Part VII

Like Home

Part VII 



The young chef felt like he was waiting forever. He was currently laying on the couch, full body lay horizontal as he stared at the windows of the open concept villa. Not like he was counting down the minutes of when the apple of his eye arrived home, just that he definitely was counting down the hours.

Jonghyun left around 10AM for his meeting, but it seemed like he hasn't finished. Key felt hopeless. He wasn't sure why he was waiting so much for a man that he didnt even know felt the same way. For all he knew, the older singer may be avoiding him. No, no, no. He couldnt start thinking these thoughts.

This is what he always did when it came to his love life, if he could even call it that. More like non-existent in Taemin's eyes. Key sighed, it was already 7pm and the sun was giving off a beautiful pink hue over the horizon as it set. He should get up and stretch his legs, maybe make himself some dinner while he was at it.

Standing up, he stretched his body, feeling his bones crack in places he didnt know could crack. He was definitely either getting old or he needed to move more. The young chef wasn't much for working out, he loved eating too much to go spend hours in the gym so he could lose a few calories.

Thinking of, Jonghyun seemed like he spent a lot of time working out. He can already remember the way the CEO held him on his birthday...let's just say, it made Kim Kibum like meat a whole lot more. And not the type you grill on a bbq, more like...god...Key needed to go preoccupy himself. How he went from the gym to barbequing meat, was beyond him.

Walking up to the fridge and opening it, he noticed the uneaten breakfast and lunch that he made for the singer. He sighed, Key hoped Jonghyun had at least picked something up on the way to work or at least had some lunch at the office. The older must be so tired and hungry. Key shook his head and slapped his face a couple of times to get his mind off of the older male. 

Worrying about Jonghyun wasn't going to help Jonghyun, so he decided on making dinner instead. Maybe the CEO would be back by dinner time. Key started cutting up the vegetables he needed to make a hearty stew. This should be enough to have for tonight and tomorrow morning as well just in case Jonghyun wanted to grab a quick bite.

Even with all the cooking, Key couldn't help but let his mind drift to the older man. Everything he ended up doing, was for him. The waiting, the cooking, the cleaning...he felt like a housewife. But even that thought brought a blush to the chef's face, he hated this side of himself. Once he fell, he fell hard. Who knew this man would cost him so much, mainly his patience and crazy enough, his heart.

After finishing up the meal and eating his share, he cleaned up all the dishes and decided to scrub down the kitchen a little bit. But when 10PM hit, he decided it was better to go to bed. Usually Jonghyun or Minho would shoot him a quick text telling him they would be running late, however this time, he didn't get anything. Once he got into his room and laid on his bed, he couldnt shut his eyes; his mind in constant worry about a certain man.

Moving to sit up in his bed, with his back against the frame, he decided he should at least call Taemin. He hadn't called or texted all day which was odd but not unusual. Looking through his contacts, his eyes stopped at the CEO's name, he shook his head. His finger was lingering too long for his own liking.

He should be calling Taemin, not his boss. It was already late, plus Jonghyun woke up really early to make him that breakfast, so he decided against it. Not like he was actually going to follow through with it anyways.

Tapping on the call button of Taemin's name, the phone rang once before the younger of them picked up. 

"Hey sugar plum princess. Why the late call?" Taemin's voice rang through the speaker.

Key smiled and rolled his eyes, "I just missed you, felt like I needed to call."

"Either that, or something is bothering you. Which one is it?"

"Wow, you really have no faith in me, do you?" Key said, baffled at the younger but he wasn't wrong. Taemin could read him from 1000 miles away, how he did that, he'll never know. Maybe it was all the crying and whining he did when he broke up with his last ex...but let's not get into that. It was a time Key didn't want to remember.

"Well, not when you call me at 10 at night, but it's okay. I can spare you time with all the love I have for you."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. What are you even doing right now that you're so busy, you couldn't even text me all day today?" Key said, his voice almost giving away. 

Taemin laughed, "Sorry, I was actually with Minho a couple of hours ago. We met up for dinner and a few other things."

Key couldn't believe his ears, "So a date."

"Um no, for your information. Not a date. Just friends hanging out. Plantonically."

"So a date."

"No! Why the fuwhat about you huh? What's happening with you and Kim Jonghyun?" Taemin diverted, Key rolled his eyes at how the younger tried to change the subject.

