⬻Chapter XXIV: Relationships⤖

My Mysterious Boss

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"Do you want to work together?" 

You furrowed your brows in puzzlement. 
He had you speechless. You couldn't think of a response quick enough for him.
What the heck is he talking about? 
You thought. 
Hajoon took a few steps towards you. 
"Let's work together," he repeated again; this time as a statement rather than a question. 
You swallowed your saliva, feeling a little nervous. 
Why am I feeling like this?
You thought as you felt your heart rate increase and the tingles in your stomach.
Stop! I need to focus. 
Once you gained composure, you straightened up and looked at him with a more playful look. 
"W-what do you mean?" You stuttered, taking a slight deep breath.
"I mean what I meant," he replied, as he stood a few steps away from you.
"Y-yah, I know what you're trying to do," you warned him. 
Did I just "yah" him?! Aish, ------! 
You mentally facepalmed.
"I meant, Mr. Hajoon-shi, I know what you're trying to do," you corrected yourself. 
Hajoon gave you a confused look as he actually didn't understand what you meant. 
"I mean, I don't know either," you awkwardly chuckled. 
"Did you forget? I am working for you. At your company. In the city," you stated the obvious, scratching the back of your head, chuckling.
"I didn't know you knew how to jok---" 
Hajoon interrupted you. 
"I'm not speaking of your position at the company as the receptionist. I meant, I want you to work for me privately and be my," Hajoon thought for the right word to describe the position, "listening ear."
You swallowed your saliva, as you tried to process what he said. 
"...what's your pay rate?" you asked, as you crossed your arms. 
Hajoon furrowed his brows in confusion. Your unexpected response shocked in him a bit. 
"W-what?" he stuttered. It would be his first. 
"That's three jobs I'm working then. Your company, the Lee's residence, and now you want me to be a personal spy." 
Maybe I underestimated her. 
Hajoon thought. 
"How much do you want?" he asked. 
Your eyes widened, in surprised. 
Is he being for real? 
"20,000 won per hour," you replied. 
"20,000 won per hour?" Hajoon asked again, as he thought you were going to be asking for millions of wons. 
You nodded, as you tried negotiating with him on a number.
"What? Is it too much?" You asked him, crossing your arms.
"No, I can do that," he replied. 
"Deal," you said, extending your hand out for a handshake in agreement. 
Hajoon looked at your hand. 
"What are you doing?" he asked. 
"I'll take your deal," you replied. 
"That's not nec---" 
You grabbed his hand, startling him.
You gave him an ear-to-ear smile, as you shook his hand. 
"Now, you can't take back what you said." 

You thought, as you stopped shaking his hand though you held onto it.
"Oh! I forgot, this has to be a weekly payment and on time," you added. 
"That's only if you give me information." 
"Ah yes, I understand what you mean," you said as you thought of other options. 
"How about 100,000 won per information I give you?" you suggested. 
Hajoon thought of your request. You saw that Hajoon was thinking deep about your proposal. 
"I'm being reasonable, Mr. Hajoon-shi. Think about it, I am literally risking my life."
She does bring a good point. 
Hajoon thought.
"Okay, I can do that then," Hajoon agreed. 
Your shook his hand a little harder.  
"Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Hajoon-shi! I promise I won't let you down," you told him, letting go of his hand. 
"Good night, for real now!" You waved.
No, Park ------. Thank YOU for the opportunity. 
Hajoon celebrated. 
With you working for him, giving him the inside information, it only made his job easier, and hopefully, a closure soon.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
The past few days, you walked into work feeling as confident and excited as ever. You were finally getting close to Hajoon, which was something you were able to check marked off from your list. 
You did find it weird that Hajoon stopped showing up to work.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
You skipped into work. 
Haein tilted her head, with slight confusion as to why you've been so happy coming in. 
"Did you hit the jackpot?" Haein asked, as you happily organized the papers in the front. 
You turned to look at her and smiled. 
"The jackpot? I think it's even better than the jackpot, Haein," you smiled to yourself. 
"Are you and Soohyuk together?" Haein asked, looking at you closely. 
"WHAT?!" You exclaimed, giving her a "are you kidding?" look. 
"So, you and Hajoon are together?" Haein suggested. 
"No, we're not! It's nothing. I promise, when the time comes, I'll let you know," you told her. 
"Of course, you will," she said, sarcastically. 
"I will! It's just not time yet," you told her. 
You looked over at Haein. 
"Did the chairman come in today?" 
"He did. Why?" 
You smiled. 
"Nothing," you replied. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
"Have you looked into the driver that attacked -----?" Hajoon asked, holding his phone over his ear as he looked out the window, looking at the city.
"We did, Boss." 
"What did you find?" 
"Nothing important. He's not connected to anyone. Just a random driver," he responded. 
"What about that other guy? Has he said anything yet?" 
"He only revealed that the person that hired him is a woman. We're working on it though, Boss." 
"Report back if you guys get anything out of him," Hajoon said. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
"Mr. Hajoon-shi!" 
You barged into Hajoon's office, startling him. 
He quickly ended the call and looked at you. 
"Why didn't you knock?" Hajoon asked, walking back to his desk. 
"Ah yes! I'm sorry about that," you apologized. 
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I wanted to say good morning to you," you smiled. 
"Is that all?" He asked, picking up a binder on his desk. 
"You know, I'm not going to pay you for being here," Hajoon said. 
"Of course not," you chuckled. 
"Is everything okay? I realized that you haven't been here at the company for a few days," you asked, out of concern. 
Hajoon looked up from the papers he was reading. 
"Everything's fine," he replied. 
You nodded, understanding him.

"Mr. Hajoon-shi, I have one question though," you began. 
"That is?" Hajoon set the binder on his desk. 
"Can I call you...Hajoon at our other job?" You asked him. 
"...I'll see about that," he replied. 
"Yes. Well, I hope you have a very good day today, Mr. Hajoon-shi," you smiled and bowed before leaving. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
You stood behind the door, smiling about your progress. 
Now, that's how you get close. Progress progressing. 
You celebrated. 
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What a weird...specimen. 
He thought, smiling. 
He caught himself smiling. He quickly reset his expression and ignored your playful remarks. 
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"------ will you be available tonight?" Haein asked as she typed onto the computer. 
You looked over at her. 
"Why?" You asked. 
"Oh, we're supposed to hang-out tonight," Haein said. 
"Tonight? With who?" you asked. 
"Yea. Eunwoo didn't tell you?" 
"Eunwoo? I haven't seen him for a whlie now."
"Maybe he forgot to tell you. Eunwoo, me, and Jeongmin will be going out tonight.I swear I told him to tell you about it," Haein said.
"I might not make it. Remember about my other job?" you upsettingly told her. 
"Ah, I forgot about that. It's okay. You can join us when you're out," Haein smiled. 
"Yes! Most definitely!" you answered, though you were thinking of other things. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
"Bring this to Mrs. Lee. She's outside in the garden," Ms. Yoo said, pushing the tray of snacks over to you. 
You grabbed the tray and made your way to the garden. 
You observed every small thing in the house as you made your way outside. 
"What are you doing?" one of the security guards said, stopping you. 
"I was told to give this," showing the tray of snacks to the guard, "to Mrs. Lee, as requested by Ms.Yoo." 
"Make it quick," he said. 
"Yes," you replied. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

You walked into the greenhouse garden to see Mrs. Lee gardening. 
She was planting a new rose bush.
She turned to look at you, when she heard your footsteps. 
"Set it there," she said, pointing at the small table that was behind her. 
"Yes, Mrs. Lee," you replied, bowing. 
You placed the tray on the table as she requested before leaving. 
"Wait," she said, getting up from her spot, setting the garden hoe down. 
You turned back to look at her. 
"I see that you've kept your distance from my son," she said. 
You didn't know how to respond back, so you stood there, looking at her. 
"Keep it that way, and we'll be on good terms," Mrs. Lee said. 
You bowed once more, before leaving the room.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
As the time approached 9PM/21:00, Mrs. Lee had come into the kitchen. 
"Have all housekeepers leave the premises in five minutes," Mrs. Lee said, then she walked out quickly. 
You looked at the other girls, confused. They didn't seem to question about the sudden order by Mrs. Lee. 
There's got to be something going on now. 
You thought.
You all grabbed your bags before leaving through the back door. 
"Goodnight guys!" one of the girls said. 
Everyone waved to each other, as you waited for them to leave first. 
"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow night!" you smiled to one of the girls, as you waved her goodbye. 
This is my chance!
You thought. 
You quickly made your way to the front, hiding behind the wall, carefully looking at each person that walked through the front door. 

