You're My First Mistake

Joohyun sighed and carefully scooted closer to Seungwan to give support to her dangling head that was colliding against the window again and again.


She grabbed Seungwan's hand and intertwined their fingers, rubbing her thumb against the back of Seungwan's hand.


Seungwan had detached herself from her and rested her head on the window, passing out soon because the tiredness caught up to her. 


Her eyes travelled downwards to see her fingers intertwined with Seungwan's fingers. Seungwan was pressed against her. It scared her because their hands weren't supposed to fit this perfectly.


She doesn't have any answers as to why she let her instincts take over not once but twice. 


She hugged Seungwan out of the blue. She doesn't understand the reason for her heart clenching upon seeing Seungwan cry. She just knew that Seungwan looked better with a smile. She didn't like those tears in those doe eyes. She wanted to get rid of them and she did. She managed to stop Seungwan from crying.


She didn't know what to think of the words that were exchanged between Seungwan and Chairman Son. She only managed to hear half of their conversation but it was certain that Chairman Son wasn't fond of her granddaughter.


She couldn't help but feel sad when she heard the sound of a slap. It made her heart ache. It must've hurt Seungwan even more. She heard Seungwan take a deep breath; it meant that the latter was trying her best to stop her tears from escaping.


She managed to comfort her once but it didn't last for long. She doesn't know why but she felt something piercing her heart hearing Seungwan sob, all she knew was that she didn't want Seungwan to ever cry again.


She didn't care much about Chairman Son but if he made Seungwan cry like that, he sure isn't a good person. Joohyun decided that she wasn't very fond of that man.


It was clear that Seungwan was very upset to even shed tears because she knows her wife, she is a very hard nut to crack. Seungwan didn't cry even after the disaster that was their wedding night.


She was relieved when she heard soft snores instead of whimpers. She massaged the latter's head and allowed her to sleep.


She looked to her side again to see Seungwan sleeping like a baby. She didn't have the heart to wake her up. She didn't want Seungwan to feel ashamed for showing her vulnerable side.


So, she waited for the driver to park the car inside their place, and then she stepped out to open the door. She looked down toward Seungwan before she looked at herself.


“I hope you're not that heavy,” She muttered. “Bless Seulgi for dragging me to the gym.”


She bent and wrapped Seungwan's hand around her neck before slipping her hands under her waist. She picked the younger girl in her arms and was shocked because she didn't think Seungwan would be as light as a feather. 


Seungwan lifted her head little, droopy eyes staring into her soul. “It's alright I got you,” She whispered, assuring the younger girl who rested her head on her chest and closed her eyes again.


She did think twice before she put Seungwan on the bed and took off her boots before she covered her with a duvet.


She went back downstairs to lock up the house before she freshened up and changed her clothes.


She sighed once her eyes fell on the figure of Seungwan sleeping soundly. She wanted to stay away not trusting herself because she might do something that'll confuse her about her feelings even more.


She couldn't stop herself. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, eye grazing at Seungwan who was free from the shackles of responsibilities in her dreamland.


She gulped in hesitation, her hand reaching out for Seungwan's hand, eyes fixed on the golden band adorning her finger. She placed her palm over her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.


“What have you done to me?” She muttered to herself, fingers subconsciously tracing the cold metal of the ring.


Her gaze softened once her eyes followed the trails of dried tear marks on her cheeks. She doesn't know why her heart starts to beat erratically. She doesn't know why she suddenly likes to be near Seungwan. She doesn't know why she is seeing Seungwan in a different light now.


She brought her hand up and started the raven locks of Seungwan's hair gently, eyes fixed on her serene face.


When she realised she was staring for too long she turned around and looked at the couch. She got up when a hand reached out for her wrist pulling her back.


Seungwan was awake, her eyes droopy, struggling to stay open, she tugged her wrist, pulling her until she was sitting on the bed.


Seungwan sat up, her fingers brushing her face with her fingers before she leaned forward resting her head on Joohyun's shoulder.




Seungwan's voice was so soft and gentle that it made her heart leap out of her chest. She couldn't deny it, not when Seungwan was being this irresistible. She let her heart melt upon Seungwan's request.


She lifted the duvet and slipped under it. She rested her head on the pillow and faced Seungwan whose eyes were already closed but her hands were clutching the hem of her shirt.


She slowly untucked her hands and guided them to her back as she hugged the younger girl. Her hands caressed the ebony locks of Seungwan's hair making the younger girl sigh softly.


Joohyun couldn't sleep not when Seungwan was literally pressed against her. It turns out that sleeping next to Seungwan isn't uncomfortable at all. She understands why Seungwan used to sleep holding a pillow because her hands were still clutching the back of her shirt. 


Being near the raven-haired girl was doing something to her heart. It was doing all sorts of things she was unfamiliar with.


She felt relieved knowing that Seungwan was sleeping peacefully, it seemed like whatever happened back there with her grandfather wasn't hunting her in her dreamland.


She doesn't know much about Seungwan's family but the interactions between her grandfather and her, show that they aren't close.


Joohyun sighed, staring at the ceiling. She wouldn't know the exact issue unless Seungwan tells her. She'll make sure to bring it in the morning but wouldn't push Seungwan. If she manages to make the younger girl comfortable she will surely be down enough to share the matters that are bothering her. 


“I'm not leaving.”


In the meantime, all she can do is make the girl feel at ease.




Seungwan stirred in her sleep, a silent groan escaping from as she tried to stretch out her hands but she figured out that her hands were occupied preventing her from doing so. She fluttered her eyes open to meet the bedside table.


“Did I sleep in the bed?” She muttered under her breath and gave up her struggle to move. She looked under the sheets to see a pair of hands firmly wrapped around her waist.


