Chapter 6 - Bambi

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"She never mentioned it..." 

"But then again, others are not obligated to tell their story..." 

"Sometimes, some things are better left unsaid..." 

"But it makes me wonder..." 


She got him into his world... and there was no turning back...



"Take over," Baekhyun said, leaning into the chair. 

"With pleasure!" She smiled as she took over the controls. 

Baekhyun looked at her, as his hand automatically reached for her hair which was so soft as it felt like he was touching silk. Not to mention her perfume, it was driving him crazy. Her voice, her looks, her smile, her eyes, and the sparkle that they had. She was Bambi. His Bambi. 


"Yes?" She replied, turning on the autopilot.

"You are beautiful, Bambi." He said softly. 

She blushed, looking away. "B-Bambi?"

"Yes, you are my Bambi," He answered, leaning closer to her. "Look at me." He said softly. 

She turned to look at him, only to realize that their faces were only an inch away and their lips were about to crash. 


"Bambi..." He mumbled in his sleep as he turned to the side. 


Baekhyun walked down the seashore, enjoying the nice breeze and beautiful scenery. They had arrived at Jeju Island around three in the morning, but he couldn't sleep right away, so he decided to enjoy the beautiful view. As he looked around his eyes locked on Areum.That woman. She was sitting on the sand and looking into the sky, as the moonlight shone over her, giving her skin a shimmer of white, as her hair reflected a reddish shine. It was as if she was an angel or something that wasn't a part of this world.

Her eyes were gazing into the sky as she hugged her knees. A slight smile on her face as well, and the gentle breeze moved her hair backward. She was happy, yet sad. There was a storm in her eyes, yet peace in her smile.

"There is something about her energy..." He thought to himself, as he observed her. "She smiles, but there is something behind that smile..." His mind continued to race. "There's a storm that she hides..." 

"Baek?" She said as their eyes met. 

"Hey," A smile formed on his face. 

"Would you like to join me?" She asked, patting the spot next to her. "The view is marvelous." 

Her angelic voice echoed through his ears, as he sat down next to her. "And so are you..." He said softly. "Bambi..."

She reached for his cheek and caressed it gently. "Yes?" 



He groaned as his phone went off and he reached for it from under the covers. Without even looking at the screen, he slid his finger to answer whoever was calling at this time. 

"Hello?" He mumbled half asleep. 

"Have you forgotten about today's gathering?" Chanyeol said from the other side. 

"I'll be there in an hour," Baekhyun spoke.

Before the latter could reply, Baekhyun ended the call and groaned as he pulled himself up to a sitting position. He had honestly forgotten all about it, but then again it was no wonder that he had since it was hectic recently. He ran his hand through his hair and dragged himself out of bed and towards the bathroom to take a shower. He the water and quickly grabbed the things that he needed. As he got into the shower, he leaned on the shower wall and closed his eyes for a moment. It was one of those days when he wanted to sleep in and not do anything, but of course, that wasn't possible. 

As the hot water hit his body the dreams he had earlier came to mind once again and he found himself smiling as he had no control over it. Her face appeared in front of him and her eyes pierced through him. He could feel his heart skip a beat suddenly, taking him back a little as he quickly shook his head. She was a person he had met recently and he shouldn't be feeling this way. He needed time to get to know her, so what's wrong with him? Okay, he admits, she was beautiful, but the dream he had about almost kissing her and being too close to her struck him as odd. 

"Get a grip of yourself!" He mumbled to himself. 

He finished his shower and got out, wrapping a towel around himself and wiping the mirror with his hand. His eyes were still a bit red and his face seemed a bit puffy but nothing that a splash of cold water couldn't fix. He turned the tap on and did exactly that. It felt refreshing and it helped him. The cold water always worked like a charm for him, considering that he wasn't a morning person. He slapped his cheeks a few times and closed the tap. It was time to get dressed, fix the hair, and get himself a cup of coffee. Something he needed at this point. 

"Ready?" Areum asked as she walked into the living room. 

Ari and Nari grinned as they saw her and ran to her for a hug. Eun on the other hand finished packing a few more items before standing up and smiling "We were waiting for you," She replied. "The car is already outside, waiting." 

Areum smiled and took the girl's hands as the four of them walked out of the house and headed straight for the car. One of the men opened the door for them as Eun and Areum made sure that the girls were buckled up before they got in. For safety reasons, Kai hired a few people to keep an eye on them, just in case Dal was around. There was no arguing with that and they understood it all too well. 

