. II

You're My First Mistake

Seungwan gripped the railing of the balcony tightly, eyes following the countless trail of cameras and guests. She felt like her head was spinning. Closing her eyes she let out a deep sigh in hopes of reducing the weight on her chest but with each breath, she felt like a huge weight crushing her chest.


She kept lying to herself that she was fine with the arrangement. She kept shutting down the voices in her head that were begging her to stop it. Her whole life was changing right before her eyes.


Son Seungwan who spent twenty-five years of existence living a carefree life. A life with no boundaries, just pure freedom, spending every second doing things she wanted to do.


But freedom always came with a price to pay. To achieve that freedom she made a lot of sacrifices but those sacrifices weren't enough to lessen the burden she was carrying on her shoulders all along. She knew one day she had to step in as the heiress of the Son dynasty.


She couldn't allow herself to be selfish her whole life. She saw how much Seunghee suffered because of her decisions. It was time for her to carry the burden Seunghee was carrying all along. She wouldn't allow expectations to crush Seunghee anymore. Even though Seunghee never complained and had a smile on her face, Seungwan saw right through her.


People often said the Sons had a weakness. She often wondered what it was but when she saw Seunghee's eyes after her return she knew that weakness was their eyes. She saw how defeated her parents were when they couldn't do anything to defy her grandfather's orders. It was time to let go of freedom.


Her destiny was no longer in her hands. She only had one choice to make. Her freedom or her family. Without any second thoughts, she chooses the latter. 


Snapping out from her thoughts she looks straight ahead. “Young master, someone dropped this letter for you,” A maid placed the letter on a table beside her and left.


Seungwan grabs the letter and walks inside the huge dressing room. She looks at herself in the mirror. Her hair was tied in an elegant bun, strands falling to the sides enhancing her beauty. Her gown wasn't that fancy, it was more on the sophisticated and elegant side.


Seungwan grabbed the letter thinking it was another way of someone congratulating her. She read a few lines and was about to put it away when her eyes fell on the next few lines.


“Just yesterday you were in my arms, screaming how much you love me as I marked you mine, and today you're getting married to a stranger. But I wonder if you will give her a place in your heart like you gave it to me. Will you be able to forget me? Will you stop seeing me when she kisses you and makes you hers? Come back to me Joohyun.”


Seungwan let out a huge gasp, the feeling of betrayal settling in her heart. Her hand shakes as she crumbles the letter before throwing it in a dustbin. She doesn't know why it hurts her so much but the thought of her life partner already being someone else pains her. 


Son Seungwan always had a bad habit of being possessive. Let it be things or people she wasn't very keen on sharing with those who were associated with her.


The anger starts to seep through her veins. One thing she absolutely despises is being manipulated. She clenched her fists tightly eyeing the bottle of alcohol on the table.


She isn't strong enough to get through the whole night. She needs something to numb her pain. One glass wouldn't hurt.


Alcohol does help because she feels like time is going by fast. She doesn't even remember how she got to the altar. She doesn't pay attention to anything happening around her.


She closes her eyes shut, the lights blinding her, and she feels her knees giving up on her, just when she thinks she will pass out the door opens revealing the girl that would be her wife by the end of the night.


Breathless she opens her eyes taking in the beauty of Bae Joohyun. She feels everything around her slowing down as she looks at the masterpiece of nature that is Joohyun. She feels light-headed the more she looks at Joohyun.


She snaps out of her daze and looks at the smile of Joohyun that is directed at her. She remembers practising the same moment with the girl yesterday to make their act of being in love more believable. She returns the smile. The genuine smile starts to become forced because the content of that letter starts flashing in her eyes.


Once Joohyun is near she reaches out for her, taking her hand in hers, and making her stand in front of her. The anger she tried to bury with alcohol comes back. She just hopes her eyes don't betray her.


Seungwan follows the script they practised the day before smoothly. She hates how natural Joohyun looks while doing this. She thinks Joohyun must have pretended a lot to be this effortless.


“Recite your vows.”


Seungwan panics for a moment feeling her mind go empty. She feels her hands shake. But the panic leaves her body slowly when Joohyun senses the discomfort and holds her hands earning some whispers from the guests.


“I, Bae Joohyun, take thee, Son Seungwan, to be my wedded wife.”


Joohyun starts first and caresses her hand gently with her thumb. Seungwan takes a deep breath and the thick clouds in her head start to disappear the moment she opens .