"Can you please stop calling him by his full name?" 

"Not until you guys get together, cause whats the point of calling my long time idol by his name if he wasn't personally dating my best friend. It's disrespectful."

"It's disrespectful in the fact that you ignored me all day just to hang out with your new boo."

"I love talking to you and everything, but why are you bothering me right now, I thought you missed me. Clearly you miss someone else." Taemin snickered through the phone.

For the first time, Key couldn't think of a good comeback. Once silence broke through the room, all was heard was Taemin's wheezing laughter. "Wow, I didn't think I'd be right, but here we are."

"S-shut up...I do not miss him."

"Yeah cause all you've been doing all day was eachother's faces, ain't that right?"

For the first time ever, again, Key couldn't even lie anymore. His anxiety was killing him if he was going to be honest. "Actually he hasn't come home yet...and I'm starting to worry that he's avoiding me..."

"What?! Why would he avoid such perfection waiting for him at home?" 

Key smiled gently, Taemin always chewed him up whenever he felt like it, but in the end, he always made sure to make his hyung happy. Even a simple compliment like that could turn the chef into mush, he didn't deserve Tae. "I dont know...maybe I'm over-thinking it. Minho was with you all day, he didn't mention anything about Jonghyun?"

"Not really. We've kind of been focused on other things, sorry maybe I should have asked. I thought you guys were doing great, why do you think he'd be avoiding you?"

"No, dont apologize Tae. It's not your job to be doing that. I feel like maybe he regrets it? He told me he had a meeting this morning but even Minho finished early. I made lunch and dinner, but he still hasn't shown up." Key said, deflated and unsure of where he was going with this. He didn't plan on talking about the thoughts running through his mind, even though they're the ones holding him down right now.

"So you both kissed, did anything else apart from that happen?" Taemin asked, trying his best to help his bestie who was clearly struggling in the middle of the night.

"No, not that I can remember. But I did wake up with bruises all over my thighs, do you think that's why? Maybe he thinks I didn't like it?" Key said, biting his nails as he spoke through the speaker.

"Damn, bruises on your thighs? Must have been a good night." Taemin chuckled.

"Shut up," Key half squeeled, "can we get back to the issue of why he'd be avoiding me?"

"Alright, alright. Look, I'm pretty sure he's not avoiding you. How was he like this morning?"

"Well...he made me breakfast...and—"

"Okay, that doesn't sound like something someone who's avoiding another person would do, but go on." Taemin said with a matter of fact, trying to gather up all the information he could.

"If you would stop interrupting me, it would be great." Key said, annoyed as he heard Taemin laugh through the phone.
"Anyways, we didn't even finish breakfast before your man came running in, dragging him away to his meeting.Plus...he was too busy giving me my birthday gifts."

"Hold on, gifts? What did he get you?" Taemin pried, suddenly even more interrested in the topic.

"Oh my god Tae, he literally got me the knife set I've been dreaming of getting for myself. It must have cost him so much..." Key said, shame running through him as he felt bad for loving his gift so much.

"Wow, well talk about rich. You said gifts so what else did he get you?" Taemin asked, not surprised at the lavish present. Kim Jonghyun was one of the richest men in South Korea plus the globe. There's no denying the fact that he could have spent at least a million if he wanted to. Even the rich life Taemin lived didn't include private jets to private islands, that was Kim Jonghyun for you.

"Well...he kind of got me...a matching Cartier ring and bracelet...I told him it was too much—"

"Hold on!" Taemin interrupted, this was a lot of information for little young Tae. A facetime call instantly appeared on the chef's screen, as the older accepted the call, the youngers shocked face can be seen on the other side of the screen. "Cartier?! You mean the Juste un Clou ring and bracelet set?! That costs thousands!!"

"Yeah i know! It's not like I asked for this...he just gave them to me..." Key almost whispered, kind of regretting telling the young entrepreneur about the gifts. "And by the way, it's not like you dont spend thousands of dollars on a shirt. So leave us alone."

"Look at you defending him." Taemin smirked through the screen, making Key's face turn crimson.

"Well what do you want me to do, return them to him? It's not like he'll let me anyways, I already tried." Key rolled his eyes at the memory of this morning. To believe it only happened this same day only baffled him.