She finally managed to lift her hand making the figure next to her squirm. She grabbed the thing behind her which was surprisingly soft. She gulped and turned her face around to face a half-asleep Joohyun.


Her eyes gazed downward toward Joohyun's barely open lips before she looked up to meet Joohyun's droopy eyes with their noses brushing.


Her breath hitched because she has never been this close to Joohyun and her wife was drop-dead gorgeous even when she was half asleep.


“Who's this?” Joohyun muttered, letting out a yawn as she opened her eyes only to feet Seungwan's doe eyes staring right into hers. Upon looking down she realised that their faces were centimetres apart from each other.


“Son Seungwan!” Joohyun who was half asleep momentarily forgot that she had decided to join Seungwan in bed after the latter's heartfelt request.


Well, blame it on her impulses, she did what anyone would do if they saw a stranger in their bed.


Seungwan rolled ever the floor in pain after she was abruptly kicked out of the bed by her wife, making her collide with the hard floor.


“Idiot!” Seungwan exclaimed. She widened her eyes while witnessing Joohyun take a peek inside the duvet before she let out a sigh of relief.


“Oh, My God!” Joohyun screamed once she looked down to see the toppling girl on the floor massaging her back in pain. She opened in horror once the realisation hit her and made her recollect those events of the previous night that made her sleep beside Seungwan.


“This is domestic violence!” Seungwan whined while she massaged her poor back.


“Are you alright?” Joohyun asked. She immediately went to the edge of the bed and helped the girl sit on the bed. She placed her palm where Seungwan's own hand was resting and tapped her hand.


“Fine—ppft, never been better, it's not every day I get kicked this aggressively to get thrown to the floor,” Seungwan hissed in pain massaging her back. “If that goddamn couch wasn't enough to torture my back, my wife joined in too,” She groaned.


“Ha! You admitted that the couch is uncomfortable,” Joohyun threw a first in the air, celebrating that she was right about the couch being uncomfortable.


“Seriously! You're thinking about that,” Seungwan snorted, turning around to see the legs that sent her to her demise. She reached out for Joohyun's foot and examined it. “For someone who is turning thirty, you sure have a lot of power in those legs,” She added, glaring at her as she let go of Joohyun's leg.


“Excuse me!” Joohyun gasped, clearly offended at Seungwan's dig at her age. “I'm still twenty-nine and this power comes from self defence training,” Joohyun snarled proudly, flickering her hair hitting Seungwan with them.


Seungwan faced her which made Joohyun stop chuckling but she shrugged and let out a dry chuckle of her own.


“So…how did we end up sleeping in the same bed?” Seungwan asked, allowing Joohyun to massage her back, making her relaxed. 


“Are you sure you want to hear it from me?” Joohyun asked smugly, applying pressure on her skin, earning painful yelps from the girl.


Seungwan closed her eyes trying to remember the events of last night. The dinner, her family house, showing Joohyun her room, the slap, and what else was there?


The hug.


Joohyun hugged her. Twice.


She hugged Joohyun. Once.


She opened her eyes slowly, warmth enveloped her entire body, cheeks started to get flushed as she met Joohyun's eyes. It seems like her body mapped her entire stimuli to Joohyun's warmth in her half-asleep state she craves those arms.




“I did not just ask that last night!” She slapped her forehead realising that she said that out loud.


“Oh! You did,” Joohyun replied with a smug grin on her face.


“You could've refused!” She retaliated, feeling embarrassed.


“You asked me like a kicked puppy and you hugged me again. I didn't have the heart to refuse,” Joohyun explained, emphasising the hug part.


Seungwan sighed there was no undoing of what had happened. She had no plans to turn back time and prevent Joohyun from embracing her.


A smile appeared on her face. No one has comforted her like that. It was always people asking her to stop crying, telling her that she's a strong girl and she'll get through but no one ever asked how she was doing. So she stopped crying and buried her vulnerable side in the deepest pits of her heart.


“I—don't know if I should apologise for crossing some boundaries or thank you for doing what you did last night,” She whispered, looking down, fidgeting with her fingers.


Joohyun brought her hand to Seungwan's face and lifted her chin to meet her eyes. Seungwan felt that weird churning in the pits of her abdomen again when Joohyun started to caress the dried tear marks on her cheeks with her thumb.


“Boundaries,” Joohyun chuckled. “We're married and there is nothing such as boundaries between married couples,” She began. “I hugged you because I wanted to and I'll do it again if I feel like hugging you.” She stopped caressing Seungwan's tear marks and held her fidgeting hands. “I did what I thought would give you the comfort you needed at that moment.”


Seungwan opened wanting to add something, so, Joohyun would know much more about her family instead of being kept in the dark but it was the fear that stopped her.


“I don't have a nice relationship—” She muttered but stopped once again as the hesitation made her stutter.


“It's fine Seungwan. I trust you to share things when you're ready. You don't need to push yourself to tell me things you're not comfortable with,” Joohyun flashed a smile, and Seungwan couldn't help but reciprocate that.


Their moment was interrupted by a phone call on Seungwan's phone.


“Son Seungwan! You have a meeting with Park Enterprises in an hour and you're still not here!” Sooyoung shouted from the other side, startling both of them. 


“Sorry, Sooyoung-ah, we overslept, we're coming.” Seungwan apologised.


“Tell Seulgi not to go paranoid, we're coming,” Joohyun added as Sooyoung held up.


Both of them got up as their eyes fell on the pillows on the floor, once their gazes met, they burst into laughter.




Joohyun walked inside the building with her arms locked with Seungwan's arms. She was empty-handed because despite having pain in her back Seungwan was adamant about carrying her things.


“It's not hurting?” Joohyun asked after Seungwan placed her stuff on the table and stretched herself, letting out a groan. She still felt guilty for being the reason for Seungwan's physical pain.


