. I

You're My First Mistake

“Open the door!” The security guard rushes toward the car and opens the door, immediately bowing when a woman steps out of the vehicle.


“Good morning Ceo Bae,” He greets to which the girl nods with a smile.


Joohyun drapes the blazer over her striped buttoned-up that is neatly tucked inside her pants, hands fixing the collar of her shirt before she takes off the shades covering her alluring eyes as she struts toward the entrance.


Upon entering the newly inaugurated 19-floor building Joohyun is bombarded with greetings from her employees. It's bustling with busy people as they scramble to meet their deadlines. 


She expects such urgency from her staff. It's been only a couple of months since the merger became official. She didn't want anyone slacking during this precious phase.


She walks inside her office, taking out her phone to go through all the meetings that have been scheduled for the whole day.


“Your meeting with Min Holdings has been rescheduled to this afternoon,” Seulgi announces walking into her office, eyes not leaving the tablet she's carrying as the places a cup of tea on Joohyun's table.


“I thought we were done yesterday.” Joohyun questions grabbing some documents from her desk. She takes a sip from her tea before her eye focus on the data on the paper.


“You thought you were done with them yesterday!” Seulgi exclaims with frustration. “Your wife wasn't happy with the rejection you gave them yesterday.” Seulgi shrugs, lifting her eyes from her tablet to direct a glare toward her. 


She was done with Joohyun acting like a toddler and picking unnecessary fights with her wife. It was tiring to watch the two women always indulging in petty fights.


“Last time I checked she doesn't have any control over me. I am not here to take orders,” Joohyun commanded, rolling her eyes. She turned around to face Seulgi, the gaze in her eyes announcing that she isn't there to be anyone's puppet. 


“I don't care about some words written on a piece of paper. I have the authority as a Ceo too. If you think I'll let an inexperienced person handle such a huge project then you're wrong.” She ranted.


“Tell that to her, not me. You know how her face flushed with anger when she was informed about the rejection,” Seulgi reported.


“Seeing her angry is like finding a fork in the kitchen. I have seen her either look the most unbothered person or the angriest person ever. Tell me something else,” Joohyun crackled.


“Tell me honestly. Were there any errors in there for real based on which you ruled them out or you just rejected them out of spite because you wanted to annoy her again,” Seulgi inquired.


“Maybe I did.” Joohyun snickers cheekily. But she was better than this. It was a small error that wasn't even on the contract but her experience spotted it during the briefing. It showed in contrast to her working etiquette, her wife was still inexperienced.


She opened to clear out Seulgi's suspicion but Seulgi raised her hand motioning her to be quiet. Joohyun raised her brow once she heard the thumping footsteps that were way too familiar. She could recognize them from miles away.


“She's coming!” Seulgi exclaimed. 


Joohyun leaned against the desk counting down in her head, waiting for the moment her wife with some serious anger management issue would open the door aggressively and would shout until her face would be flushed like a tomato.



“Son Joohyun!” Joohyun smiled, mentally punching the air in victory because this time the countdown matched the entrance of her wife.


Son Seungwan stood there with messy hair covering her forehead that was probably covered with sweat because being angry had its cons too. She was dressed in a charcoal turtleneck and a pair of pants. Her face was adorned with anger and sweat, meaning it was a view Joohyun was used to.


Joohyun raised her brows once her eyes fell on the heels her wife was supporting instead of her usual boots. She pouted because those heels meant that her wife would be towering above her for the day. She didn't like the fact that she would have to look up to meet Seungwan's heated gaze 


“Ceo Son,” Seulgi bowed and immediately left the room after seeing Seungwan's hand signalling her to leave them alone.


“I am starting to think that you have grown to like this place because of your frequent visits here,” Joohyun chirped as she crossed her arms, studying Seungwan's face. It was easy to tell that her wife was trying to cool off before she confronted her about the rejected deal.


“I don't appreciate my beloved wife visiting me like this. It's a little bit distracting,” Joohyun mumbled. “People might get the wrong idea about the purpose of your visits here.”


It was fun annoying Seungwan. Because she didn't like the unbothered look on her face. It gave her the impression that her tricks didn't manage to get on Seungwan's nerves. She preferred seeing her furious. It gave her a sense of victory.


“I am not here to entertain you! I am sick and tired of these constant petty stunts you pull,” Seungwan clenched her jaw stating her issue flatly.


“If you think I am going to justify my decision of rejecting Min Holdings to you then, I believe our talk is finished,” She declared dryly and sat on her chair. She reached out for her laptop to get started on her work.