"Wait you actually tried giving them back? How daring of you, and shocking to be honest. Not once have you ever returned gifts, you always used to say you deserved them after the hell your ex put you through. And that he can rot in hell for being broke after he spent all his money on you." Taemin said with narrowed eyes.

"Okay, thanks for the refresher on my terrible decision making. However, Jonghyun's different. We're not together and I didn't even do anything to deserve such gifts." Key said lowly, his head falling onto his bent knees.

"Alright, I'm gonna be real Kim Kibum, you deserve everything this man gives you. You're literally his housewife." Key laughed at that word he used on himelf earlier in the day. He really was a a guy that didn't even know he had a housewife. Maybe he should listen to the singer and stop cleaning...but he couldn't do that to Mrs. Kim, that poor woman worked too hard. 

"Anyways, all I'm saying is that maybe it's not such a bad thing that he's spoiling and taking care of you. Especially since you're the chef and he's your boss, sometimes the boss should award their employees for working so hard. If you need to, look at it in that way. I know how you get, don't get into your own head about all this and ruin every chance you can get with the Kim Jonghyun."

Key rolled his eyes at the conclusion his best friend came up with. Maybe he was right. Maybe he should just think of it as a gift from his boss for doing a good job. "You're right. I've been driven mad with anxiety ever since he didn't text or call me about being late today."

"Maybe he's super busy and got held back?"

"Yeah cause he was too busy making me breakfast for two days straight and buying me gifts." 

"Or, it could be something else. Don't let it get to you. Maybe when he gets back you guys can have a chat, just ask him about his day and you'll be fine. I'm sure he'll be an open book with you from what I can tell." Now it was Taemin's turn to roll his eyes, a smile also appearing on his face.

"Okay, I won't let it get to me. It's just an ordinary and friendly relationship with my boss. That's all."

"Exactly. Look at you go, ugh i'm so proud." The younger said happily, his hand pretending to wipe a tear.

"Who's the oldest again? Please remind me." Key chuckled at the youngers playful antics. He can never get over the fact that Tae spoke so wisely yet acted like a kid at the same time. It intrigued him truly.

"Yeah, yeah, hyung. You know you love me!" Taemin pouted through the screen.

"I know who else loves you." The chef winked as he raised his brows up and down at the younger suggestively. 

"Shut up."

"That's my line. Plus, you should come over tomorrow. Let's hang out for once, I feel like we havent had one on one time in a long time. Maybe we can go on a short hike." The older suggested, hoping the younger would agree so he wouldn't have to spend the day antogonizing all over again. He was using his best friend, but that's what best friends were for. Right?

It was going to turn Sunday soon, meaning Jonghyun would be back from his work routine to hopefully relax at home a little. He knew, if he got holed up in the villa with only the older in his vicinity, he didn't know what would happen. He needed to make sure he left the house tomorrow.

"You're such a user but that's okay, I love you anyways." Taemin laughed wholeheartedly.

Key rolled his eyes as he laughed with the younger, he knew him so well. "You will though right?"

"I will! Make sure you sleep alright? Stop thinking about the doubts in your mind. Tomorrow's a new day, kay?"

"Right. Thanks Tae, I love you." Key smiled gently at the screen of his best friends face.

"I love you too. I'll text you tomorrow!" 

After bidding the younger a goodnight, Key placed his phone back onto the night stand by the bed. He stood up to complete his nightly routine and change into something more comfortable. His eyes were already feeling heavy as he lay down on the bed, but before his eyes completely shut, the sound of the front door could be heard opening and closing. The last thing running through the chef's mind was 'he's finally home'.



"How does it taste?" The young chef asked.

No words were coming out of the older's lips. Only a cold stare was portrayed onto him, peering into the chef's soul. 

"Did...did you it?" Key's eyes widening as his brows furrowed in worry.

A sudden smirk appeared on the older's lips as his cold demeanor sent shivers running down the chefs body. "Did I ever like what you've made, Kim?"

"What?" Key whispered in confusion, his heart beat a million miles a second. Jonghyun has never spoken to him in that way. Not ever. But...why?...why now?