“It'll be fine with painkillers,” Seungwan shrugged as she walked toward Joohyun with an amused smile.


“We can go to the doctor if it's hurting,” Joohyun mumbled, placing her hand on Seungwan's back.


“You're acting like such a wife,” Seungwan teased, leaning closer, pressing her lips on Joohyun's cheek, making her gasp. “I'll see you at lunch.” She glanced at her watch and realised that she didn't have much time left before the meeting.


Joohyun sat down on her seat and immediately got to work. Her mind was still occupied by those lips that nuzzled the skin of her cheeks softly. She slapped herself lightly and started her work. It wasn't until Seulgi arrived with some reports which drew her attention away from the screen of her device.


“Did you see Seungwan after her meeting?” She asked, eyes fixed on the printed content she was reviewing. 


“I was in the meeting with her for the presentation,” Seulgi mumbled, staring at Joohyun with contemplation.


“Was she fine? I mean, was she having any discomfort in her back?” Joohyun questioned matching the number on the screen and the papers in her hands. 


“I mean her back was facing me but I didn't look that closely,” Seulgi shrugged. “Why did you ask?”


“Nothing,” Joohyun muttered, a smile appearing on her face as she recalled kicking the poor girl to the floor.


“You two have been getting along lately,” Seulgi uttered, her gaze fixed on Joohyun. “Did you sleep with her?” 


“Wh—at!” Joohyun dropped the file she was holding, shocked at Seulgi's comment. “Why is everyone asking me that?” She stared at Seulgi flustered.


“Do I need to remind you of your bedroom adventures?” Seulgi mumbled, her tone dripping with seriousness free from any sort of humour.


“Let's just put that phase behind us,” Joohyun muttered, feeling her cheeks getting warm.


“Drop the act unnie,” Seulgi crossed her arms trying to look as intimidating as possible.


“I really didn't! I know you're sceptical of my changed behaviour with her but it's not what you think,” Joohyun raised her hands in defence.


“I heard some things about your supposed intimate night,” Seulgi pressed further.


“I swear if you're gonna believe the lie I made up yesterday at the dinner then you're an idiot,” Joohyun threw her head back finally realising the root of Seulgi's irritation.


“In their eyes, I and Seungwan have been a picture-perfect couple. If I told them the truth about not even sharing a bed until now they wouldn't be very happy,” She reasoned. “I can't tell them that a drunken mistake ruined our marriage from the very first night.”


“If it's not that then why this change in behaviour?” Seulgi asked. “I've seen you two do your pretending but for the last couple of weeks it doesn't look like pretending anymore.” She was satisfied with the change but it worried her to some extent too.


“I considered your advice,” Joohyun replied.


“Unnie…you two used to be down each other's throats, fighting and calling each other hurtful things at every chance you got…Are you really putting this all behind you?” Seulgi asked with a worrisome gaze directed toward Joohyun. She was happy that they stopped fighting but considering the older girl's habits she was scared.


“We are in the process of getting to know each other,” Joohyun replied honestly. “I didn't realise that things would be that smooth after that night.” She muttered, recollecting the memories of their conversation on the balcony.


“Which night?” Seulgi asked, raising her brows. 


“It's nothing like that, we just talked,” Joohyun immediately replied, shutting down the idea that was circling around Seulgi's questionable gaze.


“Unnie if you care about her, make sure it's real with no motives behind it,” Seulgi said grimly. She doesn't know much about Seungwan but she knows that Seungwan is a nice person and the time she has spent with her is enough to tell her what kind of person she is and she wouldn't allow her friend to take advantage of her.


“What do you mean?” She asked Seulgi.


“Emotions are a dangerous thing,” Seulgi provokes her, deciding that it was time for Joohyun to come to terms with some things she had put behind her.


“Seulgi,” Joohyun hissed, knowing exactly where Seulgi was heading.


“Your breakup is still fresh. Considering that your breakup was one of the reasons why you ended up on bad terms with Seungwan. Is your care towards her genuine?” Seulgi implied, not holding herself back.


“What are you trying to imply here, Seulgi?” Joohyun felt angry and it confused her because why was she feeling angry about her care for Seungwan being misunderstood? She was sure that everything she did for Seungwan was genuine then why are people having a hard time believing her intentions?


“Seungwan is not a rebound for you to go back to your old habits,” Seulgi stated the bitter reality that Joohyun was trying to run from.


“No!” Joohyun stood up furiously. She can't let Seulgi get into her mind and make her think that her growing attraction toward Seungwan was a facade. “I tried to call things off numerous times!”


“Calm down,” Seulgi ordered. “You're getting all worked up for nothing. What I am trying to say here is that are you sure the emotions that are arising in your heart are because you have started to warm up to Seungwan or are you just lonely and in a dire need of someone that'll fulfil your needs.”


“What do you mean?” Joohyun asked, sitting back down.


“You're seeking care from Seungwan because it'll save you from the feeling of loneliness. You're desperately trying to make it seem like a real relationship. I've seen your episodes of jealousy,” Seulgi pointed out. “The question is simple, are you sure this time it's your heart and not your brain?”


Joohyun remained silent and calmed herself down. She knew she had to be free from all the anger pent up inside her to give a fitting reply to Seulgi who had the nerve to question her intentions when she was genuinely trying.


Joohyun knew she wasn't the best person to jump into a relationship with. She had a hard time committing herself because after a certain period it was painfully obvious that her partner was either there for her money or the pleasure.


She had huge expectations from her previous relationship because it lasted.


Something inside her always had a hard time with commitment. She never liked the tradition of contractual marriages in the business world. She was furious with Seungwan because the latter made a sudden decision to accept the deal when her older sister had rejected it. 


Seungwan was going to be tied to her because of a deal that could've never happened if Seungwan didn't accept.


She hated Seungwan. 


It's not the case anymore.


