Part Eight 🍁

The Dark Hooded Thief
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Part Eight



14 years ago


Byun Baekhyun was a cute boy. He was a special and unique baby because he was born with white blonde hair. Regardless of his unusual hair colour, his mother loved and adored him very much but unfortunately death took her away from her son at the age of five. The boy was heartbroken even though he didn't understand it fully. He wanted his mother but she was gone and he couldn't do anything about it. 

His mother brought them to his father which Baekhyun learned that the man is a king. The young Baekhyun didn't understand life yet but what he knew that he stayed in a very huge house called a palace with a lot of people around them. He also learned that his father has another wife which they have a son together. That wife is his stepmother and the son is the same age as him. 

That boy was named Byun Daehyun and they were told they are twins when in fact they are not. Born several hours apart made the King decided to claim them as twins to the public. However, the boys learned about the truth when they got older, when they got suspicious on having different mothers.  

Baekhyun was a bright kid. A quiet and shy one but regardless, he learned how to talk, to walk, to read faster, to find and learn his powers faster than Daehyun. He was proud of himself, his mother was very proud of him but he grew envy of Daehyun because of the boy, he rarely spent time with his father. Because of this, he was very close to his mother and the both of them are inseparable, often spent their time together in their quarters in the palace. Even though he isn't close with his father but he was contented to be around his mother. He was happy and he loved his mother very much. So, when his mother died, it brought an impact on Baekhyun.

The boy was devasted. He turned into a quiet kid, more so than before. Even after two years of the death of his mother, he was moody, so full of grief and anger. He yearned for his mother because she was the only one who was close to him, who put effort to be with him and show how she loved him. He didn't like how everybody else inside the palace treated him differently compared to the other boy, Byun Daehyun.

He initially like Daehyun, when they were still young kids. They had played together several times but when time passed, everything changed. The more the years passed and the older he got, he developed so much anger and jealousy towards the boys. He felt so unfair that his father always chose Daehyun over him when he is also his son. No matter how hard he tried to impress his father, how hard he studied and learned to be better, Daehyun would always received the spotlight and affection from their father. It was like he was invisible.

While Daehyun had opportunities to go outside to the village and the town, he had to stay indoors. Literally, he had to be invisible to the villagers and the people outside. He didn't have permission to go out on his own. He was confused on why his life turned out like that but he didn't want to make his father angry. So, he kept it to himself and tried to find the smallest bit of happiness he can get. The times when he was able to go out was when they had their days off ventured to the forest. Mostly to train their powers and to explore the nature.

The often trips to the forests were proposed by Daehyun. The boy wanted to see the nature the Kingdom has to offer and the King granted that, pleased of the way Daehyun was thinking. Even though Baekhyun was annoyed by that, he didn't complained because he also love to see the outside world. If he cannot see and surround himself with the village people then he was at least contented to see the greenery of the Kingdom he resided in. 

The boys often go to the forest with the palace guards and sometimes their father would be present to observe their training. Unlike Daehyun who has the power of water, the same ability of their father's, Baekhyun has the power of the darkness element. One of the very rare abilities one could have. He aren't in the five main common elements existed in their world; water, fire, air, earth and spiritual.

"Is that all you can do? You need to train harder" Was what Baekhyun always had been told by his father. Unlike how Baekhyun was the one who had discovered his power first than Daehyun but Daehyun was leading in terms of their trainings. In short words, he was weak compared to his claimed twin and he hated that. He hated being called weak. 

Other than that, even though Baekhyun has the least amount of time with his father between the two boys but his father still taught him about the world and the Kingdom whenever the boy was with him. He was exposed to the idea of the throne, the responsibilities and the duties of a prince and the king. 

Least to say, the older he got, the young Baekhyun was thrilled and anticipating his time as king. According to what he had studied, the first offspring of the royal King will be the heir to the throne. By rights he was the heir because he was born first, hours before Daehyun was brought into the world. 

However, his hopes didn't go as he thought. Daehyun got the part. Their father had indirectly and directly place the title of the next King, the crown prince of the Kingdom, to Daehyun. 

"Father, this is not right!" Young 14 years old Baekhyun shouted at his father during a night where his father visited him in his quarters. That night Baekhyun was curious and excited to hear more about the roles of a king but his father had threw the bomb to him. Telling him that he will give his place to Daehyun and not to Baekhyun. "I should be the one to take your place! Not that Daehyun! Father, I'm your firstborn!! I should be the one to lead not him!" The boy was shouting and angry and that night he received the first slap to the face from none other his father. 

"I didn't raised my son to be rude" His father said. He didn't raised his voice but the tone was commanding and hard enough to scare the boy. "I am your father boy, you should know who you raised your voice to. Know your place boy" 

Baekhyun stayed quiet where he sat, eyes looking down at the ground.

