Part V

Like Home

Part V



"Does this look okay?" Key asked for the millionth time, checking himself out in the mirror while Taemin watched in amusement. He wore tight black leather pants that hugged his thighs just right, and a black silk button up with a few buttons left undone to show off his collarbones.

"Hyung, you look ing gorgeous! For the last time, Jonghyuns not gonna care what you wear. Clearly he has the hots for you even if you wore a garbage bag. By the way, I need to borrow that outfit." Taemin retorted, chuckling at his hyung.

Key pouted, "I dont know why I feel so feels like a date for some reason." 

"Well, if you give us the signal, the guys and I will give you both some alone time." Taemin wiggled his eyebrows, teasing his best friend.

"Shut up, Tae. That better not happen, youre not leaving my sight tonight. You know how I get when I drink too much." Key sighed. He sat down next to Taemin on the bed and threw himself on his back, closing his eyes.

"Hyung, chillax! Its your birthday, stop thinking about the worst and just let loose. Ill make sure you have fun tonight, promise!" Taemin said, leaning in to squeeze Keys cheeks with both his palms making the chefs face puff up. "Aweeee, cutie pie." 

Key rolled his eyes and slapped Taemins hands away, "Alright, alright. Thanks for making me feel better, I love you." Key smiled, sitting up and hugging the younger tightly. Sometimes Taemin acted like he was the older one out of the two, it was something Key didnt know how to feel about. Little Taeminnie was growing up too fast, Key thought.

"I—cant—breath.." Taemin said, hitting Key in the back.

"Serves you right for messing with me." He let Taemin go, they both laughed. "So...what about you and Minho?"

Taemin blushed, "He said he'll meet us when we get there...Onew hyung too. Im glad he's coming out with us tonight, he deserves a little break from all the companies work."

"....And now back to Minho. I see youve been texting eachother a lot." Key smirked, now teasing the younger in return. Taemin thought he could just change focus on Onew? He can think again.

"Well...hes nice...I guess. We're friends!"

"I dont get it, clearly youre both attracted to one another. You should just make a move tonight." The chef suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

"And I dont get you. You're basically talking to yourself at this point. How can I get with my best friends, boss' assistant? What happens when we break up? Wont that make things awkward between you and Minho? What about Kim Jonghyun?" For some reason, the Taemin wouldnt stop idolizing the CEO by calling him by his full name...sasaeng fan energy was what the chef called it. 

Key rolled his eyes, "Stop calling him Kim Jonghyun. Plus, you're already thinking about a break up? You cant just treat him like all your other boy toys, Tae. Minho's a nice guy, he deserves better."

"Exactly, and thats why im not going to take it further." Taemin grumbled in annoyance.

"Okay, how about this, for my birthday present, just give it a chance with Minho. There's nothing to lose, its basically a 'win win' situation."

"And please do explain how its a 'win win' situation."

"You get to find out how it feels to be with Minho, and you wont have to listen to me rant ever again. What more do you have to lose?"

"My feelings! My sanity! Do you see how hot he is?!" Taemin exclaimed, messing up his hair in the process.

"Okay, now you need to relax, lover boy. Like you said, we're gonna have a good time tonight. Lets stop thinking about this and finish up, its almost time to leave and meet the guys." Key smiled, rubbing Taemins shoulder and fixing the youngers hair in the process. "There, still as beautiful as ever."

Taemin smiled, this was why they were best friends. No matter how much they teased and bullied one another, they appreciated and loved eachother in the end. They were family and they were glad they had eachother to lean on. But with all the advise he gave to Taemin, Key really needed to take his own.




"Key!" The chef turned, hearing his name coming from the bar. The sound of loud music blared through the speakers of the club as sweaty people danced against one another. Key decided on going to a club for his birthday, he just wanted to let loose, he didnt want to think too much. After inviting Jonghyun, he didnt think something as intimate as dinner would help the situation, especially with Onew and Taemins rambling mouths.

"Right there!" Key pointed in the direction of a familiar figure who was waving them down. Pulling Taemin along, they pushed against the sweaty bodies to get to the bar area. Once they made it there, Key was pulled into a big hug.

"Happy Birthday Kibummie! You're finally getting old with your hyung!"

"Thank you for coming Jinki hyung, I missed you so much." Key said loudly over the music, hugging the older male.

"I missed you too, Key. Im glad we get to celebrate another year together!" Onew smiled sheepishly, his eyes then landing on Taemin. "Taemin-ah! Come here kiddo!" He pulled the younger into a hug, moving their bodies side to side like children.