“You're wrong,” She muttered calmly, staring right into Seulgi's eyes. “I won't let my intentions get misunderstood,” She spoke up.


“I see her as someone I am tied to. I see her as someone I am responsible for. I see her as my rightful wife. I see her as Bae Seungwan,” Joohyun stated. “You can think whatever you want because I know it's far from reality. She's rightfully mine to claim and that's what I am going to do,” She declared with fire in her eyes  


Seulgi just nodded and then broke into a fit of laughter confusing Joohyun.


“I didn't know you could make a speech like this just to show that your heart is softening for Seungwan,” Seulgi giggled, clapping her hands. “Son Joohyun, what am I going to do with this heart of yours!”


“You scared me,” Joohyun sighed, shaking her head as Seulgi kept laughing, making fun of the tone she used earlier.




Seungwan had her eyes closed, relaxing in her office room after a long day at work. She needed that rest because the next day was her meeting with board members. She despised all of them and just thinking about them made her mood bitter.


She heard the lock clicking as the door opened and a second later closed. She didn't feel any need to flinch or get up because it was probably Joohyun getting something or putting something back.


“She is taking a long time,” She thought to herself letting out a deep exhale.


She was wrong because Joohyun didn't leave instead she felt soft fingers on her face, gentle caresses making her melt. She wanted Joohyun to keep doing that, on the contrary, she wanted to return the favour as well.


“What are you doing? She opened her eyes, catching her hand in the air as she asked her.


“I was fixing your hair,” Joohyun replied, brushing the hair from her forehead with her other hand.


It amazed Seungwan because she wasn't supposed to see right through Joohyun. She wasn't supposed to notice the lump in Joohyun's throat that the latter had gulped down after her eyes fell upon her parted lips.


She tugged Joohyun's hand and uncrossed her legs before making Joohyun sit on her lap. She ignored the gasp that had escaped from Joohyun's mouth and wrapped her arms around Joohyun's waist, squeezing each side.


“What are you doing?” Joohyun stuttered, wrapping her arms around her neck for support.


“I am taking a good look at my wife,” She replied, tucking loose strands of Joohyun's hair behind her ear. “Am I not allowed?”


Joohyun's features were soft. She was a goddess in her eyes. Her chocolate brown eyes were dark and deep but they had a shine in them just like stars twinkling in the night sky.


She brought her hand up, curious finger tips trailing down her nose bridge until they reached her cupid's bow. Her eyes were fixed on those parted lips that were very much begging to be kissed.


Cupping Joohyun's jaw she caressed the side of her upper lip making her breath hitch. She touched her bottom lip carefully before she lifted her eyes to meet Joohyun's questionable gaze.


“You're... beautiful,” She whispered, caressing her cheek with a lopsided grin plastered on her face.


“Seungwan, what are you doing?,” Joohyun whispered, trying to calm down the erratic beating of her heart that was caused by Seungwan's actions.


“I'm just appreciating the beauty of my wife. Am I not allowed to do that?” She asked, bringing her hand back to Joohyun's waist.


“It's not that,” Joohyun muttered, fingers playing with Seungwan's baby hair at the back of her neck. “It does something when you're being like this.”


“It does what? Joohyun,” She asked tugging Joohyun's shirt and pressed her back against the table.


She was confused for a few moments until her mind went back to Joohyun's eyes looking at her lips. It all made sense to her.


She doesn't know what's happening to her but ever since last night her heart has been doing queer things. 


It feels like her rationality is thrown out of the window because all she sees is Joohyun, her soft voice, her intoxicating scent, her chocolate brown gleaming orbs, her rosy lips that were inviting her to capture them.


She can't let herself cross the line.


She sighed because she had given Joohyun hope. She has to make it up to her. She'll tend to Joohyun's needs.




Joohyun didn't expect things to take a huge turn. Seungwan was being affectionate and it was making her feel all sorts of things.


She couldn't stop the sporadic beating of her heat. It was agonising because Seungwan was holding her and looking at her like she's the only woman she has ever laid her eyes upon.


She wanted it to stop but at the same time she wanted Seungwan to keep going and shower her with her touch. 


She closed her eyes in anticipation when Seungwan leaned in. She felt something pressed against her forehead and started to melt when she realised that it was Seungwan's doing.


She opened her eyes to meet Seungwan's gaze when the latter dipped her head lower and nuzzled the tip of her nose with her lips.


“Is this alright?” Seungwan asked, burying her head in the crook of her neck, tightening her hold around her waist.


“It's fine,” She replied, feeling Seungwan's lips peppering her neck with gentle kisses. It sent shivers down her spine, a feeling blooming in her heart urging the girl to keep going.


“Joohyun, you're doing something to me,” Seungwan whispered, subconsciously the skin of her neck, getting lost in Joohyun's body scent.


“Is it working?” She asked, pulling back to meet Seungwan's eyes.


Seungwan was thinking, contemplating to give her an answer but it was getting harder for her to stop herself from crossing boundaries. She can't keep breaking those walls for Seungwan. She wasn't supposed to give herself to her this easily.


She leaned in, with a thumping heart, she dipped her head, capturing Seungwan's lower lip. She didn't close her eyes, instead she stared right into Seungwan's eyes that were registering the shock.


Slowly, she fluttered her eyes shut, ready to pull back because Seungwan's lips remained unmoving, until she felt eyelashes caressing her skin as Seungwan started to reciprocate.


Seungwan couldn't help but sigh into the kiss when she felt Joohyun's fingertips caressing the back of her neck. 


She pulled away once she felt like her lungs were begging for air and buried her face in Seungwan's neck.


“Woah,” Seungwan whispered, resting her head against Joohyun's forehead. She could feel Seungwan erratic breaths on her face, it seemed like the girl was taken aback by the kiss. “What was that?” Seungwan muttered breathlessly.


