Part Six 🍁

The Dark Hooded Thief
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Part Six



Both of them slept until the sun rises from the horizon. The sun shines down into the gap hole of the cave and illuminates the area where the house at, along with the surrounding garden that seems to be moving and awake for the new day. All are awake except for these two people in the house, sleeping soundly in the dark house. 

These two people sleep on the couch, wrapped their arms around each other and leaving very little space between them. Time passed and the sun now had risen up high in the sky, indicating the arrival of the afternoon. Hyun is the first to wake up. His eyes opened half liddedly, looking around groggily with a huge yawns escaping from his mouth. He tries to move but the weight on him makes him freeze and he finally remembers the additional body that had fell asleep together with him. He stares down as he looks at her and the memories from last night come pouring in his mind.

Last night they went to the academy where he wanted to find the claimed weapon he read but he didn't find it. He instead found those types of books Junhee seemed to be excited when she saw them and he assumed one of those books must be that book that she had read. The book she was searching for at his request. Without putting much thoughts into it and they had no time, he randomly took several of them and dumped into his satchel which it stayed laid somewhere here on the floor he had placed down last night. 

Then he remembers the fight.

An unexpected fight that he didn't want it to happen. He wanted to leave quietly but her friends suddenly appeared in their situation. One of them said something about had sense her magic and he knew and located Junhee perfectly at the rescricted section. I think it was that Kyungsoo guy, Hyun thought in his head. He also heard them arguing about opening the door because apparently it was locked. 

He was right. The door was locked before somehow Junhee managed to open it. 

Speaking about her, Hyun continues to stare at the girl. The girl is sleeping peacefully. Somewhere during the night, Junhee had changed her position and uses his arm as her pillow. Her head is lying on his arm and he feels strange to have a girl sleeping with him like this. He feels nervous but at the same time he can't help feeling giddy and happy. 

Living in solitude for years has made Hyun very closed off and hate being around people. He doesn't meet a lot of them, especially women. People don't like him. To them he is scary, strange and powerful; people would judge and hate him without getting to see the other side of him. They would run away from him; terrified of his powers. Hyun also won't trust himself to be around people.

He is what the towns people fear of. The creature that lives in this forest. He owns the title The killer or The monster through the years. Though, some may know about him and some may not know about him. Most people who knew his existence comes from the older generation while the younger ones might or might not know he exists. 

He doesn't know whether Junhee already know about him or not. Her reaction and how she is being around him made him very confused and frustrated. She is so open, so friendly and kind that he wanted to pull his hair out. Why would she treats him like that? Treated him like a friend? 

He kidnapped her but she was so calm and positive about it. She acted like she was not in trouble even though he literally treatened her multiple times about killing her. No amount of glares, sneers, scoffs and being rough to her can change how she is being with him. 

She frustrated him but with her actions, she also moved him. His tough exterior is crumbling. 

He would be lying to himself if he denies the developed feelings he has for her. He couldn't lie even if he wanted to. His actions speak louder than his words. He had turned gentle, kinder to her and he is sure she sensed the changed in him.

Hyun wanted to burst whenever she looked at him. The way she looked at him made him waver and he just wants to hug and kiss her every time. The man keeps a shy smile to himself as he lays there close to her, remembering the kiss the two of them had last night. The way she sat on him, the way he rounded his arms around her and pulling her close to him. The way he deepend the kiss and the way she was running her pretty hands in his hair.

God...he felt estatic, so odd yet so nice. 

He loves her lips, the way they taste and he has to push down the urge to lean down and place kisses on her soft lips while she is sleeping now. He had never felt this way. This is a first for him. His heart is pumping fast the longer he thinks about her. 

But....there is also that feeling that creeps inside him and reminding him of who he is and what he is. 

His smile turned down and once again he shuts his eyes, trying to push that bad energy down. It's killing him, ruining him and his life. How would he live like this? How would he be able to be with her? Or if she even wants to be with the likes of him....

He purses his lips when his mind playing with him again. Planting and sprouting images of her crying and angry with him and high chance of leaving him. He doesn't want her to leave him but what future she could have with him? There is none...

She better off with her friends, especially with that Kyungsoo guy. Hyun remembered how the man had pulled Junhee out from the debris of the falling broken shelves in the library. The man looked so worried, so panicked and caring towards Junhee and he saw the way the man had hugged her. 