“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse.”


“For richer, for poorer.”


“In sickness and in health.”


“To love and to cherish.”


Seungwan looks up to meet Joohyun's eyes opening at the same time as her as they say their last vow together. 


“Till death do us part. This is my solemn vow.”


She bites her lip looking down trying to calm down the storm of emotions inside her heart.


They exchange their rings next. A simple band of gold adorned with a small sign of infinity incorporated with their initials.


The next thing Seungwan knows is that they are pronounced married as cheers interrupt the entire hall. She hears some chants about kissing.


She widens her eyes seeing Joohyun take a step forward. She wants to scream that it wasn't a part of their script but it's too late because Joohyun's hand is already around her neck bringing her closer. Seungwan slowly brings her shaking hands up to caress Joohyun's cheeks gently before she cups them.


When their lips meet all she can feel is a brush of feathers against her lips. It ends quickly just like a peck. When they pull away her eyes meet Joohyun's gaze for a mere moment before she looks down shyly.


Before she knows what's happening she is shoved inside the dressing room with a pair of white buttoned-up and white slacks. But the real star of her outfits was the golden embroidery on her cardigan giving a royal look to her overall outfits.


From the corner of her eyes while getting her hair done she spots the crumbled letter in the dustbin. Gritting her teeth she looks away scolding herself mentally for getting carried away in the script.


She stands up waiting for Joohyun to come out from the opposite room. The door opens revealing her wife clad in a long white dress walking toward her.


“Shall we go?” Joohyun asks and Seungwan remembers it's for cue for them to link arms. She holds out her arms as Joohyun wraps her hands around her arm, both of them making their way outside to greet the world as a married couple for the first time.




Seungwan feels the feeling of deja vu creeping into her mind. Everything feels oddly similar.


Everything was spinning. She shakes her head to make her vision clearer but it was of no avail. She rubs her eyes and then massages her head. She badly wanted to keep her eyes closed and pass out in the car. But it wasn't the safest option when she was driving at such high speed.


She was driving aimlessly, hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, changing gears, making harsh turns, foot switching between abruptly pressing the gas and brake pedals.


She lets out a chuckle as she grabs the opened bottle of alcohol from the shotgun seat and takes huge sips while she manoeuvres her car through the half-empty roads.


It was getting too much. She desperately wanted to do something. She wanted to get rid of all the frustration inside her that she has been holding inside her since the day she got married to Joohyun and entered this hellhole.


She wanted to get rid of those images of contract extension papers from her mind. A couple of months of living with Joohyun had already drained her mentally. One year and she would have to enrol herself in a mental asylum.


She closed her eyes for a moment. The image of the undisclosed documents and the papers Joohyun threw at her flashed in her mind. 


She heard a loud horn snapping her out of her trance. With a gasp, she pressed the brake pedal as her car came to a halt. Her hands trembled as she let go of the steering wheel.


She clutched her neck desperately trying to some buttons of her shirt feeling suffocated. She opened the door of the car and got out. Her spinning head made her collide with a nearby wall, almost knocking her out with the impact.


“God! I wished I was as heartless as she made me out to be so I could read out the details of the contract she signed,” Seungwan reached out for the unfinished bottle and sat on the pavement.


“Experience my ! She doesn't even know what she signed up for. Go ing ahead and terminate then watch how your company would be buried under bankruptcy,” Seungwan threw the bottle away after finishing it and then looked at her wedding ring.


“If I tell you the details of that contract Joohyun…it'll break you. I can't do that. I am not cruel enough to do this to you,” She breathed out leaning against the wall and closed her eyes, taking in the moments of peace.


“Ouch,” She chuckled once her eyes fell on the dried scratches on her arm. “You're a feisty one Joohyun.”


She gets up when she hears her phone ring.




“Unnie I found something.”




Joohyun runs her hand through her hair once she places all the scattered documents inside their office room. She looks at her hands as a sudden wave of guilt flows over her. It wasn't hard to admit that she was in the wrong here. 


She may have had her differences with Seungwan but it never got to the point where one of them got physically hurt.


“I should not have done that,” She mumbles to herself.


Joohyun paces back and forth clutching her phone tightly. It's been a couple of hours since Seungwan walked out. It's not a new sight for Joohyun. They have fought countless times and it always ends with Seungwan walking out angrily.


