
The Rose on My Porch
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THE girl gained consciousness when she set foot on the school grounds. It was her first day in middle school, it was the very start of her life. The moment life sparked on her, the moment light entered her eyes and sound waves rang through her ears, it all took her by surprise.

What is going on?

What’s happening?

More importantly, who am I?

She looked around, distressed by the fact that she’s clueless of what’s going on. She gained curious looks from the other students passing by. She was acting more like a preschooler that’s going to school for the first time rather than a middle schooler. The girl was definitely afraid. Her head was in a deep mess trying to find out what’s happening.

“Student ID.”

The girl flinched when she suddenly heard a voice. She looked around but there seemed to be no one around that spoke to her. Cold sweat ran down her spine. She gulped.

The voice said student ID, subconsciously, the girl reached out to her pocket and found a student handbook in there. In the first page of the said booklet was a student ID complete with a picture.

“K-Kang Seulgi?” She read the name written on the said card. “Class 1-A?”

“Yes, you’re Kang Seulgi.”

The girl gasped loudly once more. The other girls are really getting suspicious of her. She’s been standing by the gate for quite some time now, looking like a sheep who lost her shepherd. “W-Who’s there?”

“Don’t panic. Just do whatever I tell you.”

But no matter how gentle the voice sounded, the girl couldn’t just calm herself down. She just doesn’t remember anything at all now, she could even hear a voice inside her head—A voice she knows isn’t hers.

“W-Who are you?” The girl asked, obviously panicking.

“Come on, little one. Don’t talk loudly. I can hear you clearly.”

The girl looked around once more. She doesn’t remember anything but she’s also aware that things would be difficult if people around her start thinking that there’s something wrong with her.

“Take deep breaths now… I know it’s a lot in the beginning but it’s all like that. Come on, now. Deep breaths.”

The confused girl, despite all the questions running in her head, followed what the voice was saying. She took deep breaths and somehow that calmed her down, it made the voice even more clear.

“Good. Very good. Just listen to me and everything will be fine.” The voice said in a comforting tone. It has a deeper tone than the girl’s voice but it managed to calm her down.

The girl wanted to ask about who the voice was but she had the feeling that it wouldn’t respond to that question so she just waited for instructions while looking at the student card.

“Right, your name is Kang Seulgi. You are currently 12 years old and are in your first year in middle school. Today is your first day of school.”

“My name is Kang Seulgi?” The girl repeated, now only whispering. She then stared at the picture. It was a picture of a girl with beautiful monolid eyes. She has a shaggy, bobbed haircut with choppy full bangs. The girl in the picture was also flashing a very awkward, obviously forced smile.

“Yes. You are Kang Seulgi. Always remember that.” The voice responded to her. “Now, just follow the other students wearing the same ribbon colour as you do. They are from the same grade as you. Just follow them and you will be able to find your classroom.”


The girl then joined the sea of students and she managed to find someone who has the same ribbon colour as her. The said student noticed her looking and their eyes met. The girl was taken aback.

“Smile. You have to smile, Seulgi.”

“Okay!” the girl answered aloud.

“Okay?” the other student repeated.

Seulgi immediately covered her lips. She could feel the disappointment from the voice inside her head even though she couldn’t see how it looked at that time but she knew it would be facepalming or something.

“I-I-I mean, hi!” Seulgi stammered. She started scratching the back of her head. “Sorry, I’m just nervous!”

The other student just smiled at her explanation. “I guess everyone is. It’s the first day of school anyway.”

Seulgi heaved a sigh of relief. Strangely, she also heard the voice breathe out. “That's good then, befriend her. She might be from your class. If not then it’s fine. It’s not bad to have someone you can talk to while searching for your classroom. Also, don’t talk aloud while responding to me.”

Seulgi nodded. The other student thought that the nod was for her but it was actually for the voice inside Seulgi’s head.

“My name is Kang Seulgi. I’ll be in class 1-A. It’s nice to meet you!”

“That’s great. You did a good job.” She heard the voice praise her and she felt really good about it.

The other student introduced herself to her. Sadly, she would be in another class but the two had a good time while looking for their classrooms.

On their way, Seulgi walked past a giant mirror by the building entrance. She looked at herself and she indeed looked like the girl in the picture.

“Remember,” the voice talked again. “This is your face, Kang Seulgi is your name. For today onwards you shall live carrying this name. You are Kang Seulgi.”

“I am Kang Seulgi.” She repeated.

“Yes. You must live a happy life. Be friendly to everyone and be a good girl, got it?”

