Chapter 17

Hello! falling star

Chapter 17: suddenly a cold breeze blow, i hear our song in my ear

txt : way home



Beomgyu did his best to explain that he came from another world to keep the balance for the one who can see demons and protect the prophecy from any harm, because they choose them, every protector has a different weapon, and every demon have a different rank.

“When I came here, I was struggling killing a rank 60 now I can kill 9 it been years now, I grow up doing this” Beomgyu said

“Years?” Soobin thought about it “it been 3 months for me”

Beomgyu nodded knowing it is different from each prophecy to another

Soobin looks at Beomgyu “But why they want to kill us?”

Beomgyu look at Taehyun and back to him “either kill you, and that how they can take your soul to the underworld and open the door to this world, or you give up on living and be possessed and with your body energy they can control everything! Those you saw around manage to go out from the cracks but lose half of their full powers, and believe me we can’t defeat a demon in his full power so never give up on living! better if they kill you”

Soobin was looking at him shocked “why us” He look at Taehyun “what did we do wrong?”

“Nothing” Beomgyu tried to explain “it is your star born holding an energy that can pass the universes to the SkyWorld and choose one from us to protect it, that why we protect you because you guys did nothing wrong” he flashed a smile and V sign

Soobin went to a silent mode, he lived a perfect live before, why this should pop up in his life and stuck in it forever, and someone he doesn’t even know should stay by his side?

He looks at the two next to him start chitchatting having so much connections like they meant to be, he huffs wishing at least someone to be comfort with “I will be jealous since you have someone like Beomgyu, you guys are so close”

Taehyun flashed a wide smile, “I though you guys are already close since you guys kissed yesterday”

Soobin eyes went wide open

“Um? Um? your ears turning red” Beomgyu teased trying to touch his ears and Soobin take It away with “stop”






Standing in the sport field Yeonjun heard the cheering from the crowd who came to watch

“The other school is mixed gender, Yeonjun you will become a celebrity no doubt” one of the team said seeing the girls screaming Yeonjun name

“Really? I need to do the fan service then” Yeonjun said waving fast and cooly to the crowed and the screams from those girls were getting louder

“Wooh!” HueningKai clapped laughing, but then saw someone “I guess we have another fan coming” He pointed to a direction

Yeonjun look with curious but he grimaces looking at HueningKai “stop it will you! Having lunch in the same table was way enough”

At the crowed Soobin came along with Taehyun and Beomgyu to watch the game too.


The whistle was loud and the match starts…


Soobin who sits next Beomgyu and Taehyun was looking at someone specifically, fact that in the matches is the only time he can look at Yeonjun without no one judging, why he keeps looking he doesn’t know he is just curious, it’s not like he missed the old days or something…




The crowed said and Soobin felt his heart skip a beat when he heard and saw the hard hit aimed to Yeonjun in the middle of the game.

“wait is that not a foul?” Beomgyu commented seeing the referee didn’t move at all

The game continued, and that happened again and again and again.


Foul, Foul, Foul…


Some of the spectators start to yells in anger because of the other team aggressive play and the paid referee who act like he doesn’t see anything

“Is this even legal?” Taehyun said

“They want to put the setter away; he is the decision maker inside the field, an injury can make him unable to make the pass, and he is out” Beomgyu explained

“But he is already injured from carrying the wall to save you” Soobin said worried again

Beomgyu who felt guilty look at Yeonjun arm that had bandages already around it thinking if he can find a way to help him, but there isn’t since he can’t walk in that field and play.

The first match ended with their team win with a point difference. They take a 10-minute rest and Soobin saw HueningKai running to Yeonjun to check his arm, seeing the others in the team make a circle on him “this doesn’t look good”

“You think the coach will put him in the bench?” Beomgyu wonder

“I don’t think so, I heard from Kai he is the only good setter in the club” Taehyun said looking at Soobin who had a very worried look, shaking his leg non-stop

The second match starts and it was going in the same direction, they didn’t aim for the goal, they aimed for the setter, and this time they won the match.


At the third match the coach decided to put Yeonjun away, Soobin whose eyes didn’t leave him, saw him holding his arm that was shaking again just like in the lunch period




Yeonjun who sists in the bench hold his arm that was shaking, his weapon was eager to go out, but he knows it for no good reason, his inside screaming to finish off those guys for good even if they are humans.
Do it!
“no they are humans, normal people” Yeonjun repeated with himself fighting the devil inside of him, but for real, whenever he absorbs a demon, it gets worse, should he stop? But if he does, he won’t be able to kill a higher rank, or he won’t be able to protect…ugh he is thinking of protecting him again, but that girl demon is still out there! Didn’t he tried to give up? Why this world makes him so sensitive!

The third match was fast to finish because the score was a disaster a gab of half “Yeonjun go in!” he heard the coach saying and he entered

“Here he comes”
“welcome back crippler”
“we can see you are shaking”

The other players were starting to make fun of him

“don’t mind them”

he looks at HueningKai who tried to cheer him and nodded “it’s okay, I will win this” the first serve of the 4th match start and once the ball came to Yeonjun he didn’t pass it, he jumped and scored with a very hard hit that passed between the other team players without even them noticing or trying to bounce it. Making even the crowd silently shocked standing up from their places

“What with those faces” Yeonjun said loud for the other team to hear and they did because they were all silently shocked. he smirked “yes, I am shaking from excitement, if one of you can stop me, I will walk away from this game on my own”

HueningKai smiled at the words knowing whatever he is doing is not humanly possible, but look like it “dude you just sounded like an anime main character” He teased and continue the game that turned upside down because none of them could stop the score coming from the setter himself.

They won the 4th match easily, and at the 5th match all their attempt to hit Yeonjun was a failure because he ended up receiving those ball like it is nothing.


The last whistle heard and Yeonjun team wins 3 to 2, everyone was cheering in excitement. Even Beomgyu start clapping, “I didn’t regret watching this, Yeonjun went in god mode”

Taehyun laughed at the comment “let’s go and look at the room, we need to move out”

“you guys go first, I will follow in a little bit” Soobin said and the two didn’t disagree leaving,


now everyone start to leave till some girls who were waiting for the team celebration to end to go and have a chitchat with the star of the night.





“You are so cool”
“we will cheer for you at the semifinals”

Yeonjun saw the girls coming gathering on him to talk, he smiled and start chitchatting with them, he saw his teammates leaving, even HueningKai pointed he was going first

“aren’t you angry your school lost?” Yeonjun asked

“Cheaters, they deserve it”
“You guys are way better”

“You have Instagram, I will follow you all” Yeonjun said and they start squeezing in excitement taking their phones out, after some time they finally left and he felt so tired to be a social butterfly. Once he did it for the sake of this human but this human does not exist anyway, but old habit is hard to die now

He went to the bench where his bag was the only one left there, he put the towel and the water bottle inside, and didn’t even care about who ever around because the place was crowded a minutes ago, so anyone could be passing by.

But he felt a presence behind him, closer than it should be, and whoever was behind touched his both arms from the back for him to stay put. He heard a sound of bumping and saw in his side on the ground a bottle of juice falling pouring what still inside of it.

Yeonjun turns to see who did protect him from that bullying throw and his eyes went wide open seeing a face that nearby…

A face let him feel like the time stopped for a minute when it was that near…







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golden_babyangel #1
Chapter 18: I hope it's not too late to comment, but I only recently happened upon this story, and oh my god! I was hooked till the very end! I read it in like a day! It was such a perfect mix of fantasy, thrill, and wholesomeness ❤️ I absolutely love the plot and how it unfolds! You're amazing!

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