Most of the time she comes back after a couple of hours and sleeps on the couch like she always does. Sometimes she doesn't and it doesn't bother her much until the brink of dawn and it doesn't bother her much.


Joohyun knows that this time everything that went down was different. She has seen Seungwan walk out with her face flushed in anger but seeing that disappointed look on her face is a first for her. 


Seungwan looked scared of her. She looked angry. She looked like she was hurt.


Joohyun always knew when Seungwan was angry and when she wasn't just by looking at her eyes but this time she felt lost looking at her eyes. 


Joohyun feels stupid for so many reasons but right now she feels stupid knowing she didn't even bother saving Seungwan's number on her phone and she has no idea how to contact her.


“Hello,” She says in a low voice, hearing grumbling from the other side.


“Oh! Is everything alright Ceo Bae?” Sooyoung asks in a husky voice indicating she was probably asleep.


“I am really sorry for disturbing you at this time but can you send me Seungwan's number,” She asks embarrassed.


“It's alright I have sent you her number,” Sooyoung feels a bit more awake after hearing such an unusual request.


“Sooyoung can you keep this between us,” Joohyun requests.


“No problem Ceo Bae,” Sooyoung looks at her phone confused for a moment before she drifts back to sleep.


Joohyun sits on the bed eyeing the number on her screen. “Ugh! Why does her whereabouts bother me so much?” She mumbles to herself.


She looks at the dialled number a few times before she puts down her phone. “It's not like she has never done this” She mutters to herself getting up and dragging herself to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror the events of that one night linger on her mind.


Joohyun gets up hours later around three in the morning to get some water only to realise that Seungwan was still not home. 


“I am ed!”


Joohyun wants to smash her head on a wall. She has done nothing but be irrational the whole day. She should've called her the moment she got her number from Sooyoung.


“Hello,” she mumbled nervously once her call went through. For a moment she thought that she must've dialled the wrong number because of the silence but then she heard some grumbles and figured out that it was indeed Seungwan.


“Son Seungwan! Where are you?” she asked, trying to mask her worry with anger.


“Of course, it's the woman that has flipped my life upside down,” She hears Seungwan grumble from the other side, her tone indicating that she had some alcohol in her system.


“Are you drunk?” Joohyun questioned, eyes widening when she heard some horns. “Please tell me you're not driving after drinking!”


“Pfft!” Seungwan let out a dry chuckle. “Jokes on you Son Joohyun, I am. What are you going to do about it?”


“Do you want to ing die? I don't want people calling me a widow just because your emo couldn't handle a fight,” Joohyun screeched.


“You ! Even at such a moment, you want to kill me,” Seungwan accused her.


Joohyun feels a headache creeping in as she hears the sound of wheels screeching and loud horns. She doesn't want to be labelled as a widow at this age. It wouldn't help the fact that Seungwan drank because she was upset because of her. The guilt of causing someone's death would eat Joohyun alive.


“Just...just stop wherever you are. I'll pick you up,” Joohyun grabs her jacket from the closet and makes her way downstairs grabbing her keys.


“I don't need your help. I am not going to kill myself over an like you,” Seungwan blurted.


“I hope you ing crash!”


Joohyun clenched her jaw, despite wishing Seungwan to crash her car, she's here standing outside waiting for Seungwan to come back. It doesn't take long before she spots Seungwan's car pulling up in their driveway.


“Great! Now, I have to see your cursed face here,” Seungwan throws her hands in the air. “Look at your face filled with disappointment that I came back alive.”


“Just...just come inside,” Joohyun rolls her eyes waiting for Seungwan to step inside the house before she closes the door behind her and locks everything.


By the time she gets to the room, she looks toward the couch to see Seungwan laying half on the couch and half on the floor.


She shakes her head annoyed as Seungwan throws her shoes and then tries to climb onto the couch.


“Son Joohyun, you evil woman. You cursed witch. I hate you so ing much,” Seungwan mumbles incoherently.


“It wasn't my intention to be tied with you Joohyun. If you think you're the only one suffering here, you're wrong. As much as you hate my presence I hate yours too. Still, I tried to make up for the differences we had but what you did to me today is something I will never forget and I will never forgive you for that,” Seungwan trails off as she climbs back up and nuzzles her face against the pillow drifting off to sleep.


“The audacity to call me a cursed witch when she looks like a midget herself,” Joohyun pressed her lips together as she threw the blanket over Seungwan's figure and walked over contemplating to blurt out an apology but she couldn't bring herself to do it. So, she walks away.




Despite scolding herself, again and again, Joohyun feels like she's losing control over herself as the night goes on. She remembers doing a lot of things that weren't on the script she prepared.


Joohyun feels Seungwan's hand resting on her waist throughout the night and it doesn't leave her. It doesn't matter if they are greeting the guests or cutting the cake, the hand remains there. She shouldn't feel bothered because she remembers telling Seungwan to maintain skinship during the reception but she didn't expect herself to react like this.


One thing Joohyun notices about Seungwan is how calm she is. Her eyes are the only thing making her vulnerable. She wouldn't lie she panicked a lot of times during the wedding ceremony but the only time she saw Seungwan panic was during their vows and after that, she was back to being calm again.


During the one-month preparation period for their wedding, they had to meet a lot. Both of them only spoke when necessary. She already knew they weren't going to get along. Because she refused to accept her fate, Seungwan had already embraced reality. It bothered her. How can she be so calm about a storm that was knocking on her doorstep?


The reality started to settle in as they made their way to the doorstep of their new house. They were about to step in when her father stopped her.


“Seungwan there is a family tradition I would like you to follow since you're a part of the family now,” He announced as Seungwan's own family started cheering too.


“Sure,” Seungwan hummed. Joohyun widened her eyes when she saw a shot of pure soju in her father's hand.


“Since we're giving our Joohyun to you it's appropriate for you to do this,” Her father continued as he handed over the glass to Seungwan who looked at her confused.


“Dad! I thought this was only for the men of the Bae family,” Joohyun says, looking at her father.


“Not even a day since you two got married and you're already worried for her. Don't worry honey I am sure our Seungwan can handle some fine alcohol,” Seungwan's father cuts her off as they all start to cheer.


Seungwan just rolls her eyes and gulps down the whole shot in one go as she raises the glass in the air earning cheers. Joohyun shakes her head knowing the true intentions of their family tradition of offering alcohol before the wedding night.


“One more!” Seungwan's family cheers as her father pours another shot for Seungwan.


“Yah! Joohyun-ah you're embarrassing us, come on drink up.” One of her cousins shouts as her family starts to cheer too.


In the end, both Seungwan and Joohyun end up doing a love shot at the request of their families.


“Can we go now?” Joohyun asks, annoyed feeling the tiredness creeping into her body.


“Impatient much,” Her sister teases, earning a glare from her.


“There is a tradition in the Son family too,” Seungwan's father chirps, eyeing his daughter. 


Looking at the scene of Seungwan sighing, Joohyun thinks Seungwan is already aware of what's going to happen next.


“Come on, lift her,” Joohyun looks around trying to understand the meaning behind lifting her.


She flinches a bit when she feels her feet leaving the ground as Seungwan lifts her in her arms, hands tightly, clasped around her waist, subconsciously she wraps her hands around Seungwan's neck steadying herself.


Next, she knows they are already inside the house as Seungwan kicks the door behind her, closing it. Despite already being away from the eyes of their families none of them let go of each other as they look around the decorated house.


Joohyun feels her cheeks getting warm as Seungwan walks upstairs, her arms tightening around her neck, stomach doing backflips for so many different reasons.


“Under different circumstances, this would be our wedding night,” Seungwan says, stumbling upon her words as she places Joohyun on the soft mattress.


“But this is our wedding night.” Joohyun answers with confusion.


“It is,” Seungwan mutters, bringing her hands up to gently caress Joohyun's cheek, making the older girl whimper. Placing kisses along her neck as the older girl pulled her down eager to connect their lips. 


“Then why did you lie to me?” She asked letting go of her as she stood up from the bed.


“What are you talking about?” Joohyun stood up too perplexed at the sudden change in the atmosphere.


“What were you doing last night?” Seungwan asks, turning to face her, eyes filled with anger.


Joohyun closes her eyes as the events of the previous night flash in her mind, she curses herself mentally before opening her eyes.


“I…was busy”


“Stop lying!”


“You were spending your night in someone else's arms.” Seungwan cries out angrily.


Joohyun remains quiet as Seungwan grabs her by her arms “You were screaming someone else's name last night when you were getting married today,” She pulls her closer. “You let someone else claim you when only I have the right to do so!”


“Our marriage is nothing but a contract! It's not real so why are you getting so worked up!” Joohyun shouts, pushing her away.