A sinister laugh could be heard coming from the older, but the chef wouldn't dare to look the singer in the eyes. He couldn't. He shouldn't. "You must think you're irreplaceable. Do you really think I would ever like what you make? I should have fired you the moment you called me that one day, so drunk. How unprofessional and so brazen of you to think so highly of yourself, yet you can't even lift your head. Pathetic."



He was pathetic.

"I-I'm...sorry...I thought—"

"You thought what? That I liked your cooking? That I liked you?!" Jonghyun laughed, smirking at the tears that started running down the youngers face. "You're nothing. Don't get ahead of yourself." 

Tears streamed down as he trembled, not only in fear but hurt as well. He couldn't believe what was happening. This couldn't be real. 

"Wipe those useless tears and leave me alone. I can't stand seeing that hideous look on your face." The CEO scoffed as he stood up, giving the younger one last look of disgust before turning his back to him and disappearing. 

The younger's legs grew numb, making him fall to his knees as he cried. His heart was in pain and he felt like he couldn't breathe. His hands suddenly moving to his chest as he heaved his last remaining cry. 'I'm so sorry'.


                 Waking up in a cold sweat, Key felt his heart beating fast as he tried to recollect himself after the nightmare he just had. However, he felt something heavy holding him down along the waist. Looking down, he saw an arm, a very muscular and tan arm. An arm that was very familiar to the young chef. Finally awake, his heart started beating faster as his eyes widened, taking in the man sleeping next to him. Jonghyun.

How the hell did he end up in here? In the same bed? Arm around Key of all things? This had to be real, it felt more real than the nightmare he just woke up from. Yeah, a nightmare. It was horrendous.

"What's on your mind?"

Startled by the sudden soft whisper of Jonghyun's groggy voice near his ear, Key turned his head to face the older, only to be less than an inch apart from an accidental kiss. Not like he'd hate the idea.

"You're awake." The younger whispered, his breath hitting the olders lips as he spoke. The older looked so handsome with his bed head, his brown eyes just seeping like honey. Key couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Jonghyun smiled gently, "It sounded like you were having a bad dream. I came in to see if you were okay, but you wouldn't let go of my hand, so I decided to stay. I hope I'm not intruding."

The younger felt so embarrassed. He basically forced the older to stay with him last night. It looked like the singer still had the same clothes on from yesterday morning. He must have not had the chance to change.

"I'm sorry. Thank you for doing that, I don't deserve your kindness."

Jonghyun smiled at the youngers shy demeanour. "You deserve every bit of it. Now go back to sleep, it's still too early to be awake." 

Turning his head to look outside, the moon still lit brightly outside, indicating that yes, it was still way too early to be awake. He wondered how long of a rest he had before the nightmare took over his sleep. Turning back, his eyes landed on the older who was silently peering at him.

Key smiled gently, "Thank you Jong." He whispered, making the older smile in return.

"Would you like me to go back to my room...or can I stay?" A question so hesitantly asked.

"No...please...stay." The young chef couldn't help but almost plead for the older to lay with him longer. 

"How about I go change really quick and I'll be right back?"

Key couldn't help but nod gently. His state of exhaustion giving him confidence. Before leaving to change in something more comfortable, Jonghyun paused to kiss the youngers temple. "I'll be right back."

The chef could feel the burning kiss on his forehead, he felt like he could melt and never come back again. His eyes felt droopy as his body tried to fight off fatigue. However, when the older walked back into the room, he found a sleeping Kibum. 

Smiling gently, he moved to lay next to the younger. His arm stretched over to hold the chefs waist closer to his body. His gaze lingered on the youngers face, silently examining the soft features of Key's eyebrows, to his eyes, his whispy lashes, to his cute button nose, and finally, to those heart shaped lips he was so fond of. He couldn't get enough of the youngers beauty. He allowed himself to fall back asleep, being the most comfortable he's ever been, in a very long time.






Walking into the home of Kim Jonghyun, with permission of course since he was given the passcode to the entrance. Only to walk into his best friends room to see both his best friend and his idol cuddled up, was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Taemin to take all the pictures he could. 

They were too cute, and clearly Key was a big fat liar who needed to explain everything. The chef had nothing to worry about since his eyes can see nothing but the truth layed out in front of him. Taemin snickered at his own thoughts. Maybe he should try to wake them up, it was nearing noon and the couple seemed to be sleeping like the dead.