Hyun felt something crack inside him when he saw that. He thought he would lose Junhee and he had giving up for some amount of time before he saw Junhee ran up to him. He would be lying if he say he wasn't happy when she went back to him. How she threw herself to him and his arms had naturally reaching out to catch her. His heart pulsated fast at the time, almost the same as on right now, having the girl still in his hold. 

He wanted to be confident and say she is feeling the same way as him, that she is returning his feelings, but there is that part in his head that stops him from manifesting the hopes to be with her. 


At her sudden voice, Hyun opened his eyes in shock. He stares at her eyes as she stares back. He was too deep in his thoughts that he didn't noticed she moved in his arms and now lay her head on the same level as he is. Letting them see each other clearly without needing to raise or lower their heads.

Her eyes look sad and worry and he wonders why is she looking at him like that when he suddenly feel her fingers raise to his face. He made a slight jerk when her thumb touch his cheek and made a wiping motion. It was at that moment he realized he is crying. "Why are you crying Hyun?" 

His pupils move, panicking over the worry she is showing him. What should he answer? Should he tell the truth? Tell her that he maybe make a mistake in being this close to her? Tell her he is not the right guy to be with her? Tell her what happened to him? Or should he--

He shakes his head and wipes the tears on his own as he gently pushes her hand away. "I'm not. Something just got in my eyes...I'm fine" he said and Junhee merely stares back at him. It would be lie to herself if she did not feel any disappointment when he rejected her hand and still keeping his problem to himself. She understands his difficulty to share them to her. She does not want to push him but deep down she really wants him to be open with her. If he does, then it means it is one step closer to him. A bit shyly, she really does want to be closer to him. 

She nods at his reply, giving a smile that didn't reach her eyes but sincere enough to let him know that she understands him. "Ok Hyun" 

Hyun stays quiet at the words, somehow he can read passed her smile. They continue to stare at each other wordlessly before Junhee moves and wrap her arms around him. 

If he was the person before he would get stiff by this intimate contact but after all the physical contacts the two of them had, after they had slept in the same place together, his body almost automatically respond to it. Junhee lays her face on his collarbone and he rests his chin on top of her head. He places his arm around her back while the other at the back of her head. 

"You feel warm Hyun" 

The man goes confuse at the girl's words. A bit ridiculed as well. 

"Warm? Are you kidding me? I'm not warm, I'm cold" he answered and he is sure he can feel smiling on his skin. She also nods. "I know. I know how cold your skin was" she said, remembering all those touches she had previously and always noticed how cold his skin temperature was. "But you're getting warmer Hyun"

He blinks, "You're...lying?" 

She shakes her head, "I'm not" 

He now slowly moves back to see her face. She looks surprise too at his action. "I'm...warm?" He asked, looking very confuse that Junhee ended up smiling. She nods again. "Really? Warm like you can feel my heat?" He asked again and she nods again. 

"Maybe not as warm as my temperature but I can feel some heat radiating off your body" 

He grows shock at that and suddenly starts to tap himself to feel it. He touches his neck and the skin below it to feel the heat. He did, albeilt not as noticeable as Junhee. He also went to touch her skin to feel the differences; not realizing that he touched the skin on her neck and collarbone. At the angle of the way his palm is touching, he almost touch her chest. His action makes Junhee blink her eyes and her cheeks going pink at the contact. Hyun belatedly realizes that and quickly takes away his hand with his eyes wide and ears turning red.


Junhee stares at anywhere beside his eyes. "No no w-worries, I don't mind" she replied quickly and realized late of her last words. She makes eye contact with Hyun and her cheeks keep growing redder. 

"You don't mind?" Hyun's mouth moves on its own, surprised by her words. His heart is speeding and he doesn't know how to slow it down. He continues to look at her and noticing how red she is right now. "Really?" He can sense the corner of his lips slowly tugging upwards. He teases her by touching her again, gently and slowly touching her skin around her neck and going downwards around her collarbone. 

Junhee just wants to explode right now. What on Earth is he doing?! She screams inside her head as she lets him. She didn't push his hand away and she hates to admit she actually likes the way he is touching her. Unconsciously she lets out a blissfull sigh and it threw Hyun off. His hand stop and they ended up looking at each other. Without him realizing, his hand stopped near her chest, nearing the slope of her soft looking mountains. Both of them simultaneously gulped and suddenly there is tension between them. 

"You have nice skin" Hyun commented, breaking the silence. 

Junhee gulps, "T-Thanks" 

"Your heartbeat is moving so fast" The man added more, also surprised he can feel the fast thump of her chest at the place where his hand is. Junhee gulps again and shrugs, trying to play it cool.

"I won't be surprise. Your hand is still touching me" 

"Your skin is soft too" Hyun replies then and swallows as well. Junhee wonder what Hyun is thinking and what is going to happen. The tension is wrecking her and her patience. "Are you...not going to remove my hand?" He wondered out loud, a bit surprise she still lets his hand on her, especially on that area. 

She blinks, "Why would I remove it?" She finds herself saying that. 

Her words make him gulp again. "This is inappropriate, isn't it?" He said, feeling nervous on this situation. He even is surprise at himself for not pulling his hand away. His pupils moving from her face to his hand, looking at his palm on the her skin and naturally would stare at her chest area. He gulps again, his pulse quickening. 

This is different from last night. Last night he knew he shouldn't crossed the line and his tiredness may have blocked his desire. But this is a new day, his tired is gone and his body just woke up from the long sleep. 

"Is it?" Junhee questions back his question. She sounded a bit teasingly and she is aware of where his eyes are looking. She doesn't know where this braveness came from. "If it's inappropriate then why're you still not lifting your hand?" 

He raises his eyes back up again, them landing on her lips instead. He unknowingly leans in slowly and Junhee brace herself, fluttering her eyelids and waits for it but it didn't. Because he stopped. Their lips almost fully in contact when he leaned back and confuses Junhee. 

Inside Hyun's mind, there is that voice, appearing and reminding him of his fate. He grows stiff and purses his lips, trying to mentally block it. 

"Hyun...?" Junhee calls out his name softly and managed to snap him out. He got pulled out from his thoughts by her voice and at the moment he wish it would always be like that. He doesn't want to hear that creeping voice inside his head. He doesn't want to be reminded of how unlucky his fate is. 

He continues to stay silent, merely looking at her and pushing down the urge to make her his. He wants to be with her, he wants to be like everyone else, he wants to be free. The only solution he has is require him to take her power and the way to take it is to--

Forget it

He shakes his head, pushing down that thought. It only makes his brain and chest hurt. 


He heard her again, watching her lips moved and calling his name. He sighs, pursing his lips before he gives her a small smile. Let's not think about that, is what he said to himself before he opens his mouth to ask her, "Are you hungry?" 

The girl blinks her eyes, taken aback by the question.

"Are you hungry?" He repeated, "I'll make us food. I'm sure you are starving, we haven't eaten since yesterday" 

Junhee merely watches him for a few seconds, contemplating whether to answer that question or not. She didn't managed to respond before he moves from their lying position, bringing her along with him. The both of them sit up from the couch. A bit reluctant, Hyun's hand goes to brush her hair and untangle the curls made from her sleep. She just watches him, too stunned to say anything. 

"Pretty" he compliments her with a smile when he was done. Her heart soared when she heard that. It didn't make it better on the way he was looking at her. "You can continue resting. I'll just be cooking in the kitchen" he stated and gets out of the couch. Before he could walk away, Junhee had reached out to grab his hand. Hyun halts and turns around, surprised. 

"C-Can I help you?" She asked, rather timidly. Her other hand is fiddling with her dress, seemingly nervous and shy talking to him. Hyun feels his heart racing again and even though his mind is saying no, he nods his head and tightens the hold of her hand. He nods his head in the direction of the kitchen. 

"Let's go" 

She lets out a smile, relief of his answer. She stands up from the couch and they both walk towards the kitchen in sync while holding hands. "Can you cook?" Hyun asked and she shakes her head, smiling sheepishly. 

"N-No" she scratches her head and a little bit embarrassed to spill it out. "The last time I cooked I almost burnt the house" 

He looks amuse, both her answer and her behaviour right now. She looks utterly shy and cute, more timid and nervous, compared to her usual unbothered and loud behaviour she was before this. "It's ok" he said to her, chuckling a bit. "You can help with other things that doesn't require fire, all right?" 