“It didn't even take you a whole day to show your true colours.” Seungwan chuckled bitterly, letting out a painful sigh.


“I thought I made it very clear about my intentions about this marriage from the first day,” Joohyun argues, still trying to understand Seungwan's sudden outburst.“My activities shouldn't bother you. It doesn't matter if I sleep with someone that isn't you or not.” Joohyun declares.


“You are ing married to me and you're saying that I shouldn't be concerned about you sleeping around, are you hearing yourself?” Seungwan shouts, outraged by Joohyun's words.


“Married only on paper, there is nothing between us then why are you getting so worked up? If you really think we can work things out then you're wrong because I am not interested in maintaining any relationship with you. I can sleep with whoever I want, it shouldn't concern you,” Seungwan sighs as each word that comes out from Joohyun's mouth sounds more absurd than the previous one.


“We are ing legally married and you see nothing wrong with getting physical a day before your marriage!” Seungwan shouts losing her cool as she walks out of the room.


Joohyun sighed rubbing her temples “Last night was a mistake…I was there to call things off but ugh! ing wine!” 


She slams the table thinking about her actions earlier, almost under Seungwan's touch “I should stay away from alcohol now” She mumbles to herself.


She wasn't planning on checking on Seungwan because she thought it would be better to let her cool on her own but when she heard the sound of something breaking downstairs, she couldn't help but get worried.


Seungwan was leaning against the stairs holding her shoulder with a broken bottle of alcohol in her hands. “Seungwan! What are you doing?” Joohyun said carefully, taking away the bottle from Seungwan.


“Don't touch me!” Seungwan pushed her away.


“You're hurt and drunk Seungwan, get some rest,” Joohyun says as she leads Seungwan back to their bedroom. Seeing the stains on her shirt she can only guess that some of the alcohol fell on her too. She carefully opens the door of the bathroom and leads her inside.


“Stop acting like you care,” Seungwan mumbles, grabbing her by her hand and pullings her back inside the bathroom. She holds Joohyun's hand eyes fixed on the small shard of glass piercing her palm.


Joohyun looks at the blood coming out from her palm. “I didn't notice it,” She mumbles looking at Seungwan who throws the first aid kit toward her.


“Fix yourself,” She says before walking out.


Joohyun looks at the shard as she takes it out with a trembling hand, small hisses escape from when she cleans the cut with antiseptic. She let out a sigh when she finally managed to wrap a bandage around her palm.


Seungwan feels a bit sober while waiting for Joohyun to come out. Her parents were smart with picking the house because they didn't even bother getting an extra bedroom but had space for a working room.


“Is it stuck?” She stops shuffling around the room when she hears faint mumbles from the bathroom.


“Why won't it come off?” letting her curiosity get the best of her, she peeks inside to see Joohyun struggling with her dress.


Joohyun tries to reach out for the zip once again but stops when she feels a hand on her back, looking at the mirror she sees Seungwan holding the zip, eyes searching for permission. She draws back her own hands and looks down for a moment before she looks up to meet her eyes through the mirror.


Seungwan gulps slowly pulling down the zipper as she keeps her eyes on the mirror to hold Joohyun's gaze. Joohyun feels the cold air sending shivers down her but it's Seungwan's hands on her shoulder slowly pulling down her sleeves making her stomach do backflips yet again.


“Is this happening?” She thinks to herself.


“Am I doing this?” Seungwan asks herself.


Joohyun feels her heart beating out of her chest when Seungwan steps closer, her meeting Seungwan's front.


Seungwan feels the intoxication kicking back in as she takes in the scent of Joohyun. Her lips caress Joohyun's ear making the older girl whimper. Seungwan moves down to her neck moving her hair to the side and placing wet kisses down her neck.


Her hands squeeze down the sides of Joohyun's waist earning some more moans from the older girl. She opens her eyes to ask for permission to go further when her gaze falls upon purple marks on Joohyun's neck.


“How pathetic!” Seungwan whispers harshly “All it takes is this for you to hand yourself to someone else,” Joohyun opens her eyes meeting Seungwan's cold gaze through the mirror.


“You have no self-respect…no character whatsoever…no dignity…how many times did you offer yourself like this to others?” 


“Enough!” A huge sound echoes in the bathroom as Seungwan stumbles back with a stinging feeling on her cheeks.


