Chapter 18 - Areum. vs. Dal

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"You won't hit mom, right?"


She saw the devil again...

Baekhyun was in the kitchen at Kim's residence as the two made plans to go to court together. Junmyeon and Jongdae had to attend an urgent meeting but they said they will join the trial. Eun had to take Nari to dance practice, but like the others, she would be joining later. As he waited for Areum to get ready he stayed with Ari while she had her breakfast. As he prepared the orange juice, his mind wandered off and he found himself once again thinking about it all. This past month and a half were really hectic and crazy for all of them, to say the least. If someone had come up to him and told him that various crazy things would happen, Baekhyun probably wouldn’t have believed them.

What did he think about it? This was something he watched in movies, dramas, or read in books. The evil deeds and the things those people are ready to do in order to get what they want. It gave him th chills, but did he regret meeting Areum? Learning her story? Giving them a chance? Supporting her? No. There wasn’t a moment that he regretted it.

He wasn’t the type to run away from a problem or leave someone just because they had a lot of problems in their life. Who doesn’t? He loved Areum for Areum and Ari as well. None of it was their fault. They didn’t ask for it… doesn’t everybody want a happy life? Yes. In life the people one meets can either bring something good or bad. Either a lesson is learned or not. One can not change the past, but one can enjoy the present and look forward to the future.

"You won't hit my mom, right?" Ari suddenly said.

Baekhyun froze in his steps as he heard the words that came out of the little girl's mouth. He turned around to look at her, as his heart clenched in his chest. 

"Every time mom would refuse something or say something my dad didn't like, he would beat her up," She shrugged. "You won't, right?"

"No, never. I would never land a hand on your mom." Baekhyun shook his head.

"Good," Ari smiled a little. "Mom thinks I don't remember, but I do. I remember it all clearly and I hate him. I just don’t talk about it because I know that the mention of his name brings nothing but pain to my family and I don’t want that."

"Well, you don't ever have to worry about that, sweetie." He smiled. "Both you and your mom are safe with me. I promise."

The girl smiled brightly, nodding her head, before taking a spoonful of rice into . The male looked at her, as he sat down at the table to join her, placing a glass of orange juice in front of her and putting some kimchi on her rice. It was her favorite combination and she loved having it in the morning.

Baekhyun was amazed by the little girl and her way of thinking. For an 8-year-old she was really mature and she understood many things, it was unbelievable at times. Ari really grew dear to Baekhyun and he started developing fatherly emotions towards her. Every time he would think about the things Ari and Areum went through it caused anger in him, and the fact that Dal was now back in town was not helping him.

Yes, the first trial was today, but there will be many more and it broke his heart to know that the two of them would have to go through it all and talk about it. It wasn’t easy, that was for sure, but their loved ones will be there through it all. No matter what happens and no matter how hard it is.

“Do you need anything else, sweetheart?” Baekhyun asked softly, taking a sip out of his coffee cup.

“No, thank you,” The little girl smiled.


Areum was in her bedroom, sitting in front of the mirror and looking at herself. It would be a lie if she said she wasn’t nervous. Her heart was beating fast as an uncomfortable knot formed in her stomach. She wanted to calm down, but it was hard. The fact that she would see him again made her sick to the core. He was a monster. A real monster. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to get back to her senses. She knew better than to let herself get affected by it. She couldn’t allow her anxiety to get the best of her, she had been there once and she can’t go down the same road twice. She was stronger than that. Giving up was not an option.

“Let’s get this over with,” She thought to herself before getting up.

As she turned around to get her things there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” She said.

The door opened and Baekhyun entered the door. He smiled as they looked at each other and opened his arms for a hug. Areum smiled and walked over, wrapping her hands around his waist, and leaning her head on his chest. Baekhyun hugged her and gently patted her back. 

“You alright, babe?” He whispered. “Are you ready?”

“Nervous,” She admitted. “I think I am…”

“It will be alright,” He said, pulling away and cupping her face. “We are all there, you are not alone in this, okay?”

She nodded her head. “Thank you. Where’s Ari?”

“Silly,” He pulled her into a hug. “Don’t worry, she is watching TV in the living room, she had breakfast as well and so should you.”

“Let’s go,” She said.

Baekhyun nodded his head and planted a kiss on her lips before the two joined Ari in the living room.

"Prosecution, would you like to proceed with asking questions?"

"Yes," Eunji said as she stood up. 

She glanced at Dal who was grinning. His lawyer glared at her as if he was warning her, but  Eunji ignored the male. She has waited for this moment since she got the case. She promised to swallow him alive. And she will.

"Mr. Choi, I'll read out something you have said after testifying to the police," she said, standing up from her seat. 