"Hyung, im not a kid! Im 28 now!" Taemin pouted as they both pulled away from the hug.

Onew laughed, "Oh yeah, thats right. It still feels like yesterday when you were only 17 years old. I havent seen you both in three months, let me buy the first round of drinks!" He offered, ruffling Taemins hair in the process.

Taemin and Key laughed at their hyung, he was the same old bubbly guy that they knew. Onew was Taemins english tutor back in high school, the older turned out to be one of the only people Taemin trusted throughout his young adulthood. He was also Taemins first crush. Taemin stopped causing trouble and going out when he met the older man, he only wanted to spend time with him. No matter how straight Onew was, Taemin couldnt help but fall for the male.

But as time went on, Onew had graduated university and moved to study in america, following his fathers dreams and footsteps in taking over the company. He was his fathers successor and he had no choice but to leave Teamin behind, causing the younger to go back to his old ways and stop believing in love. Key sighed, it was a hard for Taemin at that time, he would cry all night and stay in bed all day.

The chef wished he knew the younger back then, he wouldve helped protect his best friend. But overtime, Onew came back to take over his fathers business and married the love of his life that he met overseas, thats when Key met him. Witnessing Taemin's breakdown after finding out about the engagement, was something Key never wanted to see again. Taemin deserved to be happy too.

Both Onew and Taemins families were business partners; Onew's family owned the automotive infrastructure behind building fast cars, while Taemins family sold those fast cars. It was a pretty spot on partnership, meaning Onew and Taemin were worth billions.

Taemin had to be around the older a lot and it hurt him even more, but the younger always said it helped a bit with moving on. Seeing how perfect he looked with his wife, how much they loved one another, Taemin didnt want to break that, he didnt want to hurt anyone.

So Taemin did move on, he stopped waiting for his hyung to come back from each business trip. He stopped waiting for the moment to confess. It was sad yet a happy time for the younger, he was glad he was finally able to let go. However, Onew never knew till this day and that was the saddest part. Key's heart broke for young tycoon, he hoped Minho would heal that part of Taemin.

As they all drank their first drink of the night and chatted, Key could see a tall figure belonging to Minho come into view.

"Minho!" Key shouted, throwing his hand up and waving it in the direction of the assistant. Taemin immediately blushed and stood next to Onew, the older raising his brows in confusion at the youngers behaviour.

"Hey Key! Happy Birthday, thanks for inviting me!" Minho said happily, hugging the chef and handing him a gift bag.

"Awe, thanks Minho! You didnt have to get me anything!" Key smiled as they walked over to Taemin and Onew.

"Of course I did! Its no biggy!" Minho said. Stopping in front of the two awaiting friends, Key smirked at the way Taemin was blushing like a high school girl and how Minho couldnt keep his gaze off the younger.

"This is Onew! Onew meet Minho, Minho, Onew!" Key gestured to them each as they shook eachothers hands.

"Nice to meet you Onew hyung, Ive heard great things about you." Minho smiled at the older, bowing his head in respect.

"Wow Minho, youve already won me over, no need to bow too!" Onew laughed, patting the assitant on the back. "Its awesome meeting you too, thank you for looking after our Key while he's working."

Minho beamed, "No need to thank me at all hyung, its been great having Key! But most of the thanks should go to Jonghyun hyung." Minho scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he laughed.

Key narrowed his eyes at the assistant. 

"Well of course, he did hire our dear Kibummie." Onew responded.

"Yeah, but not just that. Ever since Jonghyun hyung found out about Keys birthday, he's been trying to move his day around. He came into work late this morning just so he can make breakfast for Key. He even waited so they could eat together. But since he did that, it piled up his work into the evening."

The chef stood there wide eyed, Jonghyun did that for him? Thats why he was late, he pushed back his work to make Key make him happy. Key blushed.

"Ahhh, so thats why he is running late. Key, you should treat your boss a bit better. He doesnt seem as bad as you think." Onew said, poking Key in the arm, making Minho chuckle at the exchange.

"I treat him very good, for your information. Anyways, Minho, you havent said hi to Taemin yet!" Key retorded, diverting the attention elsewhere other than the source of his wet dreams at night.

"Hey, Taemin. You look great..." Minho said, blushing as he eyed the younger.

"H-hi...Minho h-hyung..." Taemin stuttered, his face crimson yet remained unseen, the dark lit club hiding the colour on his face.

Key smirked, his eyes moving towards Onew as they made eye contact and laughed knowingly. "I'll go get drinks!" Key shouted in excitement, pulling Onew along with him by the arm and leaving the two lovebirds to themselves.