“You're bad for me,” She chuckled dryly, pressing herself closer to Seungwan's body. “I couldn't help it.” She whispered throwing her arms around Seungwan's neck.

Seungwan blinked and unconsciously her lips, her dark eyes were replaced by a gleam, that was mimicking the eyes of a kicked puppy. Joohyun knew her eyes were fixed on her lips and it seemed like Seungwan wanted more. She wouldn't stop her but all she had to do was initiate.


“Is...it okay, if I kiss you again?” Seungwan whispered, gulping as her hands curled around Joohyun's shirt.


Joohyun didn't answer instead shee reached out and gently took her hand, her fingers entwining with hers. She looked down at their joined hands and then back up at her, and she knew that she could feel the same tension he did.


Slowly, she leaned in, her eyes closing as she felt the heat of Seungwan's breath on her face. She could feel her hesitation, but she didn't want to push her too hard. 


Seungwan despite her hesitation took the initiative and captured Joohyun's lips in a slow careful kiss allowing both of them to savour the taste of each other to the fullest. She felt Joohyun's free hand caressing her cheek as their intertwined hands kept squeezing each other.


They pulled back to catch their breath for a few moments but both of them wanted more. So, their lips met again and again, each time growing more confident as they both gave in to the passion that had been simmering just beneath the surface. As they pulled away, both of them were breathless, their hearts pounding in their chests.


They simply sat there, gazing into each other's eyes, each unsure of what to say next. But they both knew that they had taken a step forward, and that everything had changed between them but none of them was unhappy about it.


“Let's get you to bed, Joohyun,” Seungwan lifted her in her arms and stood up. It was becoming a routine for Seungwan to take her to bed. It wasn't good for her heart.


“I thought you didn't want to indulge in baby making activities with me,” She asked. 


“Kissing doesn't make babies,” Seungwan reasoned out and rolled her eyes.


“Technically, it does, kissing leads to baby making activities, so kissing does make babies,” She replied wiggling her eyebrows.


“I am not going to argue about making goddamn babies with you,” Seungwan huffed in annoyance as if two of them weren't kissing each other moments ago.


“Who in the hell makes babies on a chair?” Joohyun asked.


“Son Joohyun, shut up!”


“Make me.”




Seungwan put her on the bed and removed her shoes before she covered her with a duvet and walked on the other side.


“You know for someone who hasn't gotten physical, you sure know how to kiss,” She teased Seungwan, wiggling her eyebrows toward her.


“Not getting physical doesn't equate to the fact that I should be a bad kisser,” Seungwan replied confidently yet she was flustered.


“Do you even know about it though?” She asked with a teasing grin on her face.


“I—know,” Seungwan muttered. “I should be able to convey my emotions through my actions before taking the next step.”


“What actions?” She whispered, invading Seungwan's personal space, lips brushing against Seungwan's ears, making the younger girl even more flustered.


“Poor Seungwan hasn't even gotten a chance to get physical with someone,” She taunted using the younger girl's mother's words against her.


Seungwan poked the side of her cheek with her tongue, it was becoming a habit, but she couldn't help but get annoyed at Joohyun's teasing.


“I can show you,” Seungwan whispered, leaning closer instead of cowering away, which made Joohyun panic.


“Seungwan—stop,” She spoke in a small voice, stumbling upon her words as she watched Seungwan invade her side of the bed.


Seungwan was hovering above her with the most sinful smirk she had ever seen, her sweater riding above her torso revealing her abdomen. She couldn't help but stare at those toned and because she certainly didn't expect Seungwan to have this much muscles under her small structure.


She let out a gasp when Seungwan pinned both of her hands above her head and places both of her knees on either side of Joohyun's waist. 


“Seungwan,” She gulped feeling Seungwan's hot breath on her ear.


Her body shivered, feeling herself go weak when the younger girl's lips made contact with her ear lobe.


“This brings memories doesn't it,” Seungwan whispered, biting down her ear slowly, the smirk on her face going wider as a whine escaped from her lips.


“It—doesn't” She replied, trying to regain her control. If she doesn't she might do something she'll regret later.


“Hmm,” Seungwan hummed and delivered a bit to her earlobe earning another whine from Joohyun who was trying to push her away. “I should help you go through that again so you will never forget,” Seungwan whispered, caressing her cheeks just like she did during their wedding night.


“Tha—that's not…I remem—” She stopped mid-sentence when Seungwan traced kisses down her neck, a gasp escaping from when Seungwan started the skin of her collarbone.


Seungwan tilted her head back with a devilish smile on her face, the lack of contact snapping her out from her daze as she stared into Seungwan's dark orbs. 


“You do remember,” Seungwan stated, earning small nods from Joohyun who was still a little out of it due to the sudden arousal.


Seungwan nodded with a smirk and let go of Joohyun's hands, positioning herself behind Joohyun as she wrapped her arms around her waist and covered both of them with a duvet.


She found herself to be a flustered mess again. She should've learned her lesson to never mess with Seungwan. Her back was pressed against Seungwan's front as the latter was breathing on her neck. It was making her go insane.


“I can ravish you right here if I want to Joohyun,” Seungwan mumbled, caressing her cheek. “But I have some principles and one of them includes consent, both physically and emotionally. I pay close attention to the latter—I have no intentions of sleeping with someone unless I am emotionally committed to them.” Seungwan whispered, raising her hands to brush to her hair.


“Why did you kiss me?” Seungwan asked.


“I told you. I couldn't help it. She mumbled against her skin.


“I am not angry about you touching me,” She muttered. “I liked it,” She let out to tell Seungwan that it wasn't a mistake. “I guess you have to look forward for me to surprise you.”


“Goodnight, Joohyun.”


“Goodnight, Seungwan.”