"Ice cream?" Ari and Nari asked suddenly in one voice. 

"Yes, ice cream," Areum chuckled. "You girls are both ice cream addicts, aren't you?" She asked, looking at them through the rear mirror. "It's November... but fine."

Eun rolled her eyes playfully as she turned left at the intersection. "Weren't they always?" 

The girls giggled and continued playing with the dolls that they had decided to bring with them. Like all kids, some toys had to be carried everywhere. Even if it was a family gathering or just a small picnic with their mothers the dolls had to be there. That was a must and there was no doubt about that. 

"Where are we going?" Areum asked 

"I can't say," Eun chuckled. 

"Really?" Areum pouted.

"Now I know who Ari takes after, right sweetie?" She asked as the girl nodded her head from the back. 

"That's right!" 

Areum laughed slightly. "Okay, okay," 

"Good," Eun stuck her tongue out and continued to drive. 

Earlier Eun and Junmyeon had come up with a plan to let Areum relax and get her mind off of things that bothered her and what better way than to go out. Even though it was November, that day was comfortable and it was like Spring so Eun decided to make the best of it, by taking them out. Junmyeon and Jongdae would be joining them later because at the moment they had a few meetings that they needed to deal with. Eun was familiar

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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 17: Areum is too pure for this world! She forgives Mrs. Byun and that’s very sweet of her. Now Mrs. Byun wants her to call her “ma” that was a lovely wrap up for that storyline. But now we have Dal talking about “kidnap her” who is he talking about, Ari? This is going out of control! He needs to be stopped..
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 16: What a hypocrite Mrs. Byun is! What’s her deal? And to offer Areum money to leave Baekhyun alone? I’m glad that Eunji stood up for her friend. Areum seems too nice to do it herself.. I hope Areum is okay because all of this can truly affect a person’s psyche. I’ll leave on a good note.. Ari called Baekhyun “papa Baek” she’s so precious:))
Fire_trek 341 streak #3
Chapter 15: I understand the precautions that Mrs. Byun has but the way she acted was uncalled for and unacceptable… it’s a shame that Baekhyun’s sister had to come to their defense, Mrs. Byun should’ve known better than to act like that. She even went through the same with a divorce! “A pure girl?” Areum is as pure hearted as they come smh
Fire_trek 341 streak #4
Chapter 14: Eunji and Kai are so couple goals! It was cute how they got together and all of their little past memories and good on her for “disposing” of her mom’s husband.. I see Baekhyun made a 180 in his attitude. That’s adorable and ew Dal is back :(
Fire_trek 341 streak #5
Chapter 13: I can’t believe Dal was behind all of this! Not surprising but I’m pissed about it.. and Jieun is such a precious soul. I’m happy that Eunji got a chance to be a mother. I’m skeptical about Baekhyun’s mom, she seems like trouble for the couple of Areum and Baekhyun…
Fire_trek 341 streak #6
Chapter 12: I can’t believe Areum and Baekhyun are officially official!! Now the will they, won’t they is over, I’m glad because they truly deserve each other:) and what’s the deal with Eunji and her dad? Let’s see
Fire_trek 341 streak #7
Chapter 11: Wow two great things happened in this chapter; the kids(Areum, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol) are alright and Areum’s parents are with her and they came around! Also Ari knows that Baekhyun likes her mommy :))
Fire_trek 341 streak #8
Chapter 10: I’m learning so much from this fic, it’s very educational lol I’m glad that Baekhyun understood what was going on with Areum. I need someone like Eunji in my life, she sure is a spitfire! The cliffhanger.. let’s see what type of magic they pull out with this one haha
Fire_trek 341 streak #9
Chapter 9: Areum has been through so much with that monster :( You would think her parents would try to support her but they don’t, hopefully they will come around. And now with Eunji as her lawyer things are going to get interesting.. the case file on Baekhyun’s desk can attest to that…
Fire_trek 341 streak #10
Chapter 8: Now Baekhyun knows that Areum has a child and he’s comfortable with it, that’s great. Also it’s a small world, funny how Chen and Chanyeol know each other, I bet they will aid in the future of Baekhyun/Areum. And they both are volleyball players? This is more than a coincidence