"So, it looks like Taemin likes Minho." Onew said happily.

"Yeah, no sherlock. Im trying to get them together, arent they cute?" Key said, wiggling the olders arm in excitement.

Onew laughed, "I like Minho, I can see the difference in Taemins eyes between the men he used to see, versus now."

"Exactly, Minho is perfect for him." Key smiled to himself as he waved down the bartender.

"What about you?"

Key turned towards the older, he knew where this was going but he wasnt going to make it that easy. "What about me?" He said, keeping his eyes on the bottles of liquor.

"You're always thinking about other people, yet you wont help yourself. Dont you have anyone you like right now?" Onew asked.

"No, I dont. Im focusing on my career right now, I have no time for stuff like that." Key turned back around, making sure he didnt hesistate in his answer.

"What can I get for you?" The bartender asked loudly, leaning towards the counter to hear the order over the music.

"Five tequila shots please!" Key replied, holding up five fingers in the air.

The bartender nodded and moved to pour the shots, "Whos the extra one for?" Onew asked.

"For me. Looks like im gonna need it tonight."

Onew laughed at the younger and shook his head.




Bodies were moving against one another, the music blasting as people danced and drank to the DJ's beats. Lights and lasers shooting across the club as Key closed his eyes, the remenants of the lights shining in the back of his lids. The alcohol made his head feel dizzy and his body swayed as he continued dancing to the music.

Jonghyun still hasnt arrived and the chef was slowly losing hope, the older wasnt going to come. What did he expect? For someone as high in prestige as Jonghyun, of course he wouldnt have time for someone like a measily chef, Key thought to himself. He was starting to feel too far gone, where was Taemin and his dumb promise? 

Opening his eyes, he moved to find Taemin in the crowd, eventually his eyes fell on the couple dancing together. Of course, he couldnt just interrupt them, it looked like they were in their own world. He felt like crying. He felt bad for making Jonghyun work extra late, it was his fault he stayed behind that morning to make him breakfast. A tear ran down his face, he was feeling the alcohol even more now. Closing his eyes again, Key continued to dance, trying to rid his mind of a certain someone, his body moving to the music seductively.

"You shouldnt cry on your birthday." A whisper came into his ear, the hot breath tickling his neck as a hand wiped away the tear.

Key opened his eyes suddenly. Jonghyun? The familiar voice stood too close, the youngers back pushed against the muscular body behind him, lips brushing the chef's ear as he spoke.

"" Key almost whispered, the music draining the sound of his voice. Was this a dream? Did he black out?

"I'm sorry im late." Jonghyun leaned back, their bodies seperating for a second, before being pushed against one another again by the people around them. "I hope you didnt wait long."

The younger turned his body around, he couldnt say anything other than shake his head shyly. Jonghyun looked hot, completely different than the uptight, gorgeous Jonghyun in a suit. This was laid back, y Jonghyun in ripped jeans and a leather jacket. He wasnt dreaming, he smiled.

"Do you want a drink?"

Key nodded hesitantly, he didnt know why he wasnt saying anything. Maybe it was the alcohol...maybe it was the nerves. Jonghyun grabbed his hand and held it, leading them both back to the bar area.

"Is there anything you'd like? Its on me." Jonghyun asked, his eyes not moving away from the gaze of the chef.

Key shook his head, "I'll have what you have. Thank you."

Jonghyun smiled gently as he ordered two drinks, "Are you having fun?"

The younger nodded eagerly, "T-thank you for coming. Youre probably really tired right now." Key said, his head lowering in guilt.

Jonghyun moved his hand to place his finger underneath Keys chin, raising the youngers head back up. "Im happy to be here, I wouldnt want to be anywhere else." Their eyes stayed focused on one another, not breaking contact until Jonghyun spoke again. "Now, why were you crying on your birthday?"

Key lowered his eyes, unable to move his head since it was still being held by Jonghyun. "I...I was just...feeling a lot of emotions. Im happy here."

The older smiled gently.

"Two dry martinis, up!" The bartender interrupted their conversation.

Jonghyun moved his hand away from Keys face, grabbing the drinks from the bar after paying. He handed the younger the second cocktail, their fingers brushing making them both blush and pull away. "Youre present is at home, im sorry I couldnt bring it here. But hopefully a few drinks will make up for it."

A girft? Jonghyun already gave him everything he could ever ask for, Key thought. His mind going to this mornings breakfast and the amount of times Jonghyun complimented him, when it came to the older, Key was a bit too easy to please. "Y-you didnt have to get me anything, you being here is more than enough." He took a sip, a the bitter taste making him cringe. The alcohol was making him say stuff now, Key felt like scolding himself but he couldnt bring himself to stop.

