Part I

Like Home

Part I



"I have priorities, Tae. I can't just drop everything and focus on dating. My career is way more important than a fling right now." Key spoke into the phone as he pushed the cart through the selection of vegetables.  He was currently at a local mart purchasing groceries for his new client, a routine task before going to anyones home to cook.

Almost all of his clients had the tendency to keep their fridges empty because of their busy schedules. Many of them varied from being famous actors, singers, corporate tycoons, and all the sort. Key wasnt very educated on celebrities nowadays, which helped him a lot with his career. 

So at this point, Key has met his fair share of billionaires, and to Taemins dismay, he hasnt snatched neither a sugar daddy nor a husband. Not like Key was looking anyways, he was too busy doing his job rather than flirt with his clients, which was a big no no in Key's book.

However, Taemin agreed to disagree.

"Okay I get it—but, havent you at least considered coming on this one blind date. Its not gonna hurt you to have a little love in your life."

"I have plenty of love, thank you very much." Key rolled his eyes, "Most of it coming from your obsession in finding me a partner." He picked up a few tomatoes, inspecting them before placing them in a clear bag.

"You're lucky you still have my love, its slowly running out from the amount of times you call me crying over a dumb guy."

Key didnt think he called that many times. "Thats what best friends are for, so do your job. And I'm not going on this blind date, tonight is really important. I gotta impress this new client, im a bit nervous."

Rarely did Key ever get nervous with clients, but his assistant told him this was a big corporate CEO that was extremely picky with his chef's. It was Key's pride at this point, he wanted to prove he was an all around chef, someone you couldnt just fire day one. Which apparently, was something this certain CEO did. Fire absolutely every single chef he has ever had.

Well not this time, Key has never been fired and he wasnt going to let it happen this time. He's faced many challenges in life, this was just another one to cross off the list.

"Fine, I'll postpone it for next time. Do you even know who this new client is?"

"No dont postpone anything!" Key almost shrieked into the phone, making sure to keep his voice down. "And no, I have no idea. He wants to remain anonymous until he meets me. I only have his initials to gain entry through security. Apparantly he has crazy fans and stalkers who apply for this position."

"So he decided to find someone on his own?"

"Yeah, I guess. I told you I have remarkable cooking skills Tae. Even someone like this guy wants me to cook for him." Key smiled, proud of himself.

"Yet you still cant get laid. How unfortunate."

The older man grimaced at Taemins diss, "You're such an , you know that right? You know im older than you right?"

Taemin laughed into the phone, "De hyung. I'm so sorry, I'll go repent my sins. Make sure you update me on this hot new client of yours, I wanna know all the 'deets'."

"How do you know he's hot?" Key questioned as he added a few more last items to the cart.

"He sounds hot. A man that has crazy stalker fans and wants anonymity? Sign me up."

Key laughed and rolled his eyes, "Right, i'll keep you updated on his 'hotness'. By the way, you need to stop fooling around so much with all these poor men. Instead of bothering me about finding someone, why dont you look into dating seriously?"

"Pffft, yeah okay hyung. emphasis on 'hyung'. Meaning your first, i'm still young and living my life. Leave me alone."

"I'm only two years older than you ."


Key's eye twitched in annoyance. He was turning 30 years old this year and Taemin loved reminding him every chance he got. "Are you still coming over tomorrow night?"

"Yes sir, i'm bringing the wine!" The older male smiled at his best friends cuteness.

"I have wine, just bring yourself."

"I obviously cant come empty handed to my besties place. Plus, we'll need extra. You have a lot to catch me up on."

Key laughed, "Fine, fine. I'm just about to pay. Text you later?"

"Okie! Later!"

Key hung up the phone and started handing the groceries to the cashier. Anyone looking at him right now would think he was feeding a whole family, but this was just how a private chef bought groceries for their clients. He would usually become accustomed to his clients wants and needs, making it easy to curate 3-4 meals a day, depending on the person. 

