
The Rose on My Porch
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WENDY couldn’t believe the reaction Irene gave her when she relayed to her the news. She definitely prepared herself to see Irene crying but the girl was out there laughing. She couldn’t help but to think if Irene lost it as well.

“Unnie…” Wendy called. “I hope you heard what I just said clearly. I said it is Code: White.”

“I know…” Irene wiped her tears she got from laughing so hard. “You said that it seemed like integration happened but somehow it resulted in the colour white. You’re technically saying that she’s operating under one name now but she couldn’t remember anything at all.”

Wendy sighed. “Correct. I just don’t understand why you are laughing when this girl couldn’t remember you. This person is your lover.”

After they arrived in California, Wendy woke Seulgi up to get off of the plane but the girl wasn’t speaking at all. She was just looking around very curiously. She then looked at her passport, reading her name again and again. For someone who had amnesia, Kang Seulgi was surprisingly calm.

Wendy immediately ran a test at the girl after she reached her car. Seulgi was really cooperative as well. It felt like she knew exactly that she could trust Wendy.

“I don’t know why but I kinda expected this to happen. It’s probably the reason why I wasn’t surprised at all. I had a feeling.” Irene said in between snickers. “But her amnesia is just temporary, right. I believe all her memories will surely return.”

“I don’t know where you get this much trust for her but I might say that it’s really admirable.” Wendy sighed. “Do you want to talk with her?”

Irene shook her head. “Not now, maybe. I might be laughing now but I am afraid that I might cry if I see the curious look on her face once she laid her eyes on me. I’ll give her some time to recover on her own.”

Wendy pressed her lips together. She knew well what kind of risks would follow that decision of Irene. Who knows, Seulgi might ultimately fall to someone else just like her ex-girlfriend.

“Your trust in her is just really something.” Wendy answered in disbelief.

Irene just chuckled. “She was the one who said that I am her most beautiful memory anyway. She has to at least prove her words to me by remembering it on her own. I am a romantic girl at heart too~”

Irene then opened another tab on her browser and smiled at the pictures. “Also, she has the key to all our memories. All she has to do is use it.”

“I understand.” Wendy looked at Seulgi who was sitting quietly at her bed while looking by the window. “I don’t want to surprise her by telling her about her dark past all at once as well. She has to take it slowly too. I will just send you pictures of her if you like.”

“Sure, that would help a lot.” Irene answered, her smile wasn’t fading. “I’ll be going back to work next week too but please send me updates.”

“I will update you for sure.”

“Thank you, Wendy.” Irene then let out a sigh. “I should get going then. Thank you for the update.”

“Wait, I just want to tell you one thing before we end this conversation.”

“What is it?” Irene asked with a groan after she picked Bambi up from the floor.

“This Seulgi… She’s ambidextrous.”

“Really?” Irene let out a meaningful smile. “Thanks for telling me that.”

The call ended naturally and Wendy turned to the paper Seulgi used to write earlier. “I guess I should’ve told her as well that the first word Seulgi wrote was Irene.”

Wendy closed her eyes as she rested her back to her chair. “She’s probably crying now.”





FINALLY, after being delayed for about a month, Chief Justice Choi stepped foot at the institution where Seulgi was staying.

Wendy explained to him about the current situation. He hesitated about meeting Seulgi for a moment but he said the two of them definitely needed this meeting. Wendy agreed to him. She already explained a bit of the past to Seulgi, it was her right to know and thankfully, Seulgi received everything calmly. When she told her that she would be visited by a friend of his father, Seulgi agreed to meet him right away.

He led the Chief Justice to a meeting room where Seulgi was waiting. He didn’t even ask any of his guards to follow him inside but Wendy was there to be the witness for the fateful meeting.

Seulgi stood up right away and bowed to the said judge. “Hello, Chief Justice Choi, thank you for visiting me.”

“It’s been a long time, Seulgi-yang. I hope you are doing well.” The elder gestured for her to get back to her seat as he also got seated. Wendy then sat at a chair prepared for her in a corner of that room.

The man examined Seulgi and he was relieved to see that she’s healthy physically. It was far from her fragile frame when he first met her back in the dark days.

“I heard that you lost your memories.” The man started.

“Yes, I’ve lost them but they are slowly coming back to me now.” Seulgi looked straight at the eyes of the said guy. “I do remember about you and the things that we agreed about that day.”

That statement somehow took Wendy aback. Seulgi never mentioned the memories that she started remembering. Most importantly, she sounded like the Seulgi that she knew.

“I see.” The man nodded. “Our conversation would be much easier then.”

Taking a deep breath, the man immediately laid out the purpose of his visit. “I don’t know if you’re already aware but I’ll be running for presidency.”

“I’ve heard about it.” Seulgi answered. “And I don’t have any plans of ruining your candidacy.”

The guy laughed at that answer. “I wasn’t even thinking about it. I know you won’t be able to do that to me.” The man looked away. “I am here because I can’t stomach the fact that I am aiming for the highest position in the government with you still stuck here and labelled as the criminal. How can I be a good leader of the country if I can’t handle your case well.”

Seulgi’s eyebrows twitched. She wasn’t expecting that statement at all. “What do you mean?”

The man leaned forward, his arms laid open as so were his palms. “Seulgi-yang… We both know that you are the victim here. You don’t deserve to be ridiculed by the whole nation. I’ll have the truth be revealed.”