"Is this how you will act as king? Are you even fit to be a king, son? With your behaviour, you aren't made to rule. A king is more than just to rule son, he needs to set a good example and behaviour. What you are showing me right now only made me believed that Daehyun is the right choice to lead our Kingdom" 

The boy remained silent. He felt the anger bubbling inside him.

"I'm sorry if you were dreaming to take my place but Daehyun is the crown prince, not you Baekhyun. His mother is my first wife--"

"But I was born first--"

"Daehyun was supposed to born before you Baekhyun" His father continued, giving the boy a scolding for him to dare to cut his words. "Daehyun was a few days late from his supposed date. Yes, I can understand how unfair you might feel because you were the first to born but I'm sorry son but your mother isn't the Queen. By royal rights, Daehyun is the heir because his mother is my Queen" 

Baekhyun glared at his father. "My mother was your wife" he remarked under his breath but the King still heard him. "Even if she is not here anymore, she is also your Queen" 

The King stared at him, watching the poor boy glaring at him. His father continued to stare at him until he dropped another bomb to the boy. "She was never my queen. We weren't exactly married, Baekhyun" 

Baekhyun blinked his eyes, slowly growing confused. "What?" 

"Your mother and I...we didn't get married. I loved your mother, I really did Baekhyun. She was a nice and kind woman but we didn't have any official ties with each other" The King told him and he sighed. "You are too young to hear this and I shouldn't even tell you but maybe you need to know this. I need to tell you the truth"

"What truth" The boy frowned, though, he felt scared what he was about to hear.

"Baekhyun, you are my son that I didn't meant to make" 

Baekhyun felt something twisting and pulling his stomach as he stared in shock at his father. 

"I did terrible things in the past and I've repented my mistakes. I am aware and know the wrongs that I made. It also took me a long while to receive Daehyun mother's forgiveness because of what I did but eventually she forgive me" His father told him. "I felt guilty that I had made your mother pregnant so when she brought you here, I didn't hesitant to take you two in. Your mother had no one else to go to so I took care the both of you, letting you and your mother into this family"

Baekhyun was on the verge of exploding, from frustration and tears. The King tried to get close to Baekhyun but he moved away, staring in disbelief at the King he called his father.

"Baekhyun, no matter if I marry your mother or not you are still my son. I love you and Daehyun. I love you equally"    

Those words, those revelation that night that Baekhyun heard from his father had took a life turn on him. He had viewed his father differently and grew more angry to everything he laid eyes on. Especially Daehyun and his father.

I love you both equally, Baekhyun scoffed at those words. Was it equal? It sure not to him. After that night, he tried to repeat the words he heard and wanted to understand them because at some parts he didn't truly understand. Eventually, he finally knew what was happening and the truth. 

His mother was only a secret mistress that was brought into the palace and he was a mistake. He shouldn't exist. 

The truth made him sad and angry. 

Baekhyun caged himself up in his quarter, wanting to be alone and hope to die. He felt so depressed and lonely and at the moment he was craving for his mother's love. He missed her hugs, her kisses, her reassurance but most importantly he missed her. His father told he loves Baekhyun but the man never hug or give him a kiss. Had his father even show him that he love him? It was all bull and Baekhyun felt so unwanted. 

However, Baekhyun's plan to die went to the drain when Daehyun was so persistent to bring him up. The boy confessed that he had heard the conversation between him and his father. He felt sorry. Baekhyun was too broody and ill tempered to give a reaction or to give a care. Though, Daehyun was trying his hardest to make Baekhyun smile. His behaviour and attitute irked Baekhyun, though he kept it quiet. 

Baekhyun truly despised Daehyun. He should have what Daehyun have. A mother and a father and the throne. Because of Daehyun his father didn't spent time with him and always stole the man away from him. Because of him, his father never truly see what he is and had always been compared. Because of him, he didn't received the attention and love from a father. Because of him, he didn't get the title of the crown prince. And because of him, he felt very miserable and lonely. 

His anger had blinded the young boy. The anger made him seek for revenge and he accidentally or unconsciously had fell upon a book about a mythical wishing power stone when he was having a meltdown during his study session in the private palace library. He read about the pearl, known as The Black Pearl, until he grew very interested on it and wanted to seek it. 

For everytime he got the chance to go to the forests, he didn't waste time on exploring and searching for that pearl even when he knew the chances a very very slim. The possibility to find that pearl was almost none. It was his luck (or bad luck) that he managed to stumble upon it when he had a fight with Daehyun. Baekhyun still remembers that day, that day when his life had changed even worse. 

"Baekhyun stops--"

"Can you just shut up! I am sick of you constantly getting into my space! Just shut up and leave me alone!" 

