
The Rose on My Porch
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Warnings ruin the surprise,

Dive in your own risk




WITH a chair by her door once again, Irene hurriedly changed into comfy clothes. She left Seulgi in the living room. Her dog didn’t even bother to greet her and went straight to the other girl, making her even more amazed because she saw how Bambi snubbed Seul in the morning.

“Wendy said that I just have to resist all her advancements and she would stop pestering me.” Irene told herself before picking up her hair brush to fix her messy hair. “You’ll be alright, Irene. You’ve pushed your feelings for Sakura for the longest time. Resisting someone else’s advancements is no big deal!”

Irene froze when she realised what she was doing. She was actually applying a cherry-flavoured lip balm after she styled her hair a bit.

“W-What on earth am I doing?” She cringed. She then tied her hair in a messy bun before marching towards her door. “What on earth was that, Irene!? Were you really prepping to meet her!?”

With one deep breath, Irene removed the chair in front of her door before slowly opening the door. She looked first to her right where the living room is located before stealthily coming out.

“What took you so long?”

Irene slammed the door shut in surprise. She looked to her left and saw Seulgi sitting on the floor with Bambi cowering at her lap because of how Irene slammed the door. She was sitting at the same position Irene found her last night.

“W-What are you doing there!?” Irene took three tiny steps back.

Seulgi chuckled as she stood up. “Obviously, I am waiting for you. What else?”

Irene rolled her eyes. “What for? I don’t have any business with you.”

“Really?” The girl with striking monolids asked as she moved towards Irene. She was intently looking at her face then there goes the dreaded attractive smile. “What did you apply to your lips? They look even more kissable.”

Irene’s eyes widened at the size of a golf ball. She instantly felt heat on her cheeks and instinctively covered her lips with two hands. Seulgi chuckled once more.

“You’re so cute, Irene.” Seulgi commented. “Do you have any plans for today?”

“Nothing. Aside from making dinner for us I don’t have any specific plan.” Irene then headed downstairs. Seulgi and Bambi followed her closely.

“What are you going to cook?” Seulgi asked, her eyes weren’t leaving Irene.

“I don’t know. I am still thinking. Is there anything you want to eat?”

Another sneer curved back on Seulgi’s lips. “You.”

Irene stopped on her tracks and lazily turned to her. She looked at Seulgi in disbelief. The latter only laughed at her reaction.

“Or we can do it the other way around. You can eat me.”

“Seulgi, please—“

“I am not Seulgi, please don’t call me that.”

Irene was taken aback at how the sneer on Seulgi’s face immediately flattened after she called her Seulgi.

“H-How do you want to be called then?” Irene carefully asked.

“Hmm…” Seulgi thought aloud. “How about baby?”

Irene’s shoulders dropped in an instant. She marched back to the stairs.

“Where are you going, Irene?” Seulgi asked while giggling at her own corny joke.

“I’ll just take a nap. There’s still a lot of time before dinner. I haven’t slept since last night.” Irene dragged her feet as she climbed up the stairs. She’s so tired and has no patience to deal with this girl. “Don’t come to my room, got it? Let me have a good sleep.”

“I guess I occupied your mind the whole night.” Seulgi commented, she stayed downstairs.

Irene didn’t answer, she just went on her way.

“Will it be fine if I go outside? It’ll be boring if I am left alone.”

That actually halted Irene. She looked back at Seulgi who was then already looking outside. Her eyes looked empty. Irene thought that Seulgi would continue pestering her but Wendy was right about her giving up if a cold shoulder is given to her advancements.

“I’ll just try to look for someone…who also doesn’t need me.”

For some unknown reason, Irene’s chest tightened as she stared at Seulgi. The monolid beauty appeared really hollow to her.


Seulgi’s head sharply pivoted towards Irene. “Why? You’ll be sleeping and it will be boring.”

Irene’s hands clenched into fists. “If you’re going to search for that person then I will be going with you. I will help you find her but not today.”

“You’re going to help us?” Seulgi asked for clarification. Irene gave her an affirmative nod.

“Yes, but please not today. I am really tired.”

“I see, thank you, Irene.” Seulgi then grabbed her notebook and opened it on the last page. “Can you please let me use your phone for a bit? I’ll just fool around with this girl—“

“Seulgi, please—“

“I am not ing Seulgi!”

Irene watched how anger slowly cooled down from Seulgi’s face after she realised what she had done. She quickly looked away.

“I am sorry, Irene. I didn’t mean to shout at you.”

Irene wouldn’t deny it. She did feel fear when Seulgi growled at her but pity took over. Her heart ached after seeing the pain on Seulgi’s face.

“I-I’m sorry as well…” Irene slowly went down the stairs and carefully reached for Seulgi’s hand. She looked rather nervous… a little bit shy… “Will you come with me then?”