Shrugging his shoulders, he decided to just let them sleep in more, being the best wing man he could be. He walked back out of the bedroom, making sure to close Key's door gently behind him. Although, he didn't expect to bump into a tall and muscular figure. More like a y, tall and muscular figure. Minho.

"Hey Tae, you're here!" Minho said, his arms holding the youngers shoulders so he wouldn't fall back from the impact.

"'re here?" Wow, great question Tae. He thought to himself.

"Why wouldn't I be? Is Jonghyun still asleep? I didn't think he'd be sleeping in this much on a Sunday." Minho chuckled.

"Yeah, well I just checked and it looks like he's not going to be waking up anytime soon." Taemin laughed softly, motioning to Key's bedroom.

Realizing what Taemin was indicating at, he nodded and smiled. "Ahhh, well how about we let them sleep in a bit more. We can catch up, just the two of us."

"We kind of did that yesterday, no?" Taemin raised his brows in a not so flirtatious way, or at least he had hoped.

"Yeah well, I can't seem to get enough of Lee Taemin." The taller winked, amused by the blush creeping on the young entrepreneur.

No man has ever turned the casanova into mush, until now...and honestly, Taemin was ready to become pudding. "You really have a way with words dont you?" Peering at the tall assistant under his long lashes.

"Not when you look at me like that." Minho whispered, grabbing the younger by the waist. He lifted the youngers chin and placed his lips on the others plump, and soft ones. He can never get used the fact that he has this beautiful human in his arms. He felt so lucky.

The kiss was slow as they melted into one another, Taemins arms pulling the older by the neck as he breathed him in. The heat burned his chest as Minho slid his hands further down to grab onto the youngers . Now if you ask Taemin how this came to be, he wouldn't even have the answer. But...let's rewind a little.




             Let me take you out. My treat. I'll pick you up at 5PM. 

                                                 — Minho


Taemin didn't know how long he stared at that text. 5PM was in two hours and his crush just asked to take him out. Maybe on a date, maybe not, but he was ecstatic and nervous at the same time. Does he reply right away? Does he leave it for a few minutes, then reply? He felt like a complete . The young casanova sighed to himself as he felt his face heat up from the feelings the assistant gave him. 

Key told him to take this seriously, so he really didn't want to disappoint his best friend, plus...make him lose his job obviously (as if that could happen). So he was willing to be the sacrificial lamb in the chef's escapades and flirt with the gorgeous, tall, muscular man that is named Choi Minho. If you ask him why he agreed, he'd say he was forced to. However, one look at the assistant and Tae would take it all back. 


              Okay. Cant wait! xoxo

                                         — Taemin Did he just send an 'xoxo'?! He wanted to jump in front of traffic at this moment. Since he already hit the 'send' button, he couldnt really take it back.



                              — Minho


Did Minho just call him cute?! Oh my god he was gonna die. He decided it was better to just distract himself until the moment he needed to get ready. Oh man, what would he even wear?! Freaking out, Taemin stood from his large king sized bed to his walk in closet. Clothing from the highest brands, of all colours, sizes and styles hung from each wall. Designer shoes and never worn before accessories were laid out in the middle, a glass structure displaying each so pristine. 

Taemin always loved expressing himself through exclusive, high end brands, but this time, he felt like he needed to dress down. Something as to not scare away the assistant. He noticed the taller always dressed like a dad going to golf, and Tae didn't know if that turned him on even more or just made him want to rip off those things Minho called fashion. Either way, he preferred Minho without anything on, let's just say that.

Deciding on simple ripped black jeans and a baggy tan t-shirt, he decided to add on his favourite leather jacket on top. Finally examining himself in the full body mirror, he was satisfied. He looked like he wasn't trying too hard, yet you'd still wanna him. So, win, win.

Smiling to himself, he picked up his phone and saw it was nearing 5PM. He felt so nervous. He hadn't felt this way in years, as if he was just a school boy again waiting for his crush to come pick him up. It made him feel giddy.


                          I'm here!

                                — Minho


Okay, Taemin was as ready as he could ever be. Grabbing his bag, his wallet and keys, he went out to meet the assistant. A black Rolls Royce was parked out front with a tall figure leaning against the passanger car door. Man, Minho looked delicious. 