She looks up to see Seungwan clenching her fists to suppress her annoyance. It meant a victory for herself. It was a bit difficult to break Seungwan's composure but after a couple of months, Joohyun had cracked the code on how to get on Seungwan's nerves.


“I am not in the mood to entertain you and your dumb takes Son Joohyun! So, let me put it down simply for you, you're going to fix the mess you created and apologize to Min Holdings today,” Seungwan asserted and Joohyun could tell she was having a hard time keeping her voice low.


“I am not here to take orders from you Son Seungwan,” Joohyun mumbled as she looked down to focus on the screen when Seungwan grasped her arms and lifted her from the chair.


“I am more than capable of making you dance on the palm of my hand.”


“Oh, really.”


“Don't test me Son Joohyun!”


“It's Bae Joohyun.”


Joohyun groaned as Seungwan pressed her body against the glass window. The young girl chuckled as she held Joohyun's left hand in her palm and showed her the wedding band.


“Oh, darling, this says otherwise,” Joohyun gritted her teeth as she saw Seungwan get the upper hand.


“I am still going to reject them. I don't know why you're so keen on signing them but I am not going to be part of a mistake an inexperienced Ceo made,” Joohyun whispered with her gaze hardening toward Seungwan.


“Pick better excuses Joohyun. It seems like you're rejecting them just because it was an order given by an inexperienced Ceo with more authority than you,” Seungwan glared at her angrily.


“If you are that keen on striking a deal with them then do it on your own. I am not here to be controlled by you,” Joohyun whispered furiously. “Instead of entertaining Jung Hoseok yesterday, you should've attended the meeting with Min Holdings.”


“Little bird, not so smart,” Seungwan shakes her head snickering, “Looks like someone was jealous.”


“In your head maybe,” Joohyun jerks her hand away trying to push her away but Seungwan grabs her wrist pinning her against the huge glass window as she traps Joohyun's back against her front.


“If I remember correctly, this wasn't the case on our wedding night,” Joohyun grits her teeth, feeling Seungwan's hot breath tickling her ear, her voice laced with mockery.


“We were drunk!” Joohyun reasoned.


“Stop making up excuses! I and you both know if I hadn't known the truth. We would have consummated our marriage,” Joohyun raised her brow, lips forming a smirk as she saw the hesitancy in Seungwan's voice.


“Looks like you were hoping for that,” Joohyun snickered, turning her face to meet Seungwan's furious gaze.


“I wasn't the one who insisted that it was our wedding night that day,” Seungwan replied and it brought back the memories of that cursed night.


“One glass doesn't make anyone drunk, especially you Joohyun,” Joohyun gulps feeling Seungwan's finger trace her collarbone. “I saw the eagerness in your eyes when I placed you on the bed.”


“Seungwan. Enough!”


“I could've ravished you there and you wouldn't have stopped me because you badly wanted that,” Joohyun felt herself tremble as Seungwan fingers moved around her jaw making her look straight into her eyes. “I didn't, my concise didn't allow me to do that.”


“Seungwan. Stop!”


“You were ready to let me have all of you in that bathroom Joohyun,” Seungwan whispered with a smug smirk raising her brows. “But it was your actions that made me stop Joohyun. It must have hurt a lot when you spent your wedding night alone on an empty bed.”


“Son Seungwan!”


“I'm just stating the truth,” Seungwan trailed off dryly.


“I guess it'll only be fair if I help you recollect some memories of that night as well,” Joohyun smiled and tilted her head, fingers moving around Seungwan's arm.


“It's funny how despite knowing the truth you wanted a piece of me. I was so irresistible for you that you kept crawling back to me even after knowing the truth,” Joohyun chided, feeling better when she saw Seungwan's jaw clenching.


“I guess you must've wanted to leave your own marks on my neck but it's a pity that you discovered that you weren't the only one,” Joohyun raised her brow in a teasing manner as leaned closer to Seungwan's ear. “I don't do one-nightstands but if you are that desperate then maybe I can make an exception.”


Seungwan clenches her jaw tightly, pulling her wrist harshly. Joohyun does the same as she pokes her chest with her finger. Joohyun holds her breath realising the fact that their lips are centimetres apart and it would take a slight movement for their lips to brush against each other.




Joohyun turns her head and looks toward the door to see two men standing outside the door. She looks down in horror once she realises that their fathers witnessed them in such a compromisable position. She looks up to see the same horror in Seungwan's eyes.