The judge observed, as Dal raised an eyebrow, looking at his lawyer, who only nodded his head.

"On June of 23rd, 2018, after being brought to the police station under accusations of domestic violence, you said to police your wife fell from stairs along with the child. Is that correct?"  

"Yes," he replied. 

"I was seemingly drunk but I still wanted to help her, however, all three of us fell.' Are these your words, Mr. Choi?"

"Yes," his forehead sweated, but he tried to remain cool and collected.

"Weren't you at that time trying to go to rehab and had a second relapse?" Eunji went on. 

"I can't recall… " He stammered. “Probably.”

"Are you trying to justify your violent  actions towards your wife and baby at that time?" Eunji hissed. 

"Objection! It's hearsay." 

"Overruled," Judge Lee said coldly, "Answer to the question, Mr. Choi."

"I… no, I'm not." He said gulping, as he started to sweat even more.

"Do you admit you were violent towards the person you proclaimed to love? Do you admit you selfishly broke your wedding vow? Have you willingly deserted her from everyone?"

Areum's mother was silently crying as Junmyeon held her. Ari tugged tightly her Teddy bear and buried her little face into Baekhyun's chest. Baekhyun held her tightly, gently patting her back, as he looked at Areum who was sitting up front. She was different, and the glow in her eyes was gone. He could sense her fear, but she was fighting it. 

Judge Lee looked at him, piercing daggers at him. The jury glared, one even hissed. Eunji waited patiently. 

"I wasn't violent willingly. I loved them. I still do. I--" 

"Mr. Choi, I'll repeat one more time. Do you accept the fact you were indeed violent towards Miss Kim?" 


"Do you also claim you haven't caused an airplane accident which would work in your favor?" 

"Do you have proof, Mrs. Kim?" 

"I do. On October 20, the new Boing 45 arrived, it's brand new. I have experience in this field as well, so I'll explain roughly. There's absolutely no way a new plane would come broken or have any type of malfunction during flight. The mechanics checked it strictly 10 times or even more before they gave a green light but..., " she paused, "suddenly the next day it crashed.

There was a whisp

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 17: Areum is too pure for this world! She forgives Mrs. Byun and that’s very sweet of her. Now Mrs. Byun wants her to call her “ma” that was a lovely wrap up for that storyline. But now we have Dal talking about “kidnap her” who is he talking about, Ari? This is going out of control! He needs to be stopped..
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 16: What a hypocrite Mrs. Byun is! What’s her deal? And to offer Areum money to leave Baekhyun alone? I’m glad that Eunji stood up for her friend. Areum seems too nice to do it herself.. I hope Areum is okay because all of this can truly affect a person’s psyche. I’ll leave on a good note.. Ari called Baekhyun “papa Baek” she’s so precious:))
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 15: I understand the precautions that Mrs. Byun has but the way she acted was uncalled for and unacceptable… it’s a shame that Baekhyun’s sister had to come to their defense, Mrs. Byun should’ve known better than to act like that. She even went through the same with a divorce! “A pure girl?” Areum is as pure hearted as they come smh
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 14: Eunji and Kai are so couple goals! It was cute how they got together and all of their little past memories and good on her for “disposing” of her mom’s husband.. I see Baekhyun made a 180 in his attitude. That’s adorable and ew Dal is back :(
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 13: I can’t believe Dal was behind all of this! Not surprising but I’m pissed about it.. and Jieun is such a precious soul. I’m happy that Eunji got a chance to be a mother. I’m skeptical about Baekhyun’s mom, she seems like trouble for the couple of Areum and Baekhyun…
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 12: I can’t believe Areum and Baekhyun are officially official!! Now the will they, won’t they is over, I’m glad because they truly deserve each other:) and what’s the deal with Eunji and her dad? Let’s see
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 11: Wow two great things happened in this chapter; the kids(Areum, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol) are alright and Areum’s parents are with her and they came around! Also Ari knows that Baekhyun likes her mommy :))
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 10: I’m learning so much from this fic, it’s very educational lol I’m glad that Baekhyun understood what was going on with Areum. I need someone like Eunji in my life, she sure is a spitfire! The cliffhanger.. let’s see what type of magic they pull out with this one haha
Fire_trek 351 streak #9
Chapter 9: Areum has been through so much with that monster :( You would think her parents would try to support her but they don’t, hopefully they will come around. And now with Eunji as her lawyer things are going to get interesting.. the case file on Baekhyun’s desk can attest to that…
Fire_trek 351 streak #10
Chapter 8: Now Baekhyun knows that Areum has a child and he’s comfortable with it, that’s great. Also it’s a small world, funny how Chen and Chanyeol know each other, I bet they will aid in the future of Baekhyun/Areum. And they both are volleyball players? This is more than a coincidence