Seungwan flickered her gaze across the conference room to meet the predator-like gaze of the board directors.


She took a deep breath once she looked down, feeling questionable eyes on her. She had submitted her decision of giving Joohyun more creative control on the day the incident occurred. It wasn't the only reason. She knew to compensate the loss Baes were going to face she had to give a chunk of company to them or else it'll end really badly.


The board was finally called to discuss it. 


She didn't expect the Chief Operating Officer of Kim Special Security to be there as well. She was told about Chairman Bae's decision to appoint a cyber security agency to keep everything intact and considering the current situation she agreed in favour of it.


“Ceo Son if we go through some of the confidential terms of the merger it is clearly stated that the share of creative control can't be shifted,” Director Lee spoke up, a menacing look in his eyes made her infuriated.


“Director Lee the confidential clause also states that changes in the contract can be made from our side,” She countered, staying calm. She knew most of the board directors weren't big fans of hers. Those old men despised her because if it wasn't for her accepting the Ceo position, one of them would've been planning the demise of Son's Creation by now.


“Ceo Son there is a reason why this merger was a 60-40 partnership instead of a 50-50,” Director Jo joined. 


“Would you like to elaborate on the reason why?” She asked, gritting her teeth, she knew this wasn't going to be easy.


“Bae Group lost approximately 39 billion won with Ceo Bae in charge making their stocks drop by almost 20%, you think that woman is responsible enough to manage something as big as this merger,” Director Jo replied cunningly.


“I can say the same about Son Creations stocks dropping by 39% when you were left in charge of the mandatory Chairman Son's leave, Director Jo,” She replied with a grimace resting on her face.


“Ceo Son we understand your propositions but you have to consider that this is a contract made on very delicate terms, we just can't undo them,” Director Yoon spoke up this time.


Seungwan threw her head back in frustration, at this point she will have to decipher the arguments of twelve men before she can get anywhere with her proposal.


“If we can't undo the terms on this contract then we can just create a new one,” She replied, grabbing a couple of files from her table.


“I am afraid we aren't at the autonomy to make such a call,” He replied dryly but she could see that sly smile resting on his face from the corner of her eyes.


“Giving Ceo Bae more creative control doesn't go against any of the terms stated in the contract though,” She countered “The Board was quick enough to change the terms and clauses of the initial contract without taking me and Ceo Bae into consideration, then why it is such a problem now,” She added.


“Ceo Son, only the time duration of the merger was changed in that contract; the rest of the clauses are still intact like they were in the previous one,” Director Kim argued.


“Then giving Ceo Bae creative control wouldn't be a problem, after all the partnership will still remain 60-40 unless you want me to make it 50-50,” She replied using her final card against these greedy monsters.


“You won't do this Ceo Son!” Director Jo stood up in anger making Seungwan smirk.


“Of course they will be enraged, it's money we're talking about,” She muttered under her breath.


“Can you stop me, Director Jo?” She asked innocently as she got up from her chair to look at the man straight in his eyes. The man looked down furiously, making Seungwan smirk.


“I'll get the documents ready today. I need those signatures before the day ends,” She announced and turned around to leave with a victory smirk on her face.


“Did that sleep with her to make her dance on her fingers like this?” He muttered angrily.


She stopped on her steps, eyes flaring up with outrage hearing those words against Joohyun, clenching her fists she didn't think twice before she grabbed his collar, throwing the hardest punch she has ever thrown straight to his nose, whacking him to the floor.


“I tried so hard to play through your dirty rules but no more!” She shouted furiously, making all those men quiver in fear. “The proposition has been dropped!” She announced starting the man laying on the floor with wrath in her eyes.


“There will be a transfer of shares,” Her words made their eyes widen. 


“Ceo Son we apologise for Director Jo's remarks but please consider your words,” Director Lee spoke horrified by the sudden change in the mood.


“Why should I reconsider my decision when none of you were considering my proposal?” She asked crossing her arms to hide her stinging wrist.


“My decision is final from now on. This merger is a 50-50 partnership. I will prepare the legal documents myself and the update will be notified tomorrow,” She declared glaring at them.


“Leave!” She shouted. All the men scrambled to leave the room, two of them helping Director Jo to stand up, they stopped when Seungwan blocked his path.


Seungwan smiled tugging on his collar aggressively, “Keep my wife's name out of your mouth or else next time you will find yourself on a hospital bed,” She whispered, showing him the blood droplets on his shirt.


Once everyone left Seungwan sighed and did a full ninety-degree now in front of the Chief Operating Officer of the Kim Special Security to apologise.


“I am very ashamed that you had to witness that Miss Kim,” Seungwan apologised.


“You shouldn't apologise for doing something so remarkable, Ceo Son,” The woman smiled, grabbing her arms to stop her from bowing.


“I am beyond grateful for your understanding Miss Kim,” Seungwan said, thankful that the woman was so understanding. She extended her hand for a formal handshake, her action quickly reciprocated by the latter.


“It's my pleasure to be on board Ceo Son Seungwan.”


“My feelings are mutual, Miss Jennie Kim.”




Joohyun had entered Seungwan's office for lunch when she found out that no one was there. She was about to leave when the door opened revealed a flushed Seungwan.


It meant someone had made her angry.


She was about to ask her the reason when Seungwan wrapped her arms around her and moulded their bodies together. She didn't know what must've gotten over Seungwan but the girl's tight hold around her made her worried.


“Seungwan,” She mumbled, her hair hoping it'll calm down the girl but her hold tightened around her and she found her neck being nuzzled by her.


“I feel pathetic Joohyun,” Seungwan hissed. “I let him go, just like that, he should be in a ing hospital bed with nurses tending to his broken bones!”


“Seungwan,” She her hair astonished because she didn't expect Seungwan to be this violent. “Tell me, what happened?”