Usually, some of his clients requested for him to live in their home while he worked for them during his employment. His longest client was an older actress in her 70's, lasting over 2 years until she didnt need his services anymore and needed to be looked after by other health professionals. A lot of his clients had movie shoots, comebacks or extremely slim schedules that gave them no time to cook, so thats where Key came in. 

He loved to cook, and Key was happy to have the opportunity to pursue a career out of it. No matter how difficult the client was, they always loved him in the end, making sure they hired him whenever they needed him. He built a name for himself and every client of his was just as important as the next. He couldnt disappoint.

After paying for the items, a store clerk assisted him in moving the bags into his car. The local grocery stores knew him, Key only ever went to two of them, one that had the freshest fruits and vegetables, while the other had the most premium meat and seafood selection in Seoul. He was a chef for the rich and famous, he needed to make sure he only bought the best, that's what they paid him for.

Once he had all the bags in the car, he drove off to his new clients home. Key was hoping he didnt have to meet the mysterious man just yet, he wanted to cook first to get the anxiety out of the way. Most of the time, his client would leave him with their assistant or manager, busy schedules not giving them much time to meet with the chef. So he only hoped it would end up being the same for this specific client, especially if he had the heart to fire all of his past chefs.



Key drove his car up to a gate that blocked off a neighbourhood leading to where the rich and famous lived. He's definitley been here more than once, mostly all of South Korea's elite lived in this area. Sliding his window down, a voice from the security box came through. 

"Name and reason for visit?"

"Kim Kibum. Private Chef for K.J.H."


A sounds coming through the gate, alerting Key of it opening.

Once the large gate opened, Key drove through the entrance to a long road leading to large billion dollar mansions. The first time he ever came here, Key got lost. Barely any of the homes had numbers on them, so you had to practically guess where you were going. Luckily K.J.H's assistant, told him what to look for. A gigantic white two story villa with a 5 car garage, hidden behind a large iron gate with golden initials reading, J.H.

Nearing the sercurity system outside the gate, another voice that sounded close to the assistant of his new client, came through the little machine.

"State your name please."

"Kim Kibum." 

"Welcome! Please make your way inside, Mr. Kim."

Key turned towards the sound of the gate automatically opening to allow him through. "Thank you!" He said through the speaker before driving towards another road, leading up to the villa. This place was huge, Key thought.

Usually the house would have been right on the other side of the clients gate, however, this specific client made sure to buy out all the land surrounding this villa, explaining the reason why he was still driving and not already parked. 

As he drove up to the villa, Key found the mysterious man's home to be something out of the movies. It didnt feel like he was in South Korea anymore, this was one of the most private homes he has ever seen. His employer seemed to be someone who enjoyed their time away from people, which explained the eccentric and modern vibe of the home. 

It had a variety of trees and plants surrounding the villa, ceramic and marble walls covering it as hints of lights led up to the driveway. Key could see four cars parked, all looking extremely expensive and foreign. This man definitley knew how to spend his money on luxurious things, every inch of this villa looked well kept and looked after. Key smiled as he inhaled the air outside. Even the air in this place is different.

The younger was starting to get extra nervous from the intimidating atmosphere. He was usually alright with dealing with the over extravagant homes and personalities, but there was something about this place that made Key feel tingly inside. And he wasnt sure if it was a good 'tingle'.

Parking his car, he gathered his belongings and made his way to the home. His arms both clutching massive grocery bags as he stood outside the entrance, making sure to ring the doorbell to announce his arrival. 

The door to the villa opened shortly after, revealing a tall handsome man dressed in a suit. Was this his employer?

"Welcome Kibum, i'm glad you made it here safely. How was the drive?" The man smiled at him, very polite and poised as he gestured him inside. Okay, he really hoped this was the client.

"Thank you. It was not bad at all, i'm used to driving out here. Most of my clients live in this area anyway." The younger smiled back politely.

"Ahh, yes. Mr. Kim mentioned you were very well-known in your craft. I'm excited to try your food!" Okay, he wasnt the guy. So much for wishful thinking. 

Key laughed awkwardly, "I do my best. What was your name, by the way? Sorry, I should have asked when I spoke to you on the phone."

"No problem at all! My name is Minho, i'm Mr. Kim's right hand man. If you need anything, i'll be here to help you." Minho said as they walked through the corridors of the villa. It was even more ethereal than the outside, glass covering walls from ceiling to floor, all black and white furniture, very minimal but very elagent and expensive looking. It definitley hit the bachelor mark.

"Thanks Minho. Will I be meeting Mr. Kim today?" 

"Actually no, not today. He'll be back from his business trip around the time you leave but he requested for a late dinner. This will be his way of knowing whether or not you will fit." Minho said, trying not to sound too harsh.

This was definitley the norm for most of his clients. Because they had such busy schedules, they wouldnt meet with him the first time, thinking it might be a complete waste of time, but once they tasted his food, it was game over at that point.

Key was pretty proud of himself, as much as he tried to be humble, he built his way up from the bottom. So a little confidence never hurt anyone, especially when nerves were starting to get in the way.

"Sounds good. Was there anything specific he requested?"

"Not really, suprise him!" Minho beamed at him, smile large on his face.

"Surprise him?" Great, first hurdle of the job. Key hated when his clients forced him to 'suprise' them. He's worked for the snobby type that refuse to enjoy modern cuisine, most of them were 'newly rich', meaning they had no respect nor self-awareness. Only wanted to throw their money on the closest thing that gave them a 'hard on'. He really hoped this K.J.H. guy was the opposite.

"He's not very picky. I'm sure you'll think of something!" Minho encouraged, smiling at the chef. "This is the kitchen, use it how you like. You'll find everything you need here, if not, give me a shout and ill make a run to grab a few things. However, it looks like you already came prepared." His eyes glancing at the bags in Keys arms.

Key chuckled, "Thanks Minho, I think I got it from here. I'll let you know if i need anything."

"I'll leave you to it then." Minho gave him a quick bow, smiled and waved his hand before leaving Key to his work. The chef placed the bags on the large white marble island and started putting away the groceries. The fridge was not empty but it also wasnt full, making Key think he made the right decision in stopping by the grocery store. 

After putting everything in its assigned spot, Key started cooking. His hands moving with skill as he cut each vegetable and mixed each ingredient, tasting along the way, making sure it was to his liking.

He decided to make slow-roasted salmon, adding a hint of rum and and lime juice to give it an extra kick, with creamy squash risotto and char grilled brussel sprouts. The smell creating an aroma of heavenly scents moving through the villa as Key cooked everything with perfection.

Once he was done, he plated and covered the food with stainless steel plate covers. Making sure the meal stayed warm for his employer and Minho, of course. Key always cooked a meal for not only his client but his clients' assistants and workers, never forgetting to feed everyone in the house. 

"It smells amazing, Kibum!"

Key looked up, startled as Minho appeared out of nowhere. "Thanks Minho. I made you a plate too, make sure you eat." The chef smiled at the assistant.

"Wow Kibum, no ones ever made me food too. I really appreciate it." They man bowed slightly at the chef, making sure to express his gratitude. 

"Does your boss not feed you?" Key narrowed his eyes.

Minho laughed wholeheartedly, "No, no, no! Jonghyun always shared his meals with me, the chef's always end up cooking too much for him anyways."

"Ahh...thats good." Key nodded, happy that his 'maybe future boss' may not be too much of a after all. Especially if his assistant calls him by his name. Still, the reason behind firing all these employees must come from somewhere.

"By the way...why did he fire all of his past chefs?" The chef asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

Minho sighed, "It's not that he wanted to fire them, they just got a bit unprofessional. He's had pretty bad luck with hiring staff, he only has me and ajumma who comes to clean the villa. Until now, apparently you have no idea who he is."

"Yeah, I dont really keep up with social media or the news. It's definitley helped, thats for sure." 

"Well keep doing what your doing, I think he'll love you."