“I won't allow you to say such disgusting things about myself, think whatever you want about me, you would be the last person on earth whose opinion would matter to me, legally we are married but I am making myself clear to you that I don't care about our relationship and this ing marriage, who gave you the right to point fingers at my character and reputation…there is nothing but hate in my heart for you,” Joohyun shouts furiously slapping Seungwan's chest.


Seungwan blinks and then suddenly runs out of the bathroom knocking herself over a few times before she manages to get up and leave the house in a hurry.


“I hate you Son Seungwan.”




“Sure. I'll be available by then. It'll be a pleasure. See you in a couple of weeks. Thank you.”


Joohyun opens her eyes when she hears Seungwan talking over the phone. She sits up and stretches herself before she walks over to their walk-in closet to take out some clothes for herself.


She steals glances from Seungwan who acts normally as she does in the morning. It doesn't even feel like they had a huge fight last night. 


She just shrugs and goes to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for work.


“Did you two plan this?” Seulgi asks when she places Joohyun's cup of tea on the table.


“We planned what?” Joohyun asks not paying much attention to Seulgi as she focuses on her screen.


“Don't make me say it,” Seulgi groans as she taps the table trying to earn Joohyun's attention.


“I have no idea what you're talking about,” Joohyun mumbled as she finally looked up to meet Seulgi's eyes.


“Apparently, the whole office thinks that you and Seungwan slept together last night,” Joohyun almost coughs out the tea she just sipped upon Seulgi's revelation.


“I slept with Seungwan! Have they gone insane?” Joohyun almost shouted.


“You're married to her and it's not absurd for people to think that married people sleep with each other,” Seulgi shrugged.


“How did they even come to that conclusion?” Joohyun grabbed her head, shaking it because just the imagination of getting physical with Seungwan makes her want to jump out of this 18th-floor window.


“One; both of you are wearing turtle necks today which makes them think that you're hiding hickies. Two; both of you have your hair down today which also means you two are trying to hide marks. Three; the scratches on Seungwan's hand just scream what I am trying to imply,” Seulgi elaborates.


“You all need to get your head out of the gutter. You think she would give herself scratches because she wanted to pretend that slept with me!” Joohyun wanted to slam her head on the wall.


“So, did you give her those scratches?” Seulgi asked.


“Hmm,” Joohyun nodded.


“You gave her those scratches!” Seulgi squealed.


“Not like that! We fought and it happened,” Joohyun scrambled to defend herself.


Seulgi blinked and then looked at Joohyun who was mumbling incoherent excuses. She has been hearing absurd things the whole day but now she just wanted to have a conversation with god and ask why was she working between these people.


After much arguing and explaining Joohyun tells her the entire summary of events that occurred the previous night.


“Don't you think you went overboard last night?” Seulgi insisted to which Joohyun sighed.


“I know but there is no way I am apologising to her,” She mumbled in a low voice.


“I know you wouldn't but make sure to look out for such things in the future,” Seulgi muttered as she got up.


Hours later when it was time to go home Joohyun was a bit shocked to see that Seungwan wasn't in the car.


“Is Seungwan late?” She asked the driver.


“Ceo Son informed me about staying behind. She'll drive herself home once her work is finished,” He explained as he kept driving.


“Oh,” Joohyun just nodded, not paying much attention to her absence.


Little did she know.


Joohyun looked through the door to see Seungwan working in their house's office room.


It's been two weeks since they fought and surprisingly they haven't fought after that because Seungwan did not give her any chance to do so. 


Seungwan was doing a good job in avoiding her. It was difficult to be in the same room as her and when they were in the same space Seungwan refused to awknowledge Joohyun's presence.


Son Seungwan was cruel. Her heart was rock solid, her eyes were cold and the words that escaped from were brutal. It was torture.


It made her feel pathetic. She wasn't supposed to be affected by the treatment Seungwan was giving her. It was making her insane. The emptiness in Seungwan's eyes whenever their gazes met, the annoyed expression on Seungwan's face if they accidentally touched each other. It made her miserable.


It made her feel like she was nothing.


“Snap out of it Joohyun! Don't let your guilt control your emotions.”


That night out of spite, frustration, and a hidden fire that was ignited in her heart during their wedding night ended in her taking off her wedding ring.




Joohyun looks around confused searching for her personal sectary but despite searching the entire building Kang Seulgi is nowhere to be seen. She wonders if she is stuck in her wife's office again because Seulgi often participates in her conferences.


“Ceo Bae,” Sooyoung greets as she opens the door to Seungwan's cabin to see it empty.