"You're not supposed to wonder around like this, Baekhyun! You've been like this for a whole month, what are you even searching for?! The forest is dangerous, we shouldn't be around in the forest alone. Baekhyun let's go back, father won't like this" 

Baekhyun scoffed and resumed to walk away. The other boy followed him again. "You and you oh-so-righteous self, always being the good boy. Always got father's attention" he murmured, mocking Daehyun. "That old man loves you more than me"

"Father loves us the same Baekhyun, he's our father--"

"SHUT UP!" Baekhyun burst, turning around in a fit. He glared at the boy. "Do you even know what you are talking about? You don't Dae...You don't know how it feels like to be me" he let it out, looking sad but angry at his life. "I lost my mother who I love so much and I am left with a father who is too busy to care about me. Too busy spending his time with his legal heir and dumped me to the side all alone. The maids and the cooks don't even treat me like you, do you know that? They don't even like me just because my mother WAS THE KING'S ING MISTRESS" 

Daehyun gasped when Baekhyun had cursed. "Baekhy--"

"You were always in front and I always had to be behind you. Do you know how painful and frustrated it is to be constantly compared to you?" Baekhyun stepped closer and looked down, being dominant in front of Daehyun. He glared. "You think you're so much better than me? I am strong too, I am not weak" 

"I never thought of you as weak Baek, you're stronger than me"

Baekhyun scoffed, "Oh yeah? But father never thought of that about me. I'm always behind and weak in his eyes. Are you really being honest or are you only trying to kiss my " 

Daehyun's eyes widened at the curt words Baekhyun used.

" are always there, blocking me. People only see you, people always ignored me. You're always there and ruining my life!" Baekhyun turned around and walked away, so fast that Daehyun was left behind and struggling to find the boy back. Baekhyun wandered more until he found the waterfall he visited several times in the past. The sound of the water didn't calm him down and he continued to frown and glare at whatever he saw. He felt so weak at that moment. He can't even fight Daehyun properly because his power was weak compared to Daehyun and he wasn't confidence enough to take him down. His heart is squeezing painfully, he felt so angry but so desperate and sad. Baekhyun was not even sure what he wanted. He only felt so mad, anger filled his body and he wanted to show people that he can be as good and strong as Daehyun. 

Baekhyun was out of his mind when he suddenly dived straight into the water. He thought of drowning himself but he couldn't go all out. He swam back up and when he tried to go it again, at that moment, he saw a weird black light glowing underneath his feet. It was at the base of the waterfall. Baekhyun was so curious and got pulled in like a trance, that he swam all the way down to it. 

His eyes gravitated towards it and he felt his body moving closer until he has the light in his hand. It was a small black shiny stone that shaped like a pearl. The Black Pearl....those words came out inside his head as he stared with fascination at it. A vocie was confidently telling inside his head that it was the pearl and telling him to use it. It was glowing and pulsing and Baekhyun felt his heart was beating the same rythmic as it.

He was so focus on the pearl that he didn't realized he had been under the water for so long. He belatedly realized how he had been breathing underwater. When he went back up, he still kept looking at the glowing stone. Daehyun was already there, had heard the sound of water splashing and guessed it was Baekhyun. He was right and turned confused when he saw the stone that Baekhyun was holding. "What is that you're holding?" 

"It's the black pearl" 

"The black pearl...?--That myth stone?" Daehyun eyes widened. "Baekhyun, I think you have to let it go. It's dangerous!," 

Baekhyun glared at him

",I read somewhere the black pearl is bad! We shouldn't be near it. It's dangerous, Baekhyun, just put it back where you found it--"

"You're just jealous that I found it"

Daehyun blinked, dumbfounded but still shook his head. "I'm not jealous, Baekh--Yah, y-your hand!"

It was too late when Daehyun tried to warn him. Due to how strong and very deeply emotionally unstable Baekhyun was on the inside, he didn't even need to voice out what he wanted. His emotions were too strong projecting his wish to the pearl. To be powerful and the best so that he would be able to get rid of Daehyun and show anyone that he was not weak. 

It happened so fast that Daehyun couldn't even do anything when a big blast exploded. The impact was so big and strong that the nearby trees got bend or broken in half. Daehyun was pushed towards a tree and somewhere in the distance there were frantic voices calling out for the boys. 

During what happened, Baekhyun stood there unaffected. He was breathing normally, smiling sinisterly at Daehyun that the man was visibly shivering. "B-Baek your h-hair--your e-eyes--"

Baekhyun's white hair had turned black along with his eyes. He tilted his head, taking in a deep breath before he chuckled. "God....I feel amazing....I feel powerful" He voiced it out with overwhelmed fascination as he stared at his hands. There were black fumes and whisps coming out of them. The pearl-like-stone was gone from his hand but he felt it inside him, fuelling him with great power. "I never felt so ing powerful" 


The said boy raised his head to the caller and when he saw the person. "Father" 

"What are you doing?! What have you done!!" 