In a moment, Seungwan breaks into a smile and tugs the collar of Joohyun's blazer pretending to fix it. Joohyun rolled her eyes, finally understanding the latter's act as she let her do her thing.


“Did we interrupt you two?” Joohyun's father asked to which Seungwan chuckled; it made Joohyun annoyed because the latter couldn't be more obvious with her fake laughter.


“No, it's just that Joohyun can be a bit clumsy. I was helping her fix herself,” Seungwan stepped away, still keeping her hand on Joohyun's waist.


“It's nice to see someone take good care of Joohyun,” Joohyun wanted to facepalm as her dad chided with happiness.


She opened to say something but a knock on the door interrupted them as Sooyoung appeared there.


“Ceo Son, your meeting with Jung Co is due in 10 minutes,” Sooyoung announced.


“I'll be there,” Seungwan turned around and hugged her. “Do as I say Joohyun.”


“Take care. I'll see you at dinner,” Joohyun said with a smile as Seungwan walked out mentally cursing out her wife.


“Piece of ,” Joohyun mumbles under her breath.


“Don't worry daughter, we won't ask anything about what we saw earlier,” Her father in law spoke gently, turning towards her father as he stopped himself from giggling.


“We understand. It's been only a couple of months since you two got married and due to work you didn't have much alone time with each other,” Her father mumbled with a reassuring smile.


“So, what are you guys doing here? I am asking because I have a meeting with Min Holdings in an hour and I have to prepare for that,” Joohyun smiles apologetically as she takes her seat.


“It's fine. We were going to discuss this with Seungwan but she went away. Since you are available we will discuss this with you and then you can talk about this with Seungwan,” Her father said, placing a file in front of her.


Joohyun opens the file, eyes widening immediately after reading the content written in bold, she gulps looking up to meet the hopeful faces of two men.




“I can't comprehend some of your proposals, Ceo Son,” Jessica Jung asks gracefully, placing the agreement papers on the marble table.


“I thought I made my proposals clear to your director Jung Hoseok,” Seungwan replies nonchalantly, leaning back on her chair.


“You did,” Jessica smiles, “But I don't understand your thought process behind thinking that we would agree to sign with a subsidiary instead of a working cooperation,” She continues. 


“Let's consider if you end up signing up with Min Holdings, no doubt the Yongsang housing scheme will be in your hands, but just like the Itaewon project Jung Co will end up getting the short end of the stick,” Seungwan smirks fixing her glasses when she sees the troubled look on Jessica's face.


“Can you elaborate on how we are getting the short end of the stick?” Jessica raises her brow when she looks around waiting for one of the directors to stand up but shock appears on her face when Seungwan herself stands up with a tablet in her hand to control the big screen.


“You see, for the Itaewon tourism project the government gave the project to Cheongha Group, and then they signed with Jung Co to complete the project. If we take a closer glance the same thing happened with the Hongdae commercial project,” Seungwan pauses fingers moving fast against the tablet screen as the huge screen displays some charts.


“According to your previous contracts, the construction was taken care of by Jung Co. Here is the total investment of Jung Co on both projects,” Seungwan declares, moving aside to give a whole view of the screen.


“If we compare the total investment and profits of you and the other cooperation you see that despite not putting an effort in the investment they are making more profit than you,” Circling the numbers in red Seungwan puts down the tablet and takes her seat.


“Your point,” Jessica asks, hands reaching out for the same documents she put down earlier.


“Sign the Insadong construction project with Kim Real Estates instead and it'll allow you to have power over the project and it'll ensure you more profit than you intend to. If we even got the 60 to 40 ratio on your side both of us will walk out from this project with a profit of over 51 million won each and if we compare it to the profit of your previous projects that's a massive 135% increase” Seungwan smirks as she crosses her legs knowing that the victory is in her hands.


“I am interested,” Jessica smiles, signing the contract before handing it over to Seungwan who does the same. Seungwan smiles while shaking her hand.


“Pleasure working with you,” Jessica says.


“Pleasure is mine” Seungwan returns the handshake with a smile eyes following as the representatives of Jung Co leave the conference room. 


Seungwan sighs as she walks out of the room “You have become so cunning,” she flinches hearing the sudden voice but soon goes back to her usual mood as she enters her office.


“Sooyoung did you meet with the representatives of Kim Real Estates,” Seungwan asks immediately, fixing her eyes on her laptop.



“Ugh! Stop being grumpy. Sometimes I look at you and wonder if you're the same Seungwan I know,” Sooyoung groans, placing a file on the table “Here it is.” 