"Even though, thank you for having me." Jonghyun said, giving a dazzling smile as he made the chef feel tingly inside. He chuckled at the youngers disgusted face as Key drank the gin, "Is it too strong?"

"Its not that bad, I usually drink sweeter drinks but this is good!" Key could feel the burn going down his stomach as he sipped on his drink, he needed to control how much he was drinking. He's only had a few drinks so far, usually he'd be a gonner already so this was fine, Key thought to himself. "Come! Lets go say hi to the guys!" He grabbed Jonghyuns hand in his, slightly blushing at the contact as they moved to find the three friends.

Pushing through tons of sweaty bodies proved to be very difficult for the chef and the CEO. People were pushing them against one another as they moved, forcing Key's back onto Jonghyun'ss chest a few times. The older moved to wrap his arms around the youngers waist protectively, making Key gasp at the sudden touch.

"Sorry." The older whispered into his ear.

Key couldnt reply, he felt hot and uncomfortable in his clothing. The tight leather pants were not doing him justice as his accidentely rubbed against Jonghyun every time they moved past someone. It was driving Key a little crazy.

"Key!! Right here!" Taemins voice can be heard from the other side of the crowd, a hand waving both of them down as they made their way to the booth their friends were sitting at.

"Where have you been? We turned around and you vanished so we decided to come here." Onew explained once Key emerged in front of them, Jonghyun trailing right behind.

"Sorry guys, I was just with Jonghyun." Key gestured to the older standing next to him. 

"Nice to meet you." The CEO greeted Onew, making sure to shake his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine! Its an honour to meet the legendary Kim Jonghyun in person." Onew said, almost fanboying however keeping himself composed.

Key wanted to smack Onew. He hoped the older male would keep his mouth shut tonight, he always had the tendancy to stick his nose somewhere that it didnt belong. The chef was glad he hasnt said anything criminalizing to his friend yet, he didnt need Onew playing matchmaker.

"I apologize for arriving late. I hope you're enjoying yourselves."

"Oh no, please dont apologize. I can see how much you care for our Kibummie." Onew said, smiling happily.

"Hyung—" Key wanted to strangle his hyung.

"I know, I know. Key hates it when I call him that." Onew laughed.

"I like it. It suits you." Jonghyun said, meeting Keys eyes.

The chef blushed, making the three other friends snicker as they watched the two interract.

"You know, Key was telling me how awesome you actually are. He never stops talking about you—"

"Should we drink some more?" Key interrupted, trying to change the subject. He knew Onew would be like this, the chef wanted to roll his eyes so badly at his hyungs loud mouth. He must have figured it out the moment he saw them walk up to the booth, he forgot how much of a genius this chicken eating lover was.

The others nodded and agreed, making sure to order two bottles and a few shots in which Jonghyun eagerly paid for. As the night went on, Key started to feel even more wobbly than before, his mind feeling like it stopped functioning properly. He just wanted to dance, more specifically, with Jonghyun. The other three were too lost in their own worlds to notice their surroundings at the moment, so Key took his chance.

"Wanna dance?" Key asked, waiting for the older to nod before reaching out his hand, pulling Jonghyun behind him to the dance floor. 

Finally finding a spot between the mass of people, Key started moving his body to the music. His hips swaying to the beats as he tilted his head, sweat running down his neck. Jonghyuns gaze never leaving the figure dancing in front of him, body flush against him as people pushed them together. The olders hand slowly moved to hold the youngers waist, pulling him closer while they continued dancing against eachother. 

The alcohol gave the both of them courage to take an extra step, Keys hands lifting, palms flat against Jonghyuns chest. He could feel the older mans heartbeat, Key's own heart beating faster and faster as Jonghyuns hands moved lower and lower; dangerously getting closer to his . Key couldnt help but shiver in anticipation.

They continued to dance against one another as people around them kept pushing them closer, forcing their bodies to rub against one another. Their faces only inches away, Jonghyun lips moved, almost touching his as he spoke. "So you never stop talking about me, huh."

"It...its not always compliments you know..." Key retorted, his breathing mixing in with Jonghyuns as they spoke.

"Oh? So if its not compliments, what is it?" Jonghyuns hands moved down to his , just a subtle touch making Key whimper for something more.

"Its...the way you treat me..." The younger let out, his eyes lowering to Jonghyuns lips.

"And how do I treat you?" Jonghyun asked.

"L-like im doing everything wrong..." Key responded, almost sounding dejected as he loosened his arms from touching Jonghyuns chest. In an instant, the older pulled the younger closer to him, moving the chefs arms around his neck while he held Key closer to his body.

"Do you know why I go through so many private chefs?" 

Alcohol clouded Keys mind as he glanced at Jonghyuns eyes momentarily in confusion, then back to the olders lips, beconing him to continue.

"It was mostly because of my mother." Jonghyun said, his nose gently rubbing the youngers as he spoke. "The chefs that I would hire only ever treated her like she was nothing. Of course, no one knew who she was so they would always order her around and make them clean for her. Unfortunately sometimes I wouldnt find out until after a week or so. Now, if they knew he she was, they wouldnt have treated her like that. Unfortunately, theres not a lot of people I can trust in this industry.'re different, Kibum. Youre kind and beautiful and you stole my mothers well as mine. There's a reason why you're still here."

Key wanted to kiss him so bad. He needed to kiss Jonghyun, now. So he did. Moving his hands to pull the olders neck down, their lips met feverishly. Fitting perfectly together as their teeth clashed and their tounges tasted one another. Breathing was becoming harder and harder. Jonghyun gnawed at Keys lower lip, pulling it and snapping it back into place, taking a breath before kissing the chef deeply again.

"Ngggh.." Key moaned into the kiss, his hands moved up to grab the olders hair, pulling him in as if they werent already molded against one another. Jonghyun slowly increased the pressure of his touch, his fingers digging into the leather pants, grabbing Keys plump in both hands as their lengths rubbed. The younger looked like he was ready to be ravaged.

The kissing got more heated as Key's hands felt the olders muscular body. Moving his hands from around Jonghyuns neck, down to his chest, and lower. Continuing to grind on Jonghyun, the olders fingers slowly moved underneath the back of his leather pants, moving dangerously lower as he felt Jonghyuns finger fall in between his cheeks. "Lets go home." Key panted, pulling away from the olders lips, a string of saliva hanging between them.

The eyes that looked into his own were calling for him, calling to push the younger to his limits. Push him to the depths of no turning back.




A bit of a faster update for you guys! Ya'll deserve it after waiting for so long....hehe

They finally KISSED! But as you know, I aint giving you everything just yet. 

So continue to love this fic and be patient with me, i'll make sure I make yall proud!

Love ya!


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Hello friends! Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Im a flight attendant so it's a bit hard to update when I want, but i've officially brought my laptop along with me so I can continue writing. Chapter 8 will be out soon! Keep an eye out! I love & appreciate all of you so much!! ♥ xoxo ♥


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sh____ #1
Chapter 9: i really want to read new chapters!🥹 can’t wait 🩵🫶🏼
queenlove #2
Chapter 9: Ah! I feel single reading this beautiful couple.. I am just happy that all the misunderstandings are finally over. Now we get the kissy and cheesey couple instead. I love it 💓
Chapter 9: oh god i felt like interrupting intimate moments of jjong and kibum, also i love the side story of 2min, the reason why ming works with jjong.

i really got giddy every time this story is updated :3
740 streak #4
Chapter 9: This chapter was perfect, I loved all the fluff and their complete acceptance of each other. Also, I really enjoyed the backstory on how Jonghyun saved Minho in the fire. Looking forward to the next chapter.
740 streak #5
Chapter 8: No! I can’t believe I’ve already reached the end! This story is so good, I’m happy that I found it. Your plot and characterization are wonderful, and the setting is so vivid. Now that Jjong and Key are official, I can’t wait to see how their dynamic changes. It’s going to be a fun ride.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes jongkey is official now also 2min being the matchmaker i can see them giggling at jongkey being in denial oh my god
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 8: Glad it works! :) 2min are great wingmen! :) Hopefully, the next day, they are not gonna act awkward again. :P
nekochii00 #8
Chapter 8: Aw yesssss
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 7: I really wanna know what Minho and Taemin have planned for Key and Jonghyun. :P Sound like great friends. Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 7: Okay, that scene made me melt, jongkey my fluffy babies ㅠㅠ Kibum is definitely overthinking, but I can understand him. Like, yes, Jjong treats him with so much adoration/love (Idk what will be more correct in this situation, so far), but I also think it's normal for Kibum to want verbal confirmation from him. And knowing 2min, I think we can expect something soon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And of course, 2min's <33 I am glad that Taemin changed his mind and now they are together ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
And please, author-nim, don't worry about anything, the part with 2min's was great. You gave us hints about them in the early chapters so it doesn't feel like something rushed, I really enjoyed it 😌
Thank you for update, I can't wait for the next chapter <333