Fully taking in the taller male, Minho wore black slacks and a black dress shirt with a few buttons undone. Noticing the younger walking towards him, he immediately moved his body off the car and walked towards him. 

"You look amazing." Minho smiled, his hand layed out in front of the young entrepreneur to take. 

Taemin blushed as he took the older's hand, he was such a er for this man. "T-thank you. You look even more handsome." He wanted to curse himself for stuttering.

Minho chuckled, his other hand went to rub his neck awkwardly. "Thank you, I'm not really used to this."

"This?" Taemin looked at him confused.

"Like going on dates. I'm such a work-a-holic that it's never passed my mind. But I'm happy you agreed to meet me today. I'll make sure you have the best date ever." Minho smiled, his eyes beaming as if he won a gold medal in the olympics.

If this didn't shake Taemin to the core, he didn't know what did. The fact that Minho doesn't date, or the fact that he just called this a date. Not realizing they were still holding hands, Taemin felt himself being pulled towards the car. The assistant pulling open the passanger door for him as he sat inside. Taemin felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest.

"So...what are we doing today?" Taemin asked once Minho stepped inside and did up his seatbelt. He was glad his voice didn't crack just know, he didn't need second hand embarassment. 

"Well, I hope you dont mind, I got us tickets to the fair today. I heard they have some great entertainment."

Did Taemin really hear him right? A fair? Was he back in high school? He wanted to laugh at the cute and shy look of the older asking him for permission. As if he didnt already buy the tickets. Taemin rolled his eyes playfully and smiled, "I'd love to go to the fair. I havent been to one in a long time." 

Minho beamed, "Perfect! It'll be super fun." The older of the two reached out to take the youngers hand in his once again, twirling their fingers together as he caressed the edge of Taemins thumb. Minho had a lot of confidence, Taemin thought. Either that, or he was very open with his feelings. The younger didn't know how he felt about that, but he definitely didn't hate it. The warmth of Minho's hand just brought butterflies to his stomach.

After the fair, Minho drove them to a fancy restaurant he's never been to before. Surprisingly, the older has been giving him a lot of firsts. Taemin thought he'd done anything and everything. Wined and dined with the richest and flew all over the globe to visit the smallest sceneries. But, Minho gave him simple experiences. Experiences he never would think he would do. He felt like he had missed out on so much, until now. 

When they finished dinner, Minho made sure to drive him back home in a timely manner. As if they lived in the 50th century, it made Taemin giggle. He's never been treated like this before. It's always been meet up, , ghost, and do it all over again. Men only wanted him for his body so that's what he indulged them in. Minho...was different. Minho wanted to spoil him, rather than lean down to kiss him, and it was driving the younger crazy.

So once the car came to a complete stop in front of his expensive looking penthouse, he made sure to follow through with his plan. To kiss Minho goodnight. "Thank you so much for today, I had a great time." The younger said, his eyes meeting the olders.

Minho smiled gently, "Of course. Thank you for saying yes." He placed his hand on top of Taemin's, giving him a small caress along the side of his palm. 

Taemin felt so lost in Minho's gaze and touch, he didn't know what words were coming out of his mouth next. "Why wouldn't I?"

The older chuckled lightly, almost embarassed at the question. "'re very beautiful for one. And...I just didn't think you'd feel the same way..."

"I do." Taemin almost whispered. It felt as if he was replying to a proposal, he really wanted to slap himself.

"You do?" Minho's eyes widened a bit then softening.

"I do." And if Taemin was going to pick a moment to grab the older by the neck, he did it now. Pulling Minho towards him, the melted his lips against the assistants. The kiss was rough at first but softened as plump lips started moving against the other.

Minho was shocked at first but relaxed in an instant once he realized what was happening. The assistant moved his hands to gently pull the younger closer as the kiss deepened. They both felt on cloud nine as time passed by them so slowly, yet so quickly. 

Lips slowly pulled away from one another as they stayed near, the noses touching in a subtle yet sweet way. "Thank you." Minho whispered, his lips grazing the youngers as he spoke. 

Taemin smiled, "I should be thanking you instead, Mr. Choi. I had a great time today." The youngers palm caressing the olders cheek as he spoke. Wow, call him a romantic because he's never known what romance was...until now.

