Chapter 15

Hello! falling star

Chapter 15: in moments like those, when tears fill your eyes, hold my hand tight

txt : run away



Inviting HueningKai to his room wasn’t his plan at all, Soobin says it to be ‘nice’ and he know he is Yeonjun friend so he won’t be coming at all, but surprisingly HueningKai accepted without hesitation, and thanked him so many times too

Sitting on his bed and feeling the person in the bed next to him sleeping soundly, Soobin got a text message from the doctor in the clinic informing him that Taehyun woke up. He begged her to inform him and glad the doctor did. He stands quietly and open the door holding his shoes in his hands to not disturb HueningKai.

Walking to the clinic he enters to hear the doctor almost yelling…

“You can’t leave in this situation”


Soobin was shocked of how Taehyun was yelling, trying to leave the bed with his no-good condition

“Taehyun calm down” Soobin said standing next the bed he saw Taehyun looking at him with teary eyes

“Soobin’ah how is Beomgyu is he alive?”

Soobin nodded “yes, he is”

“For real? Was he breathing?” Taehyun stopped fighting the doctor

“Yes, I hold him with my own hands he was breathing yes!” Soobin tried to tell him everything, the two are more than close at this point seeing them always together “but his condition is better to be in a hospital”

Taehyun nodded calming down “as much as he still breathing am fine”

The doctor frowns “boy, you should take care of yourself first, anyways am tired” she looked at Soobin “feel free to stay here with him I will go and have some rest”

The doctor said leaving the room, and Soobin walked to the second bed in that clinic sitting on it “you feel, okay?”

Taehyun nodded “my body hurt but generally I am fine” he looks at his zombie state full off bandages “I look like a zombie”

Soobin smiled at the comment, he looks at the hour and it was 3 after midnight “you want something to eat from the machine outside?”

Taehyun shakes his head a no “am fine, just keep my company”

Soobin nodded he didn’t think of leaving him anyway.




Soobin looks at the door hearing a laugh, a female laugh, he thought the doctor came back, but what is the reason she would be laugh at this hour? But no one opened the door, he looks back at Taehyun and Taehyun was also looking at the door.

“it’s nothing”

Soobin said embarrassed wishing nothing will show up here to not look crazy in front of Taehyun, since they met, he didn’t counter anything around them at all, but after the accident, and they are in a clinic, and it is 3am, his hopes were so down.

“Should we…” Soobin was going to suggest to watch something in the phone but his reaction to something inside the room make him cut his sentence halfway and went quiet looking at the corner of that clinic

A girl in a school uniform was standing there…

What a girl been doing in an all-boys school? Soobin knows that isn’t something normal… he stayed still since the girl was just standing there without moving.


Hehe… two in one place...


Soobin heard that thing saying, but two? Should he leave the room silently and make her follow him? He stands slowly from the bed not wanting to look at Taehyun to not see his disappointed face in him. He stepped one step, and whatever was there in a blink of an eye it disappeared and show up in front of him.

Soobin falls back on the bed behind him when he saw that white and full black veins face in front of him in a flash.


Soobin heard Taehyun screaming that, and a bedsheet got thrown on that girl covering her, he looks at Taehyun shocked seeing him next to him grabbing his arm dragging him away from that thing.

Did Taehyun just saw it too?

Soobin brain was full of questions when they run to the door, they open it to find the girl at the outside standing 


Hehe… Amusing…


it smiled and her smile was wider than normal, she raised her hand and both got pushed hard thrown back inside the clinic

“Aagh!” Taehyun scream in pain falling on his injured body

“Taehyun” Soobin stands as fast as he can going to him


This is my lucky day… I got two boys… the dream of every girl… hehe…


“Soobin” Taehyun whispered “She is after me I will distract her you run away, okay?”

Soobin was more shocked, After him? Wait is that mean Taehyun can see those things too? is he that boy in black from before?


Two prophecies to play with, one protector is down, but where is the other?