“Son Seungwan didn't come today,” She mumbles to herself.


“Oh, Ceo Son came very early today and was in a hurry for a business meeting,” Sooyoung says after hearing Joohyun mumble to herself.


“Have you seen Kang Seulgi?” Joohyun asks. 


“Well I saw her leave with Ceo Son, it was only two of them,” Sooyoung replied finally getting the files she wanted from the shelf as she turned around to face Joohyun who was horrified by the thought of Seungwan and Seulgi together.


Her friend has been favouring her wife a lot lately and it doesn't sit right with her.


“It's time to call Kang Seulgi. I guess.”


“Umm Ceo Son,” Seulgi gulps while showing her phone to Seungwan who smiles.


“Just tell her if she asks,” Seungwan says nonchalantly, looking back at her tablet.


“Kang Seulgi!” Seulgi almost jumps feeling her ear drums screaming in agony.“What the hell are you doing with her?” Seulgi flinches hearing such loud shouts from the other side.


“Ceo Son actually had an urgent meeting and no one was there to accompany her,” She explains side eyeing Seungwan who looks like she isn't bothered one bit by their conversation.


“She has her own staff, anyone can go with her and where are you even going?” Joohyun shouts, feeling a headache creeping in.


“Don't shout!” Seulgi requests.


“Seulgi…tell me” Joohyun asks.


“Put it on speaker.” Seungwan whispers, grabbing the phone.


“Kang Seulgi! Answer me! What the hell is going on in that devil's mind?” Seungwan rolls her eyes as the car comes to a halt.


“Ceo Son, we have reached Aries Pharmaceuticals.”


“Wait Aries Pharmaceuticals.isn't that in Daegu?” Joohyun widens her eyes as the bulb in her head lights up, making her aware of Seungwan's intentions.


“SON SEUNG”— beep beep beep


“She's a fiesty one isn't she,” Seungwan huffs giving the phone back to Seulgi. “Who would've thought that someone small like her can cause so much harm?”


“If you don't mind can I ask the purpise of this visit?” Seulgi asks with hesitation.


“Don't worry. You'll know soon,” Seungwan replies as she gets out of the car.




“SON SEUNGWAN YOU ABSOLUTE PIECE OF !” Joohyun shouts at the top of had lungs looking at her phone furiously making poor Sooyoung drop all the files she was holding.


Joohyun thinks of countless possibilities of Seungwan's visits and none of them give her good vibes. It reminds her of that phone call the day after their fight.


Suddenly it all makes sense. Seungwan wanted revenge from her.



“Provoking you was my second mistake.”



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Chapter 17: I need more sweet family stories like this about wenrene 😚🙏🏻
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 17: Thank you for this epilogue!!!!
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 7: Woah!!! So Jennie Kim is the ex and her hearing Seungwan defending Joohyun from the directors should made her mad or something. I hate what i have in mind but i hope and pretty sure the foundation of relation J and S building will be strong enough that they can survive any storm coming their way. long way to read but this is such a good story.

Really love the progress of both characters
ShonshineBae #4
Chapter 17: This will always be one of my favorite fics of wenrene. This story really conveys lots of emotions and somehow depicts that despite all the struggles and life's challenges if you choose to love each other unconditionally then you will be able to handle everything. I hope to read more stories from you author but please don't let the ending be angst. 🥺Wentokkis have been through alot. My wenrene heart can't handle it.

I applaud you for your hardwork 👏 Thank you for giving is this gift to be able to read such a masterpiece created by your amazing mind. I hope for your good health always.
ShonshineBae #5
Chapter 13: Re-reading this again. This is really so good authornim. I felt the roller coaster ride of emotions. I know a great writer must gave the emotions of the story to the readers and you did all that. I am rooting for you always authornim. And please continue to write wenrene stories.
Chapter 17: Thanks for the story author-nim,
bless yaa
Chapter 17: such a heart warming epilogue to wrap up the story. the character development of seungwan and joohyun was so satisfying to see. i was surprised that seungwan didn’t loose her cool at all while joohyun was pregnant for a year. joohyun really tested her patience and i feel like that experience also made her a better mother. their daughter is so cute and loved (winrina side story with minjeong and jimin perhaps ?🤧)

thank you for writing this!
1692 streak #8
Chapter 17: We're here from first chapter and now at epilogue... What a journey, thank you for sharing this story
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue
Frozen_J #10
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue