Chapter 11 - Birthday Party

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"I have something to show you..." 

"Remember how I mentioned I like this one person... but..." 


He decided to make a move even if it killed him... he was dead inside without her anyways... she was his cure and his venom.


Areum sat in Eunji’s office, waiting for her to arrive. Ever since that accident happened Baekhyun gave them all a few days off to relax and get back to their senses while he dealt with the reporters. Like all investigations, this one dragged on as well as they searched for the evidence. It was a new plane so it didn’t make any sense as to why it happened. Baekhyun kept them updated with it all, but it was obvious that he was stressed. She sighed at the thought of it all, and she felt sorry for what Baekhyun was going through; she wished that she could help in any way but she couldn’t. 


“Baek?” Areum called out. 

“Are? What are you doing here?” He asked. 

“I came to see if I can help…” 

“I told you to rest,” He said softly. “You really can’t do anything… your support is enough.” 

“That you have,” She smiled. 

“Good,” He winked. “I have a question…” 

“Go ahead,” She looked at him. 

“How do you tell someone you like them and not be scared of rejection?” 

“You just walk up to her and tell her…” 


Areum found herself spending more time with him, and they even texted more. Although, she admits that her heart dropped in her stomach when he told her that he likes someone; a strange unsettled feeling clenched her heart. The thought of him being with someone else angered her. She was surprised at the new feeling. Why did she suddenly care whom he dates? Or with whom he is? It was his life and they were only friends. What was the big deal? 

"NO! Absolutely not! I won’t let anyone touch him or I’ll run plain through them! What the ?” Areum blinked as crazy thoughts ran through her mind.

She was confused. She needed to think straight. This wasn’t okay and it was time to calm down. 

"I’ll see you when a woman comes to his office and sits in his lap and starts snogging him." Her mind continued to mess with her. 

“Shut up!” She growled to herself.  “He is a friend. And above all, my boss. Think straight, Areum. It’s ing insane to have these thoughts! What the hell is wrong with you?!” She continued to mumble to herself like a crazy person, or one would think that if they saw her talking to herself. 

She shook her head trying to clear her mind, as she tried to understand what the hell just happened, and since when does her own mind, argue with her? She blinked.

“Who has angered you so much?” A familiar female voice spoke.

“My own mind…” Areum said bluntly.

“Your mind? Okay,” Eunji said blinking, “And why are you angry at your mind?”

“It’s a long story that even I can’t understand…” Areum blinked. “Anyway, I brought what you asked for.” She changed the subject quickly. 

Eunji raised her eyebrow, looking at her amused. “Thank you, don’t think you’ll run away, Kim.” She said. 

“Why would I run away?” She blinked. “Running away from what?”

Eunji smirked. “Oh, I don’t know, Baekhyun. You two are very close, and do not tell me for a second it’s because you two are colleagues,” she said, “I am not blind, and neither are the others. You can't fool us.”

"I don't understand…" Areum played dumb.

“You know, I had this university friend who acted just the same,” Eunji narrowed her eyes, “Playing dumb when she had sharp intellect like you do. So I am gonna place this clear. You like Baekhyun and he likes you.”

"I had a friend in University who would tell me the exact same thing… and you resemble her…" Areum tilted her head. "Red?"

Eunji smirked. “Ah, so you know my nickname, but you don’t remember my full name. I am seriously insulted. I held your hair while you had your first drunk experience. This is all the thanks I get?" She teased.

Areum chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Park Eunji."

“About goddamn time,” she said suddenly. 

"Sorry." Areum stuck out her tongue. 

Eunji raised an eyebrow. “You are still the old Areum,” she said. 

Park Eunji. Her friend from University, the friend that she used to hang out with all the time. But many things happened in life that she had forgotten her friend… although at times there was an odd resemblance that she felt and it was now clear to her why she had such a feeling and why she clicked with Eunji from the start, but the latter knew that... but waited for the right time. Typical Eunji.

"So are you, the same blunt Eunji… and no. Let me be clear, I don’t like Baekhyun! So whatever it is will go away."

“I changed only my last name. I am Kim,” she winked, “Ha. Ha. Ha. Yeah, tell somebody else. Good joke, though.” 

"He said he likes someone else…" Areum shrugged. “It’s not important.”

“Uh-huh, and he asked from all people, you? HA!” Eunji laughed. “You know when Chanyeol introduced me to Jongin I acted the same. Or I tried to but my cousin read me so well and I hate him for it... sneaky big monkey that he is... Just remember, he could have asked Chanyeol for advice but he asked YOU. Please... Friends my ...”

"And he could have confessed but he didn’t, besides he is my boss," Areum scoffed. "We are here for other reasons! How did this turn into a different topic?"

“I’ll drop this for now,” Eunji smirked, “God, you two are so see-through.” 

She changed the subjects for a good moment. “Alright, and whatever you do, I told Junmyeon, for the love of God, don’t chase after that . Not even with the stick, stop looking at it.”

"I'm not, he's after me," She sighed. 

“I am just giving you a warning,” She said, “If you wish, you can stay over. I and Jongin wouldn’t mind. There's food left.”

“I would love to, but I need to do some final touches for the birthday party tomorrow and Baek wants me to meet him,” Areum grinned at the mention of his name, as it was something she had no control over.

