Part Two 🍁

The Dark Hooded Thief
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Part Two



I don't know what went wrong. I gritted my teeth, tried again and again and again until I felt my energy running low the more I used my power. It did not make any sense, it's impossible. Why?

Why is she not dead yet? 

What went wrong? 

I stare confusedly at her body, laying on the ground after she fainted minutes ago when I blinded her. It was a great opportunity - she's weak hearted, easily losing consciousness and it was the best time to do it without making it complicated. I tried again, raising my hand and let my shadow covering her body, did what I usually do to cut people's lives. Poisoning their mind, their heart with my black shadow and smokes - but she's not responding. I can still hear her heart beating healtily. 

It's not possible, why is she still breathing? 

What did I do wrong? 

It is because of her light? She's still weak, she hasn't master her power yet but why she's still breathing when I used so much of my power to kill her. This is weird. I raise my hand, running it through my hair in desperation as I watch her body laying there like she's sleeping. 

Watching her like that slowly makes my heart beating faster. No, this is not going to happen. I waited for years and life can't be that cruel. I have to kill her, she has to, I can't give up. 

Raising both of my hands, I concentrate and focus on the black power I have running inside me. Darkness clouded the whole area, almost making it impossible to see anything. There was no sound, no birds flying, no crickets singing, just pure silence and it was like time had stopped. 

The whole place surrounded with my dark shadow, covering over this little girl body and engulfing her like a black hole. The intensity of my power made the trees shook and one of the closest to her broke before dangerously falling down onto her. I saw the sight, I felt bad that she probably going to get stab by it's pointy branches but this is the way. She has to die. 

I saw the tree fell flat on her, half of the tree's body was covered by my smoke and shadow. I focus again, closing my eyes and trying to make my magic as poisoning as ever. Imaging her organs failing and her blood cloating with her mind going deranged. It was a fantastic image in my mind. 

Feeling my body straining for using too much power, I thought it was enough. She's dead, she's dead, she's dead - I chant those words in my head. But when I wanted to move closer to her body that was covered by darkness, something strange happened. 

Her body suddenly pulsated, glowing under all the darkness and my eyes widened when I felt an incoming strong pulse. Before I could figure it out, a white blast exploded out from the darkness and I was thrown back, hitting my back on the hard ground. Too stunned and scared, I quickly got up and dismissing the ache on my back as I stare at her glowing body. 

My darkness, the broken tree, both were gone around her. 

From my distance, I could see the damage the tree did to her. Blood coming out from her gaping wounds but impossibly, I saw her body started to heal them. 

That's not possible

She has light as her power, I could smell her power, she's reeking of pure light. She doesn't have healing as her power, so this is impossible. 


All her wounds had closed off and I hear my chest pounds when I hear her healthy heart beating. I felt my feet moving backwards...she's still alive. No...

Pursing my lips, the desperation creeping in and spreading inside me. This was not what should happened. 

She should be dead and I should

Shaking my head as panic crawling in, I continue to watch her glowing body. Innocently curled up on the ground like a baby sleeping. I almost scoff, I almost snort, I almost wanted to pull her to a hug at her innocence but I stayed and glued to the ground. Not moving from my position as I watch her. 

A second turns to a minute and before I could think straight, she's moving. Her eyes opened, sluggishly like waking up from a sleep and a couple of seconds afterwards, her dark brown eyes curiously looking at me. Confusion plastered on her countenance, blinking her eyes at me and what...? 

Why did I saw her being sad?

Why is she?

Did she pity me?

I scoff in my head, my face turned hard in a second as I continue to watch her. Hearing her heart beating made my stomach drop and I shook my head mentally, telling myself to not give up. 

No...there must be a way

I have to kill her





Everything is happening so fast, so confusing, so weird. Just yesterday I was excited to go help Joon and the others rescuing an injured baby pegasus, happily riding the beautiful white horse and experience nature's fresh air after cooped up streesing over studying but now, I am trapped with a stranger. My strawberry puff thief that I still can't understand him. 

I look around the room I am in, not remembering how I managed to get here. As soon as I open my eyes earlier, I found myself laying on a soft bed with black covers and a black blanket. What happened? I ask myself that as I cluelessly stare at the only door in the room. 

My mind is still trying to remember what happened yesterday, seconds passed before it clicked.