Huh? Everyone except for Hajoon and his father?
You thought, hiding back behind the wall.
You looked around for more cars, but that was all. 
Soohyuk's not here either? 
You quickly searched for your phone, ready to call Hajoon. 
You scrolled up and down your contact list, looking for Hajoon's name. 
Wait, I don't have his number. 
You remembered. You threw your phone back in the bag and quickly made your way back to the back. 
Aish, why is the wall so high?
You thought. 
You had hoped that a few jumps would give you a chance to see what they were doing. 
Are they all working together? Was Mrs. Lee talking to them that night? 
Your suspicions grew. With no other options left, all you had left was to report to Hajoon what you saw. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
You got on the bus and looked out the window. 
Aish, I should have done something. I should have taken a picture or something. Will Hajoon believe me? 
You thought, slightly banging your head on the window. 
The bus stopped at the traffic light.
You looked around and saw a car pull up right next to the bus where you sat. 
Nice car.
You thought.

By chance, the driver looked right at you. 
You stuttered, whispering his name. 
Soohyuk smiled and waved at you. 
You smiled and gave him a small wave back.
Soohyuk gave you a sign to get out on the next stop. 
You pretended to not understand what he meant. 
Soohyuk let out a small chuckled. 
The bus drove, and you thanked it for it. 
You looked around for his car, and to your luck he wasn't following the bus. 
You slouched back on the seat and spoke to yourself again.

I need to talk to Hajoon. 
You thought. 
I need to figure out where he lives. 
You thanked the bus driver for the ride before getting off at your stop. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
You followed the voice to only be greeted by Soohyuk waving at you. 
Aish, Soohyuk! 
You frustratedly said in your head. 
You slighlty chuckled, waving back at him. 
Soohyuk walked towards you. 
"Where did you come from?" He asked, as he looked at the bus leave. 
"Your parents' house, actually," you replied. 
Please just let me go. 
You thought. 
"You're out early then?" He said, glancing at his watch. 
"Yes,"you tried keeping your answers short and simple to avoid any further exchange with him. 
"Did Ms. Yoo dismiss you guys?" Soohyuk questioned. 
"No, Mrs.Lee had all employees leave the premises," you told him. 
Maybe I can ask him? Would he know though? 
You thought. 
"That's unusual."
So, he doesn't know.
"You don't know what's going on at the house?" You asked him. 
Soohyuk looked at you with confusion written on his face. 
"No. Did you see anyone at the house?"
"Just a few of the family members," you said, keeping Hajoon and his father out. 
"I see," Soohyuk nodded his head as he understood what you meant. 
"What about you? Are you just going home?" Soohyuk asked. 
"Where are you going?" Soohyuk asked, "Can I give you a lift?" 
Think, -----!
Your mind blanked out.

Soohyuk looked behind you, while you looked over your shoulder. 
You smiled upon seeing Eunwoo. 
You ran over to him and gave him a big hug! 
Eunwoo was stunned by your hug. You rarely gave him hugs. Hugs were only for celebrations. 
You pulled away from the hug and gave him a huge smile 
"Hi Eunwoo!" You greeted. 
Eunwoo was in too much shocked to even reply back. 
"Did you wait long?" you asked him, signaling with your eyes from him to help you. 
"W-what?" He asked.

Soohyuk stood there, looking at you two.
"Please help me," you quickly whispered to Eunwoo before turning back to Soohyuk. 
You and Eunwoo walked towards Soohyuk. 
"I'm sure you remember Eunwoo," you said, smiling to Soohyuk. 
"Ah yes, Eunwoo-shi," Soohyuk said, extending his hand out as he greeted Eunwoo. 
Eunwoo gave Soohyuk a quick shake before retreating his hand.
"Your friend, right?" Soohyuk asked. 


"...my boyfriend."

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♡Send love and support to our Wi Ha Joon♡

(09.09) Shoutout to a lovely commenter @DolphinWorld & my @silent readers!

♡Much love♡

This story will be avaliable on Wattpad! You can search up the title of the story "My Mysterious Boss", or you can search up my username @alwaysterius.