“He disrespected you,” Seungwan gritted her teeth as she detached herself from Joohyun. 


“Seungwan, you can't expect everyone here to like me.”


“Doesn't mean I'll let anyone call you a ing who sleeps around!”


Joohyun sighed. It wasn't the first time the board directors had insulted her. She knew they weren't fond of her. If they had the nerve to insult her on her face, they could do worse behind her back.


“Calm down, Seungwan,” She pulled the latter to the couch and caressed her hand gently.


“What's the point of this much control when I can't even protect my wife?” Seungwan muttered, squeezing Joohyun's hand.


“Look at me,” She cupped her face. “You're doing more than enough to protect me Seungwan. We weren't even on good terms yet you didn't hesitate to beat that man up and fire others for the sake of my protection. You're even changing some of the clauses to ensure more authority to me,” She reassured.




“Let's not talk about it, hmmm, our food is here.”


That was a whole five hours ago before she was able to send Seungwan back home even though the girl was insisting on staying for her meeting. She reasoned that she needs rest and assured her that she'll be back.


She was in the parking lot ready to drive herself home when she heard a familiar voice.


“Thanks, babe for picking me up,” She turned around to see none other than the girl who was the reason her life turned upside down kissing another woman as she entered the car.


“Jennie,” She whispered. 


She felt waves of anger rushing through her veins as the flashbacks of that cursed night replayed in her head making her skin crawl with hatred for herself.


She stepped inside the car and gripped the steering wheel tightly. She didn't deserve Seungwan. Seungwan who was doing so much for her and here she was who messed everything up.




It was the ringing of her phone that woke Seungwan up. She opened her eyes, realising that she had fallen asleep on the living room couch waiting for Joohyun to come home.


“Joohyun, where are you?” She asked picking up the call when she saw Joohyun's name on the screen.


“Is this Bae Seungwan speaking?” She immediately stood up, feeling alerted upon hearing a voice that didn't belong to her wife.


“Where is my wife?” She asked immediately rushing outside, signalling the driver to get the car ready.


“Mam, your wife is wasted and she has been asking for you,” The man on the other side spoke up.


“Send me the location. I'll be there,” She said as she got inside the car and told the driver the address once she got it.


She was confused but more importantly worried because Joohyun barely drinks these days. Her wife was fine the whole day. Did something upset her to get drunk?


She rushed inside once she got there. She was glad that the place was almost empty because it made it easier for her to find Joohyun.


Joohyun's head was resting against the table with a half empty glass in her hand.


“Joohyun,” She tapped her forehead lightly but the older girl grabbed the glass instead bringing it near .


“You're not drinking more,” She snatched the glass from Joohyun, looking sternly at her wife.


“Here you go,” She handed over some bills to the bartender. “Thanks for keeping her safe.”


“Seungwan!” Joohyun exclaimed, throwing herself on her.


“Are you insane?” She exclaimed in frustration, leading her outside.


“I just needed some alcohol in my system,” Joohyun replied drowsily, as she sat down on a nearby chair. “Joohyunie wants to be carried,” Joohyun spoke in a slurry tone breaking into a fit of giggles. 


She couldn't help but let out a small smile. Drunk Joohyun was adorable. She wrapped her arms around Joohyun's waist and carried her to the car. Her wasted wife just rested her head on her shoulder and kept mumbling incoherent words.


She closed the small compartment to get some privacy after she managed to make Joohyun sit on the backseat. She leaned against the window giving Joohyun some space to lie down but the older girl threw herself onto her.


“Joohyun, I need you to be a little sober right now,” She whispered, eyes filled with endearment watching a drunken smile on Joohyun's face.


“You don't make any sense to me,” Joohyun slurred upon her words, pulled Seungwan on her lap and hugged her.


“Hey,” Seungwan caressed her face. “Is something bothering you?”


Joohyun's eyes examined Seungwan's face, her alluring eyes, her soft milky skin, and her cute nose. She looked down staring at her lips lusting for them. “You're…” She removed her hand from Seungwan's waist and brought it up to caress her lips making Seungwan widen her eyes. “You're mine.”


She blinked trying to register everything that was happening. Joohyun was being overly affectionate but it was her words that were bothering her. Did Joohyun drink because of her?


“Joohyun, you're drunk, let me go,” She told and tried to break free from Joohyun's hold.


She widened her eyes, feeling Joohyun's lips on her. She was pinned against the door with Joohyun's demanding lips asking for an entrance. She was better than this. Joohyun was drunk. She couldn't allow herself to reciprocate her actions when she was under the influence of alcohol.


“Joohyun,” She gasped breathlessly. “Don't do something that you'll regret.”


Joohyun tilted her head a small whine escaping from her lips, frustrated because Seungwan wasn't giving her tongue any entrance. 


She thought it was the perfect opportunity to push her away and tried to get up when Joohyun's knee pressed against her core making her whimper. Joohyun didn't waste any time and deepened the kiss. 


She fluttered her eyes shut feeling the taste of alcohol lingering in . Joohyun's tongue was demanding, exploring every spot of with thirst. She sighed deeply catching her breath when Joohyun finally pulled back mentally patting herself on the back for not kissing back but that mischievous grin on Joohyun's face only meant trouble.


She tried to sit up, her mind still in a haze when Joohyun pushed her down harder, forcing her tongue inside , kissing her with more hunger.


She felt herself getting more aroused by Joohyun's demanding hands as they slipped inside her shirt. She let out a moan when Joohyun squeezed her sides, feeling her skin.


She couldn't help it, her desires took over her when her lips started to respond to Joohyun's demands. She gasped when she felt Joohyun biting the skin of her neck, leaving marks.


“Joohyun!” She pushed the latter away and got up. “Snap out of it!”


Joohyun looked at her with hazy eyes, that drunken smile still resting on her lips. Seconds later she passed out.