“I am still the same…I just don't like mixing my personal and professional life.” Seungwan mumbles rubbing her eyes, “Oh really, a little birdie told me you and your wife were seen getting intimate in her office.” Sooyoung chirps innocently.


“Intimate—would be the last word I will use for our interactions. She thinks she can defy me, rejecting my proposals just like that out of spite. The way she acts makes it look like she hasn't been a Ceo for long. It baffles me how she has been running that company for five years now. Even, I am doing a better job as a rookie Ceo.” Seungwan huffs in annoyance, shaking her shoulders to take off her blazer.


“You knew she wouldn't agree with your proposals then why give them to her?” Sooyoung inquires, raising her brows.


“Because she's more experienced. She has worked with Min Holdings. I thought by sending her they will give in more easily but here she is spoiling my vision,” Seungwan explains, rolling her eyes, just thinking about the older girl makes her annoyed.


“If she ends up rejecting them again,” Sooyoung asks 


“Since we got the Jung Co with us the damage will be severely less but she wouldn't be spared from me,” Seungwan answers.




Joohyun clenches her fists tightly as she goes through the agreement Seungwan prepared. Her mind is already in a frenzy after going through some documents of the merger but seeing the agreement makes her even more agitated.


“Who does she think she is? Daddy's princess throwing around money like that, offering 71 million won as a profit to them when their previous projects grossed around 49 million won.” Joohyun almost shouts, making Seulgi flinch at her random outbursts.


“Did you ask her why she wanted to sign with Min Holdings?” Seulgi asks, trying to be the rational one between them.


Joohyun shuts as her thoughts travel back to her office when she and Seungwan were fighting. She gulps remembering the proximity of their faces before she snaps herself out of it.


“I am going to reject them again” Joohyun mumbles confidently, nodding at her own decision.


“You think she would just accept it?” Seulgi questions with a troubled smile.


“Do I look like I am afraid of her?” Joohyun rolls her eyes, crossing her arms.


“How do people believe that you two are madly in love with each other when all you two do is plan ways to piss each other off?” Seulgi shakes her head with a sigh.


Joohyun opens to say something but then stops as the representatives of Min Holdings enter the conference room. With a deep breath, she sits on her chair, mind drifting to the documents her father showed her earlier regarding the merger.


“This needs to end as soon as possible.”




“Son Joohyun!” Seungwan opens the door to their bedroom harshly throwing her blazer somewhere in the room as she fixes her eyes on the older girl who was sitting on the bed with files scattered around everywhere


“I warned you!” Seungwan exclaimed, taking steady steps toward the bed.


“I told you I will reject them again,” Joohyun replied calmly.


“I told you to stop playing this ain't some board game, this is a real business and we're dealing with real money,” Seungwan says furiously.


“I know I have been in this world way longer than you and I know what's wrong and what's right for business” Joohyun answers throwing some documents on the bed furiously.


“What're these for?” Seungwan interrogates hands grabbing them from the bed.


“That's what I want to know. What is this? They are extending the merger from 6 months to 2 ing years and I had no idea about it. One of the clauses in the initial contract states that we would be the rightful Ceos of our respective companies then why a huge call was made without me knowing!” It's Joohyun's turn to be hysterical as she furiously looks at Seungwan.


“I didn't know about the extension either,” Seungwan mumbles, eyes widening reading the contents that showed that Joohyun was telling the truth. 


“Are you trying to imply that I am the one who suggested the extension?” Seungwan clenches her jaw meeting Joohyun's furious gaze.


“Am I supposed to think you weren't included because it states right here that it'll give you more creative control as a Ceo of the company,” Joohyun accuses her, snatching the papers from her hands as she furiously goes through the pages.


“This clause right here states that we can't get a divorce until three years later when originally it was only a year!”Joohyun shoves the documents in her hands again as she steps away from the latter.


Seungwan looks at the documents confused and shocked, unable to comprehend anything happening around her.


“I…I will talk to my father about this” Seungwan says, lowering her voice, and dropping the papers in defeat.


“There is nothing left to talk about the merger has already been implemented…the only way we can get out of this is by terminating it,” Joohyun says, slamming her hand against the wall.


“We are not going to terminate the contract,” Seungwan announces firmly.


“Why can't you!” Joohyun angrily grabs her by the shoulders, pinning her against the wall.


“I am not at liberty to tell you,” Seungwan answers, letting out a small groan when her back meets the cold wall.