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 40: Ah, so that's how those two take care of that ending from the previous chapter? But what did she mean by she didn't want him to blurt it out like that to Eunwoo? I couldn't recall which incident she was referring to. Other than that, Ha Joon getting jealous of her having lunch with Soo Hyuk and then taking up on his offer to drive her home and also, when he thought she was dating Eunwoo. But did he offer to take her home and she rejected him? He was kinda salty when he said something along the line of 'you take up his offer but reject mine?'. And once again what's with this chapter's ending as well? It's illegal to leave us on a note like that. Now what's that bracelet and how does he recognise it? And what did Ha Joon do this time? Surely she can't be his ex and all, unless she was abroad as well. Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 39: Ooh... You didn't bring the twist I was expecting from the ending of the previous chapter. And talking about endings, what is even Ha Joon thinking confronting Eunwoo like that here? How is he gonna justify his reason for knowing that? Regardless, I had fun reading this chapter. Those two showing attitude to each other, then caring about each other secretly... I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 38: I'm not gonna get fooled by your ending. I'm sure he's gonna something along the line, who will spy for him and he's in need of a trustworthy partner or so. LoL... But that's a pretty good ending for the chapter. I'll give you that. You almost got me. Anyway, those two were really good this whole chapter. Like her, I'm gonna miss those two being on holiday. Since they can't be this free back home with their job hierarchy. Also, I cracked up hard when she retorted 'In this hotel room?' to his ' I'm your boss' comment XD can't wait to read more. Will be waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 37: Their vacation is getting over? So soon? Noooooo... I mean it was fun seeing them flirt and spend time together without their status or something holding them back. It was sweet and a bit funny how they ordered food for each other and then acted like they can eat all that by themselves. And will they be having a double date somewhere later in the story with Minhyuk and his girlfriend? Also, that ending though! How are they both gonna escape the guys who have come in search of him? Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 36: So Eunwoo hasn't found the box yet, right? I mean since he got interrupted by Haein while searching for it. Also, wonder why Ha Joon is keeping an eye on her as well... And definitely enjoyed reading those two's interaction in the island. I laughed out loud when she asked him if older women was his type and was going to introduce her friend to him. Oh, I totally forgot about her admitting her feelings for him, even though it was just to herself. Now when's Ha Joon gonna realise his own? Also, she gotta stop following people blindly especially when it involves secluded place and warehouses. When is she gonna learn her lesson? Anyway, thanks for the longer update. can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS New Year wishes to you as well. Wish you the best!
2034 streak #6
Chapter 35: That ending though! I mean will Ha Joon recognise whose voice it is? And does she have notes on Eunwoo too on that board? I don't seem to remember... Regardless, this chapter was a fun read, especially the interactions between her and Ha Joon. And I'm still wondering about this Minhyuk guy. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 34: LoL... You definitely got us in the last chapter! I still can't believe it wasn't the same black box that he was looking for. Wah, you fooled me completely! Anyway, coming to the chapter, I didn't know such a hotel existed in Jeju. Not that I know of all the hotels there. Nonetheless, I wasn't expecting a hotel with the name 'Ramada' in Korea but now I know, thanks to you and Google. LoL.. also, can't believe Ha Joon really killed someone in this chapter. Not sure why that came as a shock to me though. Also, that nice guy named Minhyuk, is he one of your OCs or is he one of those idols with the real name Minhyuk? I'm really curious. Also, his mother doesn't know about his girlfriend yet or is she not accepting that girlfriend for her son? And what was Ha Joon doing in Jeju though? I'm curious of that too. And the guy at the end, is it Minhyuk again? Or is he someone's else entirely? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 33: So Eunwoo now thinks she likes him? Also, Ha Joon and her had an indirect date? Those two were too cute, especially trying to deny their feelings. And she gave him the black box? That came as a surprise. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 32: At the beginning of the chapter, I was mildly confused if the order of the chapter was wrong but soon realised it was Ha Joon's perspective. Somehow, the mention of an Italian brand and all those ominous reactions and warnings from people make me wonder if it has anything to do with the Italian mafia. Also, her being conflicted with her feelings and her fear, how are things gonna resolve in that department? Also, Jung Hae In here is the actor Hae In, isn't it? Just curious... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^