Key's face turned crimson, not expecting the compliment. "Thanks, I hope so. I've been kind of nervous actually, this position can help me a lot with my portfolio." The chef didnt know why he felt like he could trust Minho, but he thinks he already found a friend in him. 

"He definitley wont get rid of you that easily." Minho smirked, thinking about how the chef might end up impressing Jonghyun far beyond his cooking skills. "He has a thing for brunettes."

Key couldnt help but blush, either Minho was flirting with him or something else was going on in that frog looking head. He chuckled a little at the resemblance between the animal and the assistant.

"What?" Minho glanced at the chef who was giggling to himself.

"Has anyone told you that you resemble a frog?"

The assistant gave Key a deadpanned look, as if this wasnt the first time he heard it. "Ha..ha...very funny. Looks like you guys will get along just fine to me." Minho rolled his eyes and laughed.

Once they got to Key's car which was parked at the door waiting for him, Key halted in his steps before opening the driver side, "Hey Minho, you can call me Key. Thats what my friends call me." He smiled at the assistant.

Minho face lit up, "Nice to meet you Key." He chuckled as he raised his hand to shake the chefs hand.

"If I dont get this position, I hope we can still be friends Choi." Key said.

"I'd love to Kim, it was really nice meeting you. I'll update you on how tonight goes. Good luck!"

"Thank you!" Key smiled, waving to Minho as he stepped into his car. The chef was glad he made a new friend, even if this job didnt work out. Plus, he had a feeling Minho and Tae might get along just fine.

Key felt like a weight was taken off his shoulders as he finally finished his first initial day, now he can relax. Driving off, Key smiled, feeling accomplished and proud, hoping to hear some good news soon. 





Let me know what you think! Thank you so much to all of you who commented and waited!!

This may be a 3 or 4 part fic, keep an eye out!!

Love ya!


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Hello friends! Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Im a flight attendant so it's a bit hard to update when I want, but i've officially brought my laptop along with me so I can continue writing. Chapter 8 will be out soon! Keep an eye out! I love & appreciate all of you so much!! ♥ xoxo ♥


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sh____ #1
Chapter 9: i really want to read new chapters!🥹 can’t wait 🩵🫶🏼
queenlove #2
Chapter 9: Ah! I feel single reading this beautiful couple.. I am just happy that all the misunderstandings are finally over. Now we get the kissy and cheesey couple instead. I love it 💓
Chapter 9: oh god i felt like interrupting intimate moments of jjong and kibum, also i love the side story of 2min, the reason why ming works with jjong.

i really got giddy every time this story is updated :3
748 streak #4
Chapter 9: This chapter was perfect, I loved all the fluff and their complete acceptance of each other. Also, I really enjoyed the backstory on how Jonghyun saved Minho in the fire. Looking forward to the next chapter.
748 streak #5
Chapter 8: No! I can’t believe I’ve already reached the end! This story is so good, I’m happy that I found it. Your plot and characterization are wonderful, and the setting is so vivid. Now that Jjong and Key are official, I can’t wait to see how their dynamic changes. It’s going to be a fun ride.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes jongkey is official now also 2min being the matchmaker i can see them giggling at jongkey being in denial oh my god
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 8: Glad it works! :) 2min are great wingmen! :) Hopefully, the next day, they are not gonna act awkward again. :P
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 8: Aw yesssss
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 7: I really wanna know what Minho and Taemin have planned for Key and Jonghyun. :P Sound like great friends. Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 7: Okay, that scene made me melt, jongkey my fluffy babies ㅠㅠ Kibum is definitely overthinking, but I can understand him. Like, yes, Jjong treats him with so much adoration/love (Idk what will be more correct in this situation, so far), but I also think it's normal for Kibum to want verbal confirmation from him. And knowing 2min, I think we can expect something soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And of course, 2min's <33 I am glad that Taemin changed his mind and now they are together ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
And please, author-nim, don't worry about anything, the part with 2min's was great. You gave us hints about them in the early chapters so it doesn't feel like something rushed, I really enjoyed it 😌
Thank you for update, I can't wait for the next chapter <333