“Yes, I’ll be a good girl.” She answered.

“Good. Now, smile.”

Seulgi did what the voice told her. She wore her best smile and somehow she felt like the voice was happy seeing her smile.

“What are you smiling there for?” The student she just met asked. “Let’s go, we will be late!”

“Okay!” Seulgi smiled at herself one last time before joining her new found friend.

That’s how the girl’s life as Kang Seulgi started. Whenever she faces something that she doesn’t have any memories of but has to remember, the voice inside her head will explain things to her. There are times that the voice would just be silent as if it’s trying to avoid some topics but still, the girl trusted the voice. She knows it wasn’t against her.

In no time, she managed to fit into the shoes. It was a perfect fit and she believed that it was really supposed to be for her.

Kang Seulgi.





“IT’S your father. Greet him.”

Seulgi greeted the said man with a smile. She has seen him in pictures but it was the first time she met him in person.

Her father is such a busy person. She’s already asleep when he arrives at night while he’s already out for work when she wakes up in the morning. Only the old housekeeper stays with Seulgi. She couldn’t really talk to her as well because Seulgi couldn’t speak in English. The voice would tell her how to respond to the maid but she couldn’t get the words out. The woman would also leave the house by 7PM.

It was the first Sunday of her life, it’s also the first time she managed to meet her father.

“Good morning…”

“Appa… You call him appa.”

“…Appa.” Seulgi finally called. “How have you been?”

The man just sweetly smiled at her. “Appa is okay, Seulgi-ya. Just really busy lately. Is there anywhere you want to go today?”

“Anywhere but home.”

“Huh?” Seulgi got confused. Even her father got confused at her sudden reaction.

“Don’t mind what I just said. Just tell him where you want to go. It’s a reward for being a good girl. He will take you anywhere.”

“Seulgi?” The man called her as he leaned forward to level up their heights. “Is there something wrong, dear?”

“Are you sure you’re going to take me anywhere I want to go?” The girl innocently asked as she looked up to the man.

“Of course! You’re being a good girl to Appa~ You deserve a reward!” The man cheerfully said.

Seulgi felt really excited. There are many places she wants to go. She felt happy because she would be able to tell stories to her friends at school.

“Let’s go to the aquarium, Appa!” She excitedly said.

“Alright!” The man gave her soft pats in the head. “Go ahead and prepare. Let’s go out by 10.”


Seulgi quickly ran to her room. She’s so excited that she didn’t even notice how the voice suddenly became quiet.

Healthy body, good looks, big house, popular school, and most of all a loving father. What more could she ask for? It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t have a mother. She doesn’t have any pictures in the house anyway. The voice also told her that the woman isn’t important. Seulgi just has to be a good girl. She just has to live a good life.

She won’t need anything else.

Yes, that’s how she thought it would be.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

She actually had to be asleep by 10:45. A strict rule that her body follows.





SEULGI let out a sigh when she saw yet another bruise by her thigh, somewhere near her private part. She doesn’t know where she’s getting it, she doesn’t remember hitting on something as well. If she would get one then it would be at her outer thigh but no, bruises just keep on appearing. Although they didn't hurt at all, it kept bothering her.

“It doesn’t matter. As long as it doesn’t hurt, you’ll be fine.”

She heard the voice speak but it wasn’t the voice who used to talk to her during middle school. It was still a female voice but it’s more feminine than the last one. It gives a more soothing vibe, more comfortable with no hint of intimidation at all. The voice seemed like it was always smiling when talking to her.

“You’re right. As long as I am healthy then it’s fine.”

Seulgi proceeded to dress up for school. She was already in highschool that time but she didn’t feel like going to school. The excitement she had in middle school all disappeared when she reached high school. It was her first time going to a school where boys are also allowed to go. She couldn’t believe that boys could be cruel at times.

“I just hoped the boys at school were more like Appa. Most of them are really rude and barbaric while Appa is very kind and gentle. I wish there were more people like Appa.”

The female voice in her head didn’t respond but she heard a loud laughter from a male voice. Seulgi just rolled her eyes.

“What’s funny, Rowon?” Seulgi asked the male voice.

“Nothing, nothing! That was just a really funny statement!” Rowon answered, still chuckling.

Pouting, Seulgi got out of her room all prepared to go to school. She gave a bow to their housekeeper who by then was already able to speak a little bit of Korean. She quickly wore her shoes and got out of the house.

“I can’t believe you are an angel, Rowon.” Seulgi said with a faint frown. She started calling the voices in her head as angels since they guide her in a lot of things. “How can a rude person like you be an angel?”

The guy just laughed. “I don’t remember being rude, Seullie~~”

“What?” The girl’s pout grew longer. “You always laugh when I talk about how good Appa is! You don’t think that’s rude!?”

“Seullie, your voice is too loud. People are already staring at you.” The female voice said.

Seulgi started looking around and the people on the bus stop were indeed giving her strange looks. Bluetooth earphones weren’t a thing at that time anyway. Seulgi knew she had to tone herself down.

“Please discipline Rowon, Sangha-unnie.” Seulgi started murmuring to herself which made her more weird. The people in the stop started distancing from her. “He’s a very rude angel. He’ll get kicked out from heaven.”

“Don’t worry, Seullie. I’ll take care of him.” The angel called Sangha said while snickering. “I’ll do my best to not have him get kicked out.”

“Thanks…” Seulgi sighed. She then remembered the original voice who guided her before. “Do you have any information about the angel before you guys? Was she really that bad that she got transferred somewhere else?”

“Ohhh… Her?” Rowon sighed. “She’s just taking a long break. Don’t worry, she’ll be back soon. Do you miss her?”

“Of course, I miss her.” Seulgi looked at the bus arrival time. “If I knew you guys had a name then I should’ve asked hers.”

The male voice was about to answer but the female voice quickly changed the topic. Rowon immediately understood the reason why.

“Seullie, you’re frowning again. Remember, you should always smile~” Sangha gently said.

“I know, it’s only because of Rowon that I am frowning.” Smile went back on Seulgi’s face. She could hear Rowon complaining but she just ignored him.

She has to smile. It’s her best asset. She has to smile just like the nameless voice said to her.

She has to smile despite everything that's going on.





ALL eyes were on Seulgi the moment she stepped into their classroom. Everyone fell silent, all eyes judging her. She could hear them whispering with each other.

“She managed to expel three students just because her goldfish got killed.”

“Just because of a freaking goldfish three dreams were destroyed.”

“Was it really just because of the goldfish? I am sure there’s more to it.”

“Merciless .”

“Must be nice to have a dad that’s a judge. You can just pass judgement to everyone else.”

“A genius or a psycho?”

Seulgi didn’t bother about listening to them. She just went straight to her seat and prepared for the upcoming class. She has to study well despite being stuck in that place for three years. Her father believes that it is a good school to see in one’s educational background. If it wasn’t for the possibility of disappointing her father then she would’ve already requested for a transfer.

It was the first time that she encountered such heartless people. How could they kill the goldfish that the teachers told her to take care of? It was fine for her that she gets hated because she’s far more intelligent than people of her age. It was fine for her that they ignored her for being a little different. It was fine that she gets pushed at times, gets accidentally hit and called names. They didn’t have to kill her pet goldfish just to hurt her. It was an innocent creature. That’s the time she reported t

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gtz_2021 #1
Chapter 25: 🤗♥️♥️
Congrats for the feature!
Dokusho #4
Chapter 27: That was really a good read!
Chapter 27: Irene and Seulgi deserved this ending. After Gi's suffering for decades, she deserves someone like Irene that gave her colors to feel alive again. This story will have a special place for me. All of the characters are unforgettable and thank you again Shortcut48-nim for this. You are an amazing writer. <3
Chapter 25: I'm crying my heart out in the previous chapter and now I have to cry all over again with this one! I know I still have two more chapters to read, but first, I would like to thank you author nim for this masterpiece. It was an emotional roller coaster ride for me and I'm so excited to see how this story will end.
daerkxxxxx #7
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: felt an utter disgust on this chapter yet it sad this scenario really happen in this world. Parent shall be the protector of their child, those sickos deserved hell. Pray for all the childs. Thanks authornim for this, reality hits the hardest😭.
Chapter 5: Dang. I was right. It made me sad after knowing Seulgi's trauma. And what Wendy said was also a sad reality about people with this kind of mental illness.
Chapter 3: Since the last chapter, and in this chapter, I could see that Seulgi might have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) because of how "Seul" explain she's "sleepwalking" and based on her reactions that she feels like she's alseep for the whole time when her other self "the seductive one" is present and I have a hunch that Wendy might be her psychiatrist or someone who knows about Seulgi's history or situation. I'm curious how the story will unfold, especially Seulgi's character.
1762 streak #10
re-read some of the chapters and boy this story hits!!! thanks again for always sharing your creation and stories with us!!