echoed in the air, filling the room with an immeasurable weight. - We need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Hyuk-jae nodded and set off to find a secluded spot to activate the P.O.S. I followed his steps, swiftly navigating through the crowd, dodging the earthly creatures in motion, until we found an empty room in the corner of the hall. A ray of nocturnal light seeped through a crack in the curtain, revealing a white mask adorned with delicate feathers placed on a nearby table. The mask immediately caught my attention, and I felt an inexplicable connection to that mysterious object. Eunhyuk, too, became mesmerized by the mask, as if we shared thoughts. The strong bond we had with that artifact was evident. The mask seemed to be waiting to be noticed, and a familiar feeling coursed through my chest, as if I had encountered it before. That's when the pieces of the puzzle started to come together. I hope I'm wrong.

- Donghae, if we leak what happened here, it won't only be our Banner raised - Eunhyuk said with seriousness. - We need to take some precautions.

I felt the need for a distraction, preferably an alcoholic one, to push away inconvenient thoughts. I longed for the idea of ending the day in a bohemian setting, accompanied by a glass of Cognac. It seemed like the wisest decision amidst the chaotic landscape, with a mansion engulfed in flames that had once been the stage for a dazzling masquerade ball. I think that the passage through Earth is undeniably filled with unpredictability. I try to go with the flow, allowing my worries to dissolve along with the flames devouring the mansion, but old and new concerns persistently resurface, keeping me imprisoned in fragments of other realities. As I watch the fire consume the place beside my brother, witnessing and confirming that its secrets are being swallowed by the flames, and witnessing the chaos and destruction that engulf the auction house, I realize that my brief night of "tranquility" has come to an end. My eyes turn to the P.O.S., foreseeing its fate, and a certainty solidifies in my mind.

"When the shadow rises, the Anh Family will meet its downfall, and the one in whom they placed their trust will be the betrayer."



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1198 streak #2
Wow sounds awesome