⬻Chapter VI: Again⤖

My Mysterious Boss

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Both of your eyes locked.
Something about his eyes drew you into his strong gaze. You felt your heart raced, but you didn't understand why.
Once you snapped out, you wanted to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. The fact that you grabbed onto him made the situation a little awkward.
I got to take the fall.
You released your hands that tightly gripped onto his bulky arm.
And, there. You fell flat on your bottom. You placed some pressure on your side to ease the pain, looking at the floor.
You mentally exclaimed.
Your next move was to get up, bow, and apologize for your clumsiness.

“Mr. Chairman!”
Both of you looked at the direction of the voice. You saw that it was Ms. Kim.
Omo, if she sees me here, she’s definitely going to fire me.
You thought. You quickly crawled around Ha Joon and pushed the door to the ladies’ room.
Ha Joon looked away from Ms. Kim, and his eyes trailed your move.
He thought it was quite weird; he ignored it and turned back to look at Ms. Kim.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Meanwhile, you got up and entered one of the stalls.
“Aish!!------, that was so embarrassing. How are you ever going to face the new boss?” You scolded yourself in a whisper.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Ms. Kim bowed to Ha Joon.
“Mr. Chairman, I saw you talking to someone. Where did that person go?” Ms. Kim asked, looking around Ha Joon.
“Did you need something?” He asked.
Ms. Kim straightened herself and looked back at Ha Joon.
“You wanted new badge designs. I just wanted to let you know that I will send someone later to your office.” Ms. Kim notified Ha Joon.
He nodded in approval before walking away.

Meanwhile, you waited in the bathroom. The fact that you lost your phone that night made communication with Haein difficult.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Ha Joon entered his office to be greeted by Soo Hyuk and Haein.
Soo Hyuk and Haein turned around when they heard the door open. As protocol, Haein quickly bowed.
“What are you doing here?” Ha Joon asked Soo Hyuk as he walked over to his desk. Soo Hyuk looked at the hallway as the door slowly closed.
He wondered where you had been.
Soo Hyuk turned around to look at Ha Joon, whose standing behind his desk, looking over some paper.
“I wanted to introduce you to some of your employees.” Soo Hyuk replied. Ha Joon looked up.
“This is Haein-shi. She works at the front.” Soo Hyuk introduced. Haein bowed again and smiled at Ha Joon.
Ha Joon looked at her.
“I look forward working with you, Mr. Chairman.” Haein greeted, excitedly.
"I hope you do your best." Ha Joon managed to say. He wasn't used to this type of conversation. 

Soo Hyuk looked back at the door, waiting for your entrance.
“If you guys could excuse me, I am a little busy at the moment.” Ha Joon said, inserting his right hand into the right-side pocket of his trousers. 

Haein quickly bowed and took her leave, while Soo Hyuk stood across from Ha Joon.
“That includes you too, Soo Hyuk.” 
“Don’t forget we’re still family.” Soo Hyuk said, as he was about to leave.
“Family or outsider?” Ha Joon asked, making him stop.

Soo Hyuk didn’t say anything and left Ha Joon’s office.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
They should be done by now.
You thought. You peeked your head out the bathroom. You looked left, right, and left before proceeding to head out. You quickly made your way to the elevator and frantically pressed on the 1st floor.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
“Yah, where did you go?” Haein asked, as you walked towards her.
“I went to the bathroom.”
“You missed it. -----, he’s more good-looking in person, like up close.” Haein excitedly said.
You stayed quiet. Haein noticed that you didn’t reply back to her. She looked over to you.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
You looked at her.
“Did something happen? Why were you in the bathroom so long?” She asked.
“No, nothing happened. I..uh…nothing happened.”
Haein looked back at her computer.
“Well, you missed it. I’m telling you. The new chairman is definitely an upgrade from the last one. Yah! You need to get close to Mr. Soo Hyuk.” Haein continued with her mission.
“Did you forget our mission? We need to find out who this Mr. Wi Ha Joon-ssi is. When I spoke to him, he was…very mysterious, in a way. I couldn’t quite read him.” Haein said, wondering about the encounter she had. She looked back at you.
“Soooooo, what I’m trying to say is, I have this much information about him. You can help with the rest.” Haein smiled at you. You gave her an “are you crazy” look.
“It’s your mission.”
“Help a friend out. I know you’re interested too.” Haein smiled at you.
“…no, I’m not.”
“Whatever!” Haein gave you an "oh really" smile.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
As the day went along, you two continued your daily tasks. Your tasks varied from day to day. It included checking people in, answering phone calls, and transferring calls. Somedays, you were stuck at the printer, making multiple copies of paperwork.

“------, I’m heading out for the day. Did you need a ride home?” Haein asked, as she put her coat on.
You looked over to her, as you were organizing some papers you had made copies of.
“It’s okay. You should head home first. I still have to put these files away.” 
“Are you sure? I can wait for you.” Haein offered.
“It’s okay, really. I’ll take the bus home.” 
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Be safe and text me when you get home.” She said, swinging her bag over her shoulder.
“You be careful too.” You smiled at her.
With that, Haein waved goodbye to you and made her way around the desk and to the main entrance.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

You continued organizing the papers. You released a sigh of relief when you finally finished the last pile of papers. You secured them in a binder and put them away safely in a secured room. You pushed the bin back to its place and walked out of the room.

“-------, thank God you’re still here!”
It was one of your coworkers.
“Ah, yes! Mrs. Jang, did you need something?” You asked her.
“Omo, I forgot that I have to go pick something up at the post office. They close in an hour. I don’t know if I’ll make it. Can you bring these files to the 5th floor, room one for me?” Mrs. Jang showed you the papers.
“Ah, yes! It’s no problem.” You replied, accepting the papers in her hands.
“Thank you so much!” Mrs. Jang thanked you, before running down the long hallway to the elevator.
You took a quick glanced at the files before making your way to the elevator. You pressed on the up button and waited.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Wi Ha Joon. Did he go home already?
You thought. You caught yourself thinking about him again.
Aish. So embarrassing.
You facepalmed, as you felt your cheeks flushed pink.
You walked inside the elevator and pressed on the 5th floor. You looked as the red numbers increase and the arrow going up. The elevator doors slid open and you walked out.
“Room one. Room one. Room one.” You whispered to yourself, as you looked at the different room numbers.
“Wait, room one? That’s the main meeting room.” You spoke to yourself. You quickly made your way to the meeting room.
You knocked on the door, but no one answered.

You knocked again, but still no one answered.
You slowly opened the door and peeked your head in the room.
No one?
This time, half of your body was inside the room. You looked down the long table. You saw a light over there with someone sitting at the end of the table.
So, Mrs. Jang was right.
You thought. You walked into the room and closed the door slowly.
You walked along the long meeting table with the papers in your hand.
You noticed that the person was a man. He had his head down, looking at some papers.
As you approached the man, why did he look so familiar?

“Excuse me?” You said, as you were only a few feet away from him.
You took a quick good look at the man.
You felt your heart rush and your ears flushed red.
You mentally stressed out. Your quickest reaction was to cover your face with the papers, and that’s exactly what you did.

Ha Joon looked up from his paper when he heard you.
“Can I help you?” Ha Joon asked.

You felt a sudden rush of tingles down your arm. 
“Y-you requested these files earlier. Where did you want me to set them?” You asked.

Ha Joon looked at you.
“You can actually hand it to me.” 
“Huh?” You wanted to make sure you heard it correctly. You thought of all the way to were going to take your exit.
“I can take it.” Ha Joon repeated.
“Ahh, yes.” You replied.
Before handing him the paper, you bowed down and extended your arm out to hand him the paper.
Ha Joon took the papers.
You released a sigh of relief.
“Have a good night, Mr. Chairman.” You managed to wish him.

Just as you turned around to leave the room, you were stopped by the sound of his deep voice.

“Park ------ shi.”

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♡Send love and support to our Wi Ha Joon♡

[NOTES]: Hey guys! I'm finally back! Thanks for all the love and support. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday! Wishing all of you a new year filled with love, happiness, and health!

(01.18) Shoutout to the first commenter @DolphinWorld and the first subscriber @TOPkat
♡Much love♡

This story will be avaliable on Wattpad! You can search up the title of the story "My Mysterious Boss", or you can search up my username @alwaysterius.