She breathed heavily, taking some moments to collect herself. She sat up straight and lifted Joohyun. She placed her head on her own shoulder trying to snap out from everything that went down.


“I shouldn't have done that,” She muttered, feeling guilty for taking advantage of Joohyun's drunken state.


She lifted Joohyun in her arms once they got home and carried her upstairs. Joohyun nuzzled her nose into her neck and mumbled, “Smells so good.”


She sighed and placed Joohyun's body on the mattress, she removed the latter's accessories and her shoes before she covered her with a duvet and sat beside her.


“Seungwan-ah,” Joohyun spoke in a slurred tone, pulling Seungwan harshly, making the girl fall on top of her.


“Just how much did you drink?” She mumbled, inhaling Joohyun's scent that was reeking of alcohol.


“Am I a terrible person?” Joohyun asked, her voice coming out as a barely audible whisper.


She bit her lip taking in the question Joohyun just asked. She couldn't help but melt under Joohyun's raw gaze. Her wife's eyes held so much to them.


“No,” She replied honestly.


She would've said yes if she was asked the same question months ago, but now, Joohyun was anything but a terrible person.


She sighed as she watched Joohyun struggling to keep her eyes open. She gently removed Joohyun's hands from the back of her neck and was about to tuck her inside the duvet when Joohyun pulled her harshly again, switching their positions.


Seungwan gulped watching Joohyun climb on top of her, the older girl looked like she could pass out any moment so Seungwan decided it would be better to let her do what she wants to do.


“Stop being difficult Joohyun,” She whispered.


“If I am not a bad person then why can't you forgive me,” Joohyun asked.


Seungwan blinked trying to make sure what she was seeing was real. Joohyun's eyes looked hurt, there was sadness in them. Did she hurt her?


“What are you talking about?” She asked, suddenly invested in knowing the reason why Joohyun was so upset that made her drink so much.


“Why can't you forgive me for what I did to you?” Joohyun mumbled as a hiccup escaped from . 


“I told you we are fine now, didn't I” She answered truthfully. She thought she made it clear that she was onboard with Joohyun to make their marriage work.


“You're lying,” Joohyun began. “You hate me for the lie I told you on our wedding night.”


 She sighed, she wouldn't lie despite things going well with Joohyun she couldn't forget how Joohyun betrayed her. It hurt her then and it hurts her till to this day.


“Let's not talk about this when you're like this Joohyun,” She grabbed Joohyun's arms to flip their positions.


“No! I was willing to do it with you weren't I but then you made me remember what I did to you and you left me alone—you left me,” Joohyun shouted, punching her chest.


“Hey,” She spoke softly, caressing her cheeks. “Let's talk about it tomorrow when you're fully sober. I promise I'll answer all your questions.” She widened her eyes realising the fact that Joohyun indeed was going to take the next step with her if it wasn't for the truth coming out.


“You promise”—“Joohyun! Not here!”


She watched as Joohyun rushed to the bathroom with her hands covering . She put her thoughts away for the time being and followed her to the bathroom where Joohyun was puking her guts out.


“You should wash up,” She said frustrated because Joohyun has been sitting against the shower for the past fifteen minutes just playing around with the knob.


“Do it for me,” Joohyun mumbled.


“Thus will sober you up,” She said, as she the shower making the older girl huff in annoyance.


“If I am going down I am taking you with me,” Joohyun declared, pulling her inside as well.


She shrieked, feeling the cold water drenching her clothes. She looked to her side to see Joohyun staring at her.


“Don't hate me Seungwan,” Joohyun whispered, leaning closer. “I already hate myself.” She mumbled, capturing her lips.


She sat there confused with Joohyun's unmoving lips on her while the cold water kept falling on them. It lasted only for a few moments because seconds later Joohyun's head was resting in her lap.


“I can never hate you Joohyun.”


“Crossing boundaries was my seventh mistake.”


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Chapter 17: I need more sweet family stories like this about wenrene 😚🙏🏻
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 17: Thank you for this epilogue!!!!
Seungwanniepuppy #3
Chapter 7: Woah!!! So Jennie Kim is the ex and her hearing Seungwan defending Joohyun from the directors should made her mad or something. I hate what i have in mind but i hope and pretty sure the foundation of relation J and S building will be strong enough that they can survive any storm coming their way. long way to read but this is such a good story.

Really love the progress of both characters
ShonshineBae #4
Chapter 17: This will always be one of my favorite fics of wenrene. This story really conveys lots of emotions and somehow depicts that despite all the struggles and life's challenges if you choose to love each other unconditionally then you will be able to handle everything. I hope to read more stories from you author but please don't let the ending be angst. 🥺Wentokkis have been through alot. My wenrene heart can't handle it.

I applaud you for your hardwork 👏 Thank you for giving is this gift to be able to read such a masterpiece created by your amazing mind. I hope for your good health always.
ShonshineBae #5
Chapter 13: Re-reading this again. This is really so good authornim. I felt the roller coaster ride of emotions. I know a great writer must gave the emotions of the story to the readers and you did all that. I am rooting for you always authornim. And please continue to write wenrene stories.
Chapter 17: Thanks for the story author-nim,
bless yaa
Chapter 17: such a heart warming epilogue to wrap up the story. the character development of seungwan and joohyun was so satisfying to see. i was surprised that seungwan didn’t loose her cool at all while joohyun was pregnant for a year. joohyun really tested her patience and i feel like that experience also made her a better mother. their daughter is so cute and loved (winrina side story with minjeong and jimin perhaps ?🤧)

thank you for writing this!
1703 streak #8
Chapter 17: We're here from first chapter and now at epilogue... What a journey, thank you for sharing this story
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue
Frozen_J #10
Chapter 17: Awwww thank u! Such a warm epilogue