The loud thumping of Irene’s heart grew louder when Seulgi looked back at her. “Where?”

Irene gulped. “I-In my room…”





IRENE was already in her bed, lying on her side, covered by her blanket up to her neck. She should be sleeping already but her eyes just won’t close when the charming alter is right inside her room. Just like last night, Seulgi was sitting on the floor, leaning on the cabinet beside the bed while busy drawing something on the notebook. Irene took her in the bedroom to prevent her from going out.

“Why are you still awake? I thought you wanted to sleep.” Seulgi asked, her eyes not leaving her notebook.

Irene didn’t answer, she just continued staring at Seulgi.

“Don’t tell me you’re attracted to me now?” Seulgi sneered. “Just say the magic word and I’ll jump right at your bed.”

“It’s not that, silly…” Irene continued observing Seulgi. She couldn’t deny to herself that the girl is really something. Seul looks the same but she never makes Irene’s heart beat like crazy whenever she’s with this Seulgi.

This Seulgi likes her hair down. She undid her hair that Seul tied in a high ponytail. She parts it in the middle with the left part tucked behind her ear as if purposely giving Irene the freedom to look at her face.

Well-defined eyebrows, cute yet pointy nose, charming and striking monolid eyes, wonderful jawline… Irene’s eyes then landed on Seulgi’s lips, she suddenly felt dried up.

Thin yet defined upper lip paired with a thicker lower lip making a luscious pair… Her two upper front teeth can be seen when is slightly agape. Her lips looked a little dry… Irene felt like applying lip balm to them.

Strangely, for some reason, this Seulgi isn’t actually hard to talk with. Irene could feel that she was slightly opening up to her.


Irene snapped back to reality with a twitch after Seulgi called her. “Y-Yes?”

“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? You can’t even sleep. Just let me out, I’ll be back before dinner.”

“Just stay there and draw, okay?” Irene answered which earned a sigh from Seulgi.

“This is one of the few cases that I am out with the sun still up and you are confining me here in your room. At least take responsibility for me, pretty girl.”

Irene pressed her lips together before responding, “Okay.”

Seulgi turned to her with such a speed she felt like her heart skipped a beat. The lady’s eyes were glittering. “For real?”

“I’m not talking about that. I just want to have some exchanges with you before I fall asleep…”

“Boring…” Seulgi went back to her notebook. “It’s either you have interest in me or just really curious about us. And I bet it’s the latter.”

‘Is she actually throwing a fit now? That’s kind of cute…’ Irene shook her head to get rid of that weird thought.

“To be honest, I am really curious about your condition…” Irene started, making Seulgi sneer. “But since it’s you who is with me now, I want to know more about you.”

“About me, huh?” Seulgi closed her notebook and placed it to her side. She then moved closer to Irene’s bed and now almost face to face with the said girl. Irene had to hold her breath for a moment.

“Say, Irene… How about we do a trade?” Seulgi asked, now in her seductive tone.


“Uh huh… Trade.” Seulgi then leaned closer to her. “You want to know about me, right?”

Irene nodded as if she was enchanted. Her eyes fixed on Seulgi.

“Then how about with every one question I answer we kiss?”

Irene’s eyebrows furrowed but surprisingly she wasn’t surprised. She wasn’t even taken aback. She felt like the girl in front of her would actually make such an offer.

“How about no?” Irene answered, unfazed.

Seulgi’s left brow rose. “I guess you’re the boring type, am I right? Some sort of daughter that lives in accordance with her parents’ expectations.”

‘Damn, she hit the spot.’ Irene rolled her eyes. “So, what?”

The other girl just chuckled before looking up at the ceiling. “I guess that’s the reason why you lost her, right? The person you call in your sleep… What’s the name again? Saku—”

“Enough!” Irene covered her face with the blanket. She couldn’t believe that even in her dreams she was looking for Sakura. “Don’t you dare say her name!”

Seulgi smiled and gently pulled down what’s covering Irene’s face. The latter just let her do it. They’re eyes instantly connected. “Come on, I told you I can help you clear your mind… Let’s start with something light.” She then pivoted her body to completely face the bed. “There’s no need to worry about other people knowing about this. This would be our own little secret. Even Seul won’t know… It’s just you and me…”

“I’m… I’m not ready for this…” Irene answered, her eyes a bit misty due to the mention of Sakura’s name.

“I told you we will start with something light…” Seulgi’s voice sounded even more seductive, her left hand was still holding on the blanket.

“How about a kiss on the cheeks then?”

Seulgi only laughed at her, her pointing finger then started to reach out for Irene’s jaw, tracing it down to her chin. “What are we? Grade schoolers?”

The two stared at each other in silence while Seulgi kept on running the back of her fingers on Irene’s face.