She smiles, nodding and looking bright like an excited shy kid. "Alright" 








Hyun is different

I love it. He became more open and kinder to me. He talks to me more too, making small talks as we eat. This new him both surprises and fascinates me. This change made my heart flutter as well. He looks so much more handsome and charming in my eyes. 

Maybe I am too blinded with this feeling but can you blame me? He held my hand multiple times, giving me gentle touches, gazing at me softly and he made my heart beating fast. This is the first time I am crushing this hard on an older man and embarrasingly I admit, having this feeling made me more conscious of myself. I don't know why my cheeks would flare up everytime he stares at me or when our hands touched.

I had never been in a relationship before. Kyungsoo protected me too well in the past from any males that wants to get close to me. The males that I am close to are the ones we know from classes and his close friends. I always stuck close with Kyungsoo that most times people misintrepreted us as a couple. 

"Do you love him?" 

When I heard that I turn my head to Hyun, who is sitting adjacent to me at the dining table. We were talking about me and my friends. I told him I am a senior and will be graduating after the prom ball. I told him about Kyungsoo's friends and I told him about Kyungsoo. Hyun watches me quietly when I animatedly started talking about Kyungsoo. Telling him about how his personality (before this) was the same as Kyungsoo; a grumpy dude who don't give a about anyone but at the same time he cares. There was a short silence after I finished speaking and it was then that he suddenly asked me the question. 

I tilt my head and he repeated his question. "Do you love him? That...Kyungsoo guy?" 

I blink and give a nod. "I do" I answered honestly but I didn't expect Hyun to look sad. He looks down at his plate then. "I love him as my best friend and as my brother" I found my mouth added, clarifying my words. Hyun raises his head again from the plate. "I knew Kyungsoo since I was a kid, Hyun. We're very close like siblings" 

"Does he loves you?" He asked and I wonder why he would asked this. 

I shrug my shoulders, "Maybe. Yes, he does. I hope he does because I would feel sad if he doesn't" 

Hyun doesn't reply to that. "He was very worried at the library. I saw you t

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[TDHT] I couldn't finish the story this week 😅🙏 Sorry...


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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: They friendship is so sweet. I’m glad that Baekhyun understands that Junhee and Kyungsoo are more like siblings. I doubt if Jongdae is Junhee’s boyfriend, he won’t be jealous of the closeness of Junhee and Kyungsoo. So it’s very fortunate that Junhee has Kyungsoo as her best friend and Baekhyun as her boyfriend. I hope Baekhyun can adjust well in society. I’m sure that Mr. and Mrs. Do are nice people.
Thank you for this update..! It was nice to read the heart-to-heart talk between Junhee and Kyungsoo.
Chapter 14: I logged in to see if the story had been updated and look what I saw! 😭 I'm sooooo happy. I will read it as soon as I am free. 🥺
byunieee #3
Chapter 14: Nooo, dont feel bad, cause you have a life too i'm already thankfull that you continue this story
What baekhyun see in the alley ??? Kyungsoo is just a dependable brother to junhee
750 streak #4
Chapter 14: I really enjoyed the quality time between Junhee and Kyungsoo, they have such a sweet friendship. Thank you for the update, looking forward to the ball.
Chapter 14: I love junhee and kyungsoo's friendship.. we all need kyungsoo in our life!!
Chapter 14: Kyungxjun moment is so cute🤭
Nlnz2016 #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating. Missed your story.
byunieee #8
Chapter 13: Finally the curse of the black pearl is gone, baek is happy with junhee, and they are bonded too, junhee friend too slowly accept and give baekhyun a company, i wonder what will happen at the ball, thank you for updating
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 13: Aww… they were sweet. Or in Sehun or Kyungsoo’s words, ‘disgustingly sweet’ to each other. Hahahahah. It’s nice that Baekhyun and Junhee were able to have a normal date. I guess this was their first unofficial date?
They were so cute though. I’m curious if Daehyun will recognized Baekhyun at the ball.
Thank you for this update..!
750 streak #10
Chapter 13: This was such a sweet chapter, and it’s good to see them both so happy. Kyungsoo is happy as well, even though he would never admit it.😂 I can’t wait for the ball, something tells me there will be a lot of surprises. Thank you for the update.