"I'm happy. You make me happy, Lee Taemin. I hope I can see you more this." Their eyes scanning one another as they didn't want to break apart just yet.

"I'm all yours." Taemin said, he hoped he wouldnt regret this, but the moment Minho kissed him one last time, it perished all his doubts and insecurities. 

"And I am yours." Minho whispered, his lips moving against the youngers in an endless war of touches.




And now back to the present. You can say they've been trying to keep it lowkey without having Jonghyun and Key on their cases. They felt as though the other two needed to work out their own problems before digging their noses into Taemin and Minho's relationship. And if you ask the younger couple, they'd tell you at least they were in a relationship and not a 'walk around one another and pretend we dont like eachother but secretly do' relationship. 

But to keep it simple, they were still in their 'honeymoon' phase and they didn't want the CEO nor the chef to interrupt that. Luckily, speaking of the older couple, they were still passed out in Key's bedroom. Back against chest, arm wrapped around a waist, feet tangled up, and lips letting out deep breaths on the chefs neck. Nothing platonic at all in the eyes of the friends of course.

"Should we wake them up?" Minho said as he gazed at the sleeping couple, his arm holding onto the waist standing near him.

"It's already 1PM. I think we should or else our plan today would fail." They had a plan. A plan to finally get the CEO and the chef to admit their feelings and get together, because thats what best friends were for. And to be honest, they were just tired of all the whining and evading Jonghyun and Key have mastered over the few months. It was time to give them that extra push. It was time to 'kiss the boy' as Sebastian from the Little Mermaid would say.




Hello my beautiful and sweet friends! Thank you so much for waiting on my updates! I hope you like Part 7!

Let me know what you think! There's a bit of 2min for all my 2min lovers out there and a bit of their story even though it may be a bit rushed ;(

Your comments truly make me so happy and give me the biggest encouragement to keep going!

It's so nice knowing that I still have all of you with me during this journey. 

I'll make sure to update even more frequently!!

Please be patient with me and I'll make sure to spoil you all the best I can <3


Thank you again & I'll see you in Part 8!



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Thank you!
Hello friends! Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Im a flight attendant so it's a bit hard to update when I want, but i've officially brought my laptop along with me so I can continue writing. Chapter 8 will be out soon! Keep an eye out! I love & appreciate all of you so much!! ♥ xoxo ♥


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sh____ #1
Chapter 9: i really want to read new chapters!🥹 can’t wait 🩵🫶🏼
queenlove #2
Chapter 9: Ah! I feel single reading this beautiful couple.. I am just happy that all the misunderstandings are finally over. Now we get the kissy and cheesey couple instead. I love it 💓
Chapter 9: oh god i felt like interrupting intimate moments of jjong and kibum, also i love the side story of 2min, the reason why ming works with jjong.

i really got giddy every time this story is updated :3
750 streak #4
Chapter 9: This chapter was perfect, I loved all the fluff and their complete acceptance of each other. Also, I really enjoyed the backstory on how Jonghyun saved Minho in the fire. Looking forward to the next chapter.
750 streak #5
Chapter 8: No! I can’t believe I’ve already reached the end! This story is so good, I’m happy that I found it. Your plot and characterization are wonderful, and the setting is so vivid. Now that Jjong and Key are official, I can’t wait to see how their dynamic changes. It’s going to be a fun ride.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes jongkey is official now also 2min being the matchmaker i can see them giggling at jongkey being in denial oh my god
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 8: Glad it works! :) 2min are great wingmen! :) Hopefully, the next day, they are not gonna act awkward again. :P
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 8: Aw yesssss
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 7: I really wanna know what Minho and Taemin have planned for Key and Jonghyun. :P Sound like great friends. Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 7: Okay, that scene made me melt, jongkey my fluffy babies ㅠㅠ Kibum is definitely overthinking, but I can understand him. Like, yes, Jjong treats him with so much adoration/love (Idk what will be more correct in this situation, so far), but I also think it's normal for Kibum to want verbal confirmation from him. And knowing 2min, I think we can expect something soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And of course, 2min's <33 I am glad that Taemin changed his mind and now they are together ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
And please, author-nim, don't worry about anything, the part with 2min's was great. You gave us hints about them in the early chapters so it doesn't feel like something rushed, I really enjoyed it 😌
Thank you for update, I can't wait for the next chapter <333