“No!” Seulgi suddenly shouted. “You can’t do that! How about my sister? You can’t reveal that she was the one who killed my father! Also, don’t you think it would just bring a bad impression of you to the people? You are basically admitting that you hid the crime of your co-worker.”

‘Uh? Look at this girl. Seems like she really remembers things now.’ Wendy rolled her eyes at the feeling of betrayal. Though Sooyoung and Yerim already re-introduced themselves to Seulgi, none of them mentioned Yerim being the real murderer.

“I know. I am completely aware of that. I’ve been carrying this burden you have given me for so long. I don’t think I’ll be able to continue to close my eyes with this, especially because I want to serve the whole nation as their global representative.” The man gave Seulgi an assuring smile. “Even if I don’t win, I want to get this burden off of my heart.”

“Chief Justice…” Seulgi’s fists clenched. “Please, don’t destroy the future of my sister.”

“Seulgi-yang…” The man let out another sigh as he leaned back to his chair. “If you want to keep your sister’s name clean then at the very least, let me show that the murder of your father was reasonable. Your prison sentence will surely be lessened and the view of the nation to you will change. It will help you to get back to society much faster.”

Seulgi’s clenched fist loosened up. “M-Me… Getting back to society?”

“Everyone knows that you've been imprisoned for about two years now. If we show the truth about your father’s abuse then you could be released right away. We can just say that we opened the case again because of the things that are being uploaded in internet forums and we managed to find evidence along the way.”

Seulgi looked back at the man who was looking straight into her eyes. She felt really confused. “Why are you doing all of this? You can just close your eyes forever…”

The man pressed his lips together. Wendy could read his sincerity with his every gesture. “Seulgi-yang… How do you think I would be able to protect a whole nation if I couldn’t even protect one person?”

The judge then placed his palms on the table and bowed at Seulgi with his forehead touching the table. The two girls were shocked. “Please, Seulgi-yang. I know I was wrong when I agreed to your request back then. I just panicked about how the people’s view of the judiciary system would negatively change. But please, I didn’t become a judge to let such injustice pass me by. I wasn’t able to save your father who was a dear junior of mine. At the very least I want to save his daughter.”

“Chief Justice Choi…” Seulgi called. “Please lift your head up…”

“I will not lift my head until you free me of this guilt.”

Seulgi let out a sigh. She then turned to Wendy, asking about the sincerity of the guy. Wendy immediately got her signal and answered with an affirmative nod.

“Alright, let me know your plan first.”

The man then started explaining about how he plans to execute things. Just like what he said, he would have the case reopened because of the countless claims in internet forums. Seulgi would be then called to testify once more and when she’s asked why she didn’t reveal the crime of her father then she should just say,

“I was protecting his legacy and how the people would view the judiciary officials…?” Seulgi asked.

“Yes, I’ve been thinking about this for many nights. We should’ve just done this back then.” The man sighed. “With this, there’s a huge possibility that the view of the public at you would change. Also, you were really protecting your father’s legacy weren’t you? He’s already gone. What’s more important is the living.”

Seulgi then noticed Wendy nodding. The psychologist thought about it as well. Despite all the abuse, Seulgi still loved her father. “Was I protecting his legacy?”

“I know what you did with your other abusers too. I know you were blackmailing them. Trust me, I will be the one taking care of them.” The man leaned towards her again. “What do you say? Go back to Korea with me and lay your statement in court.”

“I-I have to go back to Korea…” Seulgi obviously hesitated. “C-Can I come back here after everything?”

“Yes.” The man answered right away. “I believe that it’s still better for you to stay here, away from the crowd that knows you.”

“B-But… H-How will I make amends for my daily expenses? The support from the government will surely stop, won’t it?”

The judge nodded. “But after the new verdict is passed, I believe you’ll be

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gtz_2021 #1
Chapter 25: 🤗♥️♥️
63 streak #2
Congrats for the feature!
Dokusho #4
Chapter 27: That was really a good read!
Chapter 27: Irene and Seulgi deserved this ending. After Gi's suffering for decades, she deserves someone like Irene that gave her colors to feel alive again. This story will have a special place for me. All of the characters are unforgettable and thank you again Shortcut48-nim for this. You are an amazing writer. <3
Chapter 25: I'm crying my heart out in the previous chapter and now I have to cry all over again with this one! I know I still have two more chapters to read, but first, I would like to thank you author nim for this masterpiece. It was an emotional roller coaster ride for me and I'm so excited to see how this story will end.
daerkxxxxx #7
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: felt an utter disgust on this chapter yet it sad this scenario really happen in this world. Parent shall be the protector of their child, those sickos deserved hell. Pray for all the childs. Thanks authornim for this, reality hits the hardest😭.
Chapter 5: Dang. I was right. It made me sad after knowing Seulgi's trauma. And what Wendy said was also a sad reality about people with this kind of mental illness.
Chapter 3: Since the last chapter, and in this chapter, I could see that Seulgi might have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) because of how "Seul" explain she's "sleepwalking" and based on her reactions that she feels like she's alseep for the whole time when her other self "the seductive one" is present and I have a hunch that Wendy might be her psychiatrist or someone who knows about Seulgi's history or situation. I'm curious how the story will unfold, especially Seulgi's character.
1753 streak #10
re-read some of the chapters and boy this story hits!!! thanks again for always sharing your creation and stories with us!!