“What?” Taehyun looks at Soobin “You are a prophecy too?” his face was shocked hearing that but it was reasonable since he can see her too, but again she disappeared…

“Aagh!” Soobin yells in pain feeling the grab in his hair from behind, that girl show up behind him grabbing him and throwing him with an invisible power she had, from the middle of the clinic to the far wall at the other side near the window

“LEAVE HIM ALONE” Taehyun screamed trying to stand but she looks at him and he suddenly got pushed without even her being close to him all the way to closest wall to him and got pinned like something invisible was holding his wrists “ LEAVE HIM ALONE” Taehyun cursed loud

He saw the girl walking and standing next Soobin speaking…


Hehe...So much fun, but am here for your protector who killed my brother…
I want him to feel the same pain losing something precious…


“I have no idea what are you talking about” Soobin said looking at her feeling the pain in his body from the throw, he saw the girl going down to him and grabbes his hair again with her black ugly hands and pushed his face near her


Do you…?


“I don’t know…”


Soobin wanted to say he doesn’t know but that thing was less patient...


I know he will come like this…


“NO” Taehyun screamed

And Soobin saw the demon girl pushing her face to him, putting her lips in his kissing him…he tried pushing her away but she was like a wall compared to him.

“LEAVE HIM ALONE” Taehyun didn’t stop yelling

When she departed her lips away, Soobin felt his body getting paralyzed…he couldn’t move his hands or his legs, and the sudden pain in his brain was so much for him to handle yet he couldn’t even scream since he can’t even move his lips too…

“SOOBIN!” Taehyun who was mentally shocked seeing his friend dying like that “please don’t die” he said starting to cry out "YOU FREAKING DEMON!"


Hehe… where are you…


The chains clanks….


Taehyun heard a sudden voice of broken glass, and something went through the window directly to that girl chest and going out from her back and got pined on the ground “A SkyWorld weapon?” He saw a dagger pinned in the ground and a long chain going all the way to the window.
Seeing a boy in a full black coming in from the window hiding his face with a mask and a hoodie




That thing laughs even when he had that inside of it…

“So loud while am a sleep”
a rank 4, delicious...

She suddenly disappeared and show up at the door clinic

Catch me… Hehe…


Taehyun heard the guy huffing annoyed of the chasing he will do, the chain shrinks to his arms and he walk to the door direction but… “if you follow her, he will die” he said concerned about Soobin situation

The guy stopped looking at Soobin then turns ignoring him.

“YA! YOU ARE HIS PROTECTOR” Taehyun scold him since he is his protector for sure.

but the guy with a very calm voice commented “I don’t care, he rejected me already” walking away passing by Taehyun who was about to yells at him! But saw him stopping and even cursed…

“Damn it” going back to Soobin




wasn’t he thinking of letting him die to go back to the SkyWorld? Yeonjun hate how he can’t just let him die like that, he stands near him and look at how he was looking back at him so vulnerable not able to move a muscle, he kneel down on top of him with one knee in a side and the other leg in the other side “a poison” he said taking his dagger he knows he can’t stab him with it to absorb the poison! He saw Soobin eye drop a tear; he must be in so much pain

Such a weakness you have…

 “it’s okay I will take it” Yeonjun said taking Soobin head from behind pushing him up closer to his face just like how the girl did to him, he himself hesitate but he had a mask on, and his hair is down, he won’t recognize him! He wished!

But there is no other option, he can absorb it himself if not his weapon, and his body is way stronger to carry the poison in it.

Feeling whatever inside of him is going out from Soobin mouth to his, he felt the other move his arm and grab his elbow squeezing it in pain till he was full clean from that poison, that when his weapon start to lighten trying to adjust whatever enters his master body…

Yeonjun saw Soobin looking at him tiredly but immediately closed his eyes again, putting him down Yeonjun stands. He felt his eye hurt more and more he took his dagger and saw his reflection on it.... those black veins were now on his neck and his face too and even his right eye was full black.

He huffs walking away to search for that demon who he will enjoy torturing first, and passing by he throws his dagger on Taehyun, near his wrist breaking whatever unseen was holding him.





Taehyun finally could move; he saw the protector leaving and went to Soobin “Soobin…Soobin!” he called wondering if he was alright, also wondering what going on with those two!






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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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