“H-How about… How about five questions then?”

Seulgi couldn’t help but to sneer. She knew well she got everything in control.

“Three. We meet halfway. Take it or leave it.”

Irene wasn’t able to answer right away. She still had her hesitations. She was still pondering if it was okay to actually play this game with this alter. Wendy mentioned that the nameless girl is the holder of the trauma and she doesn’t cooperate about sharing it if physical touch isn’t involved.

Irene thought that asking questions like this might help with her treatment. She can share every information that she may get with Wendy. Yes, she’s going to help with the treatment! This game is just a part of the treatment—Well, that’s what she made herself believe. Irene admits that this Seulgi makes her really curious and having her look at her sends her heart in a haywire. And oh, she’s afraid of how she would turn out if Seulgi kisses her when her heart is already pounding loudly with just a simple touch.

“Irene?” Seulgi called. “Come and be free with me, baby… There’s no need to think about what happens next…”

The lady on the bed unconsciously bit her lower lip. “A-Alright… Three questions for a kiss but just a smack, okay?”

“Got it.” Seulgi then let go of Irene’s face and hung her left arm on her elevated left leg. “Go ahead and ask anything. I will answer whatever I can.”

There was silence once again. Their gazes locked with each other. Irene thought of the best question to ask first but she couldn’t help but to be distracted knowing that she would be kissed after three questions. It’s not that she has never kissed before. She was engaged to someone and she did spend hot nights with him, trying to deny her feelings for Sakura. She thought sleeping with him would make things better for her but all the time it was all empty kisses and emotionless heat… What she’s doing with Seulgi now is the same, nothing different.

“You… You really don’t have a name?” Was question number one.

“Yeah. I am nameless.” Seulgi answered with a smile.

Irene had to take a deep breath before bringing out the second question. “Why?”

“Why?” Seulgi took a pause on Irene’s face as she thought. “I actually don’t know. I had many questions when I came into existence. My name is one of those mysteries.”

Seulgi then continued with the . “The next question is the kiss question. Don’t you dare run from me, Irene.”

“I know…” Irene closed her eyes to think but the loud beating of her heart is another distraction. “H-How do the others—Seul and that Wendy girl—call you then?”

Seulgi pressed her lips together. “Nothing. Seul never addressed me with anything. She will just write things on our notes as if she’s writing a reminder for herself. She’s, you know, a little wary of my existence. She’s very careful when leaving notes to me.”

“And about Wendy, she thought that giving me a name would invalidate my existence, which I kinda don’t understand. She just calls me ‘hey’ when I am around. Well, it’s not that I talk with her a lot.”

A playful smile then plastered on Seulgi’s face as she bit her lower lip. “Time to give me my reward, pretty girl.”

Irene gulped. She’s still having second thoughts but knowing that backing out after asking three questions might make this Seulgi angry. “S-Since you’re the one free to move, go ahead and get it but–”

The girl in the bed wasn’t even able to prepare herself when Seulgi just dove in and claimed her lips. It’s just a smack like what they agreed upon but it was enough to send tingles to Irene’s system. With eyes wide open, she watched how Seulgi retracted back with a curious look on her face before running her tongue on her lips that just left Irene’s lips.

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gtz_2021 #1
Chapter 25: 🤗♥️♥️
Congrats for the feature!
Dokusho #4
Chapter 27: That was really a good read!
Chapter 27: Irene and Seulgi deserved this ending. After Gi's suffering for decades, she deserves someone like Irene that gave her colors to feel alive again. This story will have a special place for me. All of the characters are unforgettable and thank you again Shortcut48-nim for this. You are an amazing writer. <3
Chapter 25: I'm crying my heart out in the previous chapter and now I have to cry all over again with this one! I know I still have two more chapters to read, but first, I would like to thank you author nim for this masterpiece. It was an emotional roller coaster ride for me and I'm so excited to see how this story will end.
daerkxxxxx #7
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: felt an utter disgust on this chapter yet it sad this scenario really happen in this world. Parent shall be the protector of their child, those sickos deserved hell. Pray for all the childs. Thanks authornim for this, reality hits the hardest😭.
Chapter 5: Dang. I was right. It made me sad after knowing Seulgi's trauma. And what Wendy said was also a sad reality about people with this kind of mental illness.
Chapter 3: Since the last chapter, and in this chapter, I could see that Seulgi might have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) because of how "Seul" explain she's "sleepwalking" and based on her reactions that she feels like she's alseep for the whole time when her other self "the seductive one" is present and I have a hunch that Wendy might be her psychiatrist or someone who knows about Seulgi's history or situation. I'm curious how the story will unfold, especially Seulgi's character.
1762 streak #10
re-read some of the chapters and boy this story hits!!! thanks again for always sharing your creation and stories with us!!