Chapter 3

Hello! falling star

Chapter 3: Standing here alone, lonely boy staying lonely

txt: lonely boy



One thing he is sure he won’t struggle with is living as a human, in the training void they learn about everything human do each century, and he did it like 198 times now.

He was taking a shower and getting dressed after Spending the whole night reeding diaries, schedules and checking social media, phone and laptop, thinking that this guy is a very social lovable person, speaking with everyone, having a very peaceful life for sure, a perfect candidate to be possessed by the SkyWorld protector…

Yet no prophecy chooses him, what he should do?

Packing his backpack now, he felt the movement from behind him, he turns to look at the new roommate who just woke up to get ready for classes, not even looking at him, or glance, the boy took his things out of his still packed bags and went to the washroom.


*knock* *knock*


He heard the knocking and went to the door, “good morning, Kai” he said seeing the face he can recognize now

“Hey any luck with your memo?”

“No, sorry”

“Oh god! Okay, I see you are ready? let’s go and have breakfast first?”


Closing the door, and going with Kai he felt little happy hearing the word breakfast because food is definitely a human thing, and he really want to try it.






“Oh, so delicious”

He said tasting the food in the cafeteria, sitting in front of HueningKai.

“We hate it at this point” HueningKai said laughing at his reaction like it is his first time. But their table got interrupted by a group tabbing Yeonjun

“Yeonjun are you good today?”

“Junie is looking fine”

He shocked in his food seeing the 7 boys make them selves comfortable on the big table, he looked at HueningKai who mouther ‘Dance team’

“Yeah, am better” he said casually

“Yeonjun! Don’t forget today practice at 8.30”

“of course, I won’t” Yeonjun said knowing that because he had it in his schedule

HueningKai took his plate “I will be going to my class good luck guys”


The boys answered seeing him leaving

“Is he feeling guilty hitting you?”

“Yea usually Kai is a very picky in his friend’s collection list”

“Yet its Yeonjun’ie who we are talking about”

They start laughing and he smiled with them still enjoying his food

“I heard you have a new roommate!”

“yes” he answered the question

“I heard he got expelled so many times for his crazy behavior”

“Oh really?” he acted like he doesn’t know

“Don’t worry Yeonjun’ah he is in my first class I will have an eye on him and give you a report”

“Okay tell me after” he avoids to use any sentences using names but sure the guy said that cutely making him giggle

“Time to go to classes, let move guys, Yeonjun, wooyoung we have the same first class let’s go”


Following the two who he learns their names by now and went in class, the class was a Lecture Hall, so they all sit together and even have new faces came sitting and talking casually with them… the first class passed and most of his ‘friends’ were either sleeping or drawing, no one even care about the Lecture. When the class ended one of the new guys asked to go together because he was with them in the next Lecture, and somehow being friendly to everyone was making his day getting smoothly especially in terms of knowing the area.

By no time they were in the second Lecture Hall, and he was taking out a notebook when the boy from the breakfast time who acted cutely came putting his chin on Yeonjun shoulder

“Yeonjun, Jihoon you guys won’t believe what we just witnessed”

This guy is just too cute to handle Yeonjun smiled at the action

“What Junkyu?”

Now he knows their names

“We were in the middle of the lecture when your new roommate just took his pen and BAM, he was hitting it in the table non-stop”

“He is crazy”

“It was so sudden, the boys next to him just got scared”

“How you will sleep in the same room with him?”


Yeonjun didn’t say a word and was just listening, he didn’t find the best words to use is such conversation, should he agree with them or who knows what that human psycho going through,


“He is here, He is here” Junkyu said hiding for no reason behind Yeonjun shoulder

Yeonjun smiled at the cuteness “are you always this cute”

Junkyu hit him, and the one from the other side said “you always say the same thing Yeonjun am bored of it”

Yeonjun giggles knowing that even this human feeling the same, he looks at his roommate going in, and the students were giving him the ‘eye’ definitely words did spread by now. “What his name?”

Junkyu look at him “don’t try, I know you are too nice but no don’t”

“Am just curious”

Yeonjun said putting his elbow on the table in front of him, and rest his chin on his palm observing his roommate who was sitting in the other corner, all alone, with a huge space between him and other students “He does look like a sad rabbit from here”

He kept looking for a while, till the boy look around and their eyes met, first thing Yeonjun did was a smile, but the other turn to the teacher like he didn’t see anything.

“I guess I will be friend with everyone minus one”

The words he said made the two next to him laugh, but for his bad-luck nothing weirdly came from his roommate at their shared class.






The day passed by and he found himself in a middle of a room with the breakfast-group with loud music while a dance teacher start screaming a…

“5 – 6 – 7 – 8 …”

And they all start to dance the same dance with the music, he was shocked at first but he slides to the side observing them, once they finished. The teacher closes the music and said angrily but also worried

“Yeonjun are you okay?”

He nodded “yea am fine, I just had a sudden block”

“Teacher, he had an unfortunate accident yesterday” the boy from the first class named wooyoung defended him

“Oh, for real, stay aside and join when you are ready, please be careful you two are the main dancers we don’t even have a replacement?” the teacher was so serious about it “let start from the beginning, I will take Yeonjun part”


Sitting in the side he did learn every move from the first look, yes that how his SkyWorld brain work to adjust with any situation, but sure he wants to make sure if he has some extra moves since the teacher is dancing in his place.

After the second try, he found out the two does have a duo dance, he stands and ask the teacher to join, and of course he let him and did all the moves correct from the beginning. Finishing with no mistake, the teacher clap for them “you scared me there Yeonjun”

“Oh sorry!” he said with a bow

“We will burn the stage tomorrow morning” Wooyoung said and the two made a high five






It was past 11, he felt so tired already, human lives are full of activities in the youth age! Why he didn’t have someone with a boring full-time job, and yet why he is even here, with all the busy schedule he almost forgot his main reason, he should not be here.

He stopped and look up at the black sky, seeing the stars in that road to the dorms he needs to take…the view from down here wasn’t that bad…

“Are you okay?”

He looks in front and saw those who were waiting for him, walking back to the dorm with him. he smiled and walked to them thinking how this human work so hard to be here…and he took his place not even for a prophecy, it is all a mistake… that little sad…



Saying his good nights, he walked to his room full tired, putting the keys, he was about to open the door when he heard a loud thud *BAFF* from inside.

He opens the door fast and saw his roommate on the floor between their beds breathing heavily


“Are you okay? Did you fall?”


He said going to him after closing the door and throwing his backpack on his own bed, he went down to him and start tabbing his back, because with him breathing like that he thought he was eating something and got shocked on it. But when he was closer, he saw the boy face was in sweat, and his neck was having a mark of something been forced around it till it got bloody marks “who did…” Yeonjun was about to ask but he saw the boy own right hand finger-nails with his own blood “You were shocking yourself?” He asked thinking if that the 'self-harm' the head departement talked about it before

But the boy who was breathing hardly and crying silently shake his head desperately saying and repeating “it’s not me…it’s not me…” but he ends up closing his eyes and fainting in Yeonjun arms…



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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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