"I got what I want, father. I want to be powerful so that no one can underestimate me again, especially you father. I am not weak anymore and neither was I before!" Baekhyun shouted out and glared at all the guards that had came and surrounded the King and Daehyun. Making a protection wall from him. He scoffed. He also saw his father was asking Daehyun what happened and he heard "the black pearl" from the boy's mouth. "I had been searching for the black pearl, father. I read it can grant any wish and I wished to be strong and powerful" 

"Son, you have no idea what you've done. Have you look at yourself?! Your eyes and hair are black! Baekhyun throw away the stone and come back here" 

The young boy scoffed, "As if" He said and afterwards clouds of smoke came out of him and started attacking everyone. A fight occured and everyone tried to get near and attacked Baekhyun but they couldn't. Baekhyun was powerful and he felt it. He felt that surge of energy beyond what he ever felt before inside him and he felt so thrilled he looked insane. 

"You like that Daehyun?!" He laughed when he threw Daehyun again with the smoke and almost choked the boy before a guard came saved him, pushed him away and sacrificed himself when the smoke came right at him. Baekhyun shot another to Daehyun and the boy deflected it with his power. Making a shield of water around him. "Your water is no match Dae! You're now weak! How does it feel now?!" 

Baekhyun laughed again when the water burst and the smoke tangled around Daehyun's limbs. 

The King was shouting at Baekhyun, tried to get to Daehyun but he was busy fighting off the rest of the clouds of smoke that seemed to have a mind of its own. The man felt his head was corrupted and played by them and numerous branches was trying to get hold of his legs and arms. 

"Baekhyun snap out of it!! He's your brother!!" 

Baekhyun didn't hear his father and continued choking and crushing Daehyun's bones slowly. Screams of pain from Daehyun was a bliss to his ears at the moment. "No more you, no more people comparing me to you, Daehyun. Everyone always adore you while I was left in your shadows! Now look at you..." he chuckled. "You literally in my sad" 


"ENOUGH!!" Baekhyun barked at his father. He turned towards the man. "Can't you for once look at me father?! I am your son but it was always Daehyun, Daehyun and Daehyun!! You always chose him over me!" He cried it out and unknowingly to him his body was trembling. "Am I never good enough for you to ing see me?!!" He yelled and swing a whip shaped smoke at his father who had dodged it and moved away before the man could get slash. 

The boy continued to attack his father and up par with the old man. Baekhyun haven't r

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[TDHT] I couldn't finish the story this week 😅🙏 Sorry...


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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: They friendship is so sweet. I’m glad that Baekhyun understands that Junhee and Kyungsoo are more like siblings. I doubt if Jongdae is Junhee’s boyfriend, he won’t be jealous of the closeness of Junhee and Kyungsoo. So it’s very fortunate that Junhee has Kyungsoo as her best friend and Baekhyun as her boyfriend. I hope Baekhyun can adjust well in society. I’m sure that Mr. and Mrs. Do are nice people.
Thank you for this update..! It was nice to read the heart-to-heart talk between Junhee and Kyungsoo.
Chapter 14: I logged in to see if the story had been updated and look what I saw! 😭 I'm sooooo happy. I will read it as soon as I am free. 🥺
byunieee #3
Chapter 14: Nooo, dont feel bad, cause you have a life too i'm already thankfull that you continue this story
What baekhyun see in the alley ??? Kyungsoo is just a dependable brother to junhee
750 streak #4
Chapter 14: I really enjoyed the quality time between Junhee and Kyungsoo, they have such a sweet friendship. Thank you for the update, looking forward to the ball.
Chapter 14: I love junhee and kyungsoo's friendship.. we all need kyungsoo in our life!!
Chapter 14: Kyungxjun moment is so cute🤭
Nlnz2016 #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating. Missed your story.
byunieee #8
Chapter 13: Finally the curse of the black pearl is gone, baek is happy with junhee, and they are bonded too, junhee friend too slowly accept and give baekhyun a company, i wonder what will happen at the ball, thank you for updating
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 13: Aww… they were sweet. Or in Sehun or Kyungsoo’s words, ‘disgustingly sweet’ to each other. Hahahahah. It’s nice that Baekhyun and Junhee were able to have a normal date. I guess this was their first unofficial date?
They were so cute though. I’m curious if Daehyun will recognized Baekhyun at the ball.
Thank you for this update..!
750 streak #10
Chapter 13: This was such a sweet chapter, and it’s good to see them both so happy. Kyungsoo is happy as well, even though he would never admit it.😂 I can’t wait for the ball, something tells me there will be a lot of surprises. Thank you for the update.