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 40: Ah, so that's how those two take care of that ending from the previous chapter? But what did she mean by she didn't want him to blurt it out like that to Eunwoo? I couldn't recall which incident she was referring to. Other than that, Ha Joon getting jealous of her having lunch with Soo Hyuk and then taking up on his offer to drive her home and also, when he thought she was dating Eunwoo. But did he offer to take her home and she rejected him? He was kinda salty when he said something along the line of 'you take up his offer but reject mine?'. And once again what's with this chapter's ending as well? It's illegal to leave us on a note like that. Now what's that bracelet and how does he recognise it? And what did Ha Joon do this time? Surely she can't be his ex and all, unless she was abroad as well. Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 39: Ooh... You didn't bring the twist I was expecting from the ending of the previous chapter. And talking about endings, what is even Ha Joon thinking confronting Eunwoo like that here? How is he gonna justify his reason for knowing that? Regardless, I had fun reading this chapter. Those two showing attitude to each other, then caring about each other secretly... I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 38: I'm not gonna get fooled by your ending. I'm sure he's gonna something along the line, who will spy for him and he's in need of a trustworthy partner or so. LoL... But that's a pretty good ending for the chapter. I'll give you that. You almost got me. Anyway, those two were really good this whole chapter. Like her, I'm gonna miss those two being on holiday. Since they can't be this free back home with their job hierarchy. Also, I cracked up hard when she retorted 'In this hotel room?' to his ' I'm your boss' comment XD can't wait to read more. Will be waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 37: Their vacation is getting over? So soon? Noooooo... I mean it was fun seeing them flirt and spend time together without their status or something holding them back. It was sweet and a bit funny how they ordered food for each other and then acted like they can eat all that by themselves. And will they be having a double date somewhere later in the story with Minhyuk and his girlfriend? Also, that ending though! How are they both gonna escape the guys who have come in search of him? Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 36: So Eunwoo hasn't found the box yet, right? I mean since he got interrupted by Haein while searching for it. Also, wonder why Ha Joon is keeping an eye on her as well... And definitely enjoyed reading those two's interaction in the island. I laughed out loud when she asked him if older women was his type and was going to introduce her friend to him. Oh, I totally forgot about her admitting her feelings for him, even though it was just to herself. Now when's Ha Joon gonna realise his own? Also, she gotta stop following people blindly especially when it involves secluded place and warehouses. When is she gonna learn her lesson? Anyway, thanks for the longer update. can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS New Year wishes to you as well. Wish you the best!
2034 streak #6
Chapter 35: That ending though! I mean will Ha Joon recognise whose voice it is? And does she have notes on Eunwoo too on that board? I don't seem to remember... Regardless, this chapter was a fun read, especially the interactions between her and Ha Joon. And I'm still wondering about this Minhyuk guy. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 34: LoL... You definitely got us in the last chapter! I still can't believe it wasn't the same black box that he was looking for. Wah, you fooled me completely! Anyway, coming to the chapter, I didn't know such a hotel existed in Jeju. Not that I know of all the hotels there. Nonetheless, I wasn't expecting a hotel with the name 'Ramada' in Korea but now I know, thanks to you and Google. LoL.. also, can't believe Ha Joon really killed someone in this chapter. Not sure why that came as a shock to me though. Also, that nice guy named Minhyuk, is he one of your OCs or is he one of those idols with the real name Minhyuk? I'm really curious. Also, his mother doesn't know about his girlfriend yet or is she not accepting that girlfriend for her son? And what was Ha Joon doing in Jeju though? I'm curious of that too. And the guy at the end, is it Minhyuk again? Or is he someone's else entirely? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 33: So Eunwoo now thinks she likes him? Also, Ha Joon and her had an indirect date? Those two were too cute, especially trying to deny their feelings. And she gave him the black box? That came as a surprise. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 32: At the beginning of the chapter, I was mildly confused if the order of the chapter was wrong but soon realised it was Ha Joon's perspective. Somehow, the mention of an Italian brand and all those ominous reactions and warnings from people make me wonder if it has anything to do with the Italian mafia. Also, her being conflicted with her feelings and her fear, how are things gonna resolve in that department? Also, Jung Hae In here is the actor Hae In, isn't it? Just curious... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^