Eunji smirked. “Grinning at his name, and then telling me she doesn't like him, sheesh,” She shook her head, before flicking her forehead. “In that case, I will help you organize while my husband is snoring in another room.”

Areum rolled her eyes, rubbing her forehead. "Baek is my boss."

“Uh-huh,” Eunji smirked. “Sure. Kai is only my friend, not my husband we just tend to share the same bed.”

The loud snores made Eunji shake her head. “I don’t need music, I have lovely music.” She grinned. 

"I can see that," Areum winked. 

“Thankfully, I have a day off, so I don’t have to wake up,” She said. “What do you need help with?”

"I need to buy a few more decorations and a tent," Areum said. 

“A tent?” Eunji raised an eyebrow. 

“Yeah, she’s been wanting one for some time,” Areum shrugged. 

“And what is Baek getting her?” Eunji asked curiously.

"Baekhyun is getting her a huge playhouse… spoiling her…"

“I am getting her a puzzle piece she liked, some clothes, toys, and sweets,” she grinned.

"Spoiling her some more, huh?"

“Of course, I adore the little rose,” she grinned. 

Areum chuckled. "I give up." 


Areum's home was decorated with roses scattered around gracing the garden. The decorative lights in neon blue have made her house look extravagant and unusual. The people started arriving, just close friends and family. Nari and Ari were already chasing around each other as Areum was in the kitchen preparing plates with appetizers for guests and the food she was making. Including her famous hot dog rolls.

The house atmosphere ranged with joy and bliss. It was Ari's birthday and the little ball of excitement should remember it. Of course, when it comes to Areum, the people haven't missed a chance to tease how Baekhyun is attentive toward her. She felt it was appropriate to make such jokes. He's her boss and she shouldn't even feel ashamed. But somehow she was. She couldn't picture him out of her mind, how attentive he was that day when he invited her to meet him. 


"Here, how about we look from one menu?" 

Her heart raced as she realized he inched close. It felt like she was back in school, sitting beside her crush. is coated, her hands are sweating, she's dizzy and she'd faint any minute. Yet she still is in huge denial. As he looked at her, his eyes froze her in place. She immediately looked at the menu. 

"I'll just take a cappuccino," she said. 

"I will take the same," Baekhyun agreed. 

Areum raised an eyebrow. "I never took you for a cappuccino type."

"Can't I drink a cappuccino? I'm not on duty." He answered, winking. 

She flushed. "Of course." 

She made a bad impression, or so she thought. Why did she have to make that comment? 

"You look beautiful." 

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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 17: Areum is too pure for this world! She forgives Mrs. Byun and that’s very sweet of her. Now Mrs. Byun wants her to call her “ma” that was a lovely wrap up for that storyline. But now we have Dal talking about “kidnap her” who is he talking about, Ari? This is going out of control! He needs to be stopped..
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 16: What a hypocrite Mrs. Byun is! What’s her deal? And to offer Areum money to leave Baekhyun alone? I’m glad that Eunji stood up for her friend. Areum seems too nice to do it herself.. I hope Areum is okay because all of this can truly affect a person’s psyche. I’ll leave on a good note.. Ari called Baekhyun “papa Baek” she’s so precious:))
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 15: I understand the precautions that Mrs. Byun has but the way she acted was uncalled for and unacceptable… it’s a shame that Baekhyun’s sister had to come to their defense, Mrs. Byun should’ve known better than to act like that. She even went through the same with a divorce! “A pure girl?” Areum is as pure hearted as they come smh
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 14: Eunji and Kai are so couple goals! It was cute how they got together and all of their little past memories and good on her for “disposing” of her mom’s husband.. I see Baekhyun made a 180 in his attitude. That’s adorable and ew Dal is back :(
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 13: I can’t believe Dal was behind all of this! Not surprising but I’m pissed about it.. and Jieun is such a precious soul. I’m happy that Eunji got a chance to be a mother. I’m skeptical about Baekhyun’s mom, she seems like trouble for the couple of Areum and Baekhyun…
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 12: I can’t believe Areum and Baekhyun are officially official!! Now the will they, won’t they is over, I’m glad because they truly deserve each other:) and what’s the deal with Eunji and her dad? Let’s see
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 11: Wow two great things happened in this chapter; the kids(Areum, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol) are alright and Areum’s parents are with her and they came around! Also Ari knows that Baekhyun likes her mommy :))
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 10: I’m learning so much from this fic, it’s very educational lol I’m glad that Baekhyun understood what was going on with Areum. I need someone like Eunji in my life, she sure is a spitfire! The cliffhanger.. let’s see what type of magic they pull out with this one haha
Fire_trek 351 streak #9
Chapter 9: Areum has been through so much with that monster :( You would think her parents would try to support her but they don’t, hopefully they will come around. And now with Eunji as her lawyer things are going to get interesting.. the case file on Baekhyun’s desk can attest to that…
Fire_trek 351 streak #10
Chapter 8: Now Baekhyun knows that Areum has a child and he’s comfortable with it, that’s great. Also it’s a small world, funny how Chen and Chanyeol know each other, I bet they will aid in the future of Baekhyun/Areum. And they both are volleyball players? This is more than a coincidence