I got lost in the forest, black whisps surrounded the area, Jongdae, Rina and Haechan were no where to be found, that hooded stranger tried to kill me, he hugged me, kissed my neck while confessing that he will kill me and then,

"He kissed me..." I let out breathily, unconsciously touching my lips. I don't even know why he kissed me. His lips were cold as ice, like he hadn't had any heat or sun to warm his body up. And surprisingly he was soft and gentle, far opposite from how he potraying myself as the playful, cold and hard man. But then I blanked out and the next time I woke up, I laid on this bed. 

I sit up from my laying position and quickly realizing I didn't wear the cloak to sleep. Looking around, I find my red cloak folded on the chair with my small satchel on top of it in front of the vanity. Blinking confusedly, I got up from the bed before staggering a bit and decide to pad across the room towards the only door.

When I reach my hand up to the doorknob, my eyes blink confusedly at the black shadow that makeshift as some kind of a rope around my right wrist and the rope continue. I can't see the end but the rope passed through the door like some kind of magic. 

Confused and a little bit intrigued, I open the door and hesitantly walk outside. The first thing I notice is the coldness of the house; no fire and no lights. The house is a normal looking house, not too small nor too big but the difference is that it's older. Like it's a house from a few decades ago, maybe even reaching a hundred. 

There are a few windows but all of them are closed, obscuring any lights from coming inside. The whole place is dark and the furnitures all look close to black or maybe dark gray, directly making me wonder if this is that man's house. What I can get from that strange man yesterday is that he likes dark and black colour so it's no doubt if this is his house. 

Feeling so cold and quiet, I walk over to one of the windows and slowly open it. My eyes blink a couple of seconds, trying to get use to the difference of brightness. The outside I notice is that the house is located in a big cave but sunlight somehow got passed through and curiously, I push out my head to look up and see that there is quite a gap up on the head of the cave that let the sun in. 

"Woah..." I awe quietly, looking back down to the ground and see grass and soil covered around the house with a few flowers and trees. Some of them have wilted while some are thriving. It's such a contrast, seeing the walls and around the house full of rocks and boulders of the cave but almost like a small forest around the house. 

I awe again to myself, never seen something like this before and wondering myself where am I right now. Am I still in the Kingdom? Does the forest have this huge cave that I haven't got the chance to explore? How will Kyungsoo's reaction be if he knows something like things exists? 

I sigh lightly, wonder how things are outside and if my friends are well and safe. Kyungsoo must be furious and worried right now. I'm not even sure how long I've been out but I can tell I've been outside too long than I should. I should've return home before the sun set yesterday but things turned upside down. 

Glancing around the area, I try to find some way out, if I can get out. Turning around, I leave the window and search for the main door before I walk towards it. Looking around, there is no one and I can't hear anything as well. I'm not even sure if that man's is here or not or if he's outside. As much as I am curious about him, I need to get out of here. Kyungsoo will be so worried. 

I open the door and go out, letting my feet go down the small stairs connecting to the house and onto the grass, which looks more gray than green. I let my eyes wander around the different kinds of flowers and plants surrounding the house, asking myself if he was the one who planted them. Unlike the gray-green grass, the flowers (who aren't wilted) are vibrant with different colours; there's red, purple, yellow and blue. It's weird. 

Most of them are so exotic, I can't tell where these types of flowers come from. 

I hum in awe when I spot a pretty looking light blue flower near a dead looking red rose. The flower is beautiful and never have I seen it. Although these pretty flowers caught my attention, my eyes wander around the place to find a way out. This is a cave, there should be entrance and an exit. 

Without thinking longer, I walk more across the grass and towards the dark stoney ground, meters away from the house. But as soon as my feet touch the surface, I get pull back. My body staggering back and I almost lost my footing. I stop, looking at the source of the pull; my wrist. 

The shadow-like-rope is still there and only now I noticed it's connected to the house or something in the house. The black rope is following me like a shadow, following me as I go anywhere. I walk two steps forward and like previously, I got pulled back by the rope. I sigh through my nose, feeling helpless and hopeless with a bit of annoyance flood inside me. 

This can't be happening

The rope won't let me go

I frown at it, looking at the long black rope that tied around my wrist. Pursing my lips, I remember back to words from yesterday. 

"You will stay with me from now on. Don't you run away, I won't let people take you away from me. No one can have you...not until I kill you and this time I'll make sure it's successful" 

So, he's making me a prisonor? I pout, frowning at his words with annoyance. Keeping me like I'm an object that he can have. I scoff mentally, can't believe this is happening to me. 

What is he? I mean, who is this man?

"I want you...I'm going to kill you...." 

I gulp, why does he wants to kill me. God, this is so messed up, I'm so confused, I don't understand.

Sighing, I stare at the black rope one more time before I walk back towards the house. With annoyance bubbling inside me, I go back inside the house. Scanning the room, I see a couple more doors. This wide area I am in looks like the living room, with a black couch and armchair, a table in front of it with a wide rug underneath. Behind them, there is a long rectangular table with chairs and probably is the dining area. 

I walk towards one of the doors beside the dining area and find out that it's the cooking area, the windows inside this room all closed off as well. Unlike how dark and cold it is, the place is actually tidy and clean, the neatly arranged pots and pans look like it had been used multiple times. 

He must had cooked

I don't doubt it. Besides, people need to eat. 

I close the door as I walk out, briefly looking down at my wrist and annoyingly wonder where its connected to. The rope is black and easy to see. My feet moves on its own, following the rope and wanting to find the end trail. The rope ends or stops at a door, the room next to where I was earlier.  Like previously, the rope is magically passed through the door (and like everything else it touched on except me). 

Curiously, I reach my hand on the doorknob and slowly twist it open. The first thing I notice after I let the door a couple of inches open is the black smoke whisps coming out. These things are weird but I push the thoughts to the back of my mind as I push myself further into the dark room. 

Like all windows in the house, the window in the room is also closed and right below it there's a bed, where a familiar looking man lay on. I raise my eyebrows, inching closer to the bed to see him clearly. The black whisps are around him, floating all over the room and I know it's coming out from him, like how I saw from yesterday. 

I glance down at the rope on my wrist, seeing it connected to his left wrist. His left arm is dangling at the edge of the bed, his body sprawl on the bed with his back facing me. He doesn't wear his cloak to sleep, I spot the dark and long clothing on the chair next to the wardrobe.

When I am about a few inches away from the bed, I stare at his sleeping form and wonder how could the cold and mysterious can look so soft and adorable when he sleeps? Even in the dark, I can still see the way his hair sprawl messily, hanging over his forehead and on the pillow his head laid on, the way his lips naturally in a pout with a little gap where his soft snores coming out. 

How could he looks so soft when just about yesterday he was trying to kill me. 

And according to his words, he is still trying to kill me

But if he's so eager to kill me, why didn't he just end my life yesterday. What did wrong? What happened when I was blanked out on the ground? Why did he look so cold afterwards when he was quite happy (maniacally) moments before? 

I sigh, so much happening and confusing

I don't know what to think now

All I wanted was to see that baby pegasus, bringing it to its mother and have dinner with Kyungsoo, maybe even a bit about his crush on Hyein. But all that went downhill and now, I'm not even sure if I can go back to Kyungsoo or the rest. Not when I'm tied up like a prisonor by this stranger. 

Absentmindedly, I shake my wrist and annoying start pulling the rope, watching how his left hand moving according to my wrist movement. I wonder what magic he is using to tied me down like this. I haven't met anyone who has power like him. Maybe I read about this power before in books but I forgot about it. Besides, there's a lot of different kinds of magical power in the universe and my memory isn't as efficient as I want it to be. 

Distracted by my own thoughts, I don't notice the way his head moving slightly and his eyes open. When I break away from my thoughts, my eyes suddenly is looking at me and before I can blink, he grunts and growls out. 


He sits up quickly and his magic blow my feet backwards, away towards the door with the door slam shut after me. I place a hand over my chest, feeling its pumping faster at the sudden situation and without thinking, I slam my palm on his door, knocking it hard a few times. 

"What's your problem, huh?!! Do you have to be so rude?!!" I huff out, annoyed at how he treats me. He doesn't answer me but growls instead. I growl as well, copying him. "You jerk!!" I shout before storming away from his door towards my room, closing it shut. 

I can feel anger and annoyance bubbling in me, the sight of the damn rope around my wrist only agitate me more, making me throw my body onto the bed and hide my face on the pillow, keeping in my emotions from bursting out.

With my face covered by the pillow, I don't notice the flickering ligths from the off lamps in the house for a couple of minutes before it died down after I calmed down. 

After a couple moments, I feel myself getting drowsy before I start to fall asleep. 




I always wandered if there is someone or more out there who has the same power as me. Sometimes I felt all alone and lonely whenever I saw people with the same power practicing or playing around together. 

In my 20 years of living, I've never met someone who has the power of light like I am. Wondering if there are people out there, whether older or younger, that posses the same power as me and if there have experience the same struggle of wielding it. Sometimes I wish to meet these people, wanting to find someone who I can relate with and to ask questions about my power because most times I find it hard to handle or even understand it. 

I was a late bloomer, my power came to me around seven years ago compared to other people who had gotten their power around their early childhood. My light power is like a baby, crawling trying to stand up and walk. I know I am weak on power wielding and I also don't think my power is all powerful or extraordinary. To me, other powers are more great, unique and also a lot easier to handle than mine so I don't think mine is that great. People tells me that I'm a human torchlight so that's that.

So, I don't get why this dark stranger here is staring at my palm with my usual ball of light hovering above it with such glare and want. 

"I need it" he tells me for the third time, eyes piercing at the innocent light I have on my hand. 

I stare dumbly at him, my insides are still annoyed at him and I still can't understand him. He's confusing, weird but cold - he's frustrating. Other than that, I feel so caged up with this annoying shadow rope around my wrist. I know I can still move around but still...I feel trap like a dog with a leash. 

It's been a few hours since I stormed inside my room, combust in annoyance and frustration for this rude man. When I woke up half an hour earlier, the sun was setting, making the area in the cave dark and directly darkening the entire house as well. 

I don't know how exactly I did but when the sun fully set and the whole house wrap in pitch black, my body got triggered and started to burn before my energy burst out - unexpectedly light up all the lamps present in the house. The house was so bright and I had to blink a few times to get used to it before I heard a loud growl from a certain man. It's not that hard to guess that he hates the brightness and love the dark (probably comes from his power) but really, he shouldn't take it too extreme. 

He stormed out of his room, his black smoke whisps floating around him and clad in his familiar black cloak with the hood on before pointing a finger and shouted at me to turn off the lights. Flabbergasted at his rudeness, I stared at him and simply deny his request. 

"No" I crossed my arms on my chest as I frown at him. "It's dark out. We supposed to light up the house or else how can we walk around if we cannot see" 

He gritted his teeth, looking anywhere but my face. He has his hood looming over half of his face, making it hard for me to see his eyes but I could tell he's glaring by his tone. "ing shut down the lights" 

"Why?" I tried to stay calm but annoyance is still bubbli

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[TDHT] I couldn't finish the story this week 😅🙏 Sorry...


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AiiSoo #1
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: They friendship is so sweet. I’m glad that Baekhyun understands that Junhee and Kyungsoo are more like siblings. I doubt if Jongdae is Junhee’s boyfriend, he won’t be jealous of the closeness of Junhee and Kyungsoo. So it’s very fortunate that Junhee has Kyungsoo as her best friend and Baekhyun as her boyfriend. I hope Baekhyun can adjust well in society. I’m sure that Mr. and Mrs. Do are nice people.
Thank you for this update..! It was nice to read the heart-to-heart talk between Junhee and Kyungsoo.
Chapter 14: I logged in to see if the story had been updated and look what I saw! 😭 I'm sooooo happy. I will read it as soon as I am free. 🥺
byunieee #3
Chapter 14: Nooo, dont feel bad, cause you have a life too i'm already thankfull that you continue this story
What baekhyun see in the alley ??? Kyungsoo is just a dependable brother to junhee
740 streak #4
Chapter 14: I really enjoyed the quality time between Junhee and Kyungsoo, they have such a sweet friendship. Thank you for the update, looking forward to the ball.
Chapter 14: I love junhee and kyungsoo's friendship.. we all need kyungsoo in our life!!
Chapter 14: Kyungxjun moment is so cute🤭
Nlnz2016 #7
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating. Missed your story.
byunieee #8
Chapter 13: Finally the curse of the black pearl is gone, baek is happy with junhee, and they are bonded too, junhee friend too slowly accept and give baekhyun a company, i wonder what will happen at the ball, thank you for updating
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 13: Aww… they were sweet. Or in Sehun or Kyungsoo’s words, ‘disgustingly sweet’ to each other. Hahahahah. It’s nice that Baekhyun and Junhee were able to have a normal date. I guess this was their first unofficial date?
They were so cute though. I’m curious if Daehyun will recognized Baekhyun at the ball.
Thank you for this update..!
740 streak #10
Chapter 13: This was such a sweet chapter, and it’s good to see them both so happy. Kyungsoo is happy as well, even though he would never admit it.😂 I can’t wait for the ball, something tells me there will be a lot of surprises. Thank you for the update.