“What is your ing problem Seungwan?” Joohyun tightens her hold on her arms, nails leaving red marks on Seungwan's skin.


“My problem is you not taking anything seriously,” Seungwan mumbles, calming herself down, trying to stop herself from groaning.


“Oh really!” Joohyun pushes her again furiously. “Ever since I married you my life has been filled with problems. I haven't had a single day where I see myself happy. You order me around because you have the authority to do so but you can't even terminate a contract. Your authority my ing foot!”


“Joohyun, I need you to calm down,” Seungwan whispers, trying to calm the latter down but the older girl pushes her away from her.


“I don't want to be near you. I don't want to be associated with your name. I hate you Seungwan!” Joohyun whispers in the last part letting her anger get the better of her.


“Son Joohyun…let go of me,” Seungwan whispers in a low voice. 


“What if I don't? Are you going to use your power on me? Are you going to force yourself on me just like you did that night? Are you going to run away embarrassed and ashamed of yourself?” Joohyun mocks her nails, pressing further into her skin, piercing her flesh,making her bleed.


“Joohyun-Let-Go-Of-Me—” Seungwan whispers again, a painful whimper escaping from her lips as she fails to hold it in.


Joohyun snaps back to reality when she looks down to see blood on Seungwan's arms. She lets go of the latter arms, hands shaking as she realises what she did in her anger. She looks up to meet Seungwan's lost gaze on her.


Seungwan looked hurt. Just like she did during that night. Joohyun breathes slowly trying to meet Seungwan's gaze. Instead she sees the blood on Seungwan's arm. It makes her feel ashamed.


“Seungwan…I didn't mean—”


“All you have done is hurt me Joohyun…your words, your actions…your existence.”


“I didn't mean that. I got carried away in my anger. Trust me.” Joohyun reaches out for Seungwan's arm but the latter jerks her hand away.


“You act as if you have been imprisoned by me when you're the one always making me feel like I am chained by you…If I had a choice I would've chosen my freedom too.” Seungwan shakes her head as she takes a few steps backwards when Joohyun tries to approach her.


Seungwan's voice cracks as she spares Joohyun one last disappointed glance before she walks out of the room leaving Joohyun behind as she did on the very first night.


Joohyun sits on the bed, hands holding her head as she looks down to see papers scattered everywhere. It gives her nostalgic memories, memories she isn't fond of. It reminds her of how she let Seungwan leave just like she let her leave that night.


Joohyun sits on the bed, eyes falling on the golden band wrapped around her ring finger. She moves her fingers against it caressing the cold metal.


Seungwan leans back against the seat and subconsciously reaches out for her ring as she feels shivers run down her spine when she touches the cold metal.




“Not having a choice was my first mistake.”


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Chapter 17: I need more sweet family stories like this about wenrene 😚🙏🏻
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 17: Thank you for this epilogue!!!!
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 7: Woah!!! So Jennie Kim is the ex and her hearing Seungwan defending Joohyun from the directors should made her mad or something. I hate what i have in mind but i hope and pretty sure the foundation of relation J and S building will be strong enough that they can survive any storm coming their way. long way to read but this is such a good story.

Really love the progress of both characters
ShonshineBae #4
Chapter 17: This will always be one of my favorite fics of wenrene. This story really conveys lots of emotions and somehow depicts that despite all the struggles and life's challenges if you choose to love each other unconditionally then you will be able to handle everything. I hope to read more stories from you author but please don't let the ending be angst. 🥺Wentokkis have been through alot. My wenrene heart can't handle it.

I applaud you for your hardwork 👏 Thank you for giving is this gift to be able to read such a masterpiece created by your amazing mind. I hope for your good health always.
ShonshineBae #5
Chapter 13: Re-reading this again. This is really so good authornim. I felt the roller coaster ride of emotions. I know a great writer must gave the emotions of the story to the readers and you did all that. I am rooting for you always authornim. And please continue to write wenrene stories.
Chapter 17: Thanks for the story author-nim,
bless yaa
Chapter 17: such a heart warming epilogue to wrap up the story. the character development of seungwan and joohyun was so satisfying to see. i was surprised that seungwan didn’t loose her cool at all while joohyun was pregnant for a year. joohyun really tested her patience and i feel like that experience also made her a better mother. their daughter is so cute and loved (winrina side story with minjeong and jimin perhaps ?🤧)

thank you for writing this!
1702 streak #8
Chapter 17: We're here from first chapter and now at epilogue... What a journey, thank you for sharing this